EYFS Dress up day – I want to be …

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday 4th October we are inviting all EYFS pupils to come to school dressed up as someone they would like to be when they grow up.
This will link to the work the children have been doing in Literacy, and the current EYFS topic ‘All About Me’.
If you have any questions about this or anything else, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or email the school admin team.

Many thanks,

Miss Harris

Vision Screening for EYFS

The School Nurse will be visiting Badgers and Foxes on the 1st October to carry out a routine eye test.  If you do NOT want your child screened, please complete an OPT OUT form which we hold in the School Office.  Please see attached further information from the NHS.

vision screening EYFS 1 Oct 24

Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)
We are writing to let you know that your school has been selected to work in partnership with
a local pathfinder programme developing early language support for every child (ELSEC).

There are 9 pathfinder sites across England with the aim of looking at different ways of
promoting speech, language and communication in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. The
programme will build on what your school is already doing to promote Speech, Language and
communication (SLC), and provide additional interventions for children with SLC needs
(SLCN). It is complementary to the existing Speech and Language Therapy support already
provided within the setting.

The ELSEC team will work closely with selected staff and parents to increase confidence and
skills in relation to SLC. The team will also work directly with selected children to develop their
communication. Primarily this will be through small group interventions, support in class, whole
class approaches and training where needed. It will also include parent sessions and support.

Each child in the preschool class, reception, and year 1 cohorts will be screened using a short
screening tool from the Talk Boost programme. Children will then be selected for further
intervention. You will be contacted if your child moves into an intervention programme and as
parents/carers you will be invited to work in partnership with members of the team.

Your child will automatically be enrolled in the ELSEC programme. If you choose to opt-out of
this programme then please contact your school stating that you would like to remove your
child from the ELSEC programme by the end of the day on Monday 16th September 2024.
We are very much looking forward to supporting the children, parents and staff team at your
school and working closely with you all to make a real difference to the children’s futures.

Yours faithfully,

The ELSEC team (NHS Trust – Telford & Wrekin Council)

EYFS Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a school lunch at 11.30am on Friday 12th July so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Wednesday 10th July so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.

Please can you also pay for your Lunch on School Shop in Arbor- £3.15.


Thank you

EYFS Trip to Park Hall Farm

As part of this term’s topic ‘Journeys’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Park Hall Farm in Oswestry. The trip will take place on Wednesday 17th July leaving school at 9:30am and returning at 3:00pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, and comfortable footwear. Due to lots of the activities being outdoors, please ensure that your child brings along a waterproof coat for possible cold/inclement weather. Likewise, if the weather is warmer please ensure your child brings a hat and suncream. Please note, no spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £14.70 per child, which includes transport costs, entrance fees and insurance/admin charges. Payment for the trip should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

As Reception pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available.


All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch form for your child by close of play, Friday 12th July we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

EYFS Trip to Shrewsbury Museum

As part of this term’s topic ‘Long ago and far away’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Shrewsbury Museum, and take part in a workshop titled “The Curious Tale of the Missing Mammoth”.

  • BADGERS trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 9:15am and returning at 11:45am
  • FOXES trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 12:45pm and returning at 3:15pm. Please note, FOXES class will be finishing school at a slightly later time that day. Please may we ask that you collect them from class at 3:20pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, instead of P.E kits.

The cost of the trip is £4.00 per child, payment of which should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting

Dear Parent/Carer,

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting: Monday 29th January 2024

On Monday 29th January we will be holding a session for parents on the development of Early Writing. The aims of the session are as follows:

• Provide parents with more information on how writing develops in Reception
• To share with parents what is expected in writing by the end of the Reception Year
• To share strategies for supporting writing at home
At Coleham school we feel partnership with parents is important, and we recognise the difference we can make to our children when we work together effectively. We would therefore truly value your participation by attending this event. In order to ensure that the event is as accessible to as many of you as possible, we will be running the event at two separate times. We therefore request that you complete and return the
slip no later than Friday 26th January so we can cater for the correct amount of people.

