
Friday 3rd May, 2024

Year 3 Trip to Liverpool Museum & Walker Art Gallery

As part of this term’s History curriculum work on the Ancient Egyptians, we have arranged for Year 3 to visit Liverpool Museum and The Walker Art Gallery on Friday 24th May. During their time there the children will take part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop, learning about the mummification process.

We will be leaving school at 8.15am in order to get there at a reasonable time so ask that children arrive at 8.00am that morning. We will return at approximately 5:00pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. We will not be visiting the souvenir shop so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £14.60, which includes entrance fees/workshops and transport.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Thursday 2nd May, 2024

Music Club Special Sessions

Want to have a go at Morris Dancing? Jump & Jive Music Club welcomes Shrewsbury Morris to teach us a dance for our May 20th concert.

6 extra places now available on to join these 2 sessions:

Monday May May 20th. 


The Cabin. £5. All ages welcome. Hankies and bells provided! No experience needed. Text Mrs Wade for further details and to book in. Mob: 07910 314269.

Wednesday 1st May, 2024

Bank Holiday Monday! Community Arts Event

Shrewsbury Arts Trail are asking the local community to come and help create their largest community project to date!

The work produced during this workshop will become part of a county wide collaboration, that will be installed at the SMAG during the upcoming Shrewsbury Art Trail in July and August.

This should be lovely session where participants are encouraged to experiment with mark making, discovering colours, and expressing themselves in a free and creative way.

If you are unable to make this workshop, we would love people to have a go at home to help us create as many pieces as possible. Instruction Packs will be available online from the 7th May at www.shrewsburyartstrail.com

Wednesday 1st May, 2024

Launching our Children’s Competitions!!

We are pleased to launch this year’s Children’s Competitions for the Plant & Craft Fair!

This year the Belle Vue Arts Festival theme is ‘Treasure’ and so all competition entries are linked to this theme. We hope to see more entries than ever before displayed at our Plant & Craft Fair and judged by the BVAF.

Treasures of the sea, treasures of the land, prehistoric treasures, Egyptian treasures, treasured memories, so many ways to be creative and interpret this.

All entries should be brought to the fair by 10.30am (or on Friday if you cannot attend) and entry costs £1 per exhibit.


Poetry– The winner will be invited to read this aloud at the Festival’s ‘Spoken Word’ evening event.

Box of Treasures-any box, any treasures, be artistic and creative in displaying your goods for us all to admire.

Treasure Island-in any form, painting, college, sewing, junk model, mini garden, Lego, vegetable model etc

Scavenger Hunt-collect a sheet from your Teacher and stick on items from home.

Bake-off-any style cake or cakes (not judged on taste)

Have FUN, we can’t wait to see all your AMAZING entries!

Wednesday 1st May, 2024

Plant & Craft Fair

Only 2 weeks until our Plant & Craft Fair!

Lots of our children entrepreneurs are running their own stalls to fundraise for school.  If there are any more takers, pupils can see Miss Othen in school.

We are looking for donations of plants for the fair if you have any spare…

We would LOVE some adult helpers on the day! If anyone can spare an hour or two to help set up, man a stall or tidy away, then please let us know by signing up on the clipboard in reception or dropping us a msg on Facebook or email.  Many hands make light work!  Thank you!


Tuesday 30th April, 2024

Pioneer Details

During the next few weeks, we will be going through Pioneer arrangements with the children.  Here is some additional information and clarification to help you prepare your children for what we are sure will be a very positive and exciting experience for them.

Packing & Preparation – kit list provided separately

  • If possible, choose a soft hold-all rather than a rigid case as this makes storage in the dorms easier and gives the children more space. Please DO NOT WORRY if this is not possible
  • Please allow your children to be as involved in the packing of their bag as possible; this will help them to be more aware of what they have and where it is – it will also help them when packing for the return home
  • Please help your child to practise putting on a duvet cover as this will be their first task when they arrive at the centre
  • Include a NAMED plastic bag for the children to put wet clothes in as some groups will be doing a wet activity on the last morning
  • Your child will need an easily accessible reading book in their bag
  • Please provide a refillable plastic or metal water bottle
  • If necessary, give your child travel sickness tablets for the journey and provide us with the return journey tablets 

Packed lunch for Monday

Your child will need to bring their own packed lunch with them to school on Monday morning (Monday 3rd June) as the first meal provided by The Pioneer Centre will be tea on Monday evening.


