Ancient Greek Workshop

A big thank you to Ali from Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery for delivering another fantastic session for our children.
This time it was year 5’s turn to learn all about the Ancient Greeks. They handled and sketched real and replica artefacts from the era, considered the differences between Sparta and Athens and recreated the first ever Olympic Games!

We are so lucky to have arch a fantastic resource such as SM&AG on our doorstep!

Year 5 Lions Choral Day

Lions enjoyed a visit to Shrewsbury High School to join a few other schools in the choral day. We had a fantastic time and learnt six songs all in one day! We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Bunn and all of the other staff at the High School who ensured that everyone had a great time. Viva la Musica!

Dining Hall Assistants

Our year 5 have been busy at work this week, in their new roles as dining hall assistants. They are there to serve puddings and support the EYFS/KS1 children with their lunchtime and are doing a wonderful job! #colehamcares #colehamcareers

Year 5 Food & Mood workshop 🍎🥦🍒🥕🍓

Our school Chef Manager arranged for company Nutritionist Iona to visit us today.   Year 5 had a wonderful session focused on healthy eating and how what we eat can affect our mood and well-being.

We learnt lots and designed our own healthy breakfasts.  Thank you to Academy for delivering this workshop.

Year 5 Ancient Greece Workshop

As part of this term’s studies on Ancient Greece, we have arranged for Year 5 to take part in an Ancient Greek workshop at school, run by Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery staff, on Wednesday 25th September. The workshop will reinforce the learning the Year Group has done on this subject and the children will get to see and handle artefacts from that period of history.

The cost of the workshop is £3.75 per child, payable via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Please note, children should come to school on the day in their normal school uniform – no dressing up required.

Mrs Stennett & Mrs Allan

PCSO Visit

Thank you to our local Police Constable Support Officer for speaking with Year 5 & 6 about the following issues: how being present at the scene of an incident without doing anything to stop it can mean that they can also be held to account and the use of social media, particularly messaging platforms and how that whatever is put onto it is traceable.  It’s a great time to prepare our children with safety messages before the Summer Holidays start and the children head to Secondary School or move up to Year 6.


Yr 5 Flaxmill Trip

It’s important to us that our pupils know the history of their home town so Year 5 visited the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings.

They toured this important heritage site which is the first multifloored iron-framed building in the world!  The mill which opened in 1797 has links to Coleham as one of the largest iron foundries in the country was situated behind what is now the Coleham Deli shop and their first major contract was to supply the ironwork for the Flax Mill.

The children visited the mill exhibition and undertook some STEM structure building challenges.  It was a great morning exploring local history #lovewherewelive


Athlete Adrian Patrick leads Coleham Circuit Training

As a finale to our Olympics Week we were visited by a third medal winner!  Sprinter Adrian Patrick, a Commonwealth Games Gold winner for 4 x 400m relay led the whole school in circuit training.  These intensive 8 minute sessions saw the children do sit ups, press ups, squats and jumps which we all loved.  The perfect Friday morning work out! He talked to us in assembly about always remembering our vision and dream and not being distracted by behaviours that won’t lead us to our end goal.

What a week of incredible experiences.  Thank you to Miss Lewis for all her hard work and meticulous organisation.


Coleham shines with 2nd place finish at Shrewsbury Area Athletics 2024

An incredibly huge well done to every single child who took part in Area Athletics this evening. It was a huge success to watch you all compete and give it your all. I am so proud of you all for your dedication and team effort—you are truly incredible.
It was amazing to see so many of you take home medals and secure an outstanding 2nd place overall, competing against 12 other schools. Well done, Coleham! You should feel extremely proud of yourselves.
Congratulations once again on your remarkable achievement!

Olympics Showcase Song

Our Olympics Festival Day was fantastic and we finished with a showcase song to parents.  Mrs Porrett led the children with ‘We are Shropshire’ and ‘Wavin Flag’.  There is nothing more powerful than when we come together to sing on mass.  Our Coleham Community all together! A lovely end to the day.

Olympics Festival

What a day!  Miss Lewis organised a day off curriculum for our own Olympics Festival.  It started with a whole school run to Paris, the equivalent of 435 miles.  For 20 minutes all the children and staff ran around the schools grounds and it was such fun!  500 happy faces walking, jogging, running to Paris with the music motivating us.

Out Festival contained sports stations entirely run by our year 6 cohort of Sports Leaders who were fantastic at explaining, demonstrating and encouraging the children.  The younger classes were buddied up with older classes working together which was really lovely to see. The children participated in long jump, high jump, relay hurdles, triple jump, an Olympics quiz, shot put before stopping for an outdoor picnic lunch.  In the afternoon the children played badminton, handball, discus, javelin, relay and we finally finished with a  showcase song to parents.  Phew!! What an action-packed day!  Now we are all ready to watch the Olympics starting on 26th July.

Year 5/6 Sports Day

Thank you to everyone for coming along to our Year 5/6 Sports Day! The last Sports Day for our Year 6 Leavers.  Lots of House spirit in the Coleham Athletics arena.  The House water race was a great chance to cool off! Darwin stormed ahead of the leader board to scoop the House Cup.  Well done to all the parents who braved the parent race.

Football Exhibition ⚽️

Today year 5 went to Wolverhampton to visit the art gallery. We enjoyed looking at some pop art, more traditional art work dating back hundreds of years and most excitingly exploring their exhibition called Football: Designing the Beautiful Game.

It was so interesting to see how football has evolved over the years and getting to see pieces of kit worn by some very famous footballers.

A fantastic combo of Art and Football! A trip that everyone could enjoy ⚽️🎨. We finished off with lunch in the Church Gardens before heading back to school 🌞


Welcome To Year 6 Parents and Carers Meeting

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday 10th July, we would like to invite you to a special ‘Welcome To Year 6’ evening at school.

This will be an opportunity to meet Mrs Morgan and Miss Featherston, and get an insight into what this important final year of primary school entails, what the expectations are and how you can best support your children in what can be a challenging but ultimately brilliant year of their school journey.

In the presentation, we will go over:

  • SATs
  • Responsibilities and expectations
  • Parental support
  • Use of mobile phones and social media

There will also be the opportunity to ask questions you may have, or gain reassurances of things that may be worrying your children.

There will be two opportunities to be part of the presentations on the day in the school hall, at 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm and there is no need to book.  Please just show up.

There will be some important messages in the presentation, so we hope that all of our Year 5 parents and carers are able to attend, and children are also advised to attend so they hear the same messages.

Yours sincerely

Maria Stennett

Upper Key Stage 2 Leader

BVAF Barnabas Gallery

It’s been brilliant to see lots and lots of classes popping out this week and heading over to the Barnabas Centre Art Exhibition for the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Every child has produced a  piece of art for the exhibition and Badgers and Foxes Art has been hung by the Greyfriars Bridge.  Not only do the children get to see their own work displayed but also work from other local artists.  Such a variety to see!  The Exhibition is open Saturday 10-4pm if you would like to see your child’s work.


Year 5 Trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery

We have arranged for Year 5 to visit Wolverhampton Art Gallery to see the Football: Designing the Beautiful Games Exhibition they have running this term, to discover the remarkable design stories behind the world’s number one sport. Following their visit to the Art Exhibition the children will enjoy a picnic lunch in nearby Church Gardens.

The trip will take place on Friday 21st June, leaving school at 9.15am and returning around 2.30pm, in time for normal end-of-day collection.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. No additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £8.50, which includes transport and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Year 5 Trip to Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings

As part of this term’s geography curriculum work on the changing landscape of Shrewsbury, we have arranged for Year 5 to visit the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings. Lions will be visiting the Maltings on Tuesday 9th July and Leopards on Friday 12th July.

Each class will set off from school at 9.30am and will travel by coach to the venue. They will return around 2.45pm, so should be collected as normal at the end of the school day.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. No additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £11.60, which includes transport, entry to the Maltings and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Geography in the Quarry

Year 5 visited the Quarry with their compasses to survey footfall in different areas, talking about why some areas might be busier than others. The children drew sketch maps of their journey.

Yr 5 Shelter Building

Forest School isn’t just for Reception and KS1 but all years!  Here are Year 5 who mastered the clove hitch knot to make rope swings and shelters.

The Big Sing

Some Year 5 pupils were invited to The North Shropshire Big Sing at Moreton Hall School . They enjoyed a fabulous choral workshop with Johns’ Boys, the Welsh Men’s choir who appeared on Britains Got Talent last year. What a great singing experience for the children.

BVAF Workshop

15 Artists from Year 5 spent the day with Mike and Jo from the Belle Vue Arts Festival painting a pandemonium of 🦜  parrots! These gorgeous rocking birds will be on display during festival fortnight at the Barnabas Centre Art Gallery.


Yr 5 Viking Day

For the last day before half term Year 5 spent a creative day celebrating their history topic The Vikings.  They painted Viking shields, played the outdoor game of Kub and rehearsed their battle speeches on the green screen.

Science Week 2024

Thank you to Miss Harris for organising the best Science Week!  This year we explored the theme of ‘time’ in outer space with a visiting Planetarium and through a dinosaur and fossil workshop.  We kicked the week off with a fun assembly from Supersonic Sue who runs Science Cub.  Year 3 learnt all about bees and honey with Shrewsbury School Beekeeping Society students, Year 5 delved into colour experiments with Priory School Science Teacher Tamara and Year 6 had Rory and Dr Nichola visit from Lascell’s Science Manufacturing.

Lascells showcased sound waves using a Rubens Tube, looked at radioactivity with a cloud chamber, demonstrated how stars form using a gravity well and the whoosh bottle was perhaps the most exciting of all.

It is great for Year 6 to dip into some KS3 Science and hear from people in the industry ready for their next steps to Secondary School and future careers.

Overall, we’ve had a brilliant TIME!  See the highlights in our showcase video.


Priory School Science

Year 5 experienced a secondary school science lesson from Priory School Science Teacher Tamara who helped the children experiment with colour.  Thank you Priory! Its great to use the expertise of colleagues at 3-18 Education Trust and for us all to better understand the journey from KS2 to KS3 science!  Building a stronger curriculum.

Year 5 Techathon Champions 🏆

Two teams of year 5 children went to Shrewsbury High School to take part in a codebreaking challenge. They used their teamwork and resilience skills and came away with the 1st Place trophy… well done Year 5!

Hydro Rockets!

In Science Year 5 have been learning about aerospace engineering and forces and each made a hydro rocket! The children carefully constructed the fins to reduce drag in the air and then tested them on the school field with Mr Larkham.  The children upped the pressure with the pump, until the rocket walls could take no more and the water expelled, flying through the air!  What a success! #notallclassroomshavefourwalls #outdoorlearning


Year 5 Trip to Thinktank

We took year 5 to Thinktank Birmingham to explore the Science Museum and take part in a forces workshop. We had a fantastic time and the children were a credit to the school.