Yr 5 Campfire Party and Bunny Visit

Leopards celebrated the end of the school year with a campfire party complete with s’mores as part of their Woodland Work. We held a ‘Golden Leopards Award’ ceremony and invited a special guest: Coco the Bunny!

Yr 5 Trip to Nesscliffe

Yr 5 had a brilliant time at Nesscliffe. We walked to see the view at Oliver’s Point to learn its history as a vantage point during the English Civil War and down to the caves, where legend says the highwayman once sheltered. Leopards and Lions also worked as excellent teammates to construct their own shelters using limited resources – look at their brilliant and diverse designs as part of their DT and Woodland Work!

School Food Roadshow

Wow, Years 3-5 had an absolute blast with The School Food Roadshow!!! Learning about healthy eating, food groups and cookery has never been so much FUN! A big Thank you to Chef Ben for hosting and talking to us about his superpower ADHD.  Team Red Chillies were the Cookery Champions with their Chicken Noodle dish and runners up Team Green Peppers made a delicious Lentil Curry. Thank you to our School Caterers ‘Academy’ for organising this fantastic event!


Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Well done to all our Year 5 & 6 Sports Day competitors. Our last Sports Day for Year 6! The Sports Leaders did a great job at helping organise the event.  Severn scooped the House Cup, with Darwin coming 2nd, Greyfriars 3rd and Quarry 4th.  When we thought it was all over, staff stepped up for an impromptu three legged race.


Year 5 Trip to Nescliffe

Dear Parent/Carer

We have arranged for Year 5 to visit Nescliffe, one of our many local beauty spots, on Wednesday 12th July as an end of year treat.  It will be a great opportunity to get outdoors and explore the wonderful outdoor space there. We will be leaving school at 9.00am sharp, following morning registration, and returning around 1.00pm in the afternoon. 

As the children will not be back in time for school lunch time, they will need to bring a packed lunch on that day, and an additional drink – particularly if it is a hot day (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please). Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meal caterers prior to departure, unless you let the teacher know you will be providing one from home instead. We will be outdoors for the duration of this excursion so the children will need sun cream/sun hats/sunglasses.  Likewise, if it rains, they will need a light waterproof coat. Children should also wear appropriate, comfy footwear and clothes for walking lots and for outdoor play e.g. joggers/leggings and trainers. No spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £4.40, which includes transport and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information, or if you do not wish your daughter/son to participate in this trip or any of the stated activities so we can make alternative arrangements for them.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Gallery Exhibition

We were thrilled to see Art from every year group in a real Art exhibition!  Coleham Art is displayed all week at the Belle Vue Arts Festival gallery at the Barnabas Centre in Coleham. The gallery features 50 local Artists plus the work of 420 Coleham School Artists in a range of media.  The children’s work was based on this years festival theme ‘Heroes’.  The whole school has visited the exhibition to view their work and were given guided tours by the Artists themselves, how special!  Even Batman turned up!  Thank you to Artists Sue Mann, Gisela Robinson, Clifford Hannah and Pete Fricker for showing us around.  It was really impressive and a lovely experience.

Public Speaking

As part of our Careers Related Learning, Year 5 were given the task of presenting on a subject of their choice.  This is not an easy task for many adults and it was great to see the members of Lions & Leopard classes work towards this personal goal.  The children researched and structured their content, thought about their audience and used props or ICT to make it visually appealing and delivered it independently taking questions afterwards.  This covers 4 of the key Employability Skills Communication, Planning & Organisation, Self-Management and Learning & Technology!  An array of topics have been covered from Oliver’s pet tortoise, Oli’s presentation on Islam, Abi’s Coin Collection, Edwin’s interest in The Mayan Civilisation and Flynn’s family connections with sport. Well Done Year 5! You have all risen to the challenge!


Yr 5 Viking Day

Year 5 lived like Vikings today at Coleham School.  They looked the part in some very creative costumes, played the Viking game Kubb, made jewellery and baked bread over the fire.  A real hands on learning experience for the children.

Watch the Viking raid of Coleham here!




Yr 5 Exotic Zoo

As part of their science topic on living things and habitats Year 5 headed off to the Exotic Zoo to get up close and personal with a variety of animals. They were able to handle a snake, Madagascan hedgehog and tarantula.  They also met Mildred the Millipede- and learnt about various jobs at the zoo.





Leopard’s History Seminar

As part of our Career Related Learning we want the children to develop key Employability skills necessary for future careers and so presenting and public speaking is a school focus.

Leopard’s Class demonstrated 4 employability skills in their recent history work, communication, teamwork, planning & organising and self-management.

Leopard’s children produced a fantastic history seminar on Vikings which they researched and presented to each other. Great work!

Year 5 Viking Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 5 will be having a Viking Day in school on Thursday 18th May as part of the History curriculum on the Vikings and Anglo Saxons.

The day will include lots of exciting activities linked to this theme.  The children are welcome to dress as Vikings: Viking warriors, shield-maidens, sailors or villagers etc. Please don’t feel any pressure to buy anything, raid your wardrobes for old shirts to use as tunics, sandals or boots and furry jackets.

Year 5 really enjoyed this last year, below are some photos to give you some outfit inspiration.

