Year 4 trip to Shrewsbury Museum/Tudor Guided Walk

As part of this term’s history curriculum work on The Tudors, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit Shrewsbury Museum on Thursday 16th May for a Meet the Tudors workshop anda guided walking tour of the town.  We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 2.30pm.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by school before departure.  Pupils should wear school uniform and bring with them a lightweight coat/sunhat (depending on the weather forecast for that day). As they will be doing a fair amount of walking, they will also need to wear comfortable shoes or trainers. Spending money is not required for this trip.

The cost of the trip is £6.60, which includes the workshop and the tour.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip please. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips so we hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Year 4 Trip to Enginuity Centre, Coalbrookdale

As part of this term’s science curriculum work on electricity, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit the Enginuity Centre in Coalbrookdale on Monday 13th May.

We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 2.30pm.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. As we have a packed itinery planned we will not be visiting the souvenir shop, so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £12.80, which includes transport, workshops and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yr 4 Choral Day Trip

Dear Parent/Carer,


Year 4 have been invited to attend a Choir Day at Shrewsbury High School on Thursday 2nd May 2024.  Some other local schools will also be attending to make up a large choir of over 200 pupils.

We will be walking to Shrewsbury High School for 9.30am.

Your child will only need to bring a coat and water bottle as lunch is being provided by Shrewsbury High School.

This trip is free!


At the end of the day there will be a short Showcase Performance for parents (which will take place at 3:00pm)  If parents or relatives would like to attend this performance please book a free ticket using Eventbrite.  See link below.  YOU WILL BE ABLE TO COLLECT YOUR CHILD AFTERWARDS AND TAKE THEM HOME.

Parent Showcase Eventbrite Link

Information for Parents/Relatives

If you are going to watch the concert please do not arrive before 3.00pm and to enter SHS school site through the car park gate off Crescent Lane, SY1 1TR. Please note we do not have parking on the school site for parents. We will be asking parents to sign in when they arrive at the gate using the list drawn from Eventbrite. There will be tea/coffee available for parents when they arrive and students / staff on hand to direct them to the correct location.

ALL OTHER CHILDREN WILL WALK BACK TO COLEHAM SCHOOL WITH SCHOOL STAFF FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.45pm.  Please collect your child from the front of school unless they are going to an After School Club.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Gardening Club

Our Year 4 Gardening Club has got off to a great start!  Thank you to the Street Allotment Project for running this and educating us about growing and planting. The Street Allotment Project will be with us at our up and coming Plant & Craft Fair.  They will be happy to offer any gardening advice and tips so please have a chat with them!

Class Mixing – Year R/Year 2/Year 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

At Coleham, we mix our classes at the end of EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4.  Soon, our staff will begin the process of organising the new classes for the next academic year and we want to let you know about the process and its benefits so that you are more informed and better able to support your child if they have any anxieties about the process.

 Mixing the 2 classes widens our children’s social horizons, allowing them to make new realtionships with children they perhaps don’t know so well.  Eventually, all the children will be forced to make new relationships when they transition to secondary school, and we find that children from Coleham, and other schools that mix, fare better than others when this time comes.

Our experience tells us that many children have made new friendships after a class mix, whilst retaining and strengthening existing friendships.  Making these new relationships (including those between children’s families) helps to further grow and strengthen our school community.  In addition, there may be negative relationships between some children in-class that can be broken.

It is natural for your children to be wary about being in a ‘new’ class, however, please remember that your children already know all (or most) of the children in their year group.  For some, it can feel as if they are moving to a completely new class in a completely new school with new, unknown children, but this is not the case.  Any children in their current class who are mixed into a different class will still be there at playtimes, and they will remain with many of the children they are currently with, whatever the mix.

The process of mixing is not a light undertaking.  We know the children really well here at Coleham, and we have a good understanding of the relationships in and out of class.  When mixing classes, we do not rely on any one source of information, but instead use a combination of soures to ensure that the best mixes are arrived at.  To find the best mixes:

  • we consult the children in a child-friendly way over their preferences;
  • we make use of ‘sociograms’, where relationships are mapped out through survey data;
  • we work as a team to use our professional knowledge of relationships, both social and work-wise;
  • we will also consult parents.

