Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Another incredibly busy and successful half-term has come and gone, and we all look forward to a well-earned rest next week.  I look back on the last 7 weeks and so much has happened: lots of trips & visitors, interviews for new staff, busy work around arrangements for 2024-25, Plant & Craft Fair, Year 6 SATs, incredible perseverance from the children and much, much more.  I am incredibly proud of what the children and the whole school team have achieved this term so far.

After half-term, there are 7 more weeks until the end of the whole year and there is much more to come!  There are community events, including the Garden Bar and Quiz Night, music concerts, Year 6’s leaver’s assembly, sports days, Olympic Week, school disco… there will also be announcements about class mixes and your children’s teachers for 2024-25 after the half-term break – so much to look forward to!

Have a super Bank Holdiay weekend and half-term break, and we look forward to seeing you all back on the 3rd June.

Tom Larkham



Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

A huge well done needs to go to our wonderful Year 6 children: they have worked hard all year, diligently concentrating and doing their best this week with the SATs.  We all know that people are measured in more ways than academic performance in maths and reading, but it’s been so lovely to see them showing up to school, ready to go and fiercely applying themselves.  Determination, resilience, perseverance and ambition have been on show all week, and THAT is what really counts.  Not even an unscheduled fire alarm put them off… Well done!

Don’t forget the Plant & Craft fair tomorrow!  Lots of stalls and things going on – we’d love to see you: Saturday 18th May 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham



Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve all enjoyed the warm weather this week and the children have been enjoying the field with great gusto this week.  It’s always nice to be fully in to the summer term!

Next week is an important week for our Year 6s as they take on their SATs.  They are all completely ready and have worked really hard over the last few weeks to be as confident as possible.  It’s a great opportunity for the children to do their best, shine and take it all in their stride!

To the Year 6 children: make sure you all get good sleep, have a good breakfast and keep confident.  Mr Edwards, Mrs Morgan and I know what you can do – we believe in you.  Good luck!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


Whats happening next week?

Mon- Thur mornings-Year 6 SATS

Monday 13th MayYear 4 Trip to Enginuity

Tuesday 14th May-Yr 6 Giraffes Swimming

Thursday 16th MayYr 4 Tudor Trip

Thursday 16th MayYr 6 Parent Information Session about Purple Leaf Programme

Friday 17th May-Non-Uniform Day

Saturday 18th MayCommunity Plant & Craft Fair

Year 4 parents, please remember to make payments for trips prior to the visit taking place.  Thank you.

Next Friday is NON-UNIFORM DAY

To get ready for our Plant & Craft Fair Friday 17th May will be a non-uniform day!

To help make our Fair a success and in-exchange for non-uniform we would be SUPER grateful for any of the following voluntary donations:

-Plants or produce (house or garden plants) (vegetables or preserves)

-Cakes (home made would be FANTASTIC and shop bought too)

-Cuddly toys or tombola gifts (you may already have some items at home to donate)

-Old jewellery for one of our treasure stalls

-A monetary donation towards the Fair’s fundraising

Donations can be brought to the front of school on Friday morning or throughout the day.  Thank you!

Year 6 PSHE Purple Leaf Programme

Purple Leaf Programme for Year 6

As part of our PSHE, we have organised a series of four weekly workshops for year 6 where they will explore topics such as healthy friendships, consent, gender (stereotypes and how these affect beliefs and behaviour), sexualisation (in media content and society) and being an active bystander (how to respond when you witness something).

This will be delivered in an age appropriate way by a service called Purple Leaf.  The weekly sessions start Thursday 6th June (the week after half term)

We would like to invite all year 6 parents and carers to an information session  on Thursday 16th May (SATS Week) at 2.00pm in the school hall. Please let the office know if you will be attending. You will have the opportunity to meet the professional who will be delivering these workshops and ask any questions you might have.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Nash

Pastoral Leader

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s hard to believe that we are in May and we are busy getting things organised for next year already!

Lots has been going on in school this week, including a fantastic choral day for Year 4 that was a great success.

I would like to take the opportunity to remind all parents and carers about healthy snacks for playtimes:  we are seeing more and more children having crisps and chocolate bars at playtimes.  This means that Mr Jones is spending too much time collecting crisp packets and wrappers from around the playground and it does not reflect the healthy ambitions we all have for our children.  Please make sure that snacks for playtime are healthy options, such as fruit.  We may be asking children to put crisps / chocolate bars back in their lunchboxes if they are on the playground at breaktimes.

