
This half term, several classes – Hedgehogs, Owls, Starfish, and Dolphins – have been participating in weekly cricket sessions led by Mr. Smith from the Shropshire Cricket Board. Over the course of these sessions, the children have been steadily improving and learning new cricket skills. They are now excited to showcase their progress by participating in mini games next week.


End of Universal Free School Meals Entitlement for Year 2 Pupils

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meal (“UIFSM”) Scheme, Coleham School provides all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 with school meals free of charge.

As your child will be progressing to Year 3 in September 2023, their entitlement to UIFSM will come to an end on Friday 21st July 2023 and you will be required to pay for school meals going forward. A school meal costs £2.40 per day and is payable by your child’s Arbor account (the school will cease using ParentPay at the end of the Summer term). You will be able to pay in September once we have set up the new system.

If your child would like a school meal they let the teacher know when they call out the register in the morning.

If you think you may be eligible for the Benefit-based Free School Meal Scheme please click on the link below to be directed to Shropshire Council’s FSM page where you can find information about eligibility and an online application form:

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Yr 2 Shrewsbury Museum Trip

On Thursday, year 2 spent the day at SM&AG. We enjoyed exploring the different galleries and displays, interacting with the exhibits and sketching our favourite artwork.

We also had a wonderful art/history workshop with Hannah and Sasha from the museum team, who taught us about the history of the quarry. We walked into the quarry to do some sketching then brought out drawings back with us to inspire our own ink prints.

The children were engaged and had many compliments from the museum volunteers and members of the public!

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

What an incredible Sports Day for our youngest pupils! Well done to our Year 6 Sports Leaders for their organisation in running the event.  There was some brilliant running, egg & spoon races and everyones favourite, the House Team water race.  The sense of community from children and families and team spirit shone through! Lots of happy faces everywhere! Thank you for joining us.  Congratulations to Greyfriars for winning the House Cup for Sports Day.


Multi-skills festival

All children in Owls class took part in a multi-skills festival at Prestfelde. They did a carousal of events, such as, long jump, tennis, cricket and javelin. They had a great day altogether and all showed brilliant teamwork and perseverance.

Year 2’s trip to the Dingle

After studying the history of the Quarry, year 2 took a trip to the Dingle to look out for the Harley Stone, Shoemaker’s shrine and did some super sketching. The children loved seeing the ducklings and baby moorhens swimming around local artist Jacob Chandler’s steel sculpture ‘Poise and Tension III’, which is featured in this year’s Shrewsbury Arts Trail.

Gallery Exhibition

We were thrilled to see Art from every year group in a real Art exhibition!  Coleham Art is displayed all week at the Belle Vue Arts Festival gallery at the Barnabas Centre in Coleham. The gallery features 50 local Artists plus the work of 420 Coleham School Artists in a range of media.  The children’s work was based on this years festival theme ‘Heroes’.  The whole school has visited the exhibition to view their work and were given guided tours by the Artists themselves, how special!  Even Batman turned up!  Thank you to Artists Sue Mann, Gisela Robinson, Clifford Hannah and Pete Fricker for showing us around.  It was really impressive and a lovely experience.

CLASS MIXING (EYFS / Year 2 / Year 4)

At Coleham, we mix our classes at the end of EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4.  Soon, our staff will begin the process of organising the new classes for the next academic year and we want to let you know about the process and its benefits so that you are more informed and better able to support your child if they have any anxieties about the process.

Mixing the 2 classes widens our children’s social horizons, allowing them to make new realtionships with children they perhaps don’t know so well.  Eventually, all the children will be forced to make new relationships when they transition to secondary school, and we find that children from Coleham, and other schools that mix, fare better when this time comes.

Many children have made new friendships after a class mix, whilst retaining and strengthening existing friendships.  Making these new relationships (including those between children’s families) helps to further grow and strengthen our school community.  In addition, there may be negative relationships between some children in-class that can be broken.

It is natural for you children to be wary about being in a ‘new’ class, however, please remember that your children already know all (or most) of the children in their year group.  For some, it can feel as if they are moving to a completely new class in a new school with new, unknown children, but this is not the case.  Any children in their current class who are mixed into a different class will still be there at playtimes, and they will remain with many of the children they are currently with, whatever the mix.

The process of mixing is not a light undertaking.  We know the children really well here at Coleham, and we have a good understanding of the relationships in and out of class.  When mixing classes, we do not rely on any one source of information, but instead use a combination of soures to ensure that the best mixes are arrived at.  To find the best mixes:

  • we consult the children in a child-friendly way over their preferences;
  • we make use of ‘sociograms’, where relationships are mapped out through survey data;
  • we work as a team to use our professional knowledge of relationships, both social and work-wise;
  • we will also consult parents.

I attach a link to an optional form where you can, confidentially, share any strong feelings you may have about the makeup of the mixed classes; the form is not compulsory.  Please be assured that we will seriously consider any parental recommendations or feelings, but cannot guarantee anything at this point.  We are most likely fully aware of positive and negative relationships that your children have, but if you are concerned, I recommend you fill the form out.  If you choose to use the forms, please fill out on

EYFS Class Mixing Form

 YEAR 2 Mixing Form

 YEAR 4 Class Mixing Form

These forms will automatically close at 4:00 pm on Friday 28th April.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Larkham

Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher

The first chick has hatched!

A lot of cheeping can be heard behind the curtain in Rabbits classroom.  That’s right our first chick has hatched!

How egg-citing!




Today EYFS and KS1 had a storytelling visit from Sal Tonge who brought her chatterbox and guitar with her to entertain us all.

