
Tuesday 11th June, 2024

Showcase Concert Wednesday 26th June

Our annual Music Showcase Concert will be on Wednesday 26th June at 6.00pm in the school hall.

The concert is open to all pupils who have instrumental lessons in and outside of school, from Year 2 upwards. It’s free to attend and is always a lovely opportunity to perform to a friendly and supportive audience.

To confirm your child’s participation and provide details of the music they will be performing (only one piece per child please!) and other pertinent information (e.g.  whether they require accompaniment,  backing track etc.), please complete the booking form below:


Performers may need some preparation time – for warming up, tuning instruments etc.-  so we ask that they arrive around 5.45pm. The concert will start at 6.00pm prompt and will last around an hour. Mrs Porrett is in school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays if you’d like to talk more about your child’s chosen piece.

I do hope you can join us for this very enjoyable evening.


Friday 7th June, 2024

Classes for 2024-25

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following my letter last half-term about changes to staffing, I’m delighted to be able to inform you all of the classes and teachers for September.

Miss Turner and I will continue lead the school, along with our Senior Leadership Team, details of which are contained in the table below:

Headteacher Mr Larkham
Deputy Headteacher Miss Turner
SENDCO Miss Jones
Business Manager Miss Othen
EYFS Leader Miss Harris
Years 1 & 2 Leader (KS1) Mrs Young
Year 3 & 4 Leader (LKS2) Miss Heap
Years 5 & 6 Leaders (UKS2) Mrs Stennett


As you will also be aware, it is our normal practice to mix the children who are currently in Reception, Year 2 and Year 4.  Today, the children in those year groups have been informed of their mixes for next year: if your child is in one of these year groups, you will receive a separate letter later today detailing which class they will be in and who their teacher is for next year.  All the children across school (apart from one class) have met their new teachers briefly today.

Below is a summary of staffing for the next academic year (September 2024 to July 2025)

  • EYFS Badgers and Foxes mix move up to either Year 1 Hedgehogs (Mrs Young) or Squirrels (Mrs Rank)
  • Year 1 Hedgehogs move up to Year 2 Rabbits (Miss Cox and Miss Turner)
  • Year 1 Squirrels move up to Year 2 Owls (Mrs Field)
  • Year 2 Rabbits and Owls mix move up to either Year 3 Starfish (Miss Heap) or Turtles (Mrs Mukhopadyhay and Mrs Harrison)
  • Year 3 Starfish move up to Year 4 Whales (Miss Armstrong)
  • Year 3 Turtles move up to Year 4 Dolphins (Miss Lewis)
  • Year 4 Whales and Dolphins mix move up to either Year 5 Leopards (Mrs Stennett) or Lions (Mrs Allan)
  • Year 5 Lions move up to Year 6 Giraffes (Mrs Morgan)
  • Year 5 Leopards move up to Year 6 Elephants (Miss Featherston)

Our HLTAs, Mrs Butler and Mrs Ward will continue to work across different classes to support PPA cover for teachers and providing any other required cover, led by Mrs Storey.  Mr Halford will continue to deliver PE to all classes each week and Madame Jones will continue to teach French in Key Stage 2.  Mrs Porrett will also be in school 2 days a week to lead and teach music to all classes across the school.

To help prepare the children for next year, we have organised some transition sessions over the coming weeks.  On Monday 1st July, the children will spend the afternoon getting to know their new teachers in their new classrooms and on Wednesday 10th July, they will be spending a whole day with their new teachers.  These invaluable opportunities will help alleviate any worries your children may have about moving up into the next class.  On both of these days, drop off and pick arrangements will be the same as you have done all year.  There may be more opportunities between now and the end of term for transition activities, and the mixed classes will do more work in their new mixes.  We will encourage the children to speak to their new teachers when they have the opportunity, and we will also be able to arrange any extra transition if necessary.

Before the end of term, we will send out details of next September’s collection and drop off points (and times) for each year group and remind you again before the end of the summer holidays.

We hope that sending this information out early and running the various different transition sessions will help the children feel well-prepared for the new academic year ahead.  Of course, if you do have any worries or concerns, please do contact your child’s current class teacher who will be happy to help.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Larkham


Friday 7th June, 2024


Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey re: the proposal for a change to Coleham’s PE kit.  We’re always keen to make the right choices and we very much value your input to help us do that.

In total, 57 people responded to the survey and the results were as follows:

In favour of the change Don’t mind either way Against the proposal
56% (32/57) 19% (11/57) 25% (14/57)


The clear majority are either for the proposal or neutral, however the 14 responses against made very valid points and we are keen to make sure those voices are heard.  Reading through your comments, there is reference to cost, sustainability, a desire to move away from some of the colours (particularly yellow) and also removal of the varied options for PE kit.  We believe that we can accommodate everyone’s wishes.  Those that have responded positively are keen to make the PE kit guidance more clear, and the children surveyed are very excited to have a smarter, more sporty PE top that represents their house identity better.  We believe we are able to satisfy most points of view.

We will be making changes to the PE kit as follows:

  • The proposed House-crested tops will be available for those that want one.  These cost ÂŁ10.99 from the School Shop Direct (see example picture above)  The Coleham design will include the Darwin, Greyfriars, Quarry or Severn House crest on the front and COLEHAM across the back which is useful if we are out on trips or community events.
  • Those who choose not to purchase one can wear a plain navy t-shirt. This can have small brand logos.  This allows people to purchase cheaper options or specific garments that are more sustainable if they wish
  • Shorts or joggers will be navy blue
  • For colder weather, a plain navy jumper/hoodie/zip up or their school jumper. Again, small brand logos are OK if you are using something you may already own at home.
  • Socks of any colour

These options make our uniform more standardised, reducing the variety of options which can be confusing.  It also allows parents to have the freedom to choose between the house-crested tops, or cheaper/more ethical options.  It also removes the need for Darwin families to purchase sometimes hard-to-find yellow tops which attract insects in the summer and get grubby quickly in the winter.  Below are some links to cheap and/or ethical plain navy items you may wish to explore.

We will let you all know when the stock of PE shirts arrives at the School Uniform Shop.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


Thursday 6th June, 2024

School Disco Tickets!

Tickets are available on Arbor! Priced ÂŁ3 to include crisps and squash and there are reduced price tickets for our children eligible for Free School Meals.

We would love some parent helpers on the night at our refreshment tables.  If you can help out at the KS1 or KS2 Disco’s please let Mrs Hilbert (outside each morning) or Mrs Moore know who will be taking a list of names.  Email: maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk

Thursday 6th June, 2024


You may fancy hanging out or popping by this chilled event on Saturday. The Belle Vue Arts Festival has started!

Wednesday 5th June, 2024

Parent Online Exploitation Training from West Mercia Police

Please see details of our new online Exploitation and Vulnerability awareness training courses for parents (1 hr online training)

This is ideal for parents of older children with mobiles and gaming consoles.

Exploitation and vulnerability training | West Mercia Police

Samantha Brace
Exploitation and Vulnerability Trainer | Prevention Hub | West Mercia Police

Tuesday 4th June, 2024

Year 4 Tudor Day

We are writing to inform you that Year 4 will be having a Tudor Day on Thursday 20th June as part of the History curriculum on the Tudors. The day will include lots of exciting activities linked to this theme. Children should be dropped off and collected at the usual time and will also have lunch in school as normal. We would like the children to come to school dressed as Tudors: kings, queens, townspeople, servants, knights or famous figures like Shakespeare/ Christopher Columbus etc. We have attached some images to provide you with some costume examples – please don’t feel any pressure to buy anything new.

Kind Regards,

Miss Armstrong and Miss Lewis

Tuesday 4th June, 2024

Year 6 – Crucial Crew

The children in Year 6 have been fortunate to be accepted for the Crucial Crew which takes place this year at the Flaxmill Maltings, Shrewsbury on Friday 14th June.  This is a very popular event which all schools in Shropshire would like to take part in but for which places are very limited.

Crucial Crew is run by the West Midlands Police Force and the aim of it is to give older children an insight in how to deal with safety hazards, such as fires and accidents, and also to make them aware of the dangers of drug/alcohol abuse.

The children will be transported by coach, leaving school at 9.00am sharp, so please ensure they arrive a little earlier that morning so that registration can be taken at 8.50am. They will return to school at approximately 3.00 p.m.

Please ensure that your child wears their school uniform – especially their sweatshirts/cardigans – as this will enable them to be identified more easily whilst there. As many of the activities take place outside, they will also need a waterproof, lightweight coat in case of inclement weather.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch. Those entitled to free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch by our caterers but you may want to supplement this with additional refreshments.

Crucial Crew request that parents ensure that their children have had something to eat before they embark on the day’s activities, especially if it is hot: children will not have a mid-morning break at this event so the earliest they will get to eat will be approx. 12.15pm. Over the years, a number of children have had to attend the first aid centre because of feeling faint, which has usually been because of lack of food or dehydration. They are allowed to carry a bottle of water around with them during the day, which they will be able to top up during their lunch break.

The cost of the trip is £5.00 per child including transport, insurance and activities.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account, in the usual way prior to the date of the trip please. 

We hope that all our Year 6 pupils will attend this trip. However, if you do not want your child to attend, please notify your child’s class teacher as soon as possible so that they can make alternative arrangements for your child for that day.



Monday 3rd June, 2024

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Next week all Year 1 children across England will take part in the phonics screening check. Within the screening check the children will be asked to read 40 words, some of which will be real words and some will be pseudo words. The children may also refer to pseudo words as ‘alien’ words. This screening check will take place on a 1:1 basis with either myself or Miss Cox. There is no time limit to the phonics screening check but it should take no longer than 10 minutes. The children are taught phonics daily and so preparation for this is already in place so please don’t worry about this. Here is a link to phonics play PhonicsPlay – Resources (www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources) where you can play Dragons Den, Buried treasure and Picnic on Pluto without subscribing. These games focus on real and pseudo words and will be a good way to practise at home in the run up to next week.

Please do get in contact with us if you have any questions as we will be happy to help.

Kind regards

Mrs Young

KS1 and Reading Leader

Thursday 23rd May, 2024

SEND Newsletter

Please see attached the latest Shropshire Council SEND Newsletter

SEND newsletter

Wednesday 22nd May, 2024

Sports Days

Who will win the House Cup this year?

Families are invited to join us at our Sports Days starting at 1.30pm on the School Field.


Wednesday 22nd May, 2024

Coming Up! Summer Events for parents

Enjoy alfresco drinks at our Garden Bar.  Darren from the Old Market Hall Gindifferent and Tom from Paso-Primero wines will be with us to provide the drinks.  A special event in our conservation area.  Tickets are selling so please get your soon! Family members , friends and relatives from the community are also welcome.

Our popular Quiz Night is back for the whole community.  Email Mrs Moore to book in your Quiz Team.

Email: maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk


Wednesday 22nd May, 2024

Tennis Coaching this Saturday

This Saturday Shrewsbury Lawn Tennis have a fundraiser day offering some coaching for juniors and parents at 11am 😁  Donations are appreciated as they are raising money for disability coaching for Severndale school.  Contact Coach Harrison if you would like to pop along.


Tuesday 21st May, 2024

Summer 2 Menu

The Lunch Menu for Summer 2 is now on the website.


Monday 20th May, 2024

Swimming – Year 6 Elephants

As part of the National Curriculum your child will be going to the Quarry Swimming Baths for swimming lessons.  Each lesson will take place on a Tuesday afternoon for 6 weeks, starting 11th June and ending 16th July (inclusive).

Mr Edwards and supporting staff will walk with the class to and from The Quarry Swimming Baths for these sessions so no payment is required for this activity.

 Please could you ensure your child remembers to bring their swimming costume (no bikinis), goggles and towel in on the day they go swimming, as they will only be disappointed if they have to stay behind or sit and watch!  Thank you.

Friday 17th May, 2024

Year 4 Trip to Hindu Temple, West Bromwich

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of the school’s programme of teaching pupils about different places of worship, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit the Shree Krishna Mandir, a Hindu Temple in West Bromwich, to learn about the Hindu faith.   Whales will be visiting the temple on Tuesday 4th June and Dolphins on Thursday 6th June. In order for us to arrive at the venue for 9.30am both classes will need to come in to school by 7.45am on the day of their trip. The coach will depart at 8.00am sharp.

As we will not be returning until the latter end of the school’s lunch break it is likely the school’s lunchtime servery will have ended. Children should therefore bring in a packed lunch for this trip. No glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Pupils eligible for Free School Meals will be given a packed lunch on their return to school.

The cost for this trip is £15.30, which includes transport, insurance and a donation to Shree Krisha Mandir to cover their costs. Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Friday 17th May, 2024

Year 6 Pioneer Trip – Final Reminders

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The SATs are now over and we just wanted to let you know that the children have worked incredibly hard to do their absolute best in each of the tests completed. We are very proud of the resilience and effort shown by everyone throughout the week.

As you know, the first week back after half term, we head to Pioneer for our two-night residential; everybody is excited and it feels perfectly timed after SATs.

Here is some final information so that you and your child can feel prepared on the morning of Monday 3rd June:


Please use the kit list to help with packing. Do aim to let your child be as involved as possible in this process; it is important for your child to know what is in their bag as this will allow them to be as independent as possible during the stay.

Don’t forget to pack a water bottle and reading book – these may be useful to have in a smaller bag which can be kept with your child on the bus.

Remember not to pack mobile phones, electronic devices and extra snacks or sweets.


It is vital that we have the correct information about any medication that your child will require while we are away. With this in mind, we would like any medication to be given to an adult (Mrs Morgan, Mr Edwards or Mrs Jeff) on Monday morning. Please put any medication in a container with your child’s name written clearly on the front along with clear instructions and dosage.

If your child has any specific allergies please make sure we know about them.

If your child requires travel sickness tablets, please give them their tablet at home or send it into school for us to give before we head off. Remember to also include another tablet for the return journey so we can make sure they take it before we set off on Wednesday.

Other bits to remember

You will need to send your child to school with a packed lunch on Monday 3rd as our evening meal will be the first meal provided by Pioneer.

Please encourage your child to practise putting on a duvet cover and pillow case as that will be the first challenge set when we arrive.

The coach will leave school at approximately 10:15am on Monday morning.

We will return at approximately 3:30pm on Wednesday afternoon.

As ever, thank you for your ongoing support in preparing your child for the trip.

Best wishes,

Mrs Morgan, Mr Edwards and the year 6 team 😊

Friday 17th May, 2024

Pet-tastic Puddings Inc.

Meet the founders of Pet-tastic Puddings Incorporated 🐈🐇 These girls are selling delicious cakes/treats for your puppies, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs! Does your pooch fancy a Puppicino ☕ Come along tomorrow, four legged friends are welcome!



Friday 17th May, 2024


We hope to see you all tomorrow for some ‘TREASURE THEMED’ fun!

Bring along your Competition Entries by 10.30am with ÂŁ1 entry per exhibit.  We are in need of more cake donations and will gladly accept these at the fair! We’ll be super grateful to any home bakers out there! Plant donations are also welcome on the day.

Thank you for supporting us!

Friday 17th May, 2024

Change to PE Kit

Dear Parents/Carers,

Change to School PE Kit

We are proposing a change to the School PE Kit from September 2024.

The current PE kit is: a house-coloured plain t-shirt and a house-coloured plain hoody/zipped jacket/sweatshirt in either Red, Green, Blue or Yellow or (Black/navy option if you don’t have house the colour).

This was brought in a few years ago, but there are many children who come to school wearing alternate clothes and so we have considered if this kit is still appropriate.  At the time, it was felt that the coloured t-shirts/jumpers could be cheaply purchased on Amazon (or similar) but it is not until we try things that practicalities become more apparent.  We always have high expectations for uniform: the children look very smart and take great pride in their Coleham School uniform, and we wish for them to feel the same about their PE Kit.  Time spent policing uniform is never a good use of time, and feedback from children suggests that a better option for PE kit would reduce stress and the need for conversations around correct uniform.

What do we need for an effective solution?

  • An affordable, accessible option that can be purchased locally.
  • A practical garment for PE activity
  • A PE Kit that gives the children a sense of pride in sporting activity, and also the House community that they represent.

Pupil Feedback

We have talked to KS2 children and invited 6 children from each class to be involved in a research panel to gain their thoughts.  The general consensus is that they don’t always have the coloured jumper at home, the Darwin Yellow isn’t a popular choice and is hard to find in the shops and the children much prefer the Coleham School PE fixture kit that they wear to represent Coleham at sporting competitions.  In fact, they say they love wearing this to represent Coleham!

When asked what they liked about the fixture kit they said they liked the sports material, which is lightweight/breathable, and it makes them feel more sporty and that everybody wearing the same makes them feel smart.  They felt the coloured jumpers weren’t working as lots of children in school wear plain navy or black.  They were also excited about the possibility of incorporating a House Crest.

Proposed Change

Therefore, considering the children’s views and comments from parents, our proposal for September is to offer:

  • A Coleham School PE sports top with a house-coloured band and crest costing ÂŁ10.99.
  • Navy shorts or joggers
  • A plain navy hoody/zipped jacket/sweatshirt.

Please see the visuals on the attachment.

PE Kit Visuals

We are very mindful of the cost to families and currently only have 1 item of school logo-branded uniform which needs to be procured from The School Shop.  The addition of the PE top will take this to 2 items of school logo-branded uniform.  With 5 school days across the week, this means you will need to purchase 3 school jumpers and two PE tops, where in previous years families had to purchase jumpers for 5 school days and extra PE kit to bring into school for PE sessions.  As always, we will phase in the arrangements for the first year, so if anybody does not wish to purchase the sports top they may wear a plain navy t-shirt and we plan to help re-cycle uniform in school.

We hope that by considering the children’s views, and them expressing a desire to wear the PE Kit it will make your lives easier at home too.  It was particularly interesting to hear their reasons: that it made them feel sporty and inspired to take part.  Of course, we are keen to hear what the wider community of parents think of this.  Therefore, before any final decision is made, we would like you to please complete this short survey which is open until Friday 24th May PE Kit Survey Link

We will only be asking for feedback on the PE kit proposal. We know that generally uniform is a controversial topic and that we all have our private views on this, but we won’t be making any changes to the full school uniform or be collecting feedback on it at this time.

Kind regards,

T. Larkham


Thursday 16th May, 2024

Staffing News for next year: Changes & Welcomes!

Following the retirements of Mrs Munns and Mr Edwards, and Mrs Howson leaving Coleham, we have some exciting news about new faces and changes as a result.


Miss Jones

Miss Jones will step out of the classroom in September and take over as SENDCO from Mrs Howson and join our Senior Leadership Team.  Miss Jones has been an excellent classroom teacher for the past 2 years at Coleham and has very quickly become a valued member of our community.  She will be SENDCO at Coleham for 3 days a week, and will be brilliantly supported by Mrs Howson as she starts her new exciting chapter.  I am confident that she will be an excellent SENDCO and will help to continue driving our school forward.


Mrs Rank

With Miss Jones stepping out of the classroom, there are 3 vacant teacher positions for September.  We are thrilled to announce that Mrs Rank has been appointed as a new teacher after completing a year training as an apprentice here at Coleham.  Mrs Rank has been an incredible TA and cover HLTA for the past 6 years, and has worked incredibly hard on her ambition to be a classroom teacher.  She has impressed us greatly this year and it was a real no-brainer to keep hold of her!  Congratulations Mrs Rank – we all look forward to the future!


Mrs Mukhopadhyay

Following Mrs Munns’ retirement, we’re delighted to announce that Mrs Mukhopadhyay will be job sharing with Mrs Harrison from September in Mrs Munns’ place.  Mrs Mukhopadhyay has been a qualified teacher for many years, and has been a valuable member of our community as a cover HLTA over the past year.  She is an excellent classroom teacher with experience across primary, and we are very happy to secure her services for a teaching post that she deserves.  Congratulations!


Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett

Please join me in congratulating Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett who will be joining our Senior Leadership Team as Phase Leaders of Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 respectively.  Both Miss Heap and Mrs Stennett have been excellent servants to the school community for many years and will be superb leaders for their phases.  They replace Mr Edwards in his retirement and Miss Turner who has been leading Lower Key Stage 2 this year.


Miss Mackey

We’re really happy to announce that Miss Mackey, who many will know from Breakfast Club, has been taken on as a TA from September after impressing through volunteering, demonstrating an excellent can-do attitude and boundless positivity.  Well done and congratulations Miss Mackey!


Mrs Bayliss

We’re excited to introduce Mrs Bayliss to everyone – Mrs Bayliss is an experienced TA who will be starting in September and supporting in KS1.  She really impressed at interview and we’ve glad to be able to further strengthen our excellent team of TAs.  Welcome to Coleham, Mrs Bayliss!


New Teacher: Miss Featherston

Our final addition to the teaching staff is a new face!  After a thorough and rigorous recruitment process, we are very excited to inform you all that we have an excellent new teacher starting joining the team in September.  Miss Featherston currently teaches at a school in Telford and impressed us all at interview.  She plans to come to the Plant & Craft Fair tomorrow, so please do look out for her and say hello!


We are not yet able to announce which teachers will be in which year groups at the moment, but we are finalising those details, as well as class mixes (for those year groups who are mixing).  We will be able to share those details with you very soon!

Thursday 16th May, 2024

Save the Date – School Disco

Coming up in June!

This event is for pupils only.  Tickets are available now to purchase on Arbor!  There are no restricted numbers, as always the whole school is able to attend.

Tickets are ÂŁ3 to include crisps and squash and there are reduced price tickets for our children eligible for Free School Meals.

We would love some parent helpers on the night at our refreshment tables and will be taking names after half term.

Thursday 16th May, 2024

Staffing News for next year: Goodbyes

Mrs Munns

We’re sad to announce that Mrs Munns will be retiring from teaching at the end of the Summer Term in July, after an incredible 29 years of service to the Coleham community.  Mrs Munns joined the teaching staff in September 1995 and has impacted the lives of 800 children and their families – an incredible achievement!

She has taught many different year groups in that time and has been hugely involved in several aspects of school life – she even used to take singing assemblies before Mrs Porrett joined us.  There are not many people at Coleham who can remember what Coleham was like before Mrs Munns started, and it’s hard to imagine what Coleham will be like without her.  Thank you, Mrs Munns, for all your hard work over the years and enjoy your retirement!


Mr Edwards

We will also be saying a sad goodbye to Mr Edwards when he retires at the end of July.

Mr Edwards joined Coleham in 2012, and over the last 12 years he has supported hundreds of children through Year 6 and on to secondary school.  He has developed writing at Coleham into a fine art and has led Upper Key Stage 2 for several years.

Mr Edwards will be very much missed, but I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing the very best in his well-deserved retirement.  Thank you, Mr E!


Mr Jones

Mr Jones, our beloved caretaker, will also be retiring in the summer holidays after 10 solid years of excellent service.

Mr Jones is, for lots of people, the first smiling face they see as they arrive at school.  Always keen to help; always there to fix something and always busy: Mr Jones will be hugely missed.  Thank you for everything you do Mr Jones!


Mrs Howson

A congratulations goes to Mrs Howson who has been promoted within the 3-18 Education Trust to lead SEND and Safeguarding across all the schools in our Trust.

Mrs Howson has, over the last 5 years, been an excellent class teacher and our SENDCO and I know she will be an excellent addition to the Central Trust team.  We will miss Mrs Howson here at Coleham, but are glad to still have her close by!

Thursday 16th May, 2024

What’s on Next Week

Monday 20th- Tuesday 21st May- Year 6 Giraffes Bikeability (for those who signed up)

Tuesday 21st- Wednesday 22nd May– Year 6 Elephants Bikeability (for those who signed up)

Tuesday 21st May-Year 1 Ukulele concert @9.15am

Tuesday 21st MayMeeting for new Reception Parents (children starting in Sep 24)

Friday 24th May-Yr 3 Liverpool Trip and  EYFS Trip the Museum

Please make payments for these trips before Friday.  Thank you.

Friday 24th May-Last day in school before Half Term summer holiday

Thursday 16th May, 2024

Year 2 Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a complimentary school lunch at 11.30am on Tuesday 4th June so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Thursday 23rd May so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.


Thank you

Wednesday 8th May, 2024

Sports Days Confirmed

Our Sports Day are now confirmed and on the Website Calendar.

Mon 24th June- Years 3 & 4

Wed 26th June – Years 5 & 6

Thurs 27th June – EYFS & Yrs 1 & 2

They will all start at 1.30pm with normal home time arrangements.


Wednesday 8th May, 2024

Plant & Craft Fair Competitions Update

Our Children’s Competitions for the Plant & Craft Fair are below.

This year the Belle Vue Arts Festival theme is ‘Treasure’ and so all competition entries are linked to this theme. We hope to see more entries than ever before displayed at our Plant & Craft Fair and judged by the BVAF.

Treasures of the sea, treasures of the land, prehistoric treasures, Egyptian treasures, treasured memories, so many ways to be creative…

All entries should be brought to the fair by 10.30am (or on Friday if you cannot attend the fair) and entry costs £1.00 per exhibit.  Please label your entry with your name and age/class and collect it at the end of the fair you are attending.

Poetry– The winner will be invited to read this aloud at the Festival’s ‘Spoken Word’ evening event.

Box of Treasures-any box, any treasures, be artistic and creative in displaying your goods for us all to admire.

Treasure Island-in any form, painting, college, sewing, junk model, mini garden, Lego, vegetable model etc

Scavenger Hunt-collect a sheet from your Teacher and stick on items from home.

Bake-off-any style cake or cakes (not judged on taste)

Have FUN, we can’t wait to see all your AMAZING entries!


Wednesday 8th May, 2024

Urgent Help wanted!

We desperately need lovely people to help us out for an hour at our Plant & Craft Fair!  It’s easy and fun to man a stall for an hour, chat to families and generally have a good time.  The children love helping too!  Many hands make light work, if you have not helped before then give it a try!

Anyone can help, families, grandparents, neighbours, older children….

Please sign up on the link below or on the clip board in the reception area and simply turn up on the day

Volunteer Sign Up


Friday 3rd May, 2024


Miss Heap is planning a ‘treasure’ stall for the Plant & Craft Fair and is looking for donations of kids and adults jewellery.


Please drop off with a Class Teacher or the School Office and we’ll put it to good use!