Have a lovely long weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham



Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

What an incredible week it has been.  It has been a great relief to be able to share our Ofsted report with the wider community – thank you to everyone who has taken their  time to congratulate staff for their hard work: it is very much appreciated.  It’s always good to have an excuse to celebrate the community we live and work in and what has struck me is how proud the children are of themselves and their school – you can really feel the pride when the children talk about Coleham!

This week has been a busy hive of activity around all things science.  Huge thank you to Miss Harris for organising lots and lots of visitors to school to share new experiences with the children, including an exciting assembly for all the children, including fire, bangs and pops!

A special well done needs to go to Lauren in Year 6 for selling her very first piece of art in Mrs Jones’ Gallery!  I hope Lauren will remember us and come back to visit when she is a famous artist!

And finally, don’t forget that tomorrow (27th April) is World Tapir Day – sadly not a school day, but worth checking out if you don’t know anything about tapirs.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham



Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

Summer Term feels like it has properly started now and the weather has tried its very best to pretend to be summery!  Lots has been going on in school this week: you’ll be able to read about Techathon winners, an author visit, excellent work from the Eco Council and much more!

Next week is Science week and we’re looking forward to lots of fun science activities happening around school.  Good luck to everyone running the final leg of the Schools’ Half-Marathon tomorrow – I’m sure you’ll all do a brilliant job!  A huge thank you needs to go to Miss Lewis for organising and giving up her Saturday to volunteer at the event as well.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Tom Larkham


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the Summer Term!  I do hope you’ve all had a great Easter, whether you have been away anywhere exciting; stayed at home; gone on small trips, or anything else in between.  The school feels rested and raring to go this week, which is a lovely environment to be in.  I was able to recharge my batteries with a blustery walk up Yr Wyddfa with my brothers just before we came back.

We’ve already hit the ground running with several trips and sporting events which you can read below!

This term, we will be mainly focusing on AMBITION in our assemblies.  Summer Term is always a great chance for all our children to work hard to make their ambitions more achievable.  Changes are coming for all children at the end of this term, whether they are moving to new schools or just a new year group, and I want everyone to make the most of the time left in their current classes and drive forwards to the next chapter in the most positive and ambitious way they can.  On that note, there will be a letter today for families in EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4 about class mixing for next year, so please do look out for that.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of the Spring Term already!  I say that it’s been a busy week every week – but my goodness: this week has been BUSY.

Despite a small interruption mid-week, we have had great success in cross-country running, including several top-10 finishes and 1st places champions; some fantastic art supported by parents in Year 4; and two nights of the most fantastic performances of Alice in Wonderland!

The children have truly been on top form, showing what being a Colehamite is all about.  I am in awe of the children here at Coleham and the way they demonstrate the school values so brilliantly in everything they do, from sporting endeavours to performing on stage.  What a credit they are to you all!

Regarding our visitors this week: the outcomes of this visitation will not be known for a little while.  Over the coming weeks, the report will need to be written, checked and will have to go through a process before being released.  We will, of course, write to you when we are able to.

Thank you to all of you for your support this week.  I have had several parents and carers pass on good luck wishes, and lots of people checking in to make sure everyone is OK, and over 180 of you filled in the parent survey this week.  It really means a lot to us all to have your support – you are amazing!

Have a lovely Easter break everyone, and we will see you back in April!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Saturday 16th March-Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal 9:00-3:00pm

Tuesday 19th March-Attingham Park Cross Country Event @ 4:00pm

(Children participating have had a paper letter about this)

Wednesday 20th March-Alice In Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– Alice in Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– School Class Photographs


Friday 22nd March-All About Me Day (No School Uniform)


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s been a bumper week of events this week with lots happening!

We’ve just welcomed back all of Year 4 who have had the most amazing time at PGL over the last couple of days.  Miss Lewis and Miss Armstrong tell me they have been incredible and a credit to the school and all of you – a huge WELL DONE and THANK YOU goes out to Miss Lewis, Miss Armstrong and their team of Mrs Jeff, Mrs Lord, Ms Wisdom and Mr Halford for giving up their time to make sure these incredibly important residentials happen.