The event will take place in the School Hall, so please head straight to the main reception 5 minutes prior to your selected time.
Many thanks,
Miss Harris

Child’s Name ______________________________ Class ________________________
Monday 29th January – 2:30pm
Monday 29th January – 5:15pm

EYFS Trip to Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury

We have arranged for EYFS to visit Theatre Severn on Friday 2nd February to see an afternoon performance of “Dear Zoo”.


They will be setting off from school shortly after afternoon registration and expect to return to school around 3.30pm, depending on the traffic. If they encounter any significant delay on our return journey, we will do our best to keep you informed.

The cost of the trip is £15.50, including transport costs and tickets.  Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding them. We hope that everyone can contribute to the trip in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Farm on Wheels Christmas Visit to EYFS

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are so proud of how well the children have settled into Coleham School and the progress they have made in a such a short space of time.  The children are starting to rehearse for the KS1 Nativity performances.  We like to make Christmas at Coleham a really special time for the children and so we have arranged a special nativity visit.  Our friends from Farm on Wheels will be visiting on Monday 11th December and bringing with them the animals from the nativity story (a Donkey, lamb, calf and Turkey!) What better way to bring the nativity story to life!

In order to cover the cost of this event, we kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £4.50 per child.  Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the day.

We are really looking forward to this extra special Christmas visitor.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Harris

Assistant Head

EYFS Leader

EYFS Nursery Rhyme Week

Dear Parents and Carers,

13th – 17th November 2023

World Nursery Rhyme Week is fast approaching, and we are delighted to confirm that children in Reception will be taking part. The initiative, launched in 2013, promotes the importance of nursery rhymes in early childhood development with a particular focus on how nursery rhymes boost early language and literacy skills.

We have a number of activities planned throughout the week to celebrate various Nursery Rhymes. Please see below:

  • Monday (Old Macdonald had a farm) – Visit from a Mobile Farm
  • Tuesday – (The Grand Old Duke of York) – Visit from The Grand Old Duke of York
  • Wednesday – (Pat a cake, Pat a cake) – Cake Making Workshop
  • Thursday – (Dingle Dangle Scarecrow) – Scarecrow Making Workshop
  • Friday – (The Wheels on the Bus) – Vintage Bus Ride around town
  • Friday – Dress up Day

In order to cover the cost of these events, we kindly ask that parents contribute the amount of £10.50 per child. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to Nursery Rhyme Week (13th -17th November).

In addition to these events we will also be holding a Rhyme Time in the school hall led by Mrs Porrett, for children and their parents/carers. These will take place on the following dates:

  • Badgers Class – Tuesday 14th November at 2:30pm
  • Foxes Class – Wednesday 15th November at 2:30pm

We would love as many of you as possible to come along, but appreciate that some of you may be working. In these circumstances please do invite an alternative carer such as a grandparent, family member or whoever would normally collect your child on that day.

Finally, on Friday 17th November we would like to end the week by inviting children to come to school dressed as their favourite Nursery Rhyme Character. Please do not feel the need to purchase costumes and go to lots of expense. I’m sure lots of you already have a variety of dressing up clothes that can be adapted. You may even choose to make something simple. Please see below for some examples:

  • Little Bo Peep – Simple dress with a sheep toy
  • Jack and Jill – Everyday clothes with an empty bucket
  • Old Macdonald – Dungarees and Checked Shirt or animal costumes
  • Little Miss Muffet – Dress with a spider
  • It’s raining it’s pouring – Child in wellies
  • Hickory Dickory Dock – Mouse Ears


We can’t wait to celebrate a wonderful week of rhyming with your children. Please do speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.


Yours sincerely,

Miss Harris

Assistant Head

EYFS Leader




Parents Evening – Booking Appointments

You are now able to book you Autumn Term Parent Consultation meeting.  Parent Consultations will be held in your child’s classroom, and the dates for all parent consultations are:

  • Wednesday 8th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm
  • Thursday 9th November: 4:00 pm – 7:20 pm

To arrange your appointment, please follow the link below (which can also be found in the Parents’ Area section of our website).  Each consultation will last for 10 mins.  If you arrive a little early, you will have the opportunity to look through your children’s books while you wait for your meeting.  You are welcome to stay after the meeting to carry on looking through books if you wish.

