
Thursday 26th September, 2024

Harvest Festival Donations

We are looking forward to welcoming Rev. Fi Iddon from Holy Trinity Church, who will lead our Harvest Festival in school on Monday.

We will be supporting The Shrewsbury Food Bank.

The Shrewsbury Foodbank is based at the Barnabas Church Centre in Coleham. They would welcome any donations of food/household items (e.g. tinned fruit/meats, tinned meals, rice, pasta, tinned spaghetti, pasta sauces, UHT milk, toothpaste/toothbrushes/shower gel/deodorant/shampoo, laundry tablets, toilet paper and nappies).

Please place any donations on the tables set up outside on Monday morning when you drop your child off at school.  We are going to ask our School Council to help take the food to the Food Bank and see what an important role the food bank plays in our community.

Thank you very much, in advance, for your generosity

Tuesday 24th September, 2024

Year 1 Trip to Theatre Severn to see “The Smartest Giant in Town”

We have arranged for Year 1 to visit Theatre Severn on Thursday 17th October  to see an afternoon performance of “The Smartest Giant in Town”, based on the book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

They will be setting off around 12.15pm, following an early lunch, and will return to school around 3.00pm, in time for usual end of day collection.

The cost of the trip is £14.70, including transport costs and tickets.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Monday 23rd September, 2024

Year 6 Trip to Secret War Tunnels, Liverpool War Museum

As part of this term’s curriculum work on World War II, we have arranged for Year 6 to visit the Western Approaches HQ’s secret war tunnels in Liverpool on Wednesday 16th October.   These secret tunnels were only re-discovered in recent years having been abandoned at the end of the war – a true time capsule for that significant time in our country’s history.

In order for us to arrive at the tunnels on time, we will be setting off from school earlier than usual. The coach will leave school at 8:00am prompt, so children need to arrive at school by 7.50am. We will leave Liverpool at 2:00pm, and expect to arrive back at school around 4.00pm. If we encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

Your child will need to bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink for this trip – no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please. Those pupils entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch by our school meals provider before departure. Please also ensure that they wear school uniform and have a lightweight coat with them. As the day will be packed with activities, there will be no time to visit the souvenir shop so no spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £26.60, which includes transport, workshops and insurance.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.


Monday 23rd September, 2024

EYFS Dress up day – I want to be …

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday 4th October we are inviting all EYFS pupils to come to school dressed up as someone they would like to be when they grow up.
This will link to the work the children have been doing in Literacy, and the current EYFS topic ‘All About Me’.
If you have any questions about this or anything else, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or email the school admin team.

Many thanks,

Miss Harris

Wednesday 18th September, 2024

Vision Screening for EYFS

The School Nurse will be visiting Badgers and Foxes on the 1st October to carry out a routine eye test.  If you do NOT want your child screened, please complete an OPT OUT form which we hold in the School Office.  Please see attached further information from the NHS.

vision screening EYFS 1 Oct 24

Wednesday 18th September, 2024

Smart Phone- Parent’s Informed Choice Initiative

The topic of e-safety has never been more important with the rise of smart phones & chat groups being used by young children and the use of technology and devices in all aspects of our lives.  Some parents and schools have started campaigns in different parts of the country with a move away from smartphones for children, trailing different alternatives which is gaining media attention.

In a collaborative partnership with parents, this year we will be opening up conversations, so we can all share our personal experiences, what works or doesn’t work in our households, providing information about parental controls, experiences of secondary schools in an effort to give everyone an informed choice about what they choose for their children.

Thank you to Parent Mrs Renshaw for introducing this at the September Social.  Please see a message from her below.

Thank you to all the parents and children who joined in with our stall and sticker-board at the September Social. It was really interesting hearing so many points of view and different concerns over the issue of children, smartphones, and online-safety. It was a great opportunity to get our community talking to each other, sharing ideas, and beginning to look at more ways to support each other to make informed choices for our children and their futures.

Anthea Renshaw-Parent



Tuesday 17th September, 2024

Flu Clinic – Online Consent Required

All primary school aged children are offered a flu vaccine.

For your child to receive the upcoming vaccine in school, read the letter below and use the link within to give consent for your child to be vaccinated.

