
Friday 21st July, 2023

Message from Mr Larkham

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the end of a school year, and the end of an era, is upon us, we can look back on the past few years as a time of great change and drive towards a better today.

Ms Jones and I have worked to build the school we all know and love, but without her exceptional leadership, none of it would be possible. She has been an excellent example to us all, and has taught children, parents and staff how a school should be run. I am proud to have worked with her so closely these last few years and we now look to the future with positivity.

In September, a new period in Coleham’s history will begin with me as Headteacher. I’m excited to carry on the legacy of Ms Jones’ leadership and continue to develop the vision and ethos of our wonderful school. I have been part of that journey since 2009 and want nothing more than for Coleham to be a success.

There will be no great lurch to a new way ethos, no huge change: we will still be the school we all love, always looking to grow and develop for the benefit of everyone involved. The future is an undiscovered country filled with possibility and I can’t wait to lead Coleham School to its shores.

Thank you to everyone for your kindness, patience and support over the year – have a wonderful summer!

Tom Larkham

Friday 21st July, 2023

Message from Ms Jones

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is hard to believe that another academic year has flown by here at Coleham and we find ourselves on the final day of term, and for me my last day as headteacher at Coleham School.

The last 13 years have been incredible and I feel privileged to have played a small part in educating so many wonderful children, many of whom are now grown up!  Coleham has a certain special-ness about it that is hard to put into words.  That special-ness doesn’t come from one person or thing.   Without a doubt, it is the community of wonderful staff, children and parents, who make it great and it is fair to say that I have loved every minute of being a headteacher here.  I am so proud to have led such a committed, loyal and hardworking team of staff, who go above and beyond every day to ensure that all our children receive the best possible education.   I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to them all for their unfaltering support and hard work.  The celebrations organised by the whole team on Wednesday were incredible, I was absolutely blown away by the videos and the wonderful singing at the end of the day.  In addition, thank you so much to those parents and staff who contributed to the beautiful scrap book, I was overwhelmed by all the messages.  The gifts and vouchers that I have received from staff and children have been so kind and thoughtful too.  I feel extremely fortunate to be remaining within our trust, which means that I will be able to pop into Coleham from time to time and see the children and staff and, of course, support Mr Larkham and the whole team moving forward.  I have no doubt that the school will go from strength to strength and I wish everyone lots of luck.

Today we also say “goodbye” to our Year 6 children.  The entire year group performed wonderfully well in Leavers’ assembly last Friday, and they have all had an excellent last few weeks at school.  I thoroughly enjoyed presenting their cups to them today in assembly and am extremely proud of all they have achieved during their time with us at Coleham.  All of our children are ready for the journey that lies ahead, full of the necessary skills needed and oozing with energy and excitement.  We wish them all lots of luck in the future; their new secondary schools are very lucky to have them.

Thank you to all of the parents who join our staff to fundraise and provide lovely events for the entire school community.  The Quiz night and the Plant and Craft Fair were particular highlights, supported by many parents/carers.  The team have already planned their first community event next year The “September Social and some new events for next year!

All that remains is for me to thank you all for your support and to wish you all a lovely, relaxing summer break.  School will re-open on Tuesday 5th September (Wraparound Care will be running on 5th September as normal).

Yours sincerely,

Ms C Jones


Thursday 20th July, 2023

September Social

Save the date!  We look forward to welcoming you all back to school in September.  This is the perfect opportunity for us all to get together for a ‘Coleham Catchup’ after the summer holidays.

We will need lots of volunteers (children and adults) to help man stalls on the day and get involved in any way you can.  Please think about joining staff to help for an hour or two.  Children are welcome to run their own stalls if they have an idea over the holidays.

Thursday 20th July, 2023

Thank you to Staff

As you know, we are also sad to be saying “goodbye” to some much loved Coleham staff this week.  A big thank you to Mrs Long and Mr Russell who have been magnificent in teaching Year 4 and Year 5 over the last 2 years.  You really have been brilliant! As their maternity contract ends, we will be sad to see them go but know we’ll stay in close contact.  We are really looking forward to welcoming Mrs Allan back to teach in Year 2 and, of course, we are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Turner, Coleham’s new Deputy Headteacher.