Put any medication in a container with your child’s name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage. Please let us know some time prior to our visit if your child will be bringing medication.

Monday morning departure

  • We suggest that the children to do the ‘big’ hugs and goodbyes at home before leaving for school
  • Please allow your child to bring their own bag into the classroom
  • Only come into class if you have to provide us with your child’s medication or if you have to tell us some new information
  • Please be aware that if you wish to wave off your child, the coach will not be leaving until approximately 10.15 am

Wednesday afternoon return

  • The coach will return at approximately 3:30 pm and we will phone ahead if delayed for any reason. Please watch the noticeboard outside school for any changes
  • PLEASE WAIT INSIDE THE SCHOOL GATES UNTIL ALL BAGS HAVE BEEN UNLOADED – you will be able to greet your children before collecting bags
  • Be aware that your child’s wellies/wet clothes bag may have become separated from their main bag – please ensure that you collect ALL of your child’s belongings

Please remember that the follow items are not permitted

  • Mobile phones
  • Electronic games/devices
  • Extra snacks/sweets
  • Cameras – school will be taking plenty of pictures/videos

Hopefully, this information will help avoid any last-minute worries, questions or queries.  Your cooperation in these matters will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to the smooth running of the week.

Many thanks in anticipation,

Mrs Morgan, Mr Edwards and the Year 6 team

kit list 2024

Friday 26th April, 2024

What’s on next week?

Next week we have lots of CPD happening for staff but it is a little quieter for the children.

Year 1 have Balance-a-bikeability happening over 3 days

(Parents don’t need to do anything as instructors and equipment is provided)

Year 4 are off to Shrewsbury High School for a Choral Day visit.

Year 6 parents-don’t forget to fill in the Bikeability Cycle training form for your child.

Thursday 25th April, 2024

Headteacher Letter re: Lockdown Procedure

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our school is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all our pupils and our priority is to keep the children safe at all times.  I am writing to remind you about our Lockdown emergency procedures, we have in place, should our school ever need to go into ‘Lockdown’.  A school lockdown is the opposite of an evacuation.  In a ‘lockdown’ children and staff remain inside the building for their safety.

It is standard health and safety practice for schools to have lockdown procedures in place as it is good practice for schools to prepare for all situations regardless of how unlikely their occurrence may seem.

As you may know, there have been a couple of local incidents, in previous years where we have had to initiate the partial lockdown procedure, in real life circumstances so staff and children are familiar with lockdown procedures and we always inform the whole school community after the event.

Please read a brief summary below.

Lockdown Procedures

Lockdown procedures should be seen as a sensible and proportionate response to any external or internal incident, which has the potential to pose a risk to staff and pupils in the school.

Lockdown procedures may be activated in response to any number of situations including:

  • A reported incident / civil disturbance in the local community.
  • An intruder on or outside the school site.
  • A warning being received regarding a risk locally, of air pollution (smoke plume, gas cloud etc)
  • The close proximity of a dangerous dog roaming loose.

There are two levels of lockdown :

Partial lockdown (Amber) during which staff and pupils remain in the school building. School activities carry on as normal, however, entrances and exits to the school would be locked and monitored closely.  All staff are aware and on alert to be vigilant.  Younger children and parents would not be aware of the situation in this instance.

Full lockdown (Red) during which all staff and children would remain inside the building.   Internal and external doors and windows would be locked and staff and pupils are to remain seated, quiet and out of view.  Children would be fully aware of the situation in this instance and the school would follow instructions from the Emergency Services.  Parents would be informed in this situation.



