Plant & Craft Fair Competitions

Please participate in the Children’s Competitions for our Plant & Craft Fair!

We love seeing the wonderful exhibits displayed in the hall on the day of the fair!

Which competition category will you enter?


Plant & Craft Fair

Get involved!

We need volunteers!

Our Parent Event Team have planned the Plant & Craft Fair but we need lots of help on the day!

We are looking for volunteers to help set up or man stalls at our Plant & Craft Fair.  Can you or any older children, grandparents, groups of friends help out for an hour on the tombola, plant stall, treasure hunt, craft table, competitions or refreshments?

If yes, drop us a message on Facebook, tell the office ladies or sign up on the rota at Reception.  Thanks so much, we always appreciate volunteers help.


Coleham Coronation

We will be marking the Coronation of King Charles III in school on Friday 5th May 2023.

This will be a NON-UNIFORM Day and children are invited to dress in red, white and blue clothes or smart party clothes of their choice.

We will be having fun making crowns for a school House Competition.  At lunchtime, we will have an ‘outdoor dining room’ on the playground festooned with bunting and music.  This will be a special picnic lunch menu with special guests invited.  Please see the menu below.

In the afternoon we will be organising a ‘Coleham Conga’ and a royal edition of Britain’s Got Talent!  Each class will be asked to submit an act.

Mrs Porrett is working on a coronation song with the children and you are all invited to School Field at 3:00pm to watch the children perform this.  You may then collect your children at the normal times, from the normal picking up locations.

As usual, we will film all the best bits in a medley celebration video for you all.

What’s happening next week?


Year 2 SATS Week

Tuesday 2nd May- Giraffes Swimming

Wednesday 3rd May- Elephants Swimming

Friday 5th May-Coleham Coronation Celebration

ParentPay Changing to Arbor

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to set up your Arbour App on your phone

We will soon be moving from ParentPay to a platform called Arbor as our way of communicating with you.  If you have not received a link to your personal email or wish to use a different email account , please contact the school office or email us at and we will re-send your login details.

The easiest way to access Arbor is via the Arbor App. Please click on the relevant link below (Android v IOS):

Arbor App for Apple IOS:

Arbor App for Android:

Alternatively, Arbor can be accessed via Web Browser. A link to this is included below:

Access Arbor in a web browser:

Once we have established the communications side of Arbor we will be looking to use it for payments too. We will communicate with you again nearer the time to let you know more about this.



COMING SOON, look out next week for a letter about our new Parent App Arbour.

Here you will be able to view your child’s attendance, update your personal details and emergency contacts and once established make payments for lunches, clubs and trips.

The first stage to introduce this will ask you to set up the app on your phone.

Calling all Gardeners

Our Plant & Craft Fair is coming up soon on Saturday 20th May.


We are in need of any ‘green fingered’ people who might be able to help grow and donate plants for this event.

Can you please ask any relatives or neighbours who might grow or donate some plants ready for our fair.

We really don’t mind what type house plants, veggie plants, herbs etc!

Message from Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers,

Headteacher Ms Jones.jpg

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school this week after the Easter break.  Everyone is well refreshed and ready to start the summer term with energy and enthusiasm.

There is lots to look forward to and some dates for your diaries – please have a look at the Summer Diary dates and also keep an eye on our website Calendar in the Parent’s Area to make sure that you don’t miss out on important events like Sports Day and various trips and Community events.  We are looking forward to seeing many children at the West Mid-show ground on Saturday morning for the half marathon event.

With sport in mind, we have welcomed Mr Halford to our Coleham team this week.  Mr Halford will be teaching the children PE and he will also be leading a number of after school clubs.

In assembly on Monday, I spoke to the children about the importance of being ambitious in everything we do and having big dreams.  It is never too early to inspire our children and with this in mind, we have been working hard on a project to further develop our careers education at Coleham, building in even more opportunities for the children to learn about different careers and jobs.  There is further information on our website and we will let you know more about this project in the near future.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones



Meet our Sports Coach

Hello Parents/Carers,

I have finished my first week at Coleham!  I am really excited to be working at Coleham as I know what fantastic sports opportunities are on offer to the children.  I love all sports and play Rubgy and Basketball in my spare time.  My hope is that all children enjoy their PE lessons and they take this love with them to find a sport or form of excerise to enjoy as an adult.  Please say hello when you see me about and I look forward to seeing you at the Daily Dash at 8.30am.👋


Coming Up After Easter

We return to school on Monday 17th April

Here are the events for the first week back to school:

Monday 17th April- National Offer Day for Primary Reception places for September 2023

Tuesday 18th April- Year 6 Giraffes Swimming

Wednesday 19th April- Year 6 Elephants Swimming

Wednesday 19th April-Parents Event Meeting-Planning the Plant & Craft Fair

Thursday 20th April-Orienteering Sport fixture (selected pupils chosen after Easter)

SENDCO Message

We’ve had a very busy term here at Coleham where all children have taken part in some brilliant activities, from unusual outings to find interesting reading spots during World Book Week, to exciting science and animal visits during Science Week!

This week is World Autism Acceptance Week so please find attached a Newsletter featuring this from Shropshire Parent & Carer council.

Click here: Autism Acceptance Week March Newsletter

Don’t forget to check out the Shropshire Local Offer for lots of activities that are on across our county over Easter.

Click here: Shropshire Easter Activities


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to everyone who attended our School Production of “The Jungle Book” this week.  We are so proud of every child involved, from the actors to the dancers and back stage crew.  A huge thank you, of course, goes to Mrs Stennett, Mrs Morgan, Miss Heap, Miss Cox and all of the other staff involved for their hard work and dedication.  What a way to end a fantastic term here at Coleham!

Today, we have said farewell to Mr Venn, who is relocating to Devon with his family and Miss Talbot who is leaving EYFS for a new school closer to home.  We wish them the best of luck.  It was lovely to see so many Coleham families at the Park Run on Sunday.  The run itself was dedicated to Mr Venn and was the busiest park run in the country on Sunday with 194 children running  – a huge thank you to all who attended.  Mr Venn has inspired so many children and staff at Coleham school to be fit and active.  He has gone above and beyond in every aspect and will be greatly missed by us all.  Of course, we wish him well and hope that he will pop and see us when he is next in Shropshire!

Term starts again on April 17th and we have a busy Summer term planned with house events, trips and sports days.  We are also looking forward to inviting you all into classrooms and, of course, we have some social events planned too.  I hope that you all have a lovely, relaxing break and look forward to seeing you after the break.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Jungle Book Programme Competition


We have had some fantastic entries for our School Production Programme Competition.  Thank you to each and every child for your wonderful artwork.  We love all of the designs.  We will use as many as we can for our Jungle Book Programme and welcome display.


Ukulele mini concert

Thinking about trying Ukulele Club? Like to give ukulele a go? Come to Ukulele Club’s mini-concert next Monday 27 March. This is a free mini concert for children and their adults.  Meet foyer 3.45pm. Finish 4.15pm. Spaces limited in The Studio so please RSVP Mrs Wade 07910 314269

Bagpiper – Rhythmsticks Club

Next Tuesday 21st March Rhythmsticks KS1 Music Club welcomes The Shropshire Bagpiper.

This is a one off event and any KS1 child is welcome to join for the session.

Join them for the dramatic story of Tam O’Shanter, a Scottish jig, some marching and to find out where a bagpiper keeps his knife and fork!

6 spaces available. Parents welcome too. Cost: £5. Please email to make a payment and confirm attendance.

Meet School Office 3.15pm. Finish 4.15pm.

Lost Property

Look out for the Lost Property tables outside over the next few weeks before Easter Holidays.  We’ll put tables outside morning and evening on fine weather days

School Production Tickets on Sale

Jungle Book tickets are now on sale!

Our School Production takes place on Wednesday 29th March and Thursday 30th March at 6:30pm in our School Hall.

Tickets are £5 per person and are on sale via ParentPay.  Refreshments will be available on the night.  Please note we do not issue actual tickets as payment secures your place.  We will close ticket sales when our hall capacity is full, so please purchase early to avoid disappointment.

Our fabulous Year 5/6 cast and crew of this year’s school production have been working so hard on this show so you are in for a treat.  Led by Mrs Stennett as Director, Mrs Morgan and Miss Cox Choreographers and Miss Heap on Costume Department.

Yr 5 Assemblies

Year 5 showed off their work on the Space Race to their parents.  We heard their biographies of Neil Armstrong, Yuri Gagarin and Valentina Tereshkova, saw their ‘space inspired’ dance/gymnastics routines depicting stars and constellations in the galaxies and watched an impressive video which links together all of the children’s flashback narratives about the end of the world into one final story.  Well done Leopards!  Lions Class tested their parents with a multiplication challenge and an interactive Kahoot Quiz on Space!




Today EYFS and KS1 had a storytelling visit from Sal Tonge who brought her chatterbox and guitar with her to entertain us all.

She then delivered workshops to EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2., lots of singing, stories and communication.



Chinese Dragon Workshop for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4

As part of our religious studies, we have arranged for our Year 1, 2 and 4 pupils to take part in a Chinese New Year Dragon Workshop at school on Thursday 2nd February. Each workshop, provided by Sounds Roadshows, will include activities such as lion and ribbon dancing and music making on authentic Chinese musical instruments, and will feature two fabulously colourful 15 metre dragons. Very exciting!

As we have no other way of funding this workshop we would be extremely grateful if parents could contribute £3.70 per child towards its cost. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account by Wednesday 1st February please.

To mark the Chinese New Year, there will be a Special Menu on Thursday 2nd February

Podcast time

Lovely morning spent with The Shrewsbury Biscuit Podcast! Chatting about our legendary Christmas Video.  Filming for the video is still underway but we’re getting ready for Launch Day!  The podcast episode will drop on 14.12.2022.


Halloween Lunch

Children enjoyed a spooky lunch today with some classic scary songs.

Street Art

Giraffes Class have been learning all about Banksy and were very excited by the street art which appeared in Shrewsbury over the weekend!  They walked out to it this morning to check it out.  The wall art has now been claimed by Birmingham Artist Disney.

Yr 5 & 6 Sports Day

It was so lovely to see families at our Yr 5/6 Sports day.  A huge thank you to Mr Venn for organising the event, the team water challenge was a favourite!  Well done to all the pupils for participating and Darwin for winning 1st place, closely followed by Severn.

Netball Tournament

Coleham competed in a 5 aside netball tournament against 6 other schools this week. We made it into the trophy stage and came fourth overall.