Today, we also say “goodbye” to Miss Forrester, who has been teaching in EYFS this year.  Luckily for us, Miss Forrester is moving to Bowbook Primary School, the newest school in our trust, which will open its doors to children in September.  Congratulations to Mrs Forrester on her exciting new position as Nursery Teacher.  We’ll still be seeing her lots as we’ll be working in closely with Bowbrook Primary and Miss Othen and Mrs Howson will also be using their expertise to help Bowbrook on their new school journey.

Finally, welcome to Miss Sampson-Jorge and Miss Pilsbury who join us as Teaching Assistants.


Wednesday 19th July, 2023

Clubs for next year


The Club Schedule for next year is now on the website so you can look at what will be available:

Clubs – Coleham Primary School

As you know, ParentPay is closing and we will be moving to a new Payments & Booking system on Arbor.  We will need time to set this up on return to school in September so we hope to start clubs running during the second week.

We will release clubs during the first week back at school, we can’t give a specific date or time for club release just yet in case we run into technical/set up issues but will tell you as soon as we are able too during the first week in September.  The payments and bookings on Arbor will be a big improvement on ParentPay but like anything new we fully expect to run into teething issues.  Please be patient and support the office staff, any issues can be resolved and ironed out.  The first week back to school is always very busy and with a host of new systems being implemented in school we would appreciate your patience and support.

Thank you

The School Office

Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Website Work Underway

Our website will be refreshed next week with everything you need ready for September 2023.

View the classrooms to see the staff working with your children, PE days and Arrival and collection points.  Clubs and lunch menus are also available and school uniform can be purchased from the School Shop Direct.


Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Allotmenteer Sunday 23rd JULY

This Sunday The Street Allotment Project are back at our school allotment from 9:00- 11:00am.  Join them if you can!  All sorts of delightful gardening shenanigans to be done 🙂

Enter via the car park gates and head to the greenhouse where you’ll find a friendly group of volunteers led by Caspar.


Monday 17th July, 2023

E-Safety Parent Controls Booklet

E-Safety Update

Please find below a Parental Controls Booklet to help you manage your child’s ICT, devices and Apps in the home.  This booklet will tell you everything you need to know, all in one handy place!


We hope you find this useful.

Friday 14th July, 2023


Don’t forget ParentPay will be closing on the last day of school.  We will transfer all debit and credit balances to Arbor for September.

We will be using Arbor to record all our family and pupil info, communications and payments.

Friday 14th July, 2023

Clubs for Next School Year


The Club Schedule for next year will go on the website next week so you can see what will be available.

Clubs will start back the 2nd week of school to enable us to set up payments on Arbor and release Clubs during the first week back.

Tuesday 11th July, 2023

SATs results

Dear Parents/Carers,

Today, we received our Year 6 SATs results, following on from the statutory tests, which were taken by our Year 6 children in May.

I am delighted to announce that our Year 6 children have exceeded the national average in every subject for children attaining the expected standard by a considerable margin.  Here are the results:

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Coleham (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2023)
Reading 86% 73%
Writing 84% 71%
Maths 83% 73%
Science 95% 80%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 92% 72%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 73% 59%

These results reflect how hard all our children in Year 6 have worked.  They have shown tremendous determination and dedication.

In addition, our Year 2 children were also assessed in May using a mixture of teacher assessments and tests, produced by the government.  We are very pleased with this data and have compared it to 2022 national averages.  Here are the results:

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Coleham (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2022)*
Reading 75% 67%
Writing 73% 58%
Maths 82% 68%
Science 95% 77%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 68% Data not available


The Year 1 children in school were also required to take a statutory phonics screening check test in June.  As you can see from the data below, we  are very proud of all of the children in Year 1.

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Coleham (2023) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2022)*
Phonics 90% 75%


All of the teachers and support staff at Coleham work tremendously hard and I would like to thank them all for their commitment this year.  Whilst the data is only a small part of what makes our school great, it is an important part.  The knowledge and skills the children need are built up over their journey through school and every single member of staff plays their part – so a huge thank you and well done to the whole team for making such a difference to our children.