I attach a link to an optional form where you can, confidentially, share any strong feelings you may have about the makeup of the mixed classes; the form is not compulsory.  Please be assured that we will seriously consider any parental recommendations or feelings, but cannot guarantee anything at this point.  We are most likely already fully aware of positive and negative relationships that your children have, but if you are concerned, I recommend you fill the form out.  If you choose to use the forms, please fill out one form per child.

EYFS Class Mixing Form

 YEAR 2 Mixing Form

 YEAR 4 Class Mixing Form

These forms will automatically close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 21st April.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

Woodland Work

Year 4 have enjoyed their series of woodland work sessions this Spring.  For their final session, the children enjoyed eating ‘Smores’ around the fire pit and had a bushy tailed visitor in the form of Miss Armstrong’s pet rabbit Coco.

Yr 4 Residential to PGL!

We had an amazing overnight stay at PGL at Boreatton Park! We spent an action-packed two days abseiling, trapeze jumping, swinging from a giant structure, problem solving and scooting, as well as enjoying team-building and singing songs around the campfire. Year 4 showed incredible bravery in facing their fears, determination in completing challenges, resilience in coping with being away from home and unwavering support of their peers. They were a credit to themselves and our school. You can watch their best memories here:

Yr 4 Art Afternoon – Kusama-inspired Instillations

Year 4 have been studying the Japanese contemporary artist, Yayoi Kusama, who is famous for her mirrored ‘infinity rooms’ and dotty instillations. We were lucky enough to have two parent volunteers helping us to create our own mini-instillations inspired by the avant-garde artist!

Rescheduled Trip to Rea Brook Valley Nature Reserve

As part of this term’s Science and Geography curriculum work on Animals and Rivers, Whales will visit Rea Brook Valley Nature Reserve on Thursday 18th April. Whilst at the Nature Reserve, we will take part in a workshop provided by Shropshire Wildlife Trust staff.

We will leave school immediately after morning registration and return around 11.30am. As we will be at school during lunchtime, children will not need to bring in packed lunches for this trip.

The cost for this trip is £5.20 per child, including the workshops. Thank you if you have already paid, if not payment should have been made already via your child’s Arbor account.

Children should wear suitable outdoor clothing (as per Forest School-type activities), with plenty of layers to keep out the cold, and bring along a warm/waterproof coat for possible inclement weather.  Wellington boots will be essential as the paths are very muddy in some places.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Illustrator Talk

To celebrate World Book Week, Years 3 & 4 had a talk from visiting Illustrator Gisela Robinson. Gisela told us about her home country Argentina and how she became an Illustrator later in life after having a family and changing her career.  She showed us some picture book Illustrators from different countries who inspire her and the entire process of sketching and painting for ‘The Book Thief’ book cover she worked on.  Thank you Gisela for sharing your life as an Illustrator with us!

Year 4 Residential Trip to PGL Boreatton Park, Baschurch: 14th – 15th March 2024

In preparation for the impending trip to PGL Boreatton Park, we will be spending some time over the next week or so going through PGL arrangements with the children.  We thought that you also would appreciate a bit of additional information and clarification to help you prepare your child.

Packing & Preparation – see kit list below

  • If possible, choose a soft hold-all rather than a rigid case as this makes storage in the dorms easier and gives the children more space. Please DO NOT WORRY if this is not possible!
  • Please allow your children to be as involved in the packing of their bag as possible, this will help them to be more aware of what they have and where it is – it will also help them when packing for the return home.
  • Ensure your child has plenty of layers as it gets cold on site.

Medication- We will not be taking medications from school, so please send in any meds your child needs, including inhalers, in a container with their name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage. Please let us know some time prior to our visit if your child will be bringing medication so that we can ensure we have all the necessary information on the day of departure.

Thursday morning departure arrangements

The coach will be leaving school at 8.20am prompt to ensure we arrive at the venue for 9.00am. Children will therefore need to be at school for 8.00am please.

