Alice in Wonderland

We have all felt the buzz and good vibes in the air this week for our Alice in Wonderland School Production.  It has been ‘wonderful’ to see each and every child shine.  From characters with one line to our dancers, narrators, singers, actors and crew team, we know how much every child will have grown from this experience. We are so proud of the children who have made it a delight and it’s a real privilege for us as staff to come together and enjoy being part of it.

Huge credit must go to our our Director Mrs Stennett, Costumes & Set Design Miss Heap, Chorographer Mrs Morgan and Music by Mrs Porrett who all play an instrumental part plus all our staff members who help at rehearsals, back stage, face-painting and at the evening performances.

Please see our Gallery of photos which are you are able to download.

Please watch our highlights video below and some extra solo clips.


School Production Photo Gallery

Our 2024 School Production children were wonderful.  We know how precious these memories are!  Here are all our photos of cast and crew for parents to download.


Saturday School!

Our wonderful Yr 5/6 cast and the Staff Production Team of Alice in Wonderland hosted their all day Dress Rehearsal on Saturday.  We promise that the audience are in for a real treat!  Here is a little sneak peek of our brilliant cast and crew!


Year 5 Trip to Think Tank, Birmingham

As part of this term’s Science curriculum work, we have arranged for Year 5 to visit Birmingham’s Think Tank Museum on Thursday 11th April. During their visit the children will take part in a “Forces and Friction” workshop, fitting in with the work they have been doing in the classroom this term.

We will be setting off from school a little earlier than usual. The coach will leave school at 8:50am prompt, so children need to arrive at school by 8.30am. We will leave Birmingham at 2:00pm, and expect to arrive back at school around 3.30pm, allowing for traffic. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. The day will be packed with activities so there will be no time to visit the souvenir shop (so no spending money required).

The cost of the trip is £24.60, which includes transport, workshops and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Year 5 Eco Fashion Show

Year 5 have been learning about ‘fast fashion’ and its global impact on the environment and this week put on a FANTASTIC Eco Fashion Show!  Year 5 you should be so proud, you pushed yourselves outside of your comfort zone and displayed great teamwork.  The children have sewn clothes, customised clothes, made clothes from rubbish, rehearsed lines, set up staging, sold clothes afterwards and had fun modelling! #confidence #publicspeaking #careerchoices

We made the news!  Check out the Shropshire Star News Article

Our Eco Fashion Show was very timely as just a few days later France have voted to back measures to make fast fashion less attractive.  Read the Guardian Article.

School Production

Our School Production of ‘Alice’ is coming up on the last week of term, before we break up for Easter.  We will be selling tickets soon but need to set up an Arbor School Shop to do this.  Don’t worry though, of course all the crew and cast members families will be able to attend and also other members of our school community.

Yr 5 Fashion Show Prep

We are gearing up for the Year 5 Eco Fashion Show.  The children got busy customising old clothes and creating new clothes from recycled materials for the ‘rubbish runway’.  They really enjoyed this process and we saw some great teamwork.  We can’t wait to see the finished articles being modelled in a few weeks time!

Police Safety Talks

Thank you to West Mercia Shropshire Youth Engagement Team for talking to Year 5 and 6 about County Lines, drugs, knife crime, bullying including cyber bullying and criminal responsibility.  It is really important the children are prepared for the world around them as they begin to think about having more independence and freedoms and moving to Secondary School.  The children were able to speak freely and ask lots of questions.

Fashion Show

Coming up soon! Date for your diaries…

A new event, Year 5 are putting on an Eco Fashion Show for families and pupils to watch after school.  They’ll be modelling pre-loved clothes and telling us all about fast fashion and how to shop responsibly with the planet in mind.  Afterwards they will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 an item!

Year 5 Parents please save the date.  Pupils have been getting involved in activities during school time if they have wanted too and there is a space for any child wanting a part or wanting to help in some way. We will have a full rehearsal in school on Monday 11th March.  If your child wants to take part they will need to be free to stay after school on Wednesday 13th March.

Yr 5 Checkmates

The best things grow from an idea 💡 and following the children’s interests ♟️ We noticed Alex and Jack’s talent at playing chess and teaching the younger children in our After School Club.  They were keen to run their own Chess Club, so with Miss Othen’s support, the boys now have this up and running twice a week at lunchtimes. Great work boys! What a lovely quiet space at lunchtimes to exercise those brains!  #independence

Yr 5 Fashion Lecture

Anna from Shrewsbury College came to talk to Year 5 about sustainable fashion and help us get inspired for our fashion show!  Anna has worked in industry and now teaches the Extended Diploma in Fashion & Textiles at Shrewsbury College.  We heard that Stella McCartney uses Mylo in her fashion lines which is a sustainable textile derived from mushrooms and enjoyed seeing clothes that had been made by college students. Our favourite was a menswear combo made from a camo patterned tent!  It was great for the children to learn that Shrewsbury has its own vocational fashion course for 16-18 year olds.  Thank you Shrewsbury Colleges Group #careerpathways #careerchoices

Yr 5 Fashion Show

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may have heard about our preparations for a Year 5 Eco Fashion Show.  This will now be happening after half term.

The children will learn about ‘Fast Fashion’ and the impact on the environment and the show will promote ethical fashion choices to the audience.  To help us Woody’s Mum is coming into school next week to tell us about her job as a Fashion Lecturer at Shrewsbury College.

We have been working at lunchtimes and some children have signed up as models for our Rock ‘n’ Roll, Western and Festival runways.  These children may have brought home some pre-loved clothes to help create their outfits. #recycle #re-use  Miss Cox will be helping us with music choices and chorography.

After half term we will be making outfits out of ‘rubbish’ using winning ideas from our House Competition.  We will be encouraging children to participate in narrator roles, greeting guests and selling clothes on the night, helping backstage, getting artistic in making posters, billboards and photography.  There are lots of ways that children can get involved.

Thank you to Mrs Renshaw (Nell’s Mum) who is helping a  group of children with a sewing project for the runway.  We are very excited to see their final show piece.

Please save the date of Wednesday 13th March!  Our Eco Fashion show will be open to family and friends at 3:30pm in the School Hall.  Afterwards we will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 and will have a couple of fashion accessory stalls for shopping.

We hope that you are able to join us.

Kind regards,

Miss Othen


Swimming – Year 5 Lions

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Friday afternoon for 5 weeks, starting 23rd February and ending 22nd March (inclusive).

Miss Jones will walk her class to and from The Quarry Swimming Baths for these sessions so no payment is required for this activity.

The swimming lessons take place later in the day than we would ideally have liked, but it was the only slot left available to us. It means that the children will not return to school until around 3.30pm – slightly later than normal home time. Our apologies if this causes any inconvenience.

 Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.

Art Exhibition

Our latest Art Exhibition is a music and art collaboration from Year 5.  Lions and Leopards have been exploring Hans Zimmer’s ‘Earth’ as part of their topic about Space,  Hans Zimmer is a film composer and has written numerous soundtracks including The Lion King and The Pirates of the Caribbean.  He also composed the soundtrack to TV series Planet Earth and The Blue Planet.  ‘Earth’ draws upon a similar soundtrack to Planet Earth.  We watched and listened to a performance by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and Royal Scottish Junior Chorus.  Our pictures show what we imagined was being described in the music: space, stars, day, night, cities, animals, oceans, deserts, and even volcanos!

Year 5 & 6 Swimming


As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of our students, we are conducting an assessment of each child’s swimming abilities to enhance our swimming program. Your input is invaluable in ensuring that we provide the best possible experience for your child.

To streamline this process, we have created a Microsoft Teams link for you to fill out a brief questionnaire regarding your child’s swimming skills. The information gathered will help us tailor our swimming lessons to meet the specific needs of each individual student.

Please click on the following link to access the questionnaire:

We kindly request that you complete the questionnaire by Monday 22nd January. Your prompt response will enable us to plan accordingly and make any necessary arrangements to accommodate your child’s requirements.

If you encounter any technical difficulties or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your valuable input.

Thank you for your continued support.


Many thanks,

Miss Lewis

PE Co-Ordinator

International Food Market

We like to try new events and we were so pleased to see the turn out for our International Food Market with tasters from Spain, Greece, Germany, China, India, Italy and Poland.  It was lovely to see so many children excited about trying new foods with their families.  Thank you to everybody for coming along and donating items and especially those families who spent time preparing home-made dishes.  Sharing food with the people we love is one of life’s greatest joys and we would love to hear your feedback so we can do more food based events together.

Cultural Speakers

For International Day, we had 6 family guest speakers tell them all about their home countries.

Emiliia’s Dad spoke of living in Kyiv, Ukraine and their traditional dress and food such as sour soup ‘Borshch’ . The children learnt how to count to 10 and other Ukrainian greetings.

Romilly’s Dad lived in Poland as a child and told the children about ‘Name Day’ their equivalent Birthday celebration and bought them all a goody bag.

Lucho’s Mum visited Lions class to talk about life in Ecuador and how indigenous people live in the jungle.  It was fascinating!

We also had visitors in Yr 6 and Reception.

Thank you so much to all our parents for sharing their real life, personal experiences.



Swimming – Year 5 Leopards

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Friday afternoon for 5 weeks, starting 12th January and ending 9th February (inclusive).

Mrs Stennett will walk her class to and from The Quarry Swimming Baths for these sessions so no payment is required for this activity.

 The swimming lessons take place later in the day than we would ideally have liked, but it was the only slot left available to us. It means that the children will not return to school until around 3.30pm – slightly later than normal home time. Our apologies if this causes any inconvenience.

 Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.



Miss Armstrong and her Year 5/6 Drama club have been working hard all term on their mini performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth!

They performed to KS2 and their families and what a treat it was for our last day of term.

Bravo to all of our cast and musicians!

Special thanks to parents and careers for supporting and attending this production – your children are bold, resolute and incredibly talented!

Miss Armstrong


My favourite moment was learning the song Magpie because it was different from the cheerful songs we usually sing. I love it so much I even put it on my Spotify playlist

Seren- yr 6




Christmas Panto!

It was with great organisation that we took the whole school (450 adults and children) to watch Jack and the Beanstalk.  Just the office ladies left back at school manning the fort and eating all the Christmas chocolates!

It was an incredible performance from Brad Fitt and the cast, fabulous scenery and spectacular costumes! The children were all dancing in the rows for finale song.  A real treat for the children to visit the theatre!

Merry Christmas to you all

Christmas wouldn’t be complete for us without our Staff Christmas Video!  This started during Covid so we could connect with our families and children at home but has become a much loved Coleham tradition for us all.  It’s our special gift to the children and a way to say Merry Christmas to the many people in our community that help us make our school what it is, to our parents, volunteers, local shop keepers, club leaders, pre-schools, resident artists and musicians and all the organisations we partner with.

Watching the children’s reaction on Monday was priceless.  We are always teaching our children to be creative, try something new and give it a go, so it’s great for them to see our staff be a little silly and push themselves outside of their comfort zone (of course some of us love the limelight, mentioning no names!)

This year’s video backing scenes have been created using the children’s art work.  The children thought they were entering into a Christmas card competition.

We really hope you enjoy this year’s production and it goes without saying that this film would not be possible without the incredibly talented, legendary Mr Williams who directs and edits us all to perfection.  Always smiling, keeping us calm and on a very tight filming schedule!  Bravo Mr Williams!


Coleham Christmas Parade 2023

Well it didn’t rain on our Parade! Thank you to the special folk in our community for dressing up as the nativity cast, to the musicians and of course our furry, four legged friends for entertaining us.  It was great to see so many parents spectate.  The real Santa came to visit with our very own Mrs Claus.  Did you spot our favourite Caretaker from Boogie Wonderland?

Read the Shropshire Star Article


Soden Art Gallery

Year 5 visited The Soden Gallery on Wyle Cop to view The Doodle Boy art exhibition, work by Joe Whale a 13 year-old boy from Shrewsbury.   Our town has a fantastic art culture and we aim to immerse our pupils into this. For many of them it was their first visit to the Soden Gallery.  It was great inspiration for pupils to see that you can be an artist at age!

Maths Challenge

Well done to 10 Year 5 mathematicians who visited Shrewsbury High School for a Maths Challenge.  Teams of 5 worked together for code breaking which challenged the children to make deductions, use their maths skills and delve deeper into reasoning.  The children competed against other local schools and were pleased to have come 4th overall.

We love Hickorys

Year 5 had a fantastic Careers visit to Hickorys Smokehouse Restaurant. Manager Tim and the team pulled out all the stops in this personal tour for us. The children learnt about working the floor and the different kitchen roles including ‘Pitmaster’. They made a southern Mocktail 🍹and heard all about the benefits to working for Hickorys 😀

Thank you Hickorys for supporting our Careers Week.

Parents Evening – Booking Appointments

You are now able to book you Autumn Term Parent Consultation meeting.  Parent Consultations will be held in your child’s classroom, and the dates for all parent consultations are:

  • Wednesday 8th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 9th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

Hindu Visit for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Diwali workshop at school on Friday 10th November. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali and the festival of lights.  The workshop will allow the children to explore making music with authentic Indian instruments and will centre around the story of Rama and Sita and the Festival of Light.

We would be really grateful if parents can contribute £4 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher

National Poetry Day.

Today we celebrated National Poetry Day by welcoming local poet Michael Carding to Coleham. Michael started off the morning with an assembly for the KS2 children. Here he shared some of his poems which the children loved. After this he spent some time with Dolphins and Whales learning all about poetry.

Greek Workshop

Shrewsbury Museum came to visit Year 5 to deliver a Greek workshop tying in with their history topic. Children explored Greek artefacts, dressed up for some mythical role play and had lots of fun.

Year 5 Ancient Greek Workshop

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of this term’s studies on Ancient Greece, we have arranged for Year 5 to take part in an Ancient Greek workshop, run by Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery staff, on Tuesday 26th September. The workshop will reinforce the learning the Year Group has done on this subject and the children will get to see and handle artefacts from that period of history.

The cost of the workshop is £3.50 per child, payable via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Please note, children should come to school on the day in their normal school uniform – no dressing up required.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Stennett & Miss Jones

Year 5 Class Teachers