
Wednesday 17th January, 2024

Year 5 & 6 Swimming


As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of our students, we are conducting an assessment of each child’s swimming abilities to enhance our swimming program. Your input is invaluable in ensuring that we provide the best possible experience for your child.

To streamline this process, we have created a Microsoft Teams link for you to fill out a brief questionnaire regarding your child’s swimming skills. The information gathered will help us tailor our swimming lessons to meet the specific needs of each individual student.

Please click on the following link to access the questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/e/vbGVhUKpD2

We kindly request that you complete the questionnaire by Monday 22nd January. Your prompt response will enable us to plan accordingly and make any necessary arrangements to accommodate your child’s requirements.

If you encounter any technical difficulties or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your valuable input.

Thank you for your continued support.


Many thanks,

Miss Lewis

PE Co-Ordinator

Monday 15th January, 2024

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting

Dear Parent/Carer,

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting: Monday 29th January 2024

On Monday 29th January we will be holding a session for parents on the development of Early Writing. The aims of the session are as follows:

• Provide parents with more information on how writing develops in Reception
• To share with parents what is expected in writing by the end of the Reception Year
• To share strategies for supporting writing at home
At Coleham school we feel partnership with parents is important, and we recognise the difference we can make to our children when we work together effectively. We would therefore truly value your participation by attending this event. In order to ensure that the event is as accessible to as many of you as possible, we will be running the event at two separate times. We therefore request that you complete and return the
slip no later than Friday 26th January so we can cater for the correct amount of people.

The event will take place in the School Hall, so please head straight to the main reception 5 minutes prior to your selected time.
Many thanks,
Miss Harris

Child’s Name ______________________________ Class ________________________
Monday 29th January – 2:30pm
Monday 29th January – 5:15pm

Monday 15th January, 2024

Year 3 Trip To Sea Life Centre, Birmingham

As part of this term’s science curriculum work on the natural world, we have arranged for Year 3 to visit Birmingham’s Sea Life Centre on Friday 26th January.

We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 3.45 pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £19.00, which includes transport, entry fees, workshops and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Monday 15th January, 2024

EYFS Trip to Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury

We have arranged for EYFS to visit Theatre Severn on Friday 2nd February to see an afternoon performance of “Dear Zoo”.


They will be setting off from school shortly after afternoon registration and expect to return to school around 3.30pm, depending on the traffic. If they encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

The cost of the trip is £15.50, including transport costs and tickets.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding them. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Friday 12th January, 2024

Photography Competition

Something for the weekend? A great competition for our pupils!

Shrewsbury Museum are looking for images from photographers of all ages and levels.

Send your entry to shropshiremuseums@shropshire.gov.uk by Sunday 21 January including your name, age and school with a short explanation about why you took the photograph.


Tuesday 9th January, 2024

International Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Tuesday 16th January we will be hosting our International Day and celebrating different countries and cultures around the world and diversity within our school community.

What will the day involve?

NON UNIFORM – It will be a non-uniform day. Your child is invited to come dressed in non uniform in the colours of any flag or cultural dress of their choice.  We do not expect you to buy a costume, you could wear a flag or get creative using face paints, decorate a plain t-shirt with felt tips or wear an international sports kit.

SINGING ASSEMBLY-During our singing assemblies on Tuesday (KS1) and Wednesday (KS2) Mrs Porrett will be singing International songs with the children.

CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES – In the afternoon classes will be choosing a country to learn about.  Your child might listen to music, speak the language, do some map work, learn some history or look at the day in the life of a child from that country.

LUNCHTIME-We will have a special theme menu on this day

KS2 GERMAN LESSONS – I will be turning into Bavarian Brigitte this week so instead of teaching French, I will be giving Years 3 to 6 a German taster session!

PARENT GUESTS – We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.

Email: helen.jasper@col.318education.co.uk

INTERNATIONAL FOOD MARKET- We invite children to bring food from another country into school to share at our after school event. (Children can bring this into class in the morning or parents can bring to the event-please note we will be unable to refrigerate goods) We will set up tasting tables with each year group’s contributions and we invite you and your children to pop into the school hall after school once you have collected your children to sample some tasters.  Please enter from the OUTSIDE HALL DOORS at the back of school.

Some guidance for the food event:

So we can easily display the food for the event we have allocated each Year Group the following countries:








-We have allocated countries to keep things simple for purchasing/displaying food, of course if there is a cultural dish closer to your heart then your child is very welcome to bring that in.

