Year 2 Trip – Visit to Van Gogh Immersive Art Exhibition and The Central Mosque & Islamic Centre, Leicester

As part of this term’s curriculum work (RE and Art) we are taking our Year 2 classes to Leicester to visit the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibition and The Central Mosque and Islamic Centre on Monday 30th September. We will be leaving school at 9.00am and returning around 5.00pm, traffic permitting.

Children should wear their school uniform for this trip and bring along a waterproof coat for possible cold/inclement weather.  No spending money is required.

As Year 2 pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available. All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch order form for your child by close of play, Thursday 26th September, we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

The cost for this trip is £24.00, which includes transport costs, entrance fees and insurance. Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip please.

If you would like to find out more about the Van Gogh Immersive Art Exhibition, please click on the following link:  About the exhibition – Van Gogh – The Immersive Experience (


Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

School Food Roadshow

READY, STEADY COOK!  Wow what an exciting interactive show for our Year 2 children and their families.  Mums Sarah and Hannah cooked a storm with the children and the crowd were entertained.  It was a close call but Team Red Chilli just pipped it with their Sweet and Sour Orange chicken. #healthyeating

Yr 2 Parents Invite for School Food Roadshow

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have an exciting event planned for Year 2 in the last week of term and we would love for parents/carers to join us.

The School Food Roadshow will be visiting to host a live cookery show.  Two teams will have  a live cook off and the children will learn lots about healthy eating along the way!

This will take place on Wednesday 17th July at 9.10am.

Family members are invited to come along on the morning (there is no need to book in, we like to keep things simple and admin free for parents)  If you are working then please do send along the Grandparents who may enjoy a visit into school.

We are looking forward to seeing you for this exciting, interactive show.

Kind regards,

Mrs Field and Mrs Allan


Athlete Adrian Patrick leads Coleham Circuit Training

As a finale to our Olympics Week we were visited by a third medal winner!  Sprinter Adrian Patrick, a Commonwealth Games Gold winner for 4 x 400m relay led the whole school in circuit training.  These intensive 8 minute sessions saw the children do sit ups, press ups, squats and jumps which we all loved.  The perfect Friday morning work out! He talked to us in assembly about always remembering our vision and dream and not being distracted by behaviours that won’t lead us to our end goal.

What a week of incredible experiences.  Thank you to Miss Lewis for all her hard work and meticulous organisation.


Olympics Showcase Song

Our Olympics Festival Day was fantastic and we finished with a showcase song to parents.  Mrs Porrett led the children with ‘We are Shropshire’ and ‘Wavin Flag’.  There is nothing more powerful than when we come together to sing on mass.  Our Coleham Community all together! A lovely end to the day.

Olympics Festival

What a day!  Miss Lewis organised a day off curriculum for our own Olympics Festival.  It started with a whole school run to Paris, the equivalent of 435 miles.  For 20 minutes all the children and staff ran around the schools grounds and it was such fun!  500 happy faces walking, jogging, running to Paris with the music motivating us.

Out Festival contained sports stations entirely run by our year 6 cohort of Sports Leaders who were fantastic at explaining, demonstrating and encouraging the children.  The younger classes were buddied up with older classes working together which was really lovely to see. The children participated in long jump, high jump, relay hurdles, triple jump, an Olympics quiz, shot put before stopping for an outdoor picnic lunch.  In the afternoon the children played badminton, handball, discus, javelin, relay and we finally finished with a  showcase song to parents.  Phew!! What an action-packed day!  Now we are all ready to watch the Olympics starting on 26th July.

Paralympian Mickey Bushell

We were honoured to have Paralympic athlete Mickey Bushell visiting us in school this morning.  He joined our whole school assembly where we watched his gold medal win at the London 2012 Paralympic Games for wheelchair track racing and learnt a little more about his journey to get there.

Children in our year 1 and 2 classes were lucky enough to take part in a Q&A session, where they found out all about him, how he trains, all the different places he has raced and his favourite foods.  The children even got to hold his gold medal!  Thank you so much for coming to join us Mickey!

BVAF Barnabas Gallery

It’s been brilliant to see lots and lots of classes popping out this week and heading over to the Barnabas Centre Art Exhibition for the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Every child has produced a  piece of art for the exhibition and Badgers and Foxes Art has been hung by the Greyfriars Bridge.  Not only do the children get to see their own work displayed but also work from other local artists.  Such a variety to see!  The Exhibition is open Saturday 10-4pm if you would like to see your child’s work.


Yr 2 Parent Lunch

Thank you to lots of parents and grandparents for joining us for lunch today.  It was lovely to have you and the children really enjoyed it!


Year 2 Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a complimentary school lunch at 11.30am on Tuesday 4th June so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Thursday 23rd May so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.

Thank you

Science Week 2024

Thank you to Miss Harris for organising the best Science Week!  This year we explored the theme of ‘time’ in outer space with a visiting Planetarium and through a dinosaur and fossil workshop.  We kicked the week off with a fun assembly from Supersonic Sue who runs Science Cub.  Year 3 learnt all about bees and honey with Shrewsbury School Beekeeping Society students, Year 5 delved into colour experiments with Priory School Science Teacher Tamara and Year 6 had Rory and Dr Nichola visit from Lascell’s Science Manufacturing.

Lascells showcased sound waves using a Rubens Tube, looked at radioactivity with a cloud chamber, demonstrated how stars form using a gravity well and the whoosh bottle was perhaps the most exciting of all.

It is great for Year 6 to dip into some KS3 Science and hear from people in the industry ready for their next steps to Secondary School and future careers.

Overall, we’ve had a brilliant TIME!  See the highlights in our showcase video.


Yr 2 visit the Archives

Year 2 had a fantastic medley of a trip incorporating Geography, History and Art!  They started off at Shrewsbury Museum for a printing workshop, they had their lunch in the Quarry park and took some time to study plants finishing off with a history tour, deep down in the Shrewsbury Archives where they saw documents dating back to 1400! It sounds fascinating!


Class Mixing – Year R/Year 2/Year 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

At Coleham, we mix our classes at the end of EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4.  Soon, our staff will begin the process of organising the new classes for the next academic year and we want to let you know about the process and its benefits so that you are more informed and better able to support your child if they have any anxieties about the process.

 Mixing the 2 classes widens our children’s social horizons, allowing them to make new realtionships with children they perhaps don’t know so well.  Eventually, all the children will be forced to make new relationships when they transition to secondary school, and we find that children from Coleham, and other schools that mix, fare better than others when this time comes.

Our experience tells us that many children have made new friendships after a class mix, whilst retaining and strengthening existing friendships.  Making these new relationships (including those between children’s families) helps to further grow and strengthen our school community.  In addition, there may be negative relationships between some children in-class that can be broken.

It is natural for your children to be wary about being in a ‘new’ class, however, please remember that your children already know all (or most) of the children in their year group.  For some, it can feel as if they are moving to a completely new class in a completely new school with new, unknown children, but this is not the case.  Any children in their current class who are mixed into a different class will still be there at playtimes, and they will remain with many of the children they are currently with, whatever the mix.

The process of mixing is not a light undertaking.  We know the children really well here at Coleham, and we have a good understanding of the relationships in and out of class.  When mixing classes, we do not rely on any one source of information, but instead use a combination of soures to ensure that the best mixes are arrived at.  To find the best mixes:

  • we consult the children in a child-friendly way over their preferences;
  • we make use of ‘sociograms’, where relationships are mapped out through survey data;
  • we work as a team to use our professional knowledge of relationships, both social and work-wise;
  • we will also consult parents.

I attach a link to an optional form where you can, confidentially, share any strong feelings you may have about the makeup of the mixed classes; the form is not compulsory.  Please be assured that we will seriously consider any parental recommendations or feelings, but cannot guarantee anything at this point.  We are most likely already fully aware of positive and negative relationships that your children have, but if you are concerned, I recommend you fill the form out.  If you choose to use the forms, please fill out one form per child.

EYFS Class Mixing Form

 YEAR 2 Mixing Form

 YEAR 4 Class Mixing Form

These forms will automatically close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 21st April.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

Year 2 Trip to Shrewsbury Museum

As part of this term’s History and Geography curriculum work, we have arranged for Year 2 to visit Shrewsbury Museum, the Shrewsbury Archives and the Quarry Park.

  • OWLS’ trip will take place on Thursday 11th April; and
  • RABBITS’ trip will take place go on Thursday 25th

In both cases, the children will leave school at 9.15am and return approx. 2.30pm.

As Year 2 pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available. All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit. They will need to take their own water bottle. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch form for your child by close of play Monday 8th April for OWLS class or Monday 22nd April for RABBITS class we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

As the children will be walking to the various venues, please ensure they wear comfortable footwear on the day of the trip and that they bring a coat in with them, in case of inclement weather.

The cost of the trip is £8.75 per child, payment of which should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Storyteller Visit

For World Book Week local Storyteller Sal Tongue visited all our EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 classes. With a medley of stories, drawing and singing the children followed the key to unlock the story.  There was even a Goldilocks and the three bears rap song.  Thank you Sal for your imagination and energy! A lovely way to end our special week dedicated to reading.

Yr 2 Assessments

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this letter finds you well. I just wanted to write to you in regards to the Year 2 SATs assessments that normally take place in May.

You may have seen in the news recently that the Government have decided to make the Year 2 SATs optional from this year. This means they are no longer compulsory, and that schools can decide whether to take them or not. It also means that schools do not need to publish their data, and that there will be no national figures released.

Assessment is a key part of schools so that teachers are able to identify nest steps for learning and to be able to measure progress.  Assessments at Coleham are teacher assessments, meaning that your child’s teacher will use a bank of evidence to make informed judgements about your child’s attainment in any given subject.  The assessments are not test scores alone, but the scores play an important role in the overall teacher assessment process.  We then use the assessments generated in Year 2 as a benchmark to measure progress as they move through Year 3-6 (Key Stage 2), because Year 2 is the end of Key Stage 1.

The optional SATs in Year 2 mean that school will receive standardised test papers for the children to complete in maths, reading and grammar (writing assessment is a pure teacher assessment based on writing produced over the course of the year).  The Year 2 children will sit these tests in May, as they would do in any other term of the school year, and should not notice anything different.  It is important to note that at no point are the children put under any pressure to succeed: instead, they are encouraged to simply do their best as they are in everything they do.

A lot has been said in recent years about the undue stress and anxiety being generated by these tests and others in later years, but at Coleham, our approach minimises, or even prevents, that becoming an issue.  However, some children will always be nervous around tests, so we urge you to speak to your child’s teacher if this is the case.

If you have any further questions or queries then please do ask.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Young

KS1 Leader

Year 2 – Charles Darwin Workshop

On Monday 5th February Shrewsbury Museum’s “Museum in School” will be coming in to hold a ‘Charles Darwin’ day with Year 2 pupils. Each class will take part in a workshop to learn more about Darwin’s life and work, enriched by a Treasure Box of interesting artefacts for the children to see.

As we have no other way of funding the workshops we would be grateful if parents can contribute £3.40 per child towards their cost. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Thank you

Mrs Allan & Mrs Field

Year 2 Class Teachers

International Food Market

We like to try new events and we were so pleased to see the turn out for our International Food Market with tasters from Spain, Greece, Germany, China, India, Italy and Poland.  It was lovely to see so many children excited about trying new foods with their families.  Thank you to everybody for coming along and donating items and especially those families who spent time preparing home-made dishes.  Sharing food with the people we love is one of life’s greatest joys and we would love to hear your feedback so we can do more food based events together.

Christmas Panto!

It was with great organisation that we took the whole school (450 adults and children) to watch Jack and the Beanstalk.  Just the office ladies left back at school manning the fort and eating all the Christmas chocolates!

It was an incredible performance from Brad Fitt and the cast, fabulous scenery and spectacular costumes! The children were all dancing in the rows for finale song.  A real treat for the children to visit the theatre!

Merry Christmas to you all

Christmas wouldn’t be complete for us without our Staff Christmas Video!  This started during Covid so we could connect with our families and children at home but has become a much loved Coleham tradition for us all.  It’s our special gift to the children and a way to say Merry Christmas to the many people in our community that help us make our school what it is, to our parents, volunteers, local shop keepers, club leaders, pre-schools, resident artists and musicians and all the organisations we partner with.

Watching the children’s reaction on Monday was priceless.  We are always teaching our children to be creative, try something new and give it a go, so it’s great for them to see our staff be a little silly and push themselves outside of their comfort zone (of course some of us love the limelight, mentioning no names!)

This year’s video backing scenes have been created using the children’s art work.  The children thought they were entering into a Christmas card competition.

We really hope you enjoy this year’s production and it goes without saying that this film would not be possible without the incredibly talented, legendary Mr Williams who directs and edits us all to perfection.  Always smiling, keeping us calm and on a very tight filming schedule!  Bravo Mr Williams!


Coleham Christmas Parade 2023

Well it didn’t rain on our Parade! Thank you to the special folk in our community for dressing up as the nativity cast, to the musicians and of course our furry, four legged friends for entertaining us.  It was great to see so many parents spectate.  The real Santa came to visit with our very own Mrs Claus.  Did you spot our favourite Caretaker from Boogie Wonderland?

Read the Shropshire Star Article


EYFS & KS1 Nativity

EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 put on a beautiful nativity performance for us all this week. Performing three shows is impressive at any age so well done to our youngest children!  It left us feeling all Christmassy and very proud of you.  A massive thank you to Holy Trinity for their hospitality and letting us perform in their beautiful church. It is such a special place to perform.



Food & Mood Event

Year 2 had a visit from our Caterers Nutritionist Iona who talked about healthy eating and the effect that food has on our well-being.  Thank you to Academy!


Parents Evening – Booking Appointments

You are now able to book you Autumn Term Parent Consultation meeting.  Parent Consultations will be held in your child’s classroom, and the dates for all parent consultations are:

  • Wednesday 8th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 9th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

Mr Larkham Zoo Keeper

For Careers Week Year 2 had a special talk from Mr Larkham. Mr Larkham told us all about his first ever job as a Zoo Keeper at Chester Zoo.  That’s right Mr L studied zoology at University.  The children learnt what Zoo Keepers do and how to be a Zookeeper.  It was fascinating!  Funny stories and facts galore!


Hindu Visit for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Diwali workshop at school on Friday 10th November. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali and the festival of lights.  The workshop will allow the children to explore making music with authentic Indian instruments and will centre around the story of Rama and Sita and the Festival of Light.

We would be really grateful if parents can contribute £4 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher