EYFS Nativity

For our school Nativity this year, Badgers class will be singing Follow that Star. Please note, we are providing the children with a costume as a school, so therefore do not require anything from home.

Foxes class will be singing The Innkeepers’ Tango. We would be very grateful if you could send your child into school with a plain, oversized t-shirt and a tea towel (please don’t worry if you only have t-shirts with writing on, you can always turn these inside out!).

We would appreciate it if you could provide the above items, labelled with your child’s name, in a carrier bag no later than Wednesday 30th November.

Please do not buy anything special! If you are unable to source this, please do not worry, just let a member of the EYFS team know, as we have some items available at school for your child to wear.

Many thanks

Miss Melville, Miss Harris and Mrs Forrester


Careers Week-Healthy Teeth

More from Careers Week…

Badgers and Foxes in EYFS had a visit from Dentist, Mrs Hulme who talked to the children about looking after their teeth.  Her daughter Evelyn in Year 5 was a brilliant model for the demonstrations.  Thank you to Sian and Evelyn!


Careers-Inspiring our youngest!

EYFS had a visit from Mr Slogrove an engineer for the Welsh Air Ambulance as part of our Careers Week.

Following his visit we were inspired to create our own helicopters and learn more about the different parts of a helicopter.


Learning Luggage

Working in partnership with parents is extremely important to us here at Coleham, and we recognise the significant impact that it has on children’s learning when school and homework together.
As I’m sure you’ll agree the importance of play in the Early Years is key to helping young children thrive and achieve. Research suggests just how much learning can be achieved through purposeful and meaningful activities, and as Early Years Educators we are really keen to share just how important play is for young children.
Each year in Reception we run an exciting project called ‘Learning Luggage’ to celebrate the importance of learning through play. The Learning Luggage project involves the children bringing home stimulating and open-ended resources that support learning. Themed bags are therefore brought home by children, on a rota for them to share and enjoy with you at home. Then returned 2 days later.
In order to share more information about this project with you, we have produced a leaflet which you will find attached to this email. In addition, we have also attached a sign-up form which we would hope you will all be really keen to complete and return as soon as possible. The quicker the forms come in, the quicker the bags can go out. Please note, there is absolutely no cost involved, just engaging activities and ideas to support learning at home.
Should you have any questions about the Learning Luggage project, please do speak to a member of the EYFS team. We really are very excited to get started!

2022 11 07 LL Leaflet

2022 11 07 LL Sign Up

Messages for EYFS

If you need to send a message to EYFS please don’t use Classdojo as this is used to share the dojo points awarded to pupils it is not a communication platform and therefore messages sent in this way have the potential to be missed.

Should you need to pass on messages or ask questions to please speak with a Teaching Assistant or Teacher in the morning at drop off.

For important and/or sensitive issues, please contact the school office by email or telephone and the relevant member of staff will contact you as soon as is practicable to resolve the problem.


Hindu Workshop for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Hindu workshop at school on Thursday 3rd November. The one-day workshop will be provided by Hinduism Education Services. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali. The sessions will include storytelling, dressing up in traditional Indian costume, and other topics and activities related to Hindu worship, culture, values and lifestyle.

As we have no other way of funding the workshop we would be grateful if parents can contribute £2.50 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher


Badgers and Foxes visited Holy Trinity Church today for their RE work and enjoyed learning about baptisms and weddings.

Safety Afternoons

This week saw all children take part in safety afternoons learning about fire safety, water safety, road safety etc Here are our youngest pupils taking to the streets for some practical road safety lessons.

Alice’s Tea Party

To celebrate finishing Reception Badgers and Foxes had a wacky and wild day of fun for Alice’s Tea party.  The children made jam tarts and the Mad Hatter joined them for croquet on the lawn, a water race with leaky tea cups and lots more fun!  The children were dressed for it with odd shoes, pants on their head and back to front clothes!

Alice's Tea Party

EYFS Forest School

Badgers & Foxes have enjoyed two full days of Woodland work during the last week of term!  They especially loved the fire and making smores.

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

The sun shined over Early Years for their first ever sports day.  What speedy running, egg and spooning and team work for the water race.  Lovely encouragement and spirit from the children!  Well done to Greyfriars for lifting the cup this year and being House winners for the 2022 EYFS/KS1 Sports Day.

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

EYFS Forest School Trip

Badgers and Foxes Class are visiting Inside Out for their summer trip, an Outdoor Learning environment led by Franky Giani.  The children had a wonderful time toasting marshmallows, climbing, swinging, sliding, digging, and using their imagination to engage in lots of play and learning.

Reception classes visit the Castle

On Friday last week children in Reception went to visit Shrewsbury castle as part of their topic work ‘Long ago and Far away’.  They really enjoyed climbing up Laura’s Tower.

EYFS Bikeability

EYFS took part in Bikeability lessons on balance bikes last week.

During the session they practiced negotiating space successfully when on a bike, as well as learning about basic cycling safety.  It is important that children learn to ride a bike as early as they can!

Hindu Workshop

We enjoyed a fabulous Hindu workshop in school this week to celebrate the Holi Festival. EYFS, Year3 and Year 5 all had the chance to find out more about Hinduism, it’s traditions and culture. What a a colourful day full of dance, music and costumes.


EYFS explore local bridges

Last Friday for Design and Technology, EYFS braved the weather to explore some local bridges. Miss Harris and the EYFS team were so impressed by the children’s ability to identify features of the bridges and recall the names of each one. Perhaps the hot chocolate helped with that!

Forest School in the News

Read all about it! This week our EYFS children opened their new Woodland area and inspired by the Foxes and Badgers that live on the school grounds officially named the area as Badger Hill and Little Cubs Orchard.

See the Shropshire Star article here:


Learning Luggage

The EYFS team have put together their own initiative that helps investigate learning through play and exploration whilst at home. An exciting way for parents to join their children in discovery, creativity, co-operation and exploration.

It’s called Learning Luggage.  Watch out for the bags coming home!

Little Cubs Orchard

This week saw the official opening of Little Cub’s Orchard and we were joined by special visitor Mrs Giani from Inside Out Learning to cut the ribbon.  Franky bought all the children magic wands for the ceremony.  Badgers and Foxes really enjoyed all the new areas to discover:
  • A large digging pit
  • Rope swings
  • Slides
  • Insect exploration/Bug Hotel
  • Climbing ropes
  • Physical trail/Obstacle course
  • Den building
  • Nature corner
  • Outdoor Stage