-Homemade and shop bought foods are welcome.  We would be grateful if you can cut up your offering into small pieces for tasters and wrap up on a paper plate.  Please label any special containers with your child’s name and class that you would like returned.

-At the event, please remember food is kindly donated by families so we are not able to confirm ingredients or allergens.  As it is an after school event, parents/carers are responsible for their children and what they are eating.  (If Year 6 children usually walk home alone then they are able to go to the hall without parents)

-Teachers will display the food, on year group tables and be on hand to help you with tasters.

We look forward to your support and hope this will be a fun and enriching day for all involved.

Yours sincerely,

Chloë Jones

Foreign Languages Coordinator

Thursday 4th January, 2024

Save the Date! Class Assemblies

Our Class Assemblies are scheduled for 2024.  Children will have the opportunity to show their families what they have been learning about in class.

Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Class Assemblies all take place this half term.

Yr 1 Hedgehogs & Mrs Young – Tue 23rd Jan

Yr 1 Squirrels & Miss Cox -Wed 24th Jan

Yr 2 Owls & Mrs Field- Tues 30th Jan

Yr 2 Rabbits & Mrs Allan – Wed 31st Jan

Yr 3 Turtles & Mrs Munns – Tue 6th Feb

Yr 3 Starfish & Miss Heap- Wed 7th Feb

Assemblies all start at 9:15am in the School Hall.

Thursday 4th January, 2024

Save the Date: International Day

International Day takes place on Tuesday 16th January.

This will be a Non-Uniform Day and the children will be able to wear cultural dress or sports clothes from any country or clothes the colour of any flag.  There is no need to go to any expense, drawing a flag onto an old t-shirt is an easy idea.

We would love to host parent visitors in the classroom so you and your child can share your experiences from a different culture, country or travels.  You might like to bring some photos, traditional clothes or objects to talk about.  Please chat to your child’s teacher at the end of the day or contact Mrs Jasper in the school office to arrange a visit.


We have lots of fun planned and a letter about this will come out next week.

Wednesday 3rd January, 2024

Book in your Quiz Team

Our Community Quiz is happening once again, its always lots of fun!!

Friday 26th January @7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, cash on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office or let a member of the office team know.

Email: helen.jasper@col.318education.co.uk

Everybody is welcome from the community

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Wednesday 3rd January, 2024

Swimming – Year 5 Leopards

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Friday afternoon for 5 weeks, starting 12th January and ending 9th February (inclusive).

Mrs Stennett will walk her class to and from The Quarry Swimming Baths for these sessions so no payment is required for this activity.

 The swimming lessons take place later in the day than we would ideally have liked, but it was the only slot left available to us. It means that the children will not return to school until around 3.30pm – slightly later than normal home time. Our apologies if this causes any inconvenience.

 Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis please), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch! Thank you.


Wednesday 3rd January, 2024

Family Support

Shropshire Strengthening families has a drop in session for families to access support.  Please see teh poster below.


Thursday 14th December, 2023

Clubs for January

Our clubs for next half term are available to look over and will be released on Arbor on Monday 18th December at 6:00pm.

Please see our Clubs Page for full details:

Clubs – Coleham Primary School

Tuesday 12th December, 2023

Half Marathon 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Half Marathon – Year 1 to Year 6

We are pleased to announce that Coleham School will be taking part in the Shropshire Primary Schools’ Half Marathon again this year.  This event was very popular last year with our pupils with 150 taking part ranging from Year 1 to Year 6.

This is a cumulative Half Marathon (13.1 miles) where, over the course of the Spring term, children will complete the first 12 miles of the challenge. We intend on running each of these miles on a weekly basis, during break time. The children will then complete their final 1.1 miles at the West Mid Showground on Saturday 20th April 2024 from 9am. Here they will get the full event experience including race bibs, a fully marshalled route, music and a start and finish line gantry. As they cross the finish line wearing their Half Marathon T-shirt they will be presented with their Half Marathon medal.

It is important to explain that this event is not a running race: it will not be chip-timed, nor will there be prizes for the “fastest” children. It is an inclusive personal challenge where, over a period of time, we hope they will develop a desire to exercise regularly, with no pressure to compete, whilst at the same time completing something as challenging as a Half Marathon – a wonderful achievement for everyone involved.