Friday afternoon return arrangements

  • We will be leaving PGL Boreatton Park at 3.30pm and expect to arrive back at school around 4pm, depending on the Friday afternoon traffic. We will phone ahead if delayed for any reason. Please watch the noticeboard outside school for any changes.
  • PLEASE WAIT OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL GATES UNTIL ALL BAGS HAVE BEEN UNLOADED – you will be able to greet your children before collecting bags.
  • Be aware that your child’s wellies/wet clothes bag may have become separated from their main bag – please ensure you collect ALL your child’s belongings.

Finally, a reminder that any outstanding payments for this trip should be settled by Friday 8th March (unless you have already contacted the school to arrange an extension to the payment schedule).

Hopefully, this information will help avoid any last minute worries or queries.  Your cooperation in these matters will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to the smooth running of the trip.

Many thanks in anticipation,

Miss Armstrong & Miss Lewis

Year 4 PGL Boreatton Kit List

Date of Visit: Thursday 14th – 15th March 2024

If possible, choose a small holdall rather than a rigid case as this makes storage in the dorms easier and gives the children more space. Please DO NOT worry if this is not possible.


  • Warm waterproof coat
  • Waterproof trousers are advisable
  • Wellingtons or walking boots
  • 2 pairs of trainers
  • Hat and gloves – NO scarves
  • 3 complete change of clothes (leggings/joggers – NOT jeans, vest, long sleeve top, jumper/fleece)
  • 3 sets of underwear
  • 3 pairs of socks (long enough to cover ankles)
  • Washing kit – soap, flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, non-aerosol deodorant (if necessary) and hair ties for long hair
  • Towel
  • Nightwear
  • Slippers (if preferred)
  • 1 small teddy/cuddly toy
  • 1 book
  • Water bottle – not glass
  • Bin bag/plastic bag for wet clothes
  • Medication – if required
  • Maximum of £5 spending money – to be placed in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and amount enclosed written on the outside and ready to hand to the class teacher.

Bedding will be supplied by the Centre.

Please DO NOT bring any food, sweets and snacks, no jewellery, electronic devices and games, cameras or mobile phones.



Dolphins Trip to the Reabrook

Despite the rain putting a dampener on our plans, our visit to the Reabrook was nothing short of an adventure! While the weather may have altered our course, we made the most of our time by embarking on a picturesque walk along the length of the brook. Along the way, we engaged in captivating discussions about the Reabrook’s history, turning our journey into an educational experience filled with fascinating river facts. Despite the downpour, the children’s spirits remained undaunted, relishing every moment spent in the great outdoors.

Whales Visit to Messy Vintage

We had a great time visiting the elderly people at ‘Messy Vintage’ where we read and discussed our books with them, learnt to sing ‘A Little Love’ and made paper heart crafts. It was a lovely intergenerational meeting!

Chinese New Year Celebration Day



The children have been learning about the upcoming celebration of Chinese New Year.    Years 1, 4 and 6 were involved in the Chinese New Year workshop, where they learnt about the story of Chinese New Year, experienced listening to traditional instruments and took part in a dragon dance!  2024 is the year of the Dragon!

The rest of the school have been busy celebrating too, through activities and lessons planned by teachers and for lunch we had a special menu.

Fact:  Did you know many people now use the term ‘Lunar New Year’?  This is because festivals in other countries take place at the same time and with many of the same traditions as in China.




















Rea Brook Valley Nature Reserve Trip

As part of this term’s Science and Geography curriculum work on Animals and Rivers, Year 4 will visit Rea Brook Valley Nature Reserve on Thursday 8th February. Whilst at the Nature Reserve, each class wiil take part in a workshop provided by Shropshire Wildlife Trust staff.

Dolphins class will leave school immediately after morning registration and return around 11.30am; Whales will leave school at 12.15pm (following an early lunch sitting) and return round 2.45pm. As both classes will be at school during lunchtime children will not need to bring in packed lunches for this trip.

