
Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

Year 1 Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a school lunch at 11.30am on Wednesday 17th July so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Monday 15th July so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.

Please can you also pay for your Lunch on School Shop in Arbor- £3.15.


Thank you


Wednesday 3rd July, 2024

EYFS Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a school lunch at 11.30am on Friday 12th July so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Wednesday 10th July so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.

Please can you also pay for your Lunch on School Shop in Arbor- £3.15.


Thank you

Tuesday 2nd July, 2024

Coleham PE tops

The NEW Coleham PE Performance tops are now available at the School Shop Direct.

School Shop Direct

Monday 1st July, 2024

Piano Lessons available

Mrs Langford, Shropshire Music Service piano teacher at Coleham will have spaces available from September for any children wishing to learn piano (Y2 upwards).  For further information and to sign up please contact Shropshire Music Service on 01743 874145.


Friday 28th June, 2024

Quiz Night coming soon

If you would like to book in your team please email maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk

Thursday 27th June, 2024

Garden Bar

Next Friday is our Garden Bar, a one off event to enjoy drinks in a gorgeous setting by our folly.  Open to the Parents, Grandparents and our local community.

Admission is £5 with bars from Paso-Primero wines and The Old Market Hall’s Gindifferent.

Thursday 27th June, 2024

Next week is OLYMPICS WEEK

We have had to change the days around for Olympics Week (due to events outside of our control)  So Festival Day is now on Thursday with a parents showcase song at 2.45pm at the Lower KS2 Playground.  Please come and join us!

To make life easy the children can wear PE kits ALL WEEK!  (any shorts and t-shirts are fine if you can’t find enough PE kits)

Thursday is also a picnic lunch day in school (instead of a hot meal) with an outdoor dining room.

Thursday 27th June, 2024


Our friends at Bowbrook are having a festival afternoon if you are looking for a family friendly event for the weekend.

Thursday 27th June, 2024

Year 6 Reminders

Coming soon…

Friday 12th July– Leavers Assembly @ 1.30pm

Monday 15th July– Yr 6 Airhop Party

Please make payment of £17.40 on Arbor for the Yr 6 Leavers Party.

Coleham Sweatshirts– We would be really grateful for donations of Coleham School Sweatshirts if you have no siblings to pass them down to. The children can pass these onto Miss Dovey or Mrs Lord.

Monday 24th June, 2024

Year 4 Animal Habitats and Pond Dipping Trip, Shropshire Wildlife Trust

As part of this term’s science curriculum work, we have arranged for Year 4 to take part in an “Animals and their Habitats” workshop at Shropshire Wildlife Trust’s site in Abbey Foregate. During their visit, pupils will also do some pond dipping to discover the variety of creatures that live in that environment. Dolphins trip will take place on Thursday 11th July; and Whales on Friday 12th July.

Each class will set off shortly after morning registration and return to school around 2.15-2.30pm, so should be collected as normal at the end of the school day.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. We ask that children come into school dressed in their PE kit and bring with them a lightweight waterproof coat and a pair of wellingtons. If the weather forecast is predicted to be hot/sunny,  please ensure that they also bring a sun hat for protection. An application of sun lotion before coming into school is advised.

The cost of the trip is £8.40, which includes the cost of both activities. Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Sunday 23rd June, 2024

Historic Open Gardens

On Sunday we held a Historic Open Gardens event part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  It was an absolute privilege to show the community our unique and special grounds, many of whom had no idea that we have a listed Coach House, Victorian Museum, Folly, Pond and Conservation area.  We have such a unique and fascinating site that lies hidden behind Greyfriars Road and is part of Shrewsbury’s local history.

