Year 4 go to STFC

On Friday 18th, Mr Venn took a group of year 4s to participate in a friendly Football tournament at Shrewsbury Town. The main focus was on playing football, rather then worrying about results. The boys played really well with some superb goals going in.





KS2 Cross Country @ Belvidere School

On Friday 4th November, Mr Venn and Mrs Parke took 24 KS2 children to compete against other schools in Cross Country at Belvidere Secondary School.
The children worked so hard in some very competitive races, and all the hard work resulted in a 2nd place overall finish – amazing work.

A special mention to year 3/4 girls who took the top three spots in their race.

Coleham @ STFC

Mr Venn took two teams of 8 to Shrewsbury Town Football Ground for a Football Tournament against other schools in Shropshire.  They all played amazingly well with both teams coming 2nd in their pool and both were unfortunate with missing out on the play-offs.
We are all very proud of how you played. Well Done!

Yr4 Tudor Walk

Year 4 had an interactive day at Shrewsbury Museum for their topic on The Tudors. They dressed in historical costumes, built a timber frame building, guessed the different artifacts and had a guided historical walk around Shrewsbury. Lots of hands on learning in our beautiful town and museum.


Outdoor Tudor Pottage

Year 4 combine their history/design & technology and forest school skills by cooking Tudor Pottage on an open fire on the school field.  Tudor Pottage is a type of vegetable stew or porridge made up of ingredients on hand.  Mr Venn looked on as Mr Russell dug up the school field to create a cooking pit!

Yr 3 & 4 Sports Day

Year 3 & 4 sports day was a great success for all the children, with the quoit throwing relay, running and team water challenge.  Well done to all the pupils for showing great team spirit in cheering for their houses and to Darwin who won 1st place overall.

Town Walls Tennis Club

Thank you to Town Walls Tennis Club who hosted Whales and Dolphins and taught them some tennis skills.

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Shropshire Sings Concert

Yr 4 made us extremely proud by singing their hearts out in a musical concert to parents.   The event which hosted several schools was performed at The West Mid Showground on a summers evening.  The audience were emotional and uplifted by the beautiful singing!

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Year 4 visit the Mosque

Year 4 enjoyed visiting the Mosque in Wellington and finding out about the religion Islam and being a Muslim.

Yr 4 Roman Day

This week Year 4 dressed up as gladiators, citizens, gods or goddesses, Celts and emperors. They learned about Roman numerals, tasted some roman nibbles, designed and made their own mosaic pattern, marched like the Roman army, formed a protective battle formation and walked down the cat walk showing off their costume.

Stepping Out Safely

This week, Year 4 are having ‘Stepping Out’ training to teach them about being safe around roads and how to cross the road safely.

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Quentin Blake Artist Study

Year 4 have been so engaged with their study of Quentin Blake with many children carrying on their learning at home with their families.  We are so impressed with their enthusiasm and fantastic illustrations.

Year 4 away from home

Year 4 had an amazing time at Condover Activity centre this week where they had the opportunity to sleepover away from home and take part in lots of physical and mental challenges that extend the learning that we do in the classroom.

What an adventure! Well done Year 4

Science Experiment

We love practical experiments in our science work-here is Year 4 investigating how sugar and yeast react producing carbon dioxide which was collected in balloons.  Great work from our scientists.