
Monday 13th March, 2023

Science Week

Science Week is back!

This year we are celebrating British Science Week, the week commencing 20th March. This year’s theme is ‘Connection’s’.

We will be launching Science Week to the children through a Science Assembly this Friday (17th) led by ‘Fun Science’ leader Sue Hayward.

Throughout Science Week we will be learning about connections through the topic of animals and living things. We will have caterpillars, butterflies, tadpoles, hatching chicks and even have lambs visit us from a local farm.

We are also very lucky to have visitors in school, including a doctor, ecologist and 3 local Secondary School teachers coming to share their passion for science through some highly engaging science lessons for pupils in KS2.

In Year 6 pupils will be exploring a range of science resources and equipment, kindly on loan by parent Mr Whitehead and his company Lascells Ltd.

We really are very excited about all the science due to take place.



Monday 13th March, 2023

Walk, scoot or cycle to school challenge

Eco Council Project

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustran’s Big Walk and Wheel 2023; the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge starts next week runs for two weeks from Monday 20th March – Friday 31st March. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved.

What do you need to do?

Encourage your child(ren) to walk, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event.  The Eco Council will be logging our numbers for each day of this national challenge.

We understand that it may be more difficult for some pupils to take part than others for example those at Breakfast Club or who live further away from school.

Why we are taking part

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity and wellbeing in children’s daily routine and a active school-runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gates.  Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part!

For more information about the event go to www.bigwalkandwheel.org.uk . Enjoy the challenge!


Friday 10th March, 2023


Dear Parents/Carers,


Kind regards,

School Office

Thursday 9th March, 2023

Information for Friday

Dear Parents/Carers,

Thank you for supporting us today in school and being sensible about the weather conditions.  We’re used to flooding but we haven’t seen snow for a while.  The children had a lovely time exploring the snow at lunchtime.

As you know, when emergencies or weather conditions arise, our Senior Leadership Team will continually monitor and assess the situation on an ongoing basis.  As soon, as any decision is made affecting families, you are then notified immediately via email and the school website so thank you for trusting us and looking out for our communications.

Thinking ahead for tomorrow, we have the following update:

  • Breakfast Club will be operating as normal.
  • Children are welcome to wear alternative footwear appropriate for the weather conditions.
  • It may well be icy on the playgrounds tomorrow morning.  With this in mind, children are recommended to enter straight into school via any of the doors at the front of the main building.  Year 1 and EYFS can enter via their classroom doors as normal.  Therefore no one will need to access the playgrounds at the back of school.   Mr Jones works hard to ensure that main paths to the front entrances are cleared and gritted.
  • It is our intention to run after school clubs tomorrow evening.  If this changes, we will communicate with you in good time.

As weather circumstances are unpredictable, please continue to check your emails regularly.

Kind regards,

Miss Harris

Deputy Headteacher

Thursday 9th March, 2023

All After School Clubs cancelled today – 9th March 2023

Due to the weather we have made the decision to cancel all our after school clubs today which include Multiskills club for EYFS and our daily After School Club.

We continue to remain open.

Thank you

Tuesday 7th March, 2023


School photographers, Active Photographic, will be in school on the morning of Thursday 23rd March to take class group photographs of our pupils. If time permits, we will ask them to take individual photographs of those children who were absent when they visited in the Autumn.

If you DO NOT want your child to have their photograph taken on the day, please click on the link below and complete an OPT OUT form:


Please ensure your child comes in wearing their school sweatshirt/cardigan on the day so they look smart for the class photograph. EYFS are timetabled to do PE in the morning. They will do it in their school uniform so please have them come in in their school uniform and bring in their pumps/trainers to change in to.

Note: Your child/ren will automatically be included in their class photograph if we do not hear from you otherwise by Tuesday 21st March.


Wednesday 1st March, 2023

World Book Day Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,


Today – Wednesday 1st March – KS2 children will be having a fantastic author visit from James Nichol, author of The Apprentice Witch series and The Spell Tailors.  Afterwards James will visit Year 3 classrooms to lead a creative writing workshop with Turtles and Starfish.