She then delivered workshops to EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2., lots of singing, stories and communication.



World Book Day

We love WORLD BOOK DAY at COLEHAM.  Our Reading Leader Mrs Young started the morning by talking on the radio about all our activities in school.  If you want to listen click the link below:

We’ve all had lots of fun dressing up as characters or in our comfy reading clothes.

Every class has visited our Pop-up Book Shop to select a World Book Day book to take home and lots of classes are popping out of school to GO EVERYWHERE AND READ.

Take a look at our brilliant costumes!


Year 2 Class Assembly

This week Year 2 held their class assemblies and showcased what they’ve been learning to their families.  They sang a fractions song, performed a dance routine, read their writing about safety and including us in a interactive audience quiz on Charles Darwin plus lots more.  Well done Owls and Rabbits.

Year 2 Darwin Trip

Year 2 visited Bear Steps Art Gallery today as part of their Charles Darwin topic.  We learnt about his early life and family and his voyage on HMS Beagle.




Chinese New Year

Today we all celebrated Chinese New Year in school with each class learning about the festival.  Year 1, 2 & 4 were treated to a Chinese Dragon Musical workshop. It was Amazing! We also had a delicious Chinese Lunch.

Watch the video of Leopards Class Lion Dance for Chinese New Year.



As part of this term’s cross-curricular work, we have arranged for Year 2 to visit The Bear Steps Gallery to see the Charles Darwin exhibition by the Shrewsbury Civic Society, which tells the story of his formative years in Shrewsbury to his return from his five year voyage aboard HMS Beagle.

The visit will take place on Monday 6th February:

  • Owls class will leave school at 9.30am and return around 11.30am; and
  • Rabbits class will leave school at 1.00pm and return for 3.00pm.

As the children will be walking to and from The Bear Steps Gallery, please ensure they wear comfortable footwear on the day of the trip and that they bring a coat in with them, in case of inclement weather.

There is no cost to the trip and children DO NOT need spending money. Nor will they need a packed lunch as lunchtime will not be affected by the trip.

Monday is normally Owls’ day for woodland work. We ask that the children come in to school wearing their school uniform that morning and bring their Forest School wear in to change into once they return from the trip.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Chinese Dragon Workshop for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4

As part of our religious studies, we have arranged for our Year 1, 2 and 4 pupils to take part in a Chinese New Year Dragon Workshop at school on Thursday 2nd February. Each workshop, provided by Sounds Roadshows, will include activities such as lion and ribbon dancing and music making on authentic Chinese musical instruments, and will feature two fabulously colourful 15 metre dragons. Very exciting!

As we have no other way of funding this workshop we would be extremely grateful if parents could contribute £3.70 per child towards its cost. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account by Wednesday 1st February please.

To mark the Chinese New Year, there will be a Special Menu on Thursday 2nd February

Panto Collection Arrangements for Tuesday

Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope the children are looking forward to attending the Pantomime at Theatre Severn this Tuesday. Please note, children will be arriving back at school later than the typical school day. Therefore, collection arrangements on this day will differ slightly. Please can we ask that on this day children are collected at 5pm. As it is likely to be much darker at this time, please may we ask that you collect your child from the following areas:
EYFS pupils: KS2 nearest to the main school building
Year 1 pupils: KS1 playground via classroom doors
Owls: KS1 playground via classroom door
Rabbits: KS1 playground via door they enter in the morning
To avoid having to return to their classroom for their belongings after the pantomime, please can EYFS pupils leave their bookbags at home on this day.
Kind regards,
Miss Harris


Our EYFS and KS1 children sparkled at their Christmas Nativity. Well done, you were all incredible and performed 3 fantastic shows.  We are so very proud of you all.  A massive THANK YOU must go to Holy Trinity Church and Rev Fi for hosting us and allowing us to take-over the church for a week.  We are so thankful for your generosity and kindness.

Below are some rehearsal pics and video:

Yr 2 Summer Trip

Year 2 enjoyed a team building day in the quarry with lots to see in The Dingle, games to play and got wet and wild in the splash park.  A down pour did not spoil the fun.  What a lovely treat for Owls and Rabbits to end their school year.

Yr 2 Summer Trip

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

The sun shined over Early Years for their first ever sports day.  What speedy running, egg and spooning and team work for the water race.  Lovely encouragement and spirit from the children!  Well done to Greyfriars for lifting the cup this year and being House winners for the 2022 EYFS/KS1 Sports Day.

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

Coleham School Pet

How exciting, Coleham School has its very own pet!  Mrs Stennett and Rabbits Class enjoyed looking after the baby chicks in springtime so much they decided to get their own pet to live in Rabbits Classroom.  Meet Albus the Bearded Dragon (named after Albus Dumbledoor who also has a beard)  Mrs Stennett is a huge Harry Potter fan!  Albus has already been touring the school and popped into singing assembly today to meet everyone.


Yr 2 & 3 Nutrition Workshop

Year 2 and 3 found out what’s good to eat and how to have a balanced diet when a nutritionist visited school to give a nutrition workshop.

Riding Rickshaws

As a treat for Yr 2 after finishing their SATS, they all ride the Rickshaws around the school grounds!  Thank you to the Shropshire Cycle Hub for visiting as part of our Tour de Coleham Cycling week.


Science week-Hatching Chicks

The children are having incredible experiences during our science week. One of the most egg-citing things (sorry!) has been hatching chicks in our classrooms.

We now have ten chicks that have hatched from the eggs and the children are really enjoying watching them and  looking after them.