The Lockdown procedure is available on the school website and all staff have been trained on the procedure.  We will be refreshing our awareness of this procedure with staff and children in coming weeks and carrying out a practice exercise of a ’partial lockdown’.   Primary Schools are not advised to complete ‘Full Lockdown’ drills due to the children’s age.  We will talk to the children about this in assembly and in classrooms with class teachers in a sensitive manner.   It is obviously not our intention to make any child feel anxious, however it is important that we have procedures in place and practice these to ensure everybody is clear on what they need to do.

Our school site is extremely secure and access is restricted, so we are almost operating on ‘partial lockdown’ as a normal everyday routine.

Please discuss this with your children and we will continue to update you on all important safety matters. 

Yours sincerely,

 T Larkham

Tom Larkham


Thursday 25th April, 2024

Road Closure Reminders

Please remember that Greyfriars Rd is closed to all traffic (except emergency vehicles at residents requiring access to the front doors) at the start and end of the school day.  The times are as folllows:

  • 8:20am – 09:00am
  • 2.50pm – 3:30pm

Please DO NOT park up before the road is closed and exit before the road is reopened.  We have had a small number of complaints and have seen a number of people collecting children and then driving on the pavements or removing cones without replacing them.  The closure is an important part of school safety and the traffic restrictions are legal requirements.

If you need to drive to school, please do make use of the parking at St Julian’s Friars.

Please do remind anyone else who drops off or collects your children – this newsletter only goes out to registered parents and carers.

Thursday 25th April, 2024

Orienteering at Carding Mill Valley

We accompanied a group of children to an orienteering event in the Church Stretton hills at Carding Mill Valley. The Year 6 students showed impressive teamwork and determination to finish the course. Despite their commendable efforts, we didn’t manage to secure a top-three position. Nevertheless, there was a smaller challenge for the quickest completion of the final checkpoint, and a team from Coleham won this sprint finish. Congratulations to all participants!


Wednesday 24th April, 2024

Girls’ Football

A big well done to all the girls who participated in this week’s football tournament! Both teams displayed excellent teamwork, fearlessness in tackles, and scored some super goals. It was inspiring to see some players trying the sport for the first time. Keep up the fantastic work!

Wednesday 24th April, 2024

Shropshire Sings 2024 – Monday 10th June

Our Shropshire Sings after school club members will be performing at this year’s “Shropshire Sings”, an annual music event organised by Shropshire Music Service, on Monday 10th June at the West Midlands Show Ground.

We will be going to the showground by coach, leaving school around 2.30pm on the day of the event, in order to attend the afternoon rehearsal. As the children will be on site from 3.00pm until the end of the concert they will need to bring a packed tea with them to eat prior to the concert start time of 6:30pm. If your child is entitled to free school meals and you would like us to provide them with a packed tea, please inform the School Office prior to the date of the event. Once the concert is over, participants will need to be taken home from the venue by their parent/carer as we will not be returning to school.

The showground will open at 5.30pm for the audience, with the concert starting at 6.30pm with a running time of approx. 1 hour. Please bring your own chairs, picnics and possibly an umbrella (for sheltering from inclement weather or sunshine!).

Tickets will be available to purchase on the gate on the day of the event. However, they will be more expensive so we would encourage you to purchase them in advance (it will also help speed up arrivals on the day of the event). Ticket prices are:

In advance Adults                                 £7.00 On the gate Adults                               £10.00
  Children (under 16)         £4.00   Children (under 16)          £5.00
  Family (2A + 2C)             £20.00   Family (2A + 2C)              £25.00


Tickets can be purchased via your child’s Arbor account up until midnight Thursday 23rd May, after which you will need to purchase them on the gate at the concert at the non-discounted price.

The children have been learning songs and practising hard – it would be lovely if you could make it to the evening performance to see the result of their hard work.

