Disco Details

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 21st June.

Reception & KS1: 4:45pm to 5.45pm

KS2: 6.00pm to 7.00pm         


Disco Tickets are available on Arbor at £3 per child and a reduced price for our Free School Meal families.  Please pay in advance.  We will be printing off a list of everyone who has paid to create the Disco Register and we will check the children against this on entry for safeguarding purposes.

KS1 Disco

Due to numbers and logistics of the school hall, parents are not able to attend.

Please drop your children off at the bottom corner gate opposite the Butchers.  We ask that you don’t enter the site please, children should enter independently and we will have staff on hand to lead the children to the playground where they will be registered and taken in.  Staff will help children with refreshments and dancing.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required and coats should be left with parents.

Adults may collect children from the KS1 Playground promptly at 6:00pm.  We will aim to have them lined up in EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 so you can easily find them and a staff member on the gate will check that children are going home with an adult known to them (family member, friend or parent)

KS2 Disco

Children should enter via the main gate and walk around to the lower KS2 playground.  The children should line up in year groups so they can be registered and taken in.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required, no mobile phones and coats should be left with parents.

At 7:00pm we will open the bottom corner gate opposite the butchers.  You may walk across KS1 playground to the Hall, find your child and exit via the same entrance.  All children must be collected by an adult known to them.  Staff will be positioned on the gate to ensure safe collection home.


We require a large number of parents to help at the Disco, at the refreshment tables and supervising the hall.  Please let Mrs Moore know if you can help at the KS1 or KS2 Disco.  You simply need to arrive with your child and make your way to the hall.

Email: maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk


Kind regards,

Miss T Othen

Business Manager


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