We’ve also had a champion netball team, Year 5 class assemblies and the absolutely fantastic Eco Fashion Show.  Next week, we are looking forward to seeing Alice in Wonderland – make sure you’ve got your tickets!

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Tuesday 13th March– Lions Class Assembly @9.15 am for families

Wednesday 14th March

The cost for the Yr 1 Blists Hill trip is £13.00.  We would be grateful if you could make payment prior to Wednesday.

Thursday 14th-Friday 15th MarchYr 4 Residential Trip

RSHE Policy

Dear Parents/Carers,

Relationship and Health Education (RHE)

It is compulsory for all schools to teach Relationships Education and Health Education. The purpose of these subjects is to support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe – to equip them for adult life and to help support children to make positive contributions to society.

Our current Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Physical Health and Mental Well-Being Policy has undergone its periodic review.

You can read our updated policy below

RSHE Policy Spring Consultation 2024

As part of this, all schools are required to consult with parents/carers when developing and reviewing their policies, which will inform decision on when and how certain content is covered.

Effective engagement gives the space and time for parent/carers to input, ask questions, share concerns and for the school to decide the way forward. We will listen to your views, and then make a reasonable decision on how best to proceed. When and how content is taught is ultimately a decision for the school, and consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

Completing the Parent Consultation Online Survey

You can complete the online survey by clicking on the link below:

Online Survey

Please note the survey is available to complete at any point, with no end date – responses will be reviewed periodically by our PSHE Lead Mrs Field, and considered when the policy is reviewed each year.

Alternatively you may wish to discuss the Policy content in person and so we have arranged a time to do this.

Relationships & Health Parent Consultation Evening

When: Monday 15th April

Where: Owls Classroom-please sign in at Reception

Time: 3:30pm -4:00pm

You can find further details about the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Health Education, as well as answers to many other frequently asked questions, on the Government website.

Thank you very much for your time and helping support the school.

Mrs Field

PSHE  Co-ordinator (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education)

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It’s been wonderful to see so much excitement and engagement around reading this week for World Book Week, culminating in a fantastic day yesterday!  So many home-made costumes and obscure characters, too – it really shows the depth of the love for reading at Coleham School.

Reading is so very, very important to children’s future prospects.  The World Book Day organisation reported this week that children across the country are put off reading for many reasons, with 25% saying that they are made to read books they don’t want to read.  At Coleham, we aim to foster a real love for reading and would encourage all children (and grown-ups!) to read what they want to read, so long as it is appropriate for them.  I think what we have seen this week shows that our community is doing something right to foster that love of reading!

Lots is also happening next week: Year 5 fashion show, Year 4 residential, trips…

Have a lovely weekend!


King Of The Wild Things

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Hopefully the daffodils are smiling in your gardens as we head into March – where has the year gone!?

This week I had the pleasure of buying a ticket to watch some EYFS drama of Jack & The Beanstalk which was great fun!  Well done to all the children who had a go on the stage!  I also enjoyed seeing Miss Heap in Year 5 today prepping the children for the Eco Fashion Show which promises to be a real treat.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who made appointments to speak to your children’s teachers – if you haven’t managed to do so, please do get in touch and we can see what can be arranged.

Next week, we are looking forward to World Book Week!  I wonder what your favourite books are?

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Fashion Show

Coming up soon! Date for your diaries…

A new event, Year 5 are putting on an Eco Fashion Show for families and pupils to watch after school.  They’ll be modelling pre-loved clothes and telling us all about fast fashion and how to shop responsibly with the planet in mind.  Afterwards they will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 an item!

Year 5 Parents please save the date.  Pupils have been getting involved in activities during school time if they have wanted too and there is a space for any child wanting a part or wanting to help in some way. We will have a full rehearsal in school on Monday 11th March.  If your child wants to take part they will need to be free to stay after school on Wednesday 13th March.

WBD Coming soon

World Book Day will be with us in a couple of week time.  We will have a whole week of

exciting activities including an after school fair on Monday 4th March @3.30pm.

World Book Day

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Spring 2 after a hopefully relaxing and productive half-term break.

We’ve got straight back into things here at school and it great to see all the smiling faces and hard work going on in the classrooms.  Hopefully you have all managed speak to your children’s teachers at our Parents’ and Carers’ evenings this week, but if you haven’t been able to, please get in touch and we can arrange something.