Yours sincerely,

D Porrett

Mrs D Porrett

Music Coordinator

Wednesday 24th April, 2024

Year 4 trip to Shrewsbury Museum/Tudor Guided Walk

As part of this term’s history curriculum work on The Tudors, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit Shrewsbury Museum on Thursday 16th May for a Meet the Tudors workshop anda guided walking tour of the town.  We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 2.30pm.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by school before departure.  Pupils should wear school uniform and bring with them a lightweight coat/sunhat (depending on the weather forecast for that day). As they will be doing a fair amount of walking, they will also need to wear comfortable shoes or trainers. Spending money is not required for this trip.

The cost of the trip is £6.60, which includes the workshop and the tour.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip please. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips so we hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Wednesday 24th April, 2024

EYFS Trip to Shrewsbury Museum

As part of this term’s topic ‘Long ago and far away’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Shrewsbury Museum, and take part in a workshop titled “The Curious Tale of the Missing Mammoth”.

  • BADGERS trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 9:15am and returning at 11:45am
  • FOXES trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 12:45pm and returning at 3:15pm. Please note, FOXES class will be finishing school at a slightly later time that day. Please may we ask that you collect them from class at 3:20pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, instead of P.E kits.

The cost of the trip is £4.00 per child, payment of which should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Tuesday 23rd April, 2024

Children wanted for musical theatre!

Miss Mackey, our Breakfast Club Leader does lots of work with Shrewsbury Musical Theatre Company and wants to spread the word about Children auditions for Nativity the Musical.

SMTC are now taking registrations of interest to perform in our upcoming show Nativity The Musical – We are providing the opportunity for talented adults and children (School years 4-6 from Sept 2024) to take part in December 2024 at Shrewsbury School’s, Barnes Theatre.
Follow the link to find out more information and complete the appropriate form, we will be in touch about auditions in late May/early June.
May be a graphic of flute and text that says 'SMTC S TC Musica Shrewsbury Theatre It's Time to Sparkle & Shine Nativity! The Musical Register Your Interest Wednesday 8th Sunday 22nd Decem ber 2024 Shrewsbury School, ShremsburyScboo,BariesTheatre Barnes Theatre'
Tuesday 23rd April, 2024

Headteacher Letter re Ofsted Inspection Outcome

Dear Parents/Carers,


I am delighted to be able to share with you all the outcome and final report from our most recent inspection, conducted in March.  This inspection was a full, graded inspection, as apposed to the 2021 inspection which was not graded.  This was the first graded inspection since 2013.

Ofsted have graded Coleham School OUTSTANDING in all areas: the best possible grading for a school.

Ofsted look at 5 areas when inspecting a school:

  • Quality of Education
  • Behaviour & Attitudes
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership & Management
  • EYFS

To be graded outstanding in all these areas is a huge achievement for all the staff and the children, past and present, who have worked hard every day over the last decade to make Coleham School the special place it is.  As a school, we have not put things in place or done anything special for the sake of Ofsted, neither before the inspection nor during it, and it is important that we are recognised for doing what is in the best interests of our community.

Thank you to everyone who completed the parent survey and spoke to the inspectors: they have certainly seen Coleham for what it is!  We will now continue our journey, making sure that Coleham remains a great school at the heart of the community for many more years to come.  Please enjoy reading the report: we will be releasing the report to our wider community on our website tomorrow, alongside a special, short celebratory video in true Coleham style! The report will also be available on Ofsted’s website in a week or so.

Thank you, from all of us, for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


Saturday 20th April, 2024

Congratulations to our Half Marathon Finishers!

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day for this morning’s half marathon event! With the sun shining brightly, spirits were high as participants took on the challenge. A massive congratulations to all the children who completed their final mile at the showground. What an incredible achievement! Your determination and perseverance were truly inspiring. It was great to see you finishing with a smile on your face, a medal well deserved! Keep up the amazing work!
Saturday 20th April, 2024


We would be very grateful for donations of children’s pants and socks please to top up our supplies 🩲🧦

We are always very happy to accept books & games too, think of us as your local charity shop🤣 Please pass to our fabulous office ladies😀

Thank you!

Friday 19th April, 2024

West Mercia Parent E-safety Webinars

Cyber Protect Live Information Session for Parents, Guardians & Carers –

A live online session giving advice on how to keep yourself and your family safe online. This will be presented by West Midlands Regional Cyber Crime Unit Prevent Team in conjunction with West Mercia’s Force Cyber Crime Unit.

