
Wednesday 11th October, 2023

Swimming – Year 3 Turtles

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Thursday morning for 5 weeks, starting 26th October and ending 30th November (excluding 2nd November, which is half term week).

Although the hire of the pool is taken in to account when setting the school budget, the cost of the transport is not. We are therefore asking for a voluntary contribution of £18.60 from each pupil towards the cost of the coach hire.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account, by 26th October please. Thank you.

Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.

Friday 6th October, 2023

WANTED Football boots & Shin pads

Plenty of Sports Fixtures are coming up!

At Coleham we have an inclusive ethos towards participation and it is our aim that as many children as possible attend a fixture, with the eldest children participating in at least 1 fixture during the year.  This is because we believe that sport and competition is for everyone.

Can you help us build a supply of football boots and shin pads in school?

If you have any boots or shin pads you have outgrown please pass these onto Mr Halford or Miss Lewis.

Thank you so much!!

Thursday 5th October, 2023

Yr 6 Secondary School Open Evenings Update

More Open days coming up!


IMPORTANT: If your child is going to any open mornings, please can you let us know

Email:  absence@col.318education.co.uk 


Meole Brace

Open Mornings 10th to 13th October 9.30-11 – book via online form on website, see link below

Weds 11th October open evening 5.30-8pm

Meole Brace School – Open Mornings and Evening: October 2023



9th October open evening 6.30-8.30pm

Belvidere Secondary Open Evening letter


Parents must apply for a Secondary School place by 31st October 2023

See the Shropshire Council link below to apply



Tuesday 3rd October, 2023

Year 6 Trip to Secret War Tunnels, Liverpool War Museum

As part of this term’s curriculum work on World War II, we have arranged for Year 6 to visit the Western Approaches HQ’s secret war tunnels in Liverpool on Wednesday 25th October.   These secret tunnels were only re-discovered in recent years having been abandoned at the end of the war – a true time capsule for that significant time in our country’s history.

In order for us to arrive at the tunnels on time, we will be setting off from school earlier than usual. The coach will leave school at 8:00am prompt, so children need to arrive at school by 7.50am. We will leave Liverpool at 2:00pm, and expect to arrive back at school around 4.00pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. As the day will be packed with activities, there will be no time to visit the souvenir shop so no spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £24.15, which includes transport, workshops and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Friday 29th September, 2023


Our colleagues at Bowbrook Primary School have their Grand Opening on Saturday.

Speeches and ribbon cutting at 1:00pm and afterwards moving to the back of school for a Food Festival and Fair.

Lots of fun for adults and grown ups , try a wood fired pizza from the Fodder Box, Crystals Cupcakes will be joining us as well as some friendly Alpacas to pet.

Everyone is welcome!

Friday 29th September, 2023

Daily Dash 3 Peaks Challenge

Our Daily Dash Challenge is underway and Miss Lewis reports that we have completed Snowden and are now attempting the distance of Scafell Pike.  Well done everyone!

This may take us a few more weeks to complete and so we will keep going!

We would love to see parents and carers joining in too.  The more runners that take part, the quicker we complete the challenge.

Please can we remind you that the corner gate is only open from 8:30-8:40am for Daily Dash runners and there shouldn’t be any children playing on the play equipment please.  From 8:40am families are able to access the school site for drop off.

Friday 29th September, 2023

Harvest Festival Donations

We are looking forward to welcoming Rev. Fi Iddon from Holy Trinity Church, who will lead our Harvest Festival in school on Monday.

We will be supporting The Shrewsbury Food Bank.

The Shrewsbury Foodbank is based at the Barnabas Church Centre in Coleham.  The foodbank seeks to help people who find themselves in times of real hardship by addressing their most basic needs: food and household items.  They are extremely busy at the moment and would welcome any donations of food/household items (e.g. tinned fruit/meats, tinned meals, rice, pasta, tinned spaghetti, pasta sauces, UHT milk, toothpaste/toothbrushes/shower gel/deodorant/shampoo, laundry tablets, toilet paper and nappies).

Please place any donations on the tables set up at each entrance on Monday morning when you drop your child off at school.  We are going to ask our School Council to help take the food to the Food Bank and see what an important role the food bank plays in our community.

