Disco Update

A Disco update for Friday:

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 13th January 2023

Reception & KS1:            4:45m to 5.45 pm

KS2:                                  6.00pm to 7.00pm


Please pay for tickets by Thursday lunchtime so we can prepare registers.
(You do not need to pay if your child is entitled to FSM or is going to the disco with Miss Gregory from After School Club (EYFS/Yr1/Yr 2)

Keeping things inclusive

Lots of thought goes into making our events inclusive. A Disco can be a new and overwhelming experience for lots of children. So how can we help:

-Free access to snacks/drinks
-KS1 Disco won’t be too loud or dark and staff will be at the entrance to bring in children.
-A chill out area right outside the Disco which children can freely access when they need a breather or quiet space
– A fab DJ who interacts with the dance floor
-Lots of staff on hand so children feel comfortable and have a great time!

On the night – Arrival

Due to numbers and staff safely supervising the disco, parents are not able to attend.  For both Discos children should enter via the KS2 double doors at front of school.  Please drop your children off here.  We will have staff on hand to take in the youngest children and dance with them.  Once inside children will line up in year groups in the KS2 corridor and be checked off on the register before they enter the Disco.  It is best if adults take children’s coats home to avoid them being mis-placed.

On the night – Collection

Please come into school main entrance and collect your child from the school hall.  This will be very busy and congested with two-way traffic so please be patient.  Senior Staff will be on the doors to ensure every child leaves with a known adult. (family member, friend or parent)


If you are free to help on the night please let us know via the office or on our Facebook Page.  We do need more help at the KS2 Disco.  Volunteers please come in a little early if possible and station yourself on refreshments or general supervising inside and outside the hall.
Thank you
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