The deadline for consent is 9am on the 24th September 2024


Flu Vaccine Consent Letter

Tuesday 17th September, 2024

Year 5 Ancient Greece Workshop

As part of this term’s studies on Ancient Greece, we have arranged for Year 5 to take part in an Ancient Greek workshop at school, run by Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery staff, on Wednesday 25th September. The workshop will reinforce the learning the Year Group has done on this subject and the children will get to see and handle artefacts from that period of history.

The cost of the workshop is £3.75 per child, payable via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Please note, children should come to school on the day in their normal school uniform – no dressing up required.

Mrs Stennett & Mrs Allan

Monday 16th September, 2024

Year 2 Trip – Visit to Van Gogh Immersive Art Exhibition and The Central Mosque & Islamic Centre, Leicester

As part of this term’s curriculum work (RE and Art) we are taking our Year 2 classes to Leicester to visit the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibition and The Central Mosque and Islamic Centre on Monday 30th September. We will be leaving school at 9.00am and returning around 5.00pm, traffic permitting.

Children should wear their school uniform for this trip and bring along a waterproof coat for possible cold/inclement weather.  No spending money is required.

As Year 2 pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available. All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch order form for your child by close of play, Thursday 26th September, we will assume they will be bringing one from home.


The cost for this trip is £24.00, which includes transport costs, entrance fees and insurance. Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip please.

If you would like to find out more about the Van Gogh Immersive Art Exhibition, please click on the following link:  About the exhibition – Van Gogh – The Immersive Experience (vangoghexpo.co.uk)


Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Thursday 12th September, 2024

September Social

We hope to see you all on Saturday for our biggest event of the year!  It should be lots of fun for everybody.  Our staff will be out in force running stalls, Miss Cox is leading the Boogie Shoes Dance Club show their mini performance at 11.30am and Miss Armstrong will be teaching the children Morris Dancing.  Children can sing at the Coleham’s Got Talent microphone.

Entry is £2 for adults to help us cover our costs but there is lots of fun for all!  Donkey rides, meet the Alpacas and The Bug Man.  Live music, games and Soak the Sports Teacher.  The Burger Kitchen will be open plus refreshments so bring all the family.  This is a community event for everybody!

Wednesday 11th September, 2024

Relationships & Health Education

Relationship and Health Education (RHE)

It is compulsory for all schools to teach Relationships Education and Health Education. The purpose of these subjects is to support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe – to equip them for adult life and to help support children to make positive contributions to society.

As part of this, all schools are required to consult with parents/carers when developing and reviewing their policies for Relationship and Health Education, which will inform decision on when and how certain content is covered.

Effective engagement gives the space and time for parent/carers to input, ask questions, share concerns and for the school to decide the way forward. We will listen to your views, and then make a reasonable decision on how best to proceed. When and how content is taught is ultimately a decision for the school, and consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

Relationships & Health Parent Information/Consultation Evening

When: Tuesday 17th September

Where: Owls Classroom-please sign in at Reception, no booking required.

Time: 3:30pm -4:00pm

You can find further details about the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Health Education, as well as answers to many other frequently asked questions, on the Government website.

Our current policy

You can read our current Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) policy by clicking on the link below.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy: Primary phase

Completing the survey

You can complete the survey here.


Please note the survey is available to complete at any point, with no end date – responses will be reviewed periodically, and considered when the policy is reviewed each year.

Thank you very much for your time and helping support the school.

Mrs Field

PSHE  Co-ordinator (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education)

Tuesday 10th September, 2024

Parent/Carers Support


Friday 6th September, 2024

Careers Week – Parent Plea!

Our Careers Week is coming up soon, week commencing 14th October!

Our Careers Education is an important part of what we do at Coleham, we’re ambitious for our children and expose them to lots of different careers and jobs from an early age.

Do you or a friend or relative have an interesting job or hobby?  Can you be a guest speaker to talk to a class?  In previous years we’ve had guests bring along animals, emergency vehicles and even a helicopter. The children love to hear from people they know, that live and work in our community.

If you are able to visit a class during the week of 14th October please email Mrs Jasper who will co-ordinate this.  Email: helen.jasper@col.318education.co.uk

Friday 6th September, 2024

Next FRIDAY is Non Uniform Day!

On FRIDAY 13th SEPTEMBER it will be a Non Uniform Day.  (We always do this the day before a big Community Event!)

This will be in support of the September Social.

We would be very grateful for donations of:

  • Cakes (we love home made cakes if you or your relatives have time to bake at home or shop bought treats)
  • Small Tombola prizes (such as sweets, drinks, toiletries, stationery, kids novelty items)
  • Cuddly Toys
  • Small second hand toys from home (such as party bag prizes, bouncy balls, plastic figures, jewellery etc)  We like to recycle all those bits you accumulate at home for our Hook A Duck game.

These can be dropped off at the main entrance on Friday morning or later on in the Foyer.

Thank you for your support!  It really does make all the difference!

Friday 6th September, 2024

Coleham’s Got Talent

The Coleham’s Got Talent Stage will be open for KS2 children to perform at the September Social!

Mrs Porrett will be there to organise and sort the music!  Mrs Porrett will be talking to the children about this next week and putting a sign up sheet in school so she can have the songs ready.

If your child wants to sing and dance at our event, they have a week to practise!!

Thursday 5th September, 2024

September Social Volunteers

Can you help volunteer at the September Social!  We would love some parent to help us on our stalls.

Please sign up here!

We love to see children helping to raise money for school and planning their own stall or activity to run. If you fancy it, let Miss Othen know and she will support you with all you need.

Tuesday 3rd September, 2024

Year 3 trip to Shrewsbury Museum: Stone Age Workshop

As part of this term’s history curriculum work on The Stone Age,  we have arranged for Year 3 to visit Shrewsbury Museum on Monday 16th September a “Stone Age Bone Age” workshop.  One class will visit the museum in the morning, setting off shortly after morning registration and returning in time for the school lunch break. The other class will leave after afternoon registration and return in time for normal end of day collection.

Pupils should wear school uniform and bring with them a lightweight coat/sunhat (depending on the weather forecast for that day). As they will be doing a fair amount of walking, they will also need to wear comfortable shoes or trainers. Spending money is not required for this trip.

The cost of the trip is £3.80, including the workshop. Payment should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip please. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Wednesday 28th August, 2024

Year 6: Pupil Walking Home Alone

Parents of children in Year 6 may understandably wish to encourage independence prior to their child going to Secondary School and allow their child to travel (walk or cycle) home alone, or with a friend.

Please complete this form if this is the case.

This is for our information only. It is the parent’s responsibility to talk with their child and ensure their child understands the parent’s wishes regarding the end of the school day as to how they get home.  It is the parents responsibility to put in any place any safety measures they deem necessary to check their child has arrived home.

Pupils will independently leave school at the end of the day and we expect these older children to be responsible and walk straight home or wait to be collected in accordance with their parent’s instructions.





Tuesday 27th August, 2024

Starting School Information

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that you have had a lovely summer break and the children are looking forward to returning to school.  It’s normal to be apprehensive after a long break, we feel it too as staff but we will quickly settle into our familiar routines and be there to support you all.

We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back and have been working hard getting the classrooms ready for the children.  Our Classroom pages on the school website have all been updated and you may like to familiarise yourself with the new faces that will be working with your children.  I write today with some important reminders regarding the first week back at school:


  • School re-opens to all children on Tuesday 3rd September.
  • The corner gate will be open at 8:30am for families participating in the Daily Dash and then 8:40am as normal for pupils entering school. Please ensure that your child is dropped off between 8:40 and 8:50am as this is when our day begins. Please be aware of the continuing road closure (School Street scheme) outside school.
  • On the first day, please enter school via the corner gate or the main gate and make your way to your child’s new playground. (The arrival/collection points can all be found on your child’s Classroom Page on the website.) Teaching Assistants will greet and supervise your child until the Class Teacher arrives. At 8:50am, your child’s new class teacher will meet their new class and take them into school for the register.
  • If you arrive to school after 8:50 am your child will need to enter through the front door where they will be greeted by our Office ladies so that our school gates can be secured.
  • Reception children will be attending school mornings only for the first week and should be collected at 1.15pm outside of their classroom.
  • We will send out a Walking Home Consent to Year 6 Parents/Carers on the PD Day so please keep a look out for this.

Road Closure (School Street scheme)

  • Greyfriar’s Rd outside school remains CLOSED to traffic from 8:30-9:00am and 3:00-3:30pm. 
  • When the road is closed, only residents’ vehicles and emergency vehicles are allowed, by law, to use the road for access purposes.
  • Please DO NOT park outside school before the road is closed unless you are able to wait for the road to reopen. Please make sure that anyone else dropping off or collecting your children (grandparents, family friends etc.) are aware of this.
  • The school office can provide passes allowing you 30 mins free at St Julian’s car park.
  • Please do not block Salter’s Lane or the Staff Car Park.
  • Please remind you children to be aware that vehicles may occasionally be moving in the road, despite the closure.

School Lunches

A hot school lunch is provided free to all pupils in EYFS, Year 1 and 2.  The School menu is available on here and costs £2.50.  You have flexibility to choose each day if you would like a school lunch, your child simply lets their teacher know at registration.  We ask that you pay for meals in advance and keep your Arbor account regularly topped up so it does not go into deficit.

PE Days

PE and Woodland Work days are listed on your child’s classroom page on the school website.

Please can all children wear uniform on the first day of school.

New PE Kit

As you know our school PE Kit is changing and the details are available here.

It has just come to our attention that some of you have been struggling to purchase the new PE top.  We apologise for this, had we known of any potential issues or a pre-order process we would of course communicated this with you all.  We have been in contact with the School Shop today and have the following information.

School Shop Direct have been working to fulfil orders of the new PE Kit and have processed many Coleham orders but some sizes remain outstanding and will take 2-3 weeks to arrive in store.  This is disappointing but stock will arrive soon.  School Shop Direct confirmed that a number of outstanding pre-orders are being processed for families.  The School Shop Direct Website is live and currently lists the sizes and colours that are currently in stock.  These must be purchased online or bought in the shop if still available.  School Shop Direct are no longer taking any phone or email orders.  For items out of stock, it will be 2-3 weeks before they arrive in store and we are assured they will be listed on the website for purchase straight away.  If you have not been able to purchase one as yet then please do not worry or rush out to buy plain navy t-shirts, children may wear a plain t-shirt from home in the meantime until you can source one in the coming weeks.  We are told this delay will only affect the PE tops now as it is a new stock item and soon there should be plenty of stock for top ups available online and in store.  We apologise about this, had we known about a delay for new stock items we would have of course communicated with you earlier.  We will keep you updated.

Breakfast and After School Clubs

Our Breakfast and After School Clubs will start on the first day of school and our staff look forward to welcoming your children at 7:45am.  Please make sure you have paid for all Breakfast and After School Club Sessions for the first week prior to school starting and ensure your account is regularly topped up and in credit.  School can not afford to accrue any debt and accounts must be in credit at all times otherwise places will need to be reviewed.  Miss Nash will respond to any email enquiries on our PD Day.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Our Clubs will start week commencing Monday 9th September and will run up to and including Wednesday 23rd October (October half term)

Please have a look at the Club Schedule here.

Clubs will be released at 6pm on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. Please visit Arbor to book on or look out for the external club letters sent via email.


If your child is asthmatic/has a medical condition please bring in your child’s inhaler/medicines on the first day of school and pass to a member of staff.

Save The Date

We have planned a big welcome back to school event on Saturday 14th September!  The September Social is fun for all the family, a great opportunity to catch up with friends after the holidays and show your relatives our fantastic school community.  We hope to see lots of you there!

I will look forward to seeing you and your children on the first day of school.  We have lots in store for 2024-25!

Kind regards,

Mr T Larkham

Tuesday 27th August, 2024

Supply of New PE Kit Information


It has just come to our attention that some of you have been struggling to purchase the new PE top.  We apologise for this, had we known of any potential issues or a pre-order process we would of course communicated this with you all.  We have been in contact with the School Shop today and have the following information.

All outstanding pre-orders are being processed and the School Shop Direct Website lists the sizes and colours that are currently in stock.  These must be purchased online or in the shop if still available.  School Shop Direct are no longer taking any phone or email orders.  For the sizes out of stock on the website, it will be 2-3 weeks before the tops arrive in store and as soon as they do they will be listed on the website for purchase.  If you have not been able to purchase one as yet then please do not worry or rush out to buy plain navy t-shirts, children may wear a plain t-shirt from home in the meantime until you can source one in the coming weeks.  We are sorry for any frustrations caused and we will keep checking in with the School Shop Direct over the coming weeks to update you directly.

Friday 19th July, 2024

Returning in September

Everything you need for next year will be put on the website.

The menu is up already.

Check the Class Page for arrival and collection points and we’ll add PE days over the summer but for the first day back to school please wear uniform.

Don’t forget the PE kit has changed for September!  We will be expecting children to wear Navy blue bottoms, tops and jumpers.

Friday 12th July, 2024

Year 6 Talent Videos

Here are the Year 6 pupil talent videos that didn’t make the Leavers assembly! But they are keen to show you and celebrate their filming efforts



Friday 12th July, 2024

School Data

Dear Parents/Carers,


Today, we received our Year 6 SATs results, following on from the statutory tests, which were taken by our Year 6 children in May.


We have shared individual results with the children and families, and I delighted to share our whole-school results with you all.  We are very pleased with this year’s results: there has been an incredible amount of progress made by everyone, and there are some wonderful individual success stories of children working hard to achieve goal sofr themselves.  There is no measure of progress this academic year owing to the Year 6s not taking KS1 SATs during COVID.  The whole-school attainment results are as follows:


Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Coleham (2024) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2024)
Reading 79% 74%
Writing 71% 72%
Maths 81% 73%
Science 89% 81%
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 79% 72%
Combined (Reading, Writing & Maths) 66% 61%


These results reflect how hard all our children in Year 6 have worked.  They have shown tremendous determination and dedication and everyone has something to celebrate – well done!


The Year 1 children in school were also required to take a statutory phonics screening check test in June.  As you can see from the data below, we  are very proud of all of the children in Year 1.

Subject % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: Coleham (2024) % of pupils achieving the EXPECTED standard and above: National (2024)
Phonics 88% 80%


The requirement for formal assessments in Year 2 has been scrapped from this year.  There are assessments in each year at school,  but without the statutory requirement for Year 2 SATs, there is no publishable data.  All data from assessments informs teacher judgements, which is reported on your child’s report and there is no requirement to publish any other data.


All of the teachers and support staff at Coleham work tremendously hard and I would like to thank them all for their commitment this year.  Whilst the data is only a small part of what makes our school great, it is an important part.  The knowledge and skills the children need are built up over their journey through school and every single member of staff plays their part – so a huge thank you and well done to the whole team for making such a difference to our children.


I hope that you feel as pleased as we do with the results, which reflect how hard our children have worked this year.


Yours sincerely,


Tom Larkham



Thursday 4th July, 2024

SEND update: important information

We are excited to have become part of the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) funded by NHS England in partnership with the Department of Education, Department for Health and Social Care and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF). 

The purpose of the project is to improve the experience of mainstream school for children who may have an additional educational needs and neurodivergence.

As part of this project, we will receive support within school on both strategies to implement and environmental changes as well as support from Parent Carer Council for Shropshire (PACC) to ensure we capture and consider parent voice. 

After our first open meeting last week with PACC, they have sent a survey for all parents within the school community to complete.  The survey is open for 2 weeks and will close on Thursday 18th July.  

Please access the survey using this link: SURVEY 

The information from the survey will be used to understand the current strengths and potential areas of improvement in our school.

Please also see the attached letter from the PACC team with more information about the survey.

PACC Survey Information for parents

Thursday 4th July, 2024

Quiz Night next Friday

Come along to our brilliant quiz night next week.  The Coleham Staff team were invited along to the Dough & Oil Quiz night this week and went along, purely for research purposes of course, and so you may see Mr Larkham being inspired by some new rounds!  (Team Coleham were the winners by the way, just in case you were wondering)

We have some tables left for Friday’s quiz so we’re happy to take walk-ins on the night.


Thursday 4th July, 2024


Fancy unwinding at the end of the week!  Stroll down and join us for drinks in our beautiful garden.  It’s open to all and you may pay on the gate.  Supporting our school funds by having a lovely evening…

Thursday 4th July, 2024

What’s on next week?

Lots and lots!

Monday 8th July

School Reports coming home

Tuesday 9th July

Yr 3 Recorder Concert for Parents @ 9.15am

Yr 5 Lions trip to Flaxmill 

Yr 6 Elephants Swimming Session

New Reception Children Induction Session 1.30pm-3:00pm

Treat Tuesday after school

Wednesday 10th July

Head Swap with Mr Cooper from Thomas Adams Secondary School

Whole School Transition Day

Yr 5 Parents Welcome to Year 6 Information Evening @3.30pm or 5.30pm

Thursday 11th July

Head Swap with Mr Cooper from Thomas Adams Secondary School

Yr 4 Dolphins Trip

Friday 12th July

Yr 4 Whales Trip

Yr 5 Leopards Trip to Flaxmill

EYFS Family Lunch

Year 6 Leavers Assembly for families @1.30pm – 3:00pm

Community Quiz Night @7.30pm