Thank you very much, in advance, for your generosity

Friday 22nd September, 2023

Theme Lunch Menu

Please see the theme lunch menu for NEXT TUESDAY

Thursday 21st September, 2023

Year 4 Trip to Deva Roman Discovery Centre, Chester

To complement this term’s history curriculum work we have arranged for Year 4 to visit the Deva Roman Discovery Centre in Chester. Whilst there, they will attend a workshop on the Romans, learning all about their way of life, and be given a tour of Chester city by a “real-life” Roman soldier.

The visit will take place on Thursday 19th October, departing school at 9.00am and returning around 3.15pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

The cost for this trip is £18.00, which includes the cost of the workshop/Roman tour, transport and insurance. Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop so no additional spending money is required.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Thursday 21st September, 2023

Drop and Swap

School Shoes

We have lots and lots of school shoes available on the Drop and Swap Trolley looking for a new home.  Please do help us by popping inside and taking a pair home!  The Eco Council want to see our pre-loved items going to a new home.  #recycling #sustainable

Wednesday 20th September, 2023

Secondary School Open Days

The Secondary Schools are starting to have their open events for Year 6 pupils.

IMPORTANT: If your child is going to any open mornings, please can you let us know

Email:  absence@col.318education.co.uk 


Tues 26th Sept open morning  9-11am

Weds 27th Sept open evening 6-8pm

The Priory School Open Morning Parents Letter Radbrook and Coleham Primary Schools 26th Sept 23

Meole Brace

Open Mornings 10th to 13th October 9.30-11 – book via online form on website, see link below

Weds 11th October open evening 5.30-8pm

Meole Brace School – Open Mornings and Evening: October 2023

Shrewsbury Academy

Thurs 28th Sept open evening 5-7.30pm

No open mornings


9th October open evening 6.30-8.30pm

The Priory School Open Morning Parents Letter Radbrook and Coleham Primary Schools 26th Sept 23

Shrewsbury High School for Girls Senior Open Day Flyer

Moreton Senior School Open Day Flyer September 2023

Girls High School Senior Open Day Flyer

Wednesday 20th September, 2023

Year 5 Ancient Greek Workshop

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of this term’s studies on Ancient Greece, we have arranged for Year 5 to take part in an Ancient Greek workshop, run by Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery staff, on Tuesday 26th September. The workshop will reinforce the learning the Year Group has done on this subject and the children will get to see and handle artefacts from that period of history.

The cost of the workshop is £3.50 per child, payable via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Please note, children should come to school on the day in their normal school uniform – no dressing up required.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Stennett & Miss Jones

Year 5 Class Teachers

Monday 18th September, 2023

Reading Tips for the new year!

Let us start the new year with good reading habits.  Don’t forget we have a ‘no homework’ policy at Coleham because reading with your child for 10 minutes each day is the most important thing you can do at home, to support your child in school.   Please help teachers by recording your child’s daily reads in their Reading Records.  This doesn’t have to be a school book but any story you share at home.  Older children may complete their Reading Records independently.  Teaching Assistants review these records weekly and we talk to the children about achieving 5 home reads across the week.  (if you struggle to fit in 5 during the week, then reads during the weekend also count)

Please see our helpful guide to reading with your child:

Reading Tip sheet 2023-24

Thursday 14th September, 2023

See you Saturday!

See you all at the September Social!

We have loads of fun for you!  Mr Halford is doing a Skipping Challenge where he hopes to have people skipping for the whole 3 hours!  Please help him out!

Bring all your friends 🙂

Live Performances

11:15 am Miss Cox Dance Squad

11:30 am Mrs Porrett’s Choir

12:00 The Pancake Band

13:00 Gabriela Foley Ukulele set

Thursday 14th September, 2023

Class Dojo

Don’t forget to access your Class Dojo app.  A message will pop up stating your child has a new teacher, just click next and skip any payment options as we use the free Class Dojo version.

You will then be ready for the new year and messages for your child’s new class will appear.

Teachers will share classroom learning each week and any informal messages just as change of PE days.

Thursday 14th September, 2023

Arbor Update

We are moving forwards with adding payments to Arbor.

Trips, Clubs and School Dinners are now set up.

Breakfast and After School Club will be coming very soon.