24th April 2024 at 6pmhttps://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/244797bd-f3db-43c2-81f0-b4e9be0d6fad@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a

8th May 2024 at 6pm –  https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/fb7f9e84-9df4-453a-a5d7-6a1002ed9c7a@dd7d99f4-65c4-4822-bf7b-75d61ebc8f4a

Friday 19th April, 2024

Plant & Craft Fair Mtg

Our Plant & Craft Fair is coming up on soon and organising is well under way!

If any parents/family members would like to get more involved with this event then please come along to an evening meet up.

Where: The Coleham Tap Pub

When: Thursday 25th April

Time: 7:30pm

What’s it all about:  Just one friendly meet up to chat about the fair, what’s organised, stalls, activities, help needed etc.  Nothing formal! No on-going commitments! Everybody welcome!

Friday 19th April, 2024

Year 4 Trip to Enginuity Centre, Coalbrookdale

As part of this term’s science curriculum work on electricity, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit the Enginuity Centre in Coalbrookdale on Monday 13th May.

We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 2.30pm.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. As we have a packed itinery planned we will not be visiting the souvenir shop, so no additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £12.80, which includes transport, workshops and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Friday 19th April, 2024

Next week is Science week!

We have some brilliant practical science demonstrations booked for next week!

The Planetarium and Walking with Dinosaurs workshop will be AMAZING!

If you can support us with these extra-special events, we would be grateful for a £3 contribution on Arbor School Shop.  Thank you!

Thursday 18th April, 2024

Yr 4 Choral Day Trip

Dear Parent/Carer,


Year 4 have been invited to attend a Choir Day at Shrewsbury High School on Thursday 2nd May 2024.  Some other local schools will also be attending to make up a large choir of over 200 pupils.

We will be walking to Shrewsbury High School for 9.30am.

Your child will only need to bring a coat and water bottle as lunch is being provided by Shrewsbury High School.

This trip is free!


At the end of the day there will be a short Showcase Performance for parents (which will take place at 3:00pm)  If parents or relatives would like to attend this performance please book a free ticket using Eventbrite.  See link below.  YOU WILL BE ABLE TO COLLECT YOUR CHILD AFTERWARDS AND TAKE THEM HOME.

Parent Showcase Eventbrite Link

Information for Parents/Relatives

If you are going to watch the concert please do not arrive before 3.00pm and to enter SHS school site through the car park gate off Crescent Lane, SY1 1TR. Please note we do not have parking on the school site for parents. We will be asking parents to sign in when they arrive at the gate using the list drawn from Eventbrite. There will be tea/coffee available for parents when they arrive and students / staff on hand to direct them to the correct location.

ALL OTHER CHILDREN WILL WALK BACK TO COLEHAM SCHOOL WITH SCHOOL STAFF FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.45pm.  Please collect your child from the front of school unless they are going to an After School Club.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Wednesday 17th April, 2024

Year 5 and 6 Boys Shine in Football Tournament

Congratulations to our year 5 and 6 boys for their outstanding performance in a recent football tournament. They played brilliantly as a team, scoring fantastic goals and defending exceptionally well. The year 5 boys secured first place, while the year 6 boys achieved second place, showcasing their dedication and representing Coleham with pride.

Friday 12th April, 2024

Swimming Gala: A Test of Skill and Determination

Our participation in the swimming gala at Shrewsbury School was quite the experience. Witnessing incredible swimming techniques, exceptional stamina, and unwavering determination was inspiring. A select few of our children even made it to the finals. Congratulations to all the participants; it was certainly a challenging event.

Thursday 11th April, 2024

Children Entrepreneurs wanted!

Save the date! Our Plant and Craft Fair is the first event of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  This year’s theme is Treasure! so expect lots of ‘treasure’ themed activities

If children would like to run their own stall, then please come and see Miss Othen.  We already have a couple signed up!