The cost for this trip is £5.20 per child, including the 2 workshops. Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to 8th February please.

Children should wear suitable outdoor clothing (as per Forest School-type activities), with plenty of layers to keep out the cold, and bring along a warm/waterproof coat for possible inclement weather.  Wellington boots will be essential as the paths are very muddy in some places.

 Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Chinese New Year workshop for Years 1, 4 and 6

On Thursday 1st February, we will be celebrating Chinese New Year in school. We have arranged for Years 1, 4 and 6 to take part in a Chinese New Year workshop in school on this day. During the day, the children will take part in a number of activities to learn more about this celebration. The workshop involves 15 metre dragons and a range of Chinese instruments and will allow children to experience some of the traditions associated with Chinese New Year.

We would be very grateful if parents could contribute £3.70 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop.

Many thanks,

Miss Melville

EYFS Teacher/ R.E. Leader

International Food Market

We like to try new events and we were so pleased to see the turn out for our International Food Market with tasters from Spain, Greece, Germany, China, India, Italy and Poland.  It was lovely to see so many children excited about trying new foods with their families.  Thank you to everybody for coming along and donating items and especially those families who spent time preparing home-made dishes.  Sharing food with the people we love is one of life’s greatest joys and we would love to hear your feedback so we can do more food based events together.

Cultural Speakers

For International Day, we had 6 family guest speakers tell them all about their home countries.

Emiliia’s Dad spoke of living in Kyiv, Ukraine and their traditional dress and food such as sour soup ‘Borshch’ . The children learnt how to count to 10 and other Ukrainian greetings.

Romilly’s Dad lived in Poland as a child and told the children about ‘Name Day’ their equivalent Birthday celebration and bought them all a goody bag.

Lucho’s Mum visited Lions class to talk about life in Ecuador and how indigenous people live in the jungle.  It was fascinating!

We also had visitors in Yr 6 and Reception.

Thank you so much to all our parents for sharing their real life, personal experiences.



Christmas Panto!

It was with great organisation that we took the whole school (450 adults and children) to watch Jack and the Beanstalk.  Just the office ladies left back at school manning the fort and eating all the Christmas chocolates!

It was an incredible performance from Brad Fitt and the cast, fabulous scenery and spectacular costumes! The children were all dancing in the rows for finale song.  A real treat for the children to visit the theatre!

Merry Christmas to you all

Christmas wouldn’t be complete for us without our Staff Christmas Video!  This started during Covid so we could connect with our families and children at home but has become a much loved Coleham tradition for us all.  It’s our special gift to the children and a way to say Merry Christmas to the many people in our community that help us make our school what it is, to our parents, volunteers, local shop keepers, club leaders, pre-schools, resident artists and musicians and all the organisations we partner with.

Watching the children’s reaction on Monday was priceless.  We are always teaching our children to be creative, try something new and give it a go, so it’s great for them to see our staff be a little silly and push themselves outside of their comfort zone (of course some of us love the limelight, mentioning no names!)

This year’s video backing scenes have been created using the children’s art work.  The children thought they were entering into a Christmas card competition.

We really hope you enjoy this year’s production and it goes without saying that this film would not be possible without the incredibly talented, legendary Mr Williams who directs and edits us all to perfection.  Always smiling, keeping us calm and on a very tight filming schedule!  Bravo Mr Williams!


Coleham Christmas Parade 2023

Well it didn’t rain on our Parade! Thank you to the special folk in our community for dressing up as the nativity cast, to the musicians and of course our furry, four legged friends for entertaining us.  It was great to see so many parents spectate.  The real Santa came to visit with our very own Mrs Claus.  Did you spot our favourite Caretaker from Boogie Wonderland?

Read the Shropshire Star Article


Year 4 Residential Trip to PGL Boreatton Park, Baschurch: 14th – 15th March 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At Coleham we are always looking for ways that we can make children’s education more exciting and interesting and also to provide a broad range of experiences for our children.  We have run a residential trip for year 4 pupils for a number of years now and it has always proved to be very successful.