Wednesday 13th September, 2023

Get involved in Careers Week

Our Careers week takes place week beginning 16th October 2023.

We love to open our doors and invite you to help us educate the children.

Can you come into school and talk to a class about your job, hobby or career? 

Can you invite a class to visit your workplace?

Can you bring any interesting vehicles, props or animals into school?

Our Careers Week has been a highlight for the children and we love the variety! Over the years we’ve had talks from dentists, musicians, archaeologists, fashion designers, pilots to name a few.

What will this year have in store!  It doesn’t matter if you’ve visited before, we would love a return visit.


We can’t wait to hear from you!


Friday 8th September, 2023

New Attendance Policy

Dear Parents and Carers,

As mentioned before the start of term, I am writing to tell you more about the new Attendance Policy from the 3-18 Education Trust.  Attendance at Coleham School is excellent, and our Trust have developed a new, clearer policy to help support schools and families to better understand what is and isn’t authorised absence; when children should be absent, and what procedures should be.

The document is quite a long one, but has all the information that you need.  There are also several appendices with clear information.  They are all worth reading through, but the main ones for your information are:

Attendance policies are always designed to support families and not criticise.  Monitoring attendance data carefully allows schools to spot where support is needed, and what kind of support is required.  We will never chase attendance for chronically ill children, but we will sometimes need to ask questions about illnesses so that we are able to be held to account by the Local Authority.


  • Authorised and Unauthorised absences are clarified on page 8 of the policy (Section 4) and is also listed on the Request for Leave form (Appendix E)
  • When your child is too ill to attend school, the reason must be more specific than simply “ill”. This is for our records which cannot be generic and vague.  Please email absence@col.318education.co.uk rather than a verbal message.
  • Requests for leave in term-time must be filled out 1 week before the absence.
  • The Request for Leave form (Appendix E) has information about what can and cannot be authorised.
  • When a child is absent for more than 5 days (regardless of the reason), a safe & well check must be carried out by staff in order to comply with safeguarding obligations. This could be a personal or virtual visit and is always a supportive measure.
  • Children who are nearing, or are below the 90% mark will be contacted by school to offer any support the family may require.

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance needs, please do feel free to speak to us for advice.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


Friday 8th September, 2023

September Social HELP NEEDED!

We desperately need lots of help manning stalls for the September Social!!

Please can you, your children, older siblings, relatives or friends help us on a stall!!

The older children can run stalls with parents checking in on them.

We need help on the cakes stall, in the burger kitchen and running lots of games.

Alternatively, if you have your own ideas for a stall then the more the merrier!

How to sign up?

Sign up below to find a list of stalls



-Tell us in person! Find Mrs Hilbert at the front doors in the morning

-Email the school office

-Comment on our Facebook page

-Children can tell Miss Othen in school

Our events are special because we all work together, have fun and make memories for the children.


Friday 8th September, 2023

Friday 15th September-Non Uniform Day

To support the September Social event, Friday will be a NON-UNIFORM day!

Children may come to school dressed in any clothes from home (sports clothes, jeans, dresses etc)

We would be really grateful if you could help support our fair with donations of the following:

-Home made cakes would be Amazing!!!  Shop bought cakes too

-Pre-loved toys & books from home

-Any older children’s clothes (we are saving these for a fashion event coming up)

-Tombola prizes and cuddly toys!

Please drop donations at the front of school on Friday morning or afternoon.

Thank you so much, our Coleham Community is the best!!

Friday 8th September, 2023

September Social

It’s our big welcome back to school event next Saturday and we would love to see you all!

Please come along, its going to be lots of fun!

Miss Cox’s Dance Troupe and Mrs Porret’s Choir will be performing-times to be confirmed.

We also have The Pancake Band providing us with live music!

Thursday 7th September, 2023

Extra Curricular Clubs for Autumn Term Block 1

Our new range of extra curricular clubs will be released on Arbor on Friday 8th September at 6pm.

Please visit the Club page to see what’s on.

Sunday 3rd September, 2023

Street Allotment Project Report

Thank you to the Street Allotment Project for Sunday’s session.  You guys are Amazing! A glorious morning strimming, discovering raspberry canes, harvesting and sharing food. Even Nico the Street Allotment dog enjoyed the morning 🌞