Kind Regards,

Miss Armstrong, Mrs Long & Mr Russell


Year 5 Trip- Exotic Zoo Wildlife Park, Telford

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of this term’s science curriculum work on animals and their habitats, we have arranged for Year 5 to visit Telford Exotic Zoo on Wednesday 17th May.   We will be leaving school around  9:15am, following morning registration, and return around 3:00pm, in time for normal collection.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £10.00, which includes entrance fees/workshops, transport and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

The Jungle Book

Our School Production Team produced an incredible show for us all! The school has been a hive of activity and we have been blown away by the talent and teamwork from the cast and production team.  There’s been such an array of skills from the children! Acting, dancing, singing, narrating, selling popcorn, creating artwork for the programme and set design, logistics from the back stage crew, lighting and microphone technicians, fundraising and front of house.  Shining examples of creativity, co-operation and ambition. A big thank you to our Director Mrs Stennett and our wonderful children, staff and family audiences.

Watch the highlights here:

The Jungle Book video clip:



Languages @ Shrewsbury High School

Year 5 were treated to a languages day at Shrewsbury High School and were hosted by the Year 10 foreign language students. Pupils were taught French, German, Classics and Spanish. Thank you to Shrewsbury High School for this cultural experience!




Outdoor learning

Year 5 ended Science week with some outdoor learning.  Their science lessons took place outside with pupils investigating air resistance, levers and pulleys as part of their science work around forces.


Yr 5 @ The Space Centre

Year 5 had a supernova time at the Leicester Space Centre. Year 5 are our resident space experts in school after learning about the Space Race. They were in awe when they visited the planetarium!





Jungle Book- Behind the scenes

It was our Saturday School for our whole day rehearsal for Jungle Book!  Costumes were prepped, scenery painted, dances choreographed and the children performed a full run through.  It’s going to be a great show!

Yr 5 Museum Trip

Today Lions and Leopards visited the moon exhibition at Shrewsbury Museum which was a great way to compliment their Earth, Space and Space Race topics.  We are so lucky to have such a wonderful museum on our doorstep.

World Book Day

We love WORLD BOOK DAY at COLEHAM.  Our Reading Leader Mrs Young started the morning by talking on the radio about all our activities in school.  If you want to listen click the link below:


We’ve all had lots of fun dressing up as characters or in our comfy reading clothes.

Every class has visited our Pop-up Book Shop to select a World Book Day book to take home and lots of classes are popping out of school to GO EVERYWHERE AND READ.

Take a look at our brilliant costumes!


Author Visit

YES, it’s our WORLD BOOK WEEK! We kicked it off with a fantastic visit from librarian and children’s author James Nichol.  James is author of The Apprentice Witch series and new novel The Spell Tailors.  The plot involves stitching magic and memories into clothing and we heard how James weaves everyday objects and memories from his childhood into his story.

Later in the afternoon, we had a book signing event in the library and of course we have bought copies to read in school!

Thank you to James for travelling to see us, we loved hosting you.


Some lovely feedback below from James too!






Football team finish 4th

As part of our partnership at Belvidere Secondary School, we participated in a football competition against 6 other local schools.
The children won 3, and lost 3, and finished 4th overall.


Well done everyone!

Year 5/6 Swimming Gala

On Thursday 2nd February, Mr Venn and Mrs Lord took a team of year 5/6s to compete in a swimming gala at Shrewsbury School.

It was a close contest, with the leaderboard changing after every race, Coleham came 3rd overall, which is an amazing result. We were definitely the loudest school when cheering for our teammates.

Great effort from everyone!


Bugsy Malone Production

Well done to our Year 5/6 Drama Club who performed Bugsy Malone to children and parents this afternoon. What a wonderful treat for the last day of term.  Your acting, singing , dancing and talent show acts impressed us all. Thank you to Miss Armstrong for directing our cast.


KS2 Christmas Performance

What glorious, uplifting singing from Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 to make us feel festive.  A great display of commitment from the children for practising, rehearsals and 4 superb shows. We’re so proud of you all. Thank you so much to our neighbours Holy Trinity Church for their kindness and generosity, it was a beautiful setting full of magical moments

Yr 5 Synagogue Visit

Leopards Class had a really, interesting trip to the synagogue in Birmingham today as part of their RE studies on Judaism.

They sat in the children’s chapel and had a tour o the main synagogue with its ark and Torah scrolls, stained glass windows and reading stand.  Jeremy our tour guide read some Hebrew prayers for us.  Leopards asked lots of thoughtful questions too.

PCSO Visit

Today PCSO Kate came to teach Year 5 & 6 about staying safe. She taught the children the dangers of County Lines, Illegal Drugs and Offensive Weapons and Criminal Responsibility. Thanks so much to West Mercia Police.

Careers Week- We love Hickory’s!

Wow, Year 5 were lucky enough to have a fantastic Careers trip to Hickory’s Smokehouse to learn all about working in hospitality.

Read the news story below:


KS2 Cross Country @ Belvidere School

On Friday 4th November, Mr Venn and Mrs Parke took 24 KS2 children to compete against other schools in Cross Country at Belvidere Secondary School.
The children worked so hard in some very competitive races, and all the hard work resulted in a 2nd place overall finish – amazing work.

A special mention to year 3/4 girls who took the top three spots in their race.