The positive effect that a residential visit has on children is huge – children become more confident and independent; develop stronger, more cooperative and understanding relationships with their peers; and they learn to organise themselves away from. It also enhances the children’s experiences and the school curriculum.

This year we have chosen to take the children to PGL Boreatton Park. We will be leaving school at 8.20am on the morning of Thursday 14th March (children to be at school for 8.00am prompt please) and will return around 4pm on Friday 15th March.  Whilst there, they will take part in a variety of exciting team-building/ problem-solving activities appropriate for their age group/abilities.

The cost of the trip is £160.00 per child, including transport, accommodation, food, supervised activities, equipment and insurance. We recognise that this is a significant sum of money so have broken it down into two instalments of £80.00. We would be grateful if you could pay the first instalment by 31st January 2024 and the remainder of the trip balance by Friday 8th March 2024. The payments have been set up on Arbor and can be paid at your convenience any time from today’s date.

If you are worried about making full payment by the given deadline, please do come and talk to me or contact the office: we can extend the payment schedule to give you more time to cover the cost.

If your child is worried about any aspect of the residential trip, please do not worry as class teachers have plenty of time to prepare the children.

We will contact you again nearer the date of the trip to go over the finer details and address any outstanding queries you or your child may have.

This trip will be an amazing experience and we hope very much that all our Year 4 pupils will attend. If, however, your child WILL NOT be attending the trip, please do let the class teacher know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Year 4 Sewing Project

Year 4 have been very busy, analysing, designing and making their very own Roman purses. There were some impressive sewing skills observed, with children accurately completing a running stitch. The children showcased excellent craftsmanship, ambition, and perseverance throughout the project.

A special thank you goes to the group of parent volunteers who very kindly came in and helped the children in completing their sewing project.

Yr 4 Roman Day

We had a brilliant Roman Day dressed in our Roman finery! In the morning, we created Roman shields and marvellous mosaics; in the afternoon, we enjoyed a carousel of activities including gladiator stage combat, legionnaire training and an aqueduct challenge! We finished off the day by watching our gladiator friends perform in the Coleham Colosseum and ended proceedings with a rousing chorus of the Latin marching song ‘Legio Aeterna Victrix’.

Watch the exhilarating spectacle here:

Landscape Architect Visit for Year 4

As part of careers week, Andrew came to talk to Year 4 about being a landscape architect: designing parks, play areas and regeneration areas. He even showed us a video of an innovation water feature in a park in Chicago. Andrew also told us all about how he became a landscape architect and the skills we needed to follow this career path.

Parents Evening – Booking Appointments

You are now able to book you Autumn Term Parent Consultation meeting.  Parent Consultations will be held in your child’s classroom, and the dates for all parent consultations are:

  • Wednesday 8th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 9th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

A very wet Football Competition!

Wow, the weather couldn’t have chosen a worse time! A massive congratulations to all the children who participated in tonight’s football competition. For many of you, it was your first time representing Coleham, and I was incredibly proud of each and every one of you. You played brilliantly as a team, showcasing excellent football skills, and you persevered through the rain, refusing to let the wet and cold deter you from giving your best.

An extra special shout-out to the Year 3’s who made it to the semi-finals and ended up in 4th place overall out of 11 teams.

Yr 4 Roman Chester Trip

We had a brilliant time in the city of Deva learning all about life as a Roman!

We became legionnaires of Chester under the strict command of Lupis, the Roman centurion. We marched through the city to the Roman gardens and practised drills including stabbing with our (foam) gladiuses and making a tortoise formation with our scutums! 🛡️

We also travelled back in time on a ship from Roma to Deva, rowing in time to a drum. When we landed, we explored the interesting food at the market (dormice, milk-fattened slugs and flamingo tongues!). We also visited the bathhouse where we learned that Romans cleaned with oil and strigils and we know all about what the sponges on sticks were used for! 😳 We watched a virtual fight between a murmillo and a gladiator with an unfortunate end. Then we just had time to visit the real life amphitheatre and see its ruins. 🎭

Watch us descend on Deva below: