Hindu Workshop

EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5 all enjoyed a Hindu Workshop today where they learnt about Hinduism including the story of Rama and Sita, danced with sticks and learnt how to meditate.  The children got dressed for the occasion in traditional Hindu clothes with bangles and bindis.

Netball and Tag Rugby Festival

On Wednesday 14th, Mr Venn, Miss Lewis and Miss Dovey took 35 children to take part in a Tag Rugby and Netball Festival, organised by the year 10 Sports Leaders at Meole Brace Secondary School.

Each team were assigned a year 10 student who ran through games to practise the skills needed, and then finished with a round robin tournament against other primary schools.
The children really enjoyed themselves and represented the school really well.
Well done everyone!

Hindu Workshop for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Hindu workshop at school on Thursday 3rd November. The one-day workshop will be provided by Hinduism Education Services. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali. The sessions will include storytelling, dressing up in traditional Indian costume, and other topics and activities related to Hindu worship, culture, values and lifestyle.

As we have no other way of funding the workshop we would be grateful if parents can contribute £2.50 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher

Sketching Hercules

After their swimming lesson, Leopards Class took a break to sketch the Hercules statue in The Quarry.  Year 5 have been learning about ancient Greece and enjoying Greek mythology including the story of Hercules, a Greek Hero who killed the Nemean lion.

Coleham @ STFC

Mr Venn took two teams of 8 to Shrewsbury Town Football Ground for a Football Tournament against other schools in Shropshire.  They all played amazingly well with both teams coming 2nd in their pool and both were unfortunate with missing out on the play-offs.
We are all very proud of how you played. Well Done!

Year 5 + 6 cross-country

Year 5 and 6 were treated to an extra PE lesson from Mr Edwards from Belvidere Secondary School.
They were practicing running at a set pace before completing a 12 minute Cooper Run round the school field.

Mr Venn will be picking a Cross Country team for an upcoming competition at Belvidere School.

Outdoor Learning

Year 5 began their outdoor learning this week combining Maths and History!  Pupils had to construct a giant 40 metre timeline using place value and their history knowledge.



Viking Day

Year 5 had a jam-packed itinerary for their Viking Day which included a fashion show, playing Kubb-an outdoor wooden game, making clay pendants, a treasure hunt, drumming workshop and finished off with some bush craft and a fire.

Viking Day

Yr 5 Summer Trip

Year 5 spend a relaxing day walking and sketching up Lyth Hill and moving on to a picnic in the Quarry.  A lovely end to the year for Lions & Leopards.

Yr 5 Summer Trip

Yr 5 & 6 Sports Day

It was so lovely to see families at our Yr 5/6 Sports day.  A huge thank you to Mr Venn for organising the event, the team water challenge was a favourite!  Well done to all the pupils for participating and Darwin for winning 1st place, closely followed by Severn.

Yr 5 Gargoyles

Yr 5 loved having their Art lesson at The Priory Secondary School this week and sculpted some amazing gargoyles!

Art Exhibition

Classes visit the Belle Vue Art Festival’s exhibition at The Barnabas Centre featuring some ‘journey’ inspired honey bees from Year 5. An outstanding collection from local artists and a great gallery to be part of.

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Bees for the BVAF

Check out this gorgeous artwork created by Artist Sue Mann using Year 5’s individual artwork.  All of the children’s bees are proudly displayed  in local shops for this year’s ‘journey’ inspired festival of Art for the Belle Vue Arts Festival

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Belle Vue Arts Festival Workshop

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Yr 5 loved being creative all day in a BVAF workshop with local Artists.  They made some beautiful suitcases inspired by this year’s festival theme of Journeys which will be displayed at The BVAF Exhibition.  What talented artists we have at Coleham!

Space Centre

Year 5 had an amazing time at the Leicester Space Centre this week!

We looked at the night-sky in the Planetarium and took part in a rocket workshop.

The exhibits were superb!


Well done to everyone involved in our wonderful production of Poppins this week. The show was a great success and received lots of great reviews from those who came to watch.

A superb effort from Year 5 & 6 cast and crew, and a special mention to Mrs Stennett for all her hard work in writing and producing the show, we can’t wait for the next school production!

Year 5 Science Trip

In preparation for next term’s science work on ‘Life Cycles’, Year 5 to visited The Exotic Zoo, Telford this week to meet some animals in the flesh!

Hindu Workshop

We enjoyed a fabulous Hindu workshop in school this week to celebrate the Holi Festival. EYFS, Year3 and Year 5 all had the chance to find out more about Hinduism, it’s traditions and culture. What a a colourful day full of dance, music and costumes.


Yr 5 Music at Shrewsbury School

This week, Year 5 students performed ‘Crikey Moses’ to parents as a finale to this terms music lessons hosted at Shrewsbury School. Here is a picture of them performing. They had a fantastic time!

Drama Club’s Matilda Production

Over the Autumn Term, the Drama Club worked so hard to perfect their acting, singing, dancing and prop making skills, culminating in a performance of ‘Matilda the Musical’ for Years 5 and 6. They performed the house down and received a huge applause for their closing number, Revolting Children. Their characters were so convincing that we feared the school may be overthrown (!) but luckily, the children were happy to accept certificates of achievement instead.