Book Signing

James will be staying in school for a book signing session in the afternoon.  Some children may like to purchase a signed book of The Spell Tailors.(Books cost £7.99, please make payment as soon as possible on ParentPay so we can place our order).  Please note that there is no pressure or expectation to buy one: we will also be purchasing copies for school, so children won’t miss out on reading them!

Thursday 2nd March – Actual World Book Day.

Non-Uniform– Children may come to school dressed to represent their favourite book or character.  Please don’t feel the need to buy expensive fancy dress for this occasion: the children are so keen on being eco-conscious and re-using items you already have at home.  Equally, please don’t feel any pressure to make an elaborate costume.

Pop-Up Bookshop

We are collaborating with local independent book store, Pengwern Books, to open our own Pop-Up Book Shop in The Coach House so that all children can use their World Book Day token to select their own book to take home.  Classes will have a slot to visit throughout the day.

Special Lunch menu

Friday 3rd March – EYFS and KS1 Children will have a visit from local storyteller Sal Tongue.  We will have our DEAR slot as normal at 2:45pm (Drop Everything And Read!) but we’ll be changing this up with a fun variation this week.

Thank you

Tuesday 28th February, 2023

Club Spaces

We still have spaces on the following clubs:

Debating Club for Year 5

Science Club for Years 3 & 4

Ukulele for Years 2, 3 & 4. NOW OPEN TO YEARS 5 & 6.

Lego Animation Year 6

Basketball Years 3 & 4 – once space has become available today.

Rhythmsticks for Years 1,2 & 3

Eco Club for Years 3 & 4 – Seed planting, hedgehog highways  and houses, art with natural resources/recycled stuff. NOW OPEN TO YEAR 2.

Multiskills EYFS

Clubs – Coleham Primary School





Tuesday 28th February, 2023

Mr Venn’s Farewell Event

Dear Parents/Carers,

Farewell Event for Mr Venn

As you all know Mr Venn will be leaving us at Easter to relocate to Devon.

We hope you can join us in a farewell run as Coleham School ‘Takes over’ Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun.

There is a Shrewsbury Junior Parkrun every Sunday morning at 9am in the quarry and Mr Venn and I often volunteer with our families.  It’s a 2km lap starting near the tennis courts and children aged 4-14 can take part for free and parents often run with their youngest children or cheer along the route.  We have arranged it with the organisers so that on the 26th March 2023 there will be a Coleham School Takeover event.

We would LOVE it if we could boost the profile of Junior Park Run within our Coleham School community, whilst at the same time celebrating everything Mr Venn has done for our school, children and their families.

We know lots of Coleham children already take part but wouldn’t it be AMAZINNG if we could all come together for Mr Venn’s last Shrewsbury Parkrun and smash the attendance figures for our local Parkrun.  It’s a fun way for the whole family to be active together.

If you can spare an hour of your Sunday morning on 26th MARCH at 9:00am to either volunteer as a marshall or just come along to cheer the children on, that would be fantastic!

Any child is able to run the course but it’s much better if you are able to register FOR FREE with Shrewsbury Junior Park Run via their website www.parkrun.org.uk/register.  This way your child will have a barcode which they hand in at the end which registers their run time on the Parkrun website and also tracks attendance numbers for Parkrun.

To volunteer you just need to sign up FOR FREE at www.parkrun.org.uk/register and email shrewsburyjuniors@parkrun.com with your barcode number to say you’d like to volunteer on the 26th  March (if you are already involved in Parkrun, this is your normal barcode). Volunteering just means standing in a high vis along the course and cheering the children on.

We hope to see lots of you there!

Kind regards,

M Stennett

Class Teacher

Monday 27th February, 2023

Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope that you have all had a relaxing half term break.

Thank you to those parents who have completed our Parent Survey.  We are keen to gain the views of as many of you as possible and so if you haven’t already completed the survey, please can I ask you to find time to share your views with us?  As you know, we are always looking to improve every aspect of provision here at Coleham School and we really value your views and feedback.  The survey can be anonymous, but if you have specific concerns, it would be useful to add your name so that we can address them directly with you.  Please remember that the online survey is not the appropriate place to air grievances or make personal comments: please contact me or the office if you have any serious concerns that we can address.  Please click the link below to access the survey:


The survey will close on Friday 3rd March at 3:00pm and we will, of course, provide you with feedback regarding the outcome of the survey once we have taken time to analyse the results.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Friday 17th February, 2023

New Lunch Menu

The lunch menu for after half term

Friday 17th February, 2023

End of Term letter with Parent Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

Here we are at the end of another half-term, we are also at the half-way point of the whole school year!  Lots has been happening this year so far, as Ms Jones wrote about in the letter earlier this week.


As we go into the half-term break, I’m delighted to be able to inform you that we have successfully appointed a new Deputy Headteacher for September when I take on the Headship on a permanent basis.  In the new academic year, will welcome Alison Turner, who is currently the Deputy Headteacher at Much Wenlock Primary School.  She brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience, particularly in maths, and will be a great asset to the school.


As you know, we are constantly seeking to enhance every aspect of provision here at Coleham School and we really value your views and feedback, to make further improvements.  The survey can be anonymous, but if you have specific concerns, it would be useful to add your name so that we can address them directly with you.  Please remember that the online survey is not the appropriate place to air grievances or make personal comments: please contact me or the office if you have any serious concerns that we can address.  Click the link below to access the survey:


This survey will be open for two weeks and will close on Friday 3rd March at 3:00pm.

We will also be asking the children to complete a questionnaire after half-term in order to gain their views too.  We will, of course, consider all of your views as a Leadership Team and I will write to you again with the results and details of our plans going forward.  Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire.  Your views do matter to us.


We are also able to confirm that school we be able to open as normal on Wednesday 1st March (first Wednesday back) which is the next planned date for national strike action by NEU members.

It only remains for us to wish you a relaxing half-term break!

Yours sincerely,

Mr Larkham & Ms Jones


Wednesday 15th February, 2023

Headteacher letter 15th February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we near the end of this half term, I write with some important updates and information.

Firstly, I am sad to let you all know that at the end of this term, Mr Venn will be leaving Coleham School to take up a new post at a school in Devon.  Mr Venn has taught PE for us here at Coleham for over 4 years and he has contributed so much to school life, running numerous sporting clubs, competitions and sports events.  He will be greatly missed by us all but we wish him lots of luck as he re-locates to Devon to be nearer to family.  We will, of course, be organising a sporting event to thank Mr Venn for all his hard work during his time at Coleham.  More information will follow after half term.

This half term has been a busy one.  The children enjoyed Francophone day, organised by Madame Jones, where they learnt about different French speaking countries.  They also enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year.  In addition, a number of trips have been organised by teachers, both local and further afield.  We are really keen to bring the curriculum to life through real life experiences for the children and we have even more planned for after half term, including the Year 4 residential trip to Condover and some exciting curriculum visits to Shrewsbury High School.

It was also lovely to welcome so many of you to the recent Coleham Quiz night.  Thank you to Mr Larkham, our Quiz Master.  Our recent school disco was also well attended and enjoyed by all.  We are now looking forward to the Plant and Craft Fair, which will take place in May and is part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  We’ll be holding a planning meeting for this after half term and warmly welcome parents and community members to come along and help with this event.  We will send more information soon.

After half term, we look forward to seeing you in school for Parents Evening.  Hopefully you have been able to book a slot with your child’s class teacher.  Please let us know if you need any support with booking your appointment.  When we return to school after the break, we are also looking forward to celebrating World Book Day and have a whole week of activities in school.  We have a storyteller visiting EYFS & KS1 and an author visiting KS2.  You are able to purchase a signed book for KS2 children on ParentPay for the author book signing if this interests your child.  Please see the separate letter from Mrs Young regarding this.  Finally, rehearsals are well underway for our school production of Jungle Book, which will be performed just before we break up for Easter.  Please look out for more information from Mrs Stennett regarding rehearsals and tickets!

Term Dates

The spring term is often a time when people look to book their annual holidays. If you are planning a trip this year, please do check our school’s website for our term dates to ensure that you are referencing the correct term dates.  We set our own term dates and so Shropshire Council’s term dates do not always correspond with ours, particularly when it comes to PD Days. Also, please be aware that we cannot authorise holidays during term.


We are working really hard to ensure that attendance and punctuality remains high across school.  Please remember that good attendance is crucial and that most minor aliments (e.g. a cold, tiredness) can be dealt with at school.  We regularly speak to the children about the importance of punctuality and good attendance even if we are not feeling 100%.  Please can I ask you to deliver the same message at home to your children and, if in doubt, please send your child to school and be assured that if they are unwell while at school, we will call you to collect them.  Please remember that your child must arrive in good time to enter school at 8:50 am for registration and the school gates close at 8:55 am.


Please remember to send your children into school in the correct uniform and with black school shoes (not trainers).  We are phasing out the old style red logo school jumpers and would ask you to please hand in any old jumpers so that we can swap them for new ones.  If you are having any trouble funding school uniform, please let us know; we are happy to help.

Class Assemblies

This term, a number of classes have performed their class assemblies – thank you for coming along to watch your children.  We have some more assemblies scheduled for after half term (please see below).  These assemblies are a chance for your child to share with you the work they have been doing here at school.  They will last for approximately 20 minutes and will begin at 9:10am on your allocated day.  Please head into the hall via the front door straight after drop off on your allocated day.


Class Date of assembly
Year 4: Dolphins 7th March
Year 4: Whales 8th March
Year 5: Leopards 14th March
Year 5: Lions 17th March (please note date change)


Finally, please remember that if you have any concerns or queries at all as the term progresses, do contact the school office.  Your child’s class teacher will usually be your first port of call but me or Mr Larkham are out on the playground most days, and are very happy to deal with any concerns you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


Tuesday 14th February, 2023

Parents Evening Update


Dear Parents and Carers,

Many apologies for the technical failure last week – we can now confirm that the system works and you are able to book your slot.  There is also a slight change of date, owing to the propsed NEU industrial action on Wednesday 1st March.

Those of you who booked an appointment for Wednesday 1st will need to rebook your slot. Those who have booked an appointment for Thursday 2nd March will not be affected.

The two parents’ evenings will be:

  • Tuesday 28th February: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 2nd March: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


Thursday 9th February, 2023

Eat them to defeat them!

After half term, our School Kitchen will be joining in with national campaign Eat Them to Defeat Them 2023 for some Vegpower!

This campaign partners with ITV and Channel 4 to bring about changes in children’s attitudes towards vegetables.

The lunch menu will have lots of added vegetables on offer and some dishes created with lots more blended veg.  The children will be bringing home an activity pack and will receive stickers for trying new vegetables.  Perhaps you can join in at home?


Find out more on their website below:


Thursday 9th February, 2023

Football Ticket Draw Result

Mr Venn has drawn the winners of the free tickets to watch the Birmingham City Ladies vs London City Lionesses match on Sunday 12th February at 2pm in Birmingham.

The winners are: Betsy and Flora Hartshorne , Riley Price, Bobby Coales and Isabelle Fox.

Well done all and enjoy the match!


Wednesday 8th February, 2023

World Book Day

Dear Parents/Carers,


After half term, we will be celebrating World Book Day and promoting a love of reading in school with activities over the week. It will start with a whole school assembly which will introduce and explain all about World Book Day and the week ahead.

Wednesday 1st March – KS2 children will be having a fantastic author visit from James Nichol, author of The Apprentice Witch series and The Spell Tailors.  Afterwards James will visit Year 3 classrooms to lead a creative writing workshop with Turtles and Starfish.


Book Signing

James will be staying in school for a book signing session in the afternoon.  Some children may like to purchase a signed book of The Spell Tailors.(Books cost £7.99, please make payment as soon as possible on ParentPay so we can place our order).  Please note that there is no pressure or expectation to buy one: we will also be purchasing copies for school, so children won’t miss out on reading them!

Thursday 2nd March Actual World Book Day.

Non-Uniform– Children may come to school dressed to represent their favourite book or character.  Please don’t feel the need to buy expensive fancy dress for this occasion: the children are so keen on being eco-conscious and re-using items you already have at home.  Equally, please don’t feel any pressure to make an elaborate costume.  Here are some simple ideas below:

-re-use Halloween costumes (cats, witches, skeletons, wizards feature in lots of stories)

-re-use other costumes (animals, superheroes & princesses feature in lots of stories)

–characters wearing old fashioned clothes (Famous Five, World War stories)

-characters wearing pyjamas (BFG, I’m Going on a bear Hunt, The Polar Express)

-inspiration from sports stars/real life hero books

-use our Drop & Swap Trolley in the foyer to recycle old costumes.  You can drop old costumes off or give costumes a new home.

We understand that some children feel uncomfortable wearing fancy dress. They may choose to wear their own comfy reading clothes instead – we want all children to enjoy the day.

Special Lunch Menu

 We will have a special themed lunch on offer this day.

Pop-Up Bookshop

We are collaborating with local independent book store, Pengwern Books, to open our own Pop-Up Book Shop in The Coach House so that all children can use their World Book Day token to select their own book to take home.  Classes will have a slot to visit throughout the day.

Friday 3rd March

EYFS and KS1 Children will have a visit from local storyteller Sal Tongue.  We will have our DEAR slot as normal at 2:45pm (Drop Everything And Read!) but we’ll be changing this up with a fun variation this week.

We are really looking forward to the things we have planned and we are sure the children will really enjoy themselves.

Kind regards,

Mrs Young

KS1 Leader & Reading Co-ordinator


Friday 3rd February, 2023

Veggie February Meal Promotion

The School Eco Council have helped design meals for Veggie February!

See the meals below for Tuesdays in February!



















Monday 30th January, 2023

Free Football Tickets

We have been given 10 free tickets to watch the Birmingham City Ladies vs London City Lionesses match on Sunday 12th February at 2pm in Birmingham.

If you are interested please enter your name into a draw (there is a box in the school foyer) the lucky names will be drawn out Wednesday 9th February.

Good Luck !

Monday 30th January, 2023


As you will be aware, there is planned strike action from the National Education Unioin (NEU) on Wednesday 1st February, owing to a dispute with the DfE.

I am writing to let you know that we will be able to keep Coleham School open on the 1st February, so please send your children in as normal.

If anything changes, we will, of course, let you know.  We will also keep you informed of the proposed strike days beyond the 1st February when we are able.

Thursday 26th January, 2023

Chinese Dragon Workshop for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4

As part of our religious studies, we have arranged for our Year 1, 2 and 4 pupils to take part in a Chinese New Year Dragon Workshop at school on Thursday 2nd February. Each workshop, provided by Sounds Roadshows, will include activities such as lion and ribbon dancing and music making on authentic Chinese musical instruments, and will feature two fabulously colourful 15 metre dragons. Very exciting!

As we have no other way of funding this workshop we would be extremely grateful if parents could contribute £3.70 per child towards its cost. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account by Wednesday 1st February please.

To mark the Chinese New Year, there will be a Special Menu on Thursday 2nd February

Thursday 26th January, 2023

Chinese New Year Menu

On Thursday 2nd February we will be learning about the Chinese New Year festival in school.

Please see the menu for the special themed lunch

Wednesday 25th January, 2023

Wanted Breakfast Club Staff

Breakfast Club Staff

Grade 5/6 £11.18-£12.47 per/hour

1 hour per day 7:40am-8:40pm

Shifts available Mon-Fri

Term Time only

Do you enjoy working with children?

Would you like to be part of our caring, successful and popular school?

Our Breakfast Club provides a fun and caring environment to give the children a good start to the school day and help them socialise and have fun before school.

We are looking for someone:

  • with a compassionate and caring nature who is at ease in the company of children;
  • who is organised and energetic;
  • who can build positive relationships with staff and children;
  • with a positive attitude to be part of our Coleham team;

Flexibility with days.  Free spaces available for your own children.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience in a school setting.

Please email or telephone Tracy Othen if you are interested in finding out more.

Email: tracy.othen@col.318education.co.uk


Please see Job Description and Person Specification;

ASC Assistant JD & PS

Friday 20th January, 2023

Quiz night

We are pleased to announce our legendary Quiz is back!

Hosted by Mr Larkham.

Friday 3rd February at 7.30pm.

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please.

Bring your own drink and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office.

See you there.

Thursday 19th January, 2023

Strike Action

You may be aware that The National Education Union (NEU) will be holding strike action in the near future due to a dispute with the government over pay and funding.

The NEU has announced the following dates for the potential strike action:

  • Wednesday 1 February 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales
  • Wednesday 1 March 2023: all eligible members in the following English regions: East Midlands, West Midlands, Eastern.
  • Wednesday 15/16 March 2023: all eligible members in England and Wales.

The NEU is just one of many education unions represented at Coleham, so at this stage I do not know how this will impact classes in our school; I am writing to let you know that there may be some disruption on these dates.

Of course, I apologise for any potential disruption to your child’s education.  Please rest assured that I will write to you as soon as possible to let you know further details and if this strike action will impact any of our classes.

Tuesday 17th January, 2023

Drop & Swap Fancy Dress

The Eco Council launch their next Drop & Swap campaign!

Watch the video below:

Our Drop & Swap Trolley is located in the School Foyer, come and take a look.

Tuesday 17th January, 2023

Message from Shropshire Music Service

Shropshire Music Service have new ensembles starting this term, open to all young musicians . All the ensembles are FREE, for all abilities and spread around the county. There are several Stompers groups which are idea for beginners, (Cleobury, Ludlow, Shrewsbury and Wem) a guitar ensemble (Bridgnorth), plus orchestras, Big Band, world folk and vocal groups. Please click the link below to find out more information.

Ensembles | Shropshire Music Service

Saturday 14th January, 2023


Disco Fever at Coleham School!  Thank you so much to our staff, parent volunteers and wonderful children for a great evening.  So much fun when we’re all together!

Check out this dance floor! Sweet Caroline!

Creating childhood memories that will last a lifetime!        #friendship #independence #community


Thursday 12th January, 2023

Half Marathon – Year 1 to Year 6

We are pleased to announce that Coleham School will be taking part in the Shropshire Primary Schools’ Half Marathon again this year.  This event was very popular last year with our pupils with 150 taking part ranging from Year 1 to Year 6.

This is a cumulative Half Marathon (13.1 miles) where, over the course of the Spring term, children will complete the first 12 miles of the challenge. We intend on running each of these miles on a weekly basis, during break time (any child may participate in this part at break times). The children will then complete their final 1.1 miles at the West Mid Showground on Saturday 22nd April 2023 from 9am. Here they will get the full event experience including race bibs, a fully marshalled route, music and a start and finish line gantry. As they cross the finish line wearing their Half Marathon T-shirt they will be presented with their Half Marathon medal.

It is important to explain that this event is not a running race: it will not be chip-timed, nor will there be prizes for the “fastest” children. It is an inclusive personal challenge where, over a period of time, we hope they will develop a desire to exercise regularly, with no pressure to compete, whilst at the same time completing something as challenging as a Half Marathon – a wonderful achievement for everyone involved.

To compete in this event there is an entrance fee of £12 for each child entered and you must be able to commit to bringing your child to the event at the West Mid Showground. This event is open to all our pupils in Years 1 to 6If you would like your child to take part then please make the payment via Parentpay. If you require financial assistance, then please contact the school office.

The deadline for this is 12pm Thursday 2nd February as we need to give final numbers to the organising committee.

We are looking forward to being active and completing this challenge!

Many thanks,

C Lewis & M Venn

Miss Lewis and Mr Venn

PE Coordinator & Sport Coach

Tuesday 10th January, 2023

Headteacher’s Letter: 10th January

Dear Parents/Carers,

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school last week after the Christmas holiday.  Everyone is looking refreshed and ready for the term ahead.

We have a busy half term ahead with lots of activities planned.  On Friday, we will be hosting our first school disco since before Covid; we are really looking forward to this and hope that lots of children will be attending.  In addition, we are also organising a parents quiz night this half term (details to follow), which we hope you will support.

From a curriculum point of view, we have a number of trips planned including a Year 1 trip to Blists Hill, a Year 3 trip to Birmingham Sea Life Centre and a Year 4 trip to Engenuity as part of their Science topic.  Year 4 will also be going to Condover for a 1 night residential trip and Year 5 will be visiting the National Space Centre in Leicester as part of their Science and History work.  More details about all trips will follow in due course.

In addition, this term Mrs Stennett will be leading the School Production of Jungle Book.  Auditions for Years 5 & 6 have started this week (during lunch breaks) and the production itself will be just before Easter.  The whole school is also gearing up for our Francophone Day later this half term, organised by Madame Jones.  During our Francophone Day, the children will learn about the different countries where French is spoken.  We will also be celebrating the Chinese New Year at the beginning of February and we look forward to being able to share some images via Class Do Jo with you.

Staffing Update

This term, we have welcomed Miss Jones to teach in Whales class and we have also welcomed Mrs Mukhopadyhay to our support staff team, working across both Year 4 classes.


We are working really hard to ensure that attendance and punctuality remains high across school.  Please remember that good attendance is crucial and that most minor aliments (e.g. a cold, tiredness) can be dealt with at school.  We regularly speak to the children about the importance of punctuality and good attendance even if we are not feeling 100%.  Please can I ask you to deliver the same message at home to your children and, if in doubt, please send your child to school and be assured that if they are unwell while at school, we will call you to collect them.  Please remember that your child must arrive in good time to enter school at 8:50 am for registration and the school gates will close at 8:55 am.  Thank you for your ongoing support.


Term Dates

The spring term is often a time when people look to book their annual holidays. If you are planning a trip this year, please do check our school’s website for our term dates to ensure that you are referencing the correct term dates: We set our own term dates and so Shropshire Council’s term dates do not always correspond with ours, particularly when it comes to PD Days. Also, please be aware that unless there are exceptional circumstances, holidays during term time cannot be authorised.

Class Assemblies

This term, we would like to invite all parents/carers into school to watch their child’s class assembly.  These assemblies will be a chance for your children to share with you the work they have been doing here at school.  They will last for approximately 20 minutes and will begin at 9:10am on your allocated day.  Please head into the hall via the front door straight after drop off on your allocated day:

Class Date of assembly
Year 1: Hedgehogs 31st January
Year 1: Squirrels 1st February
Year 2: Owls 7th February
Year 2: Rabbits 8th February
Year 3: Turtles 14th February
Year 3: Starfish 15th February
Year 4: Dolphins 7th March
Year 4: Whales 8th March
Year 5: Lions 14th March
Year 5: Leopards 15th March


We hope that you will be able to join us for these assemblies.

Finally, please remember that if you have any concerns or queries at all as the term progresses, do contact the school office.  Your child’s class teacher will usually be your first port of call but me or Mr Larkham are out on the playground most days, and are very happy to deal with any concerns you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones
