Merry Christmas to you all

Christmas wouldn’t be complete for us without our Staff Christmas Video!  This started during Covid so we could connect with our families and children at home but has become a much loved Coleham tradition for us all.  It’s our special gift to the children and a way to say Merry Christmas to the many people in our community that help us make our school what it is, to our parents, volunteers, local shop keepers, club leaders, pre-schools, resident artists and musicians and all the organisations we partner with.

Watching the children’s reaction on Monday was priceless.  We are always teaching our children to be creative, try something new and give it a go, so it’s great for them to see our staff be a little silly and push themselves outside of their comfort zone (of course some of us love the limelight, mentioning no names!)

This year’s video backing scenes have been created using the children’s art work.  The children thought they were entering into a Christmas card competition.

We really hope you enjoy this year’s production and it goes without saying that this film would not be possible without the incredibly talented, legendary Mr Williams who directs and edits us all to perfection.  Always smiling, keeping us calm and on a very tight filming schedule!  Bravo Mr Williams!


Coleham Christmas Parade 2023

Well it didn’t rain on our Parade! Thank you to the special folk in our community for dressing up as the nativity cast, to the musicians and of course our furry, four legged friends for entertaining us.  It was great to see so many parents spectate.  The real Santa came to visit with our very own Mrs Claus.  Did you spot our favourite Caretaker from Boogie Wonderland?

Read the Shropshire Star Article


Yr 3 Christmas Cheer

The children in Year 3 have been supporting the children in Ukraine. They have collected reading books and made personal Christmas Cards to a number of children who have lost loved family members through the war.  These items are all being sent over to the Ukraine on Friday.  Well done Year 3 for your kindness to others.

Careers Talks in Year 3

Year 3 have had lots of chat about what we want to be when we grow up this week as we had visits from two Coleham parents to tell us about their careers. On Thursday, Mrs Renshaw told us about life as a restorer, guilder and decorative artist. We loved handling some of her beautifully crafted work including dolls house furniture she made as a child!
This morning, Mr Slogrove spoke to us about being an engineer for Wales Air Ambulance. We were fascinated to learn how helicopters stay in the air and how they take off and land safely. The children engaged really well with both talks and asked lots of interesting questions.


Parents Evening – Booking Appointments

You are now able to book you Autumn Term Parent Consultation meeting.  Parent Consultations will be held in your child’s classroom, and the dates for all parent consultations are:

  • Wednesday 8th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 9th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

A very wet Football Competition!

Wow, the weather couldn’t have chosen a worse time! A massive congratulations to all the children who participated in tonight’s football competition. For many of you, it was your first time representing Coleham, and I was incredibly proud of each and every one of you. You played brilliantly as a team, showcasing excellent football skills, and you persevered through the rain, refusing to let the wet and cold deter you from giving your best.

An extra special shout-out to the Year 3’s who made it to the semi-finals and ended up in 4th place overall out of 11 teams.

Year 3 Stone Age Workshop

We are excited to share with you that on Tuesday 7th November, we will be welcoming Widget Workshops in to share a ‘Stone Age’ day with Year 3.  As we have no other way of funding the workshop we would be grateful if parents can contribute £6.80 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about Stone Age life including time spent in our woodland area looking at housing and using Virtual Reality headsets to experience famous Stone Age locations.  The children really loved this interactive element last year.  Please let us know if you do not want your child to take part in the VR headset experience.

As we will be going outside, please send your children into school in non-uniform with suitable outdoor shoes and waterproofs to change into when needed.

We are really looking forward to sharing this experience with the year group and will be sure to upload photos of the day on Dojo after the event!

Stone Age Museum Trip

Year 3 had a great time on their visit to the museum this morning. They hunted mammoths, handled artefacts and had a go at learning some essential Stone Age skills such as grinding corn, making spears and weaving willow to make a wall.  A big thank you to Shrewsbury Museum who provided this workshop in exchange for feedback from the children. They said it was “AWESOME!”

Swimming – Year 3 Turtles

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Thursday morning for 5 weeks, starting 26th October and ending 30th November (excluding 2nd November, which is half term week).

Although the hire of the pool is taken in to account when setting the school budget, the cost of the transport is not. We are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £18.60 from each pupil towards the cost of the coach hire.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account, by 26th October please. Thank you.

Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.

National Poetry Day.

Today we celebrated National Poetry Day by welcoming local poet Michael Carding to Coleham. Michael started off the morning with an assembly for the KS2 children. Here he shared some of his poems which the children loved. After this he spent some time with Dolphins and Whales learning all about poetry.


This half term, several classes – Hedgehogs, Owls, Starfish, and Dolphins – have been participating in weekly cricket sessions led by Mr. Smith from the Shropshire Cricket Board. Over the course of these sessions, the children have been steadily improving and learning new cricket skills. They are now excited to showcase their progress by participating in mini games next week.


Starfish visit Arts Trail Exhibition

We had such a lovely trip to Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery this morning. What a fantastic display of work by some world famous artists such as Matisse, Banks, Damien Hurst, Salvador Dali and many more! How lucky are we to have this world famous art in Shrewsbury! The children were inspired to do some art of their own. We recommend you visit in the school holidays!

A massive thank you to SM&AG for opening early for us!


Yr 3 Egyptian Day

To wrap up their Egyptian topic Year 3 had an Egyptian theme day. They unwrapped their mummified oranges, made papyrus paper, played the Egyptian game Senet and had a costume parade. What a fantastic day!

Year 3 Recorder Concert

Well done to the Year 3 children who gave a brilliant performance to their parents this afternoon. The children have been learning to play the recorder in their music lessons with Mrs Porrett and they got the audience’s feet tapping and hands clapping as they showed off their skills with four fantastic musical pieces.

School Food Roadshow

Wow, Years 3-5 had an absolute blast with The School Food Roadshow!!! Learning about healthy eating, food groups and cookery has never been so much FUN! A big Thank you to Chef Ben for hosting and talking to us about his superpower ADHD.  Team Red Chillies were the Cookery Champions with their Chicken Noodle dish and runners up Team Green Peppers made a delicious Lentil Curry. Thank you to our School Caterers ‘Academy’ for organising this fantastic event!


Starfish visit to Messy Vintage

The children from Starfish class spent a lovely hour playing games and chatting with some older members of the community at their recent get-together at the United Reform Church. They were also joined by Mrs Porrett, who helped them to perform a cheerful song that was enjoyed by all. It was great to see two different generations come together and connect so well.


Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

What another fantastic Sports Day for the year 3 & 4 children! Well done to each and everyone of you, you were all incredible. There was such a brilliant atmosphere and a great team spirit, cheering each other on.

Severn were the winners, Greyfriars runners up, Darwin in 3rd place and Quarry in 4th.


Year 3 visit to Liverpool Museum

Year 3 had a fantastic time exploring the World Museum in Liverpool. They journeyed along the Nile and through the Ancient Egyptian display, where they explored various aspects of life in ancient Egypt and even saw some real Egyptian mummies! In their workshop, they were able to study and handle genuine artefacts. They also took the opportunity to visit the Walker Gallery just around the corner, where they viewed a wide range of art from classical to modern.

Gallery Exhibition

We were thrilled to see Art from every year group in a real Art exhibition!  Coleham Art is displayed all week at the Belle Vue Arts Festival gallery at the Barnabas Centre in Coleham. The gallery features 50 local Artists plus the work of 420 Coleham School Artists in a range of media.  The children’s work was based on this years festival theme ‘Heroes’.  The whole school has visited the exhibition to view their work and were given guided tours by the Artists themselves, how special!  Even Batman turned up!  Thank you to Artists Sue Mann, Gisela Robinson, Clifford Hannah and Pete Fricker for showing us around.  It was really impressive and a lovely experience.

Year 3 trip to Liverpool museum & Walker art gallery

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of this term’s History curriculum work on the Ancient Egyptians, we have arranged for Year 3 to visit Liverpool Museum and The Walker Art Gallery on Friday 9th June.   We will be leaving school at 8.15am in order to get there at a reasonable time so ask that children arrive at 8.00am that morning. We will return at approximately 4:30pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £15.15, which includes entrance fees/workshops and transport.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Year 3 Choral Day

Year 3 had a brilliant time at Shrewsbury High School for a Choral day with other schools.  The staff and children learnt 4 songs and sections were overlapped to create harmonies and rhythms.  This was a great experience to be part of a large choir and the day ended with a showcase concert to parents.  The Coleham children were an absolute credit to our school.  Thank you SHS for this musical opportunity!


Year 3 Choral Day trip to Shrewsbury High School

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 3 have been invited to attend a Choir Day at Shrewsbury High School on Tuesday 9th May 2023.  Some other local schools will also be attending to make up a choir of over 200 pupils.

We will be walking to Shrewsbury High School for 10:00am.

Your child will need to bring a coat and waterbottle.  Shrewsbury High School will be providing lunch for every pupil which will include a hot dog (meat and vegan), crisps, fruit, water and a biscuit bar as well as a snack and a drink in the afternoon.

This trip is free.


 A the end of the day there will be a short Showcase Performance for parents (which will take place at 3:00pm)  If parents or relatives would like to attend this performance please book a free ticket using Eventbrite.  See link below.  YOU WILL BE ABLE TO COLLECT YOUR CHILD AFTERWARDS

 Please complete this forms link if you will be collecting from the event.  This is so Teachers know who to look out for before wlaking back to school.

 Information for Parents/Relatives

 If you are going to watch the concert please do not arrive before 3.00pm and to enter our school site through the car park gate off Crescent Lane, SY1 1TR. Please note we do not have parking on the school site for parents. We will be asking parents to sign in when they arrive at the gate using the list drawn from Eventbrite. There will be tea/coffee available for parents when they arrive and students / staff on hand to direct them to the correct location.

ALL OTHER CHILDREN WILL WALK BACK TO COLEHAM SCHOOL FOR APPROXIMATELY 4:00pm.  Please collect your child from the front of school unless they rae going to After School Club.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager


Yr 3 Artists

Year 3 are studying Artist Georgie O’Keefe and have been practising her techniques by sketching the flowers in The Dingle,Quarry Park.

World Book Day

We love WORLD BOOK DAY at COLEHAM.  Our Reading Leader Mrs Young started the morning by talking on the radio about all our activities in school.  If you want to listen click the link below:

We’ve all had lots of fun dressing up as characters or in our comfy reading clothes.

Every class has visited our Pop-up Book Shop to select a World Book Day book to take home and lots of classes are popping out of school to GO EVERYWHERE AND READ.

Take a look at our brilliant costumes!


Yr 3 Creative Writing Workshop

Year 3 had a brilliant Creative Writing workshop delivered by Author James Nichol.  We heard how he incorporates real life objects into his stories such as two old biscuit tins in The Spell Tailors and inspiration from Japanese needlework Sashiko which was believed to ward off evil spirits.  The ‘odd objects’ workshop really inspired Year 3 and produced some fantastic writing!

Author Visit

YES, it’s our WORLD BOOK WEEK! We kicked it off with a fantastic visit from librarian and children’s author James Nichol.  James is author of The Apprentice Witch series and new novel The Spell Tailors.  The plot involves stitching magic and memories into clothing and we heard how James weaves everyday objects and memories from his childhood into his story.

Later in the afternoon, we had a book signing event in the library and of course we have bought copies to read in school!

Thank you to James for travelling to see us, we loved hosting you.

Some lovely feedback below from James too!






Year 3 Assembly

Year 3 showcased everything they have been learning in class to their parents.  They talked about plastic pollution and caring for their planet, some gymnastics and art.

Swimming – Year 3 Turtles

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Friday afternoon for 5 weeks, starting 3rd March and ending 31st March (inclusive), leaving around 1.15pm by coach provided by Birch Travel, and returning approx. 3.00pm.

Although the hire of the pool is taken in to account when setting the school budget, the cost of the transport is not. We are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £18.00 from each pupil towards the cost of the coach hire.  Payment should be made via your child’s ParentPay account in the usual way, by 28th February please.

 We are asking parents to complete a Swimming Ability form for their child so we can organise the groups by their proficiency in the water. A link to the form is given below:

We would be grateful if you could complete this form by Tuesday 28th February in order that we have sufficient time to sort out ability groups.

 Please ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.

Yr 3 Sealife Centre

Year 3 visited the Sealife Centre in Birmingham to appreciate beauty of the natural world and take part in a workshop about plastic pollution. The children had a great time and have been considering the ways in which we can all change our actions to protect our oceans.