Miss Othen’s History Club have been trawling through our school archives for weeks in preparation and gave our guests personal tours and a wealth of information about the stone Folly that originates from St Mary’s Church, Shrewsbury and the Limes Estate.  Well done to our pupil History Guides Toby, Finlay, Alice, Mae, Perdy, Lauren and Martha! You were all so impressive in communicating with the public.  Big thanks to local archaeologists Matt who is currently filming for Time Team and Janine for being on hand with an assortment of local finds from The National Trust including a 5000 year old Neolithic axe head.  What a fascinating afternoon of local history.

Shropshire Star Article

#careers #independence #colehamcommunity

Friday 21st June, 2024

Welcome To Year 6 Parents and Carers Meeting

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday 10th July, we would like to invite you to a special ‘Welcome To Year 6’ evening at school.

This will be an opportunity to meet Mrs Morgan and Miss Featherston, and get an insight into what this important final year of primary school entails, what the expectations are and how you can best support your children in what can be a challenging but ultimately brilliant year of their school journey.

In the presentation, we will go over:

  • SATs
  • Responsibilities and expectations
  • Parental support
  • Use of mobile phones and social media

There will also be the opportunity to ask questions you may have, or gain reassurances of things that may be worrying your children.

There will be two opportunities to be part of the presentations on the day in the school hall, at 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm and there is no need to book.  Please just show up.

There will be some important messages in the presentation, so we hope that all of our Year 5 parents and carers are able to attend, and children are also advised to attend so they hear the same messages.

Yours sincerely

Maria Stennett

Upper Key Stage 2 Leader

Friday 21st June, 2024

This SUNDAY BVAF Open Gardens

Coleham School will be part of the Belle Vue Open Gardens this year.

This gives us a wonderful opportunity to show members of our community our listed Coach House, Victorian Museum and historic Folly which was once architecture in St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury.  Our History Club Guides look forward to welcoming people on the Belle Vue Gardens Trail and telling them about the history of our school and The Limes Estate.  We also have Archaeologists on site with a collection of finds to talk about.

Tickets for the garden trail cost £3 per adult.  Tickets can be purchased at our Let’s Celebrate event, Stop.coffee, Coleham Sandwich bar and House Coffee and designated gardens.

Friday 21st June, 2024

Olympic Week Coming Up!

Miss Lewis has organised the most INCREDIBLE week for us all to celebrate the 2024 Olympics!  We have not 1 Olympian visiting us but 3 medal winners over the course of the week and a special Olympic Festival Day on Wednesday!

Save the date as on Wednesday 3rd July at 2.45pm as parents are invited to the Lower KS2 Playground to hear the children sing a song they have been rehearsing for you.


Thursday 20th June, 2024

Sports Day Week

Next week is our School Sports Days.  Which House will triumph?

Sports Day starts at 1.30pm on the School Field and is open to family members.

Home time collection will be as normal.

Wednesday 19th June, 2024

Year 4 Animal Habitats and Pond Dipping Trip, Shropshire Wildlife Trust

As part of this term’s science curriculum work, we have arranged for Year 4 to take part in an “Animals and their Habitats” workshop at Shropshire Wildlife Trust’s site in Abbey Foregate. During their visit, pupils will also do some pond dipping to discover the variety of creatures that live in that environment. Dolphins trip will take place on Thursday 11th July; and Whales on Friday 12th July.

Each class will set off shortly after morning registration and return to school around 2.15-2.30pm, so should be collected as normal at the end of the school day.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. We ask that children come into school dressed in their PE kit and bring with them a lightweight waterproof coat and a pair of wellingtons. If the weather forecast is predicted to be hot/sunny,  please ensure that they als bring a sun hat for protection. An application of sun lotion before coming into school is advised.

The cost of the trip is £8.40, which includes the cost of both activities. Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Wednesday 19th June, 2024

Disco ticket check

If you are unsure if you have bought a Disco ticket you can check on your Arbor app. You can see what you have bought by clicking on the payment section on the left of the parent portal and then selecting invoices. This will detail the invoice for the products you have purchased.

Wednesday 19th June, 2024

EYFS Trip to Park Hall Farm

As part of this term’s topic ‘Journeys’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Park Hall Farm in Oswestry. The trip will take place on Wednesday 17th July leaving school at 9:30am and returning at 3:00pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, and comfortable footwear. Due to lots of the activities being outdoors, please ensure that your child brings along a waterproof coat for possible cold/inclement weather. Likewise, if the weather is warmer please ensure your child brings a hat and suncream. Please note, no spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £14.70 per child, which includes transport costs, entrance fees and insurance/admin charges. Payment for the trip should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

As Reception pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available.


All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch form for your child by close of play, Friday 12th July we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Tuesday 18th June, 2024

Year 6 It’s Your Move transition session

Shrewsbury Youth For Christ Group came into school today to carry out their annual It’s Your Move transition session with our Year 6 pupils. It was a great session and the children had the opportunity to discuss how they are feeling about their move to secondary school and watch some films where Year 7 pupils share how the transition to secondary school was for them. They were  also presented with their own book packed full of information about secondary school and we would like to say a big thank you to Coleham Prayer Group for purchasing these.

Friday 14th June, 2024

Next Friday- Wear Yellow! NO UNIFORM DAY

Olivia and Elinor Hargest would like to promote the Cystic Fibrosis Trust charity by asking pupils to Wear Yellow to school on Friday 21st June.  If you wish to donate £1 towards the charity, we’ll have some collection buckets at drop off.


Friday 14th June, 2024

Garden Bar Coming Soon

Enjoy alfresco drinks at our Garden Bar.  Darren from the Old Market Hall Gindifferent and Tom from Paso-Primero wines will be with us to provide the drinks.  A special event in our conservation area.   Family members , friends and relatives from the community are also welcome.  Purchase your tickets now on Arbor School Shop!

Friday 14th June, 2024

Disco Details

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 21st June.

Reception & KS1: 4:45pm to 5.45pm

KS2: 6.00pm to 7.00pm         


Disco Tickets are available on Arbor at £3 per child and a reduced price for our Free School Meal families.  Please pay in advance.  We will be printing off a list of everyone who has paid to create the Disco Register and we will check the children against this on entry for safeguarding purposes.

KS1 Disco

Due to numbers and logistics of the school hall, parents are not able to attend.

Please drop your children off at the bottom corner gate opposite the Butchers.  We ask that you don’t enter the site please, children should enter independently and we will have staff on hand to lead the children to the playground where they will be registered and taken in.  Staff will help children with refreshments and dancing.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required and coats should be left with parents.

Adults may collect children from the KS1 Playground promptly at 6:00pm.  We will aim to have them lined up in EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 so you can easily find them and a staff member on the gate will check that children are going home with an adult known to them (family member, friend or parent)

KS2 Disco

Children should enter via the main gate and walk around to the lower KS2 playground.  The children should line up in year groups so they can be registered and taken in.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required, no mobile phones and coats should be left with parents.

At 7:00pm we will open the bottom corner gate opposite the butchers.  You may walk across KS1 playground to the Hall, find your child and exit via the same entrance.  All children must be collected by an adult known to them.  Staff will be positioned on the gate to ensure safe collection home.


We require a large number of parents to help at the Disco, at the refreshment tables and supervising the hall.  Please let Mrs Moore know if you can help at the KS1 or KS2 Disco.  You simply need to arrive with your child and make your way to the hall.

Email: maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk


Kind regards,

Miss T Othen

Business Manager


Friday 14th June, 2024

After School Club Prices for 24-25

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are always sensitive to any costs that our families incur and we never like to increase prices, however, we must also balance this with generating income for the school.  School budgets are being squeezed tighter and will continue to be a cause for concern for schools over the coming years.  In particular, pressures from staffing and energy increases which we must factor in.

Therefore, the After School Club charge from September 2024 will be £11.

We have known that this price needed uplifting for some time, so we have considered other local wraparound charges and we feel this price sits at a comfortable level and is neither excessive nor too low but at the right point to be fair to parents whilst also generating income for school.

Please ensure that your Arbor account is topped up; you must pay in advance for sessions to avoid being in debt to the school.  We will be contacting account holders in debt each month.   We would appreciate your support with prompt payments as the school is unable to operate effectively, in these challenging financial times, if there is a large collective parent debt.

Breakfast Club charges won’t be increased and will remain at £4.00.   We believe that this is still good value for the childcare provided.  I hope that you are able to continue to benefit from these clubs and can support us in this decision.

Yours sincerely,

Mr T Larkham


Thursday 13th June, 2024

Year 5 Trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery

We have arranged for Year 5 to visit Wolverhampton Art Gallery to see the Football: Designing the Beautiful Games Exhibition they have running this term, to discover the remarkable design stories behind the world’s number one sport. Following their visit to the Art Exhibition the children will enjoy a picnic lunch in nearby Church Gardens.

The trip will take place on Friday 21st June, leaving school at 9.15am and returning around 2.30pm, in time for normal end-of-day collection.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. No additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £8.50, which includes transport and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Thursday 13th June, 2024

Parents Online Bladder & Bowel Workshop

If you have any worries about your child with respect to bladder/bowel habits then this online session might have some useful tips and knowledge.

Wednesday 12th June, 2024

Parent Carer Participation Group


Dear Parents/Carers,

Please read the introductory letter from The Parent Carer Council (PACC)

PACC letter

Invitation to Meeting

We are pleased to advise you that Coleham Primary School, is participating in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) programme, which aims to improve support for children with additional needs.

In order to support the PINS project, we are also creating a Parent Carer Participation Group with the school. The Participation Group is for all parent carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND); no diagnosis or EHCP is required.

We will hold regular meetings in order to:

  • Work co-operatively with the school
  • Ensure that parent carers have their voices heard by the school
  • Bring parent carers together to share experiences

At the meeting we will be planning how our sessions will run for the next academic year, and what parent/carers would like to theme sessions on.

The introductory drop-in will be held on Friday 28th June from 2-3 pm

Please try to join us and encourage other parent/carers to come along too.

We look forward to seeing you.

You can drop in to the meeting, but you can also indicate your attendance by completing this FORMS LINK.

Yours sincerely,

Simone Goward

Parent Carer Liaison Lead



Wednesday 12th June, 2024

Year 6 End of Year Party – Air Hop Trampoline Park

We have arranged a party for our Year 6 Leavers to mark the end of their time with us – a momentous milestone in their growing up and moving on. Following the success of previous years’ celebrations at the Trampoline Park in Harlescott we have arranged for this year’s Year 6 to attend the same venue.

The children will be leaving school around 12.30pm on Monday 15th July and travelling by coach to the trampoline park where they will have a one-hour session on the trampolines followed by a meal and a drink. They should be back in time for normal end of day collection time, depending on the traffic they encounter on their return journey.

The cost of the event is £17.40 per child including transport, activity (and a pair of special trampolining  socks), pizza and a soft drink.  Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account by Wednesday 10th July please.  We hope that everyone can contribute to trips in some way. If you are concerned about making payment, please contact the office who can support with payment options.

 Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

We very much hope the children will have an enjoyable and memorable afternoon at Air Hop Trampoline Park.

Wednesday 12th June, 2024

Year 5 Trip to Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings

As part of this term’s geography curriculum work on the changing landscape of Shrewsbury, we have arranged for Year 5 to visit the Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings. Lions will be visiting the Maltings on Tuesday 9th July and Leopards on Friday 12th July.

Each class will set off from school at 9.30am and will travel by coach to the venue. They will return around 2.45pm, so should be collected as normal at the end of the school day.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. No additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £11.60, which includes transport, entry to the Maltings and insurance/admin costs.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.