To compete in this event there is an entrance fee of £12 for each child entered and you must be able to commit to bringing your child to the event at the West Mid Showground. Please note your child has to be prepared to run twice a week during breaktime from Monday 19th February to Friday 19th April, so it is quite a commitment. This event is open to all our pupils in Year 1 to Year 6.  If you would like your child to take part then please make the payment via Arbor.

The event deadline is Friday 9th February.  BUT in order for us to finalise numbers and start running our daily mile OUR deadline for entry is FRIDAY 2nd FEBRUARY. Unfortunately, we will not be able to add any late entries after the 2nd February as the distance will not be covered in time.

We are looking forward to being active and completing this challenge!

Many thanks,

Miss Lewis

PE Co-Ordinator

Tuesday 12th December, 2023

5% discount code for School Photographs

Tuesday 5th December, 2023

Has any of your information changed?

Has your address or telephone number changed? So we can contact you please update your details on Arbor.

When your child started with us you completed a consent form, please see attached.

Consent Form 2023

If you wish to change any of these consents please visit the school office to obtain a new form.

Thank you





Friday 1st December, 2023

Year 4 Residential Trip to PGL Boreatton Park, Baschurch: 14th – 15th March 2024

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At Coleham we are always looking for ways that we can make children’s education more exciting and interesting and also to provide a broad range of experiences for our children.  We have run a residential trip for year 4 pupils for a number of years now and it has always proved to be very successful.

The positive effect that a residential visit has on children is huge – children become more confident and independent; develop stronger, more cooperative and understanding relationships with their peers; and they learn to organise themselves away from. It also enhances the children’s experiences and the school curriculum.

This year we have chosen to take the children to PGL Boreatton Park. We will be leaving school at 8.20am on the morning of Thursday 14th March (children to be at school for 8.00am prompt please) and will return around 4pm on Friday 15th March.  Whilst there, they will take part in a variety of exciting team-building/ problem-solving activities appropriate for their age group/abilities.

The cost of the trip is £160.00 per child, including transport, accommodation, food, supervised activities, equipment and insurance. We recognise that this is a significant sum of money so have broken it down into two instalments of £80.00. We would be grateful if you could pay the first instalment by 31st January 2024 and the remainder of the trip balance by Friday 8th March 2024. The payments have been set up on Arbor and can be paid at your convenience any time from today’s date.

If you are worried about making full payment by the given deadline, please do come and talk to me or contact the office: we can extend the payment schedule to give you more time to cover the cost.

If your child is worried about any aspect of the residential trip, please do not worry as class teachers have plenty of time to prepare the children.

We will contact you again nearer the date of the trip to go over the finer details and address any outstanding queries you or your child may have.

This trip will be an amazing experience and we hope very much that all our Year 4 pupils will attend. If, however, your child WILL NOT be attending the trip, please do let the class teacher know as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Wednesday 29th November, 2023


Mrs Wade’s Ukulele Club is having a special Festival Beats workshop with Musician Andy Lowe next Monday 4th December.

There are 3 spaces left if any Year 2, 3 or 4 pupils wish to go along to this.

Crazy SFX and festive fun with ukes, bells and a mic! The Studio, 

Time: 3.20 – 4.15 pm. 

Cost: £4

To book your place contact: Mrs Wade (07910) 314269. 


Tuesday 28th November, 2023

Raffle Update

Thank you so much for supporting our RAINBOW HAMPER RAFFLE!

This is the last chance to buy tickets!!

Our Raffle is drawn at 7:00pm.  Who will our LUCKY winners be?


Thank you for your support


Tuesday 28th November, 2023

Next Week- Christmas Performances

Our EYFS/KS1 Nativity and KS2 Nativity concerts are always a very special occasion for us all.  The singing in school sounds incredible and you will be in for a real treat!  Bring your tissues as it’s always emotional when we all come together at this time of year.

Performances at Holy Trinity Church

  • Monday(04/12/23) 1330-1430: EYFS/1/2 Performance for EYFS parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1000-1100: EYFS/1/2 Performance for Year 1 parents
  • Tuesday(05/12/23) 1330-1430:  EYFS/1/2 Performance for Year 2 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1000-1130: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 3 parents
  • Thursday(07/12/23) 1330-1500: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 4 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1000-1130: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 5 parents
  • Friday(08/12/23) 1330-1500: Yr 3-6 Performance for Year 6 parents


  • Please aim to attend the performance set aside for your child’s year group.
  • For those wishing to see siblings, you may be able to see them all in one EYFS/KS1’s nativity (Monday and Tuesday) includes EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 in the same show.  KS2’s Nativity (Thursday and Friday) has Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 in the same show.
  • Those of you with a child in each Key Stage can, of course, see both shows
  • The KS2 children will be performing all around the church and in the aisles, so every seat in church will have a good view, including those at the very back of the church.

Arriving early

  • The doors to the church will open 10 minutes before each performance.
  • Please do not arrive early for a good seat. The doors will not be opened early and there is not a lot of room to wait outside the hall.  We need to escort all the children in beforehand through the same entrance and allowing parents in early often causes problems for the children when getting ready.
  • There will be teas and coffees on offer in the waiting room for those waiting to enter the church.


  • You are, of course, allowed to take photographs of your children performing.
  • Please do not, however, post these on social media as you may have other children in your photos.  We will also post photos on the website and DoJo.

Church donations

  • Holy Trinity are finding it extremely difficult to fund the church running costs this year.  We are incredibly grateful to them for allowing us to use the church again this year, despite the difficulties they are facing.  As well as heating and electricity costs, they also have a leaking roof, so we are asking that parents kindly make donations on the day they visit as a way to say thank you to the wonderful people at Holy Trinity Church.
Monday 27th November, 2023

Macbeth Performance

Miss Armstrong and the Year 5/6 Drama Club will be performing Macbeth to their parents/carers/families on the last day of term.

Location: School Hall

Date: Friday 15th December

Time: @1.45pm.

Families of the cast (only) are invited to this performance.

Monday 27th November, 2023

Kitchen Job Available

We have a permanent Job in the school kitchen available.  Please spread the word to anybody local that might be interested.

What’s involved?  Serving dinners with a smile and loading the dishwasher after service.

Please email Chef Manager Mel or phone the school on 01743 362668  if you are interested.

An enhanced DBS check is required as part of recruitment.

Friday 24th November, 2023

Theme Menu Wednesday

Thursday 23rd November, 2023

Parent Governor Election

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are writing to inform you of a vacancy for the role of parent local governor on our Local Governing Body (LGB).

The role of the LGB

The school’s LGB is responsible for providing confident and strategic leadership, and creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance for the school’s educational and financial performance. The LGB is passionate about education and committed to continuous school improvement to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

The role of a parent local governor

As a parent local governor, you’ll work with the LGB to ensure it effectively carries out the duties referred to above. You’ll also play a vital role in ensuring that the LGB is connected with, and is aware of the views of, parents and the local community.

To be a parent local governor you should have:

  • A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children.
  • Good inter-personal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills.
  • The specific skills required to ensure the governing board delivers effective governance.

Being a parent local governor can be demanding but very rewarding.  All local governors serve a three-year term of office and under usual circumstances, can expect to spend between 10 and 20 days a year on governance duties.  These include:

  • attending meetings of the LGB, usually outside of school hours and contributing to LGB business;
  • reading reports and papers and keeping up to date on the progress that the school is making; and
  • visiting the school from time to time during the school day.

You will have to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and sign the local governors’ Code of Conduct.  A copy of the Code of Conduct, Role Description and more information about the LGB can be found on LGB’s pages of the school’s website.

We have a supportive induction process which will enable a period of settling into the role.

How to apply

If you’re interested in applying for the role, please email the Governance Professional, Carole Warner by email by 10am Friday 15th December  (carole.warner@318education.co.uk).

You should also include a personal statement (approximate 250 words) to support your application.  We encourage candidates to be succinct when setting out the skills, experience and attributes that they can bring to the LGB to support their application. Nominations of other parents will be accepted, but please seek their prior consent.

Applications/nominations can only be accepted from parents or carers who have children registered at the school on the day that nominations close. If we receive more applications/nominations than there are vacancies, an election will be carried out. We will inform you after the nomination deadline if we have to do this.

If you have any queries about this process or would like to find out more about the role, please contact the Chair of the LGB Mr Dave Jones (dave.jones@318education.co.uk) or the Headteacher, Mr Tom Larkham

Yours sincerely,

Mr Dave Jones                                                      Mr Tom Larkham

Chair of LGB                                                               Headteacher