I hope that you feel as pleased as we do with the results, which reflect how hard our children have worked this year.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


Monday 10th July, 2023

Yr 2 Museum Trip

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 2 trip to Shrewsbury Museum

We have arranged for Year 2 to visit Shrewsbury Museum on Thursday 13th July to take part in a history/art workshop and to look at some of the museum’s many artefacts. We will leave school at 9.30am and return around 3.00pm.

As the children will be walking to and from the Museum, please ensure they wear comfortable footwear on the day of the trip and that they bring a coat and a bottle of water with them.

Pupils will also require a packed lunch for this trip. As Year 2 pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available. All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit, cake and a packet of crisps. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch form for your child by close of play, Wednesday 12th July, we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

Packed Lunch Order Form

The cost of the workshop is £3.80 per child, payment of which should be paid by your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information, or if you do not wish your son/daughter to participate in this trip or any of the stated activities so we can make alternative arrangements for them.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Friday 7th July, 2023

September Social Planning Meet Up

Join us on Wednesday evening to plan our next Community Event, the September Social!

Bring your friends and help staff to plan a brilliant event for the children.

One night only, very informal and no ongoing commitments!

You’ll find us on the terrace if sunny!


Friday 7th July, 2023

School Amazon Wishlist

Did you know we have a School Amazon Wishlist?  This is open all your round for anybody to use.  We have received some lovely gifts from parents, thank you!  We are always grateful for your support and teachers and children will be adding their wish list items here.  If you choose to purchase anything for the library, playtimes or classrooms then please do remember to leave us an ‘Amazon Message’ note on the Amazon order so that we can personally thank you!

Coleham School Amazon Wishlist 


Thursday 29th June, 2023

Children’s Help Wanted

Do we have any children entrepreneurs who would like to help with games/stalls for the September Social?

The Scrunchie Sisters will be back selling their hair accessories!

Please let us know at the front gate /school office/class teacher.

Thursday 29th June, 2023

Parent Help required

Our September Social will be back after the Summer Holidays!

We need Parents and family members to help us organise stalls and games for the event!

Could you and your friends help with any of the following:

-Cake Stall

-Cooking & serving burgers

-Face Painting

-Organising a children’s game

-Live music, any singers out there!

If so please let the school office know or come along to our planning meet up.

September Social Planning Meet Up

Date: Wed 12th July

Location: Coleham Tap

Time: From 7:30pm onwards

Who: All welcome



Friday 23rd June, 2023

What’s happening next week?

Sports Days take place next week!

Monday 26th June – EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Yr 3 & 4 Sports Day

Thursday 29th June – Yr 5 & 6 Sports Day

Please can children come to school in their PE kits (black/navy shorts and their House Coloured T-shirt)

Field Gate Opens: 1:15pm

Start Time: 1:30pm

Home time: Children should be collected at their normal collection points at 3:10pm and 3:20pm

Swimming for Year 6

Tuesday- Giraffes


Thursday 22nd June, 2023

Reminder – Showcase Music Concert: 4th July

Dear Parent/Carer

Don’t forget we are holding our annual “Showcase Concert” at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 4th July in the main school hall.

It is a great event – children who have music lessons in school through the Shropshire Music Service, and children who have lessons outside school, are invited to perform for us.  The audience is always very appreciative and the atmosphere is relaxed and very supportive.

To register your child’s participation in this event, click on the link below and complete the virtual reply slip –  by no later than 9.00am on Monday 27th June please, so that we have time to organise the running order for this event.


Children who are performing may need some time for “tuning up” before the concert starts so could they please be at school for around 5.45pm-5.50pm? Thank you.

I do hope you can join us for this very enjoyable evening.

Yours sincerely

Claire Jones


Tuesday 20th June, 2023

French Theme Menu

Please see the special menu for Tuesday 27th June

Friday 16th June, 2023

Headteacher Swap

Look our for Ms Lovecy, Headteacher at St Martins School in Oswestry who will be visiting us next week.   Please say hello if you see her about.

Friday 16th June, 2023


Join us for Mr Larkham’s popular Quiz Night

FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

It’s not too late to book in your team with the school office or let a member of staff know.  Everybody is welcome form the community (Adults only please)

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Thursday 15th June, 2023

Year 6 End of Year Party – Jump In Trampoline Park

Dear Parent/Carer,

We have arranged a party for our Year 6 Leavers to mark the end of their time with us – a momentous milestone in their growing up and moving on. Following the success of last year’s celebration at the Jump In Trampoline Park we have arranged for this year’s Year 6 to attend the same venue.

The children will be leaving school around 12.30pm on Thursday 20th July and travelling by coach to the trampoline park where they will have a one-hour session on the trampolines followed by a meal and a drink. They will return to school around 3.15pm, in time for their normal end of day release.

The cost of the event is £16.60 per child including transport, activity (and a pair of special trampolining  socks), pizza and a soft drink.  Payment should be made via your child’s ParentPay account by Monday 17th July please.  We hope that everyone can contribute to trips in some way. If you are concerned about making payment, please contact the office who can support with payment options.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

We very much hope the children will have an enjoyable and memorable afternoon at Jump In Trampoline Park.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Thursday 8th June, 2023

EYFS Summer Trip to Inside Out

Dear Parent/Carer

This year’s EYFS Summer Trip will be held at ‘Inside Out’ a local Forest School Site in Belle Vue led by Franky Giani, a highly qualified and inspirational leader in Forest School. The children in EYFS will attend the site in groups of 15 and take part in a range of learning experiences that lend themselves to the outdoors, including a Forest School Fire with Smores.

The visit will take place on 4 dates and your child will attend the trip on one of these with children in their class, accompanied by their Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants. Dates for these trips are as follows:

Wednesday 14th June

Friday 16th June

Wednesday 21st  June

Friday 23rd  June

The chldren will be setting off from school shortly after lunch and return to school ready for the end of the school day.

The cost of the trip is £2. Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyoneis able to contribute to this trip.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Wednesday 7th June, 2023

Year 4 trip to Shrewsbury Museum

As part of this term’s history curriculum work on The Tudors, we have arranged for Year 4 to visit Shrewsbury Museum for a Meet the Tudors workshop and take part in a Guided Walking Tour of the town on Thursday 6th July.  We will be setting off from school shortly after morning registration and expect to arrive back at school around 2.30pm.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by school before departure.  Pupils should wear school uniform and bring with them a lightweight coat/sunhat (depending on the weather forecast for that day). As they will be doing a fair amount of walking, they will also need to wear comfortable shoes or trainers. No additional spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £6.90, which includes the workshop and the tour.  Those that contributed towards last term’s cancelled Reabrook trip will only need to pay £1.40 i.e. £6.90 less £5.50 (the correct payment will show on your child’s ParentPay account when you pay for the trip).  We ask that payment be made prior to the date of the trip please. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips so we hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

Tuesday 6th June, 2023

BVAF Short Story Competition

The Belle Vue Arts Festival is looking for entries for their short story competition based on the festival theme Heroes.

Who is your HERO?

What does HERO mean to you?

If you could be a HERO, who would you be?

Entries will fall into the following categories:


          5-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds

  • YOUNG ADULT (1,000 words)

         12-18 year olds Fiction/Non Fiction

  • ADULT (2,000 words)

         Fiction/Non Fiction

Please email your work to bellevueartsfestival@gmail.com

Last date for entries is Saturday 17 June. Winners will be notified by email.

​Thank you to Write Here, who have generously sponsored this competition with prizes of beautiful notebooks.

Tuesday 6th June, 2023

Community Allotment Project

Our Allotment plot is overgrown and quite sad at the moment.

So we are very happy that the Street Allotment Project is going to takeover the plot and put it to good use!  Read all about them here:


They are holding their first volunteer session on Sunday 11th June 9:00-11:00am to start clearing and planting.

CAN YOU COME ALONG TO HELP OUT? Anybody is welcome to join in!  Bring your friends and make a difference.  Enter via the car park gates and find a friendly bunch of volunteers.  No gardening expertise necessary just a love for the outdoors.