We’ve launched our Kindness Drive this week and have already handed out 14 ‘Kindness Ambassador’ badges and certificates at HT Teatime today.  The children at HT Teatime were those that have been awarded the most Kindness Dojos this week in each class – well done for being an inspiration!  Also, the children (and staff) have been nominating people all week who have been demonstrating kindness.  I’ve had a wonderful time reading all the reasons people have noticed kindness and will be handing out more badges on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Portrait Exhibition

Year 3 are showcasing their Art in our latest gallery exhibition.  These portraits are based on their artist study work of Frida Kahlo!  Love the contrast of pencil sketching against vibrant, colourful patterns #Mexico inspired.

Parent / Carer Survey Results 2023-24

Thank you to everyone who completed the 3-18 Trust survey earlier this year, and thank you to everyone who gave us feedback on what could be improved and what we do well.

Please follow the link below for the published survey data, and a letter responding to the main themes from both the survey and the feedback.  It is always incredibly useful and rewarding to read all your comments, and they really do help us to make Coleham School an even better place.

Survey Results Link: Parent / Carer 2023-24 Survey Results

Next Half Term Events

Parent/Carer Evenings – Wednesday 21st February & Thursday 22nd February

(Please book an appointment online. If there are any problems contact us when we return to school after half term)

Year 6 Mock SATS Week – Week commencing 26th February

Year 4 class Assemblies

  • Dolphins Tuesday 5th March @9:15am
  • Whales Wednesday 6th March @9.15am

World Book Week

After School Book Fair for families – Monday 4th March

World Book Day Dress Up- Thursday 7th March

Science Week– Week commencing 11th March

Year 5 Class Assemblies

  • Lions Tuesday 12th March @9:15am
  • Leopards Wednesday 13th March @9:15am

Year 1 Blists Hill Trip-Wednesday 13th March

Year 5 Eco Fashion Show-Wednesday 13th March (Open to all after school)

Year 4 Overnight Residential Trip- Thursday 14th & Friday 15th March

Alice in Wonderland School Production-Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March

Break up for Easter– Friday 22nd March

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the official half-way marker of the school year!  It may have been the final week of the half-term, but it’s been an incredibly busy one!

We’ve had a number of trips and visits this week, and I had the pleasure of watching both Year 3 classes perform to their grownups this week.  It’s so much fun to see the work the children have produced over a term and see them present to an audience – thank you to everyone involved!

A huge thankyou to every one of the 173 respondents to our survey earlier in the year – the results are on the website (see the link in this newsletter).  We were also grateful for the wonderful positive comments from everyone.  We have printed them all out and put them on display for our whole staff team to see – it has really made an impact on everyone, so thank you kindly.

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term break and manage to have some rest and some fun.  Next half term, we will be having a drive on Kindness, one of our school values, and will be looking for kindness ambassadors across the school.  I don’t think that will be too hard to do!

Have a lovely week

Tom Larkham



Dear Zoo

Today the children in EYFS visited the Theatre Severn to watch Dear Zoo. We have been exploring this book in our Literacy sessions and it was wonderful to see the story brought to life!

Parents/Carer Evening Appointments-Coming Soon

Parents/Carer Evenings take place the week after half term.

Wednesday 21st February 4:00-7:20pm

Thursday 22nd February 4:00-7:20pm

The booking system on our school website will become live some time next week.  We will notify you by email.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve had a wonderful week celebrating Chinese New Year, with traditional instruments and costumes.  Well done goes to #DadBotz for winning the illustrious Quiz Night and we hope to see many of you back for the next quiz which will hopefully be in the Summer Term.

A quick reminder to everyone that next week is the final of the half-term, and we will be breaking up on Friday 9th February and returning on Monday 19th February, which marks the half-way point of the whole academic year.

I will finish with a plea from our neighbours at Sabrina House (on the other side of the wall from the Coach House).  They have been experiencing issues with rather sizeable stones being thrown over the wall at around 3:00pm which have been landing in their car park.  Please can all adults collecting children be mindful of their behaviour on the playground and are not throwing rocks or anything else.  We have reminded the children in KS2 about this for playtimes and are keeping an eye out during the school day.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham
