Yr 1 Summer Trip

Year 1 visited Haughmond Hill for Hedgehogs and Squirrel’s last trip of the school year enjoying the views of Shropshire.

Yr 1 Summer Trip

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

The sun shined over Early Years for their first ever sports day.  What speedy running, egg and spooning and team work for the water race.  Lovely encouragement and spirit from the children!  Well done to Greyfriars for lifting the cup this year and being House winners for the 2022 EYFS/KS1 Sports Day.

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

Yr 1 Ukulele Concert

Year 1 children have been learning the Ukulele this year in their music lessons.  Our Music teacher, Mrs Porritt, led a brilliant fun and inspiring ukulele concert with our Year 1 classes this morning showing us their progress.

We thoroughly enjoyed performing and hope that parents enjoyed watching too!

Squirrels at Hodnet Hall



Year 1 had a lovely trip to Hodnet Hall Gardens, the children took part in 3 different activities, a guided tour around the gardens, potting a seed and creating a clay model using natural resources from around the gardens. The sun shone for us all day!

Balance Biking

Year 1 had a great time learning some bike basics in their balance bike training.

Well done year 1!

Yr 1 Historic Trip

This weeks trip to the Black Country museum was amazing and the children really enjoyed it. They were so well behaved and represented Coleham superbly. They looked around the old village and went inside the old school. Here we were treated to a lesson and had to learn the alphabet backwards! It was hard! The children had a play with the toys and understood the differences between old and new toys. We were also told about what is was like to live back in the older days.

Author Visit-Katie May Green

Another excellent talk from an author for our book week at Coleham. This time, it’s Katie May Green who wrote ‘Hide and Seek’ and ‘See and not Heard’.  Katie is also an Illustrator and helped Year 1 illustrate victorian portraits.