Christmas Events Update

Dear Parent/Carers,


It’s a very busy time for everybody at the moment, both at home and in school, so here is a reminder of everything you need to know for next week.  As always, the website calendar is up to date if you are ever unsure about anything.

Grand Hamper Raffle

There’s only 1 week left before the Grand Hamper Raffle is drawn on Friday 2nd December at 8:00pm!  We can’t believe how quickly Christmas has snuck up on us and we’re not ready at all for this!  Please can you help spread the word? We desperately need hamper donations and to sell tickets.  If you are able to contribute we would really appreciate it.

Heres a reminder of the themes below:

  • EYFS & Y1 – Kid’s Hamper
  • Year 2-Chocolate Lover’s Hamper
  • Year 3 Pamper Hamper
  • Year 4 Men’s Hamper
  • Year 5 Savoury Treats Hamper
  • Year 6 Christmas Hamper

Children may hand in any donations to their class teacher.

There are 9 hampers up for grabs!  The raffle is open to anybody.  Tickets cost £1 each and can be purchased via the ‘Raffall’ website, please see the link below:

If you would like to buy tickets, you will need to sign in with your name and email address and then click “Enter” to purchase tickets.

We couldn’t hold this event without your kind generosity!  All money raised will purchase playground equipment, new lego and reading projects.

Thank you for your support.

KS2 Pantomime Visit

Next Wednesday 30th November Years 3, 4 ,5 & 6 will all be visiting the Theatre to watch Beauty and the Beast show, finishing at 4:30pm.  Coaches are booked to bring the children back to school for approximately 5:15pm.  It will be dark and we need to release the children safely after they have collected their belongings from the classrooms so please do not wait on the pavement for the coaches to arrive.  We will open school gates as normal and you should collect your children from the playground where you would normally pick them up.  Children in Year 6 will not be able to walk home and will need collecting please. 

Year 4 Roman Day

Next week Year 4 are having a Roman Day to mark the end of their history topic.  Children may come to school in fancy dress.

  • Dolphins-Tuesday 29th November
  • Whales-Thursday 1st December

Please can we ask that children bring in a cereal box to school for crafting and for a contribution of £4.20 towards the workshop on ParentPay if you are able too.

Eco Council Drop & Swap Recycling Scheme

The Drop & Swap trolley in the foyer will be used to collect any Christmas Clothing you no longer need and you may have a look to see if anything takes your fancy!  This is a great way to recycle children’s outgrown Christmas Jumpers.

Christmas Shoeboxes

We will be working with the charitable organisation ‘Little Bags of Kindness’ to support people in our community who need some festive cheer and help this Christmas.  If you would like to fill a Christmas Box or Gift Bag at home for a child in need, we will be collecting these in the school foyer in the run up to Christmas.

Christmas Performaces & Elfridges

Our Christmas Performances are coming up soon so don’t forget to see the dates on the website Calendar page.  These are being held at Holy Trinity Church.  More about these and Elfridges next week.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you at the school gates next week.

Kind Regards,


T Larkham

Mr T Larkham



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