Book an appointment here:

Click HERE to book your appointment

Where possible, we ask that you book one meeting per child.  For separated parents, we will be able to accommodate separate meetings if they are required.

Please do get in touch with the school office if you have any questions.

Hindu Visit for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 2 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Diwali workshop at school on Friday 10th November. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali and the festival of lights.  The workshop will allow the children to explore making music with authentic Indian instruments and will centre around the story of Rama and Sita and the Festival of Light.

We would be really grateful if parents can contribute £4 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher

EYFS Summer Trip to Inside Out

Dear Parent/Carer

This year’s EYFS Summer Trip will be held at ‘Inside Out’ a local Forest School Site in Belle Vue led by Franky Giani, a highly qualified and inspirational leader in Forest School. The children in EYFS will attend the site in groups of 15 and take part in a range of learning experiences that lend themselves to the outdoors, including a Forest School Fire with Smores.

The visit will take place on 4 dates and your child will attend the trip on one of these with children in their class, accompanied by their Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants. Dates for these trips are as follows:

Wednesday 14th June

Friday 16th June

Wednesday 21st  June

Friday 23rd  June

The chldren will be setting off from school shortly after lunch and return to school ready for the end of the school day.

The cost of the trip is £2. Payment for this trip should be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope that everyoneis able to contribute to this trip.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/visits & Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Hilbert

Administration Manager

CLASS MIXING (EYFS / Year 2 / Year 4)

At Coleham, we mix our classes at the end of EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4.  Soon, our staff will begin the process of organising the new classes for the next academic year and we want to let you know about the process and its benefits so that you are more informed and better able to support your child if they have any anxieties about the process.

Mixing the 2 classes widens our children’s social horizons, allowing them to make new realtionships with children they perhaps don’t know so well.  Eventually, all the children will be forced to make new relationships when they transition to secondary school, and we find that children from Coleham, and other schools that mix, fare better when this time comes.

Many children have made new friendships after a class mix, whilst retaining and strengthening existing friendships.  Making these new relationships (including those between children’s families) helps to further grow and strengthen our school community.  In addition, there may be negative relationships between some children in-class that can be broken.

It is natural for you children to be wary about being in a ‘new’ class, however, please remember that your children already know all (or most) of the children in their year group.  For some, it can feel as if they are moving to a completely new class in a new school with new, unknown children, but this is not the case.  Any children in their current class who are mixed into a different class will still be there at playtimes, and they will remain with many of the children they are currently with, whatever the mix.

The process of mixing is not a light undertaking.  We know the children really well here at Coleham, and we have a good understanding of the relationships in and out of class.  When mixing classes, we do not rely on any one source of information, but instead use a combination of soures to ensure that the best mixes are arrived at.  To find the best mixes:

  • we consult the children in a child-friendly way over their preferences;
  • we make use of ‘sociograms’, where relationships are mapped out through survey data;
  • we work as a team to use our professional knowledge of relationships, both social and work-wise;
  • we will also consult parents.

I attach a link to an optional form where you can, confidentially, share any strong feelings you may have about the makeup of the mixed classes; the form is not compulsory.  Please be assured that we will seriously consider any parental recommendations or feelings, but cannot guarantee anything at this point.  We are most likely fully aware of positive and negative relationships that your children have, but if you are concerned, I recommend you fill the form out.  If you choose to use the forms, please fill out on

EYFS Class Mixing Form

 YEAR 2 Mixing Form

 YEAR 4 Class Mixing Form

These forms will automatically close at 4:00 pm on Friday 28th April.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Larkham

Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher

EYFS Parents Writing Meeting: Wednesday 15th February

On Wednesday 15th February we will be holding a session for parents on the development of Early Writing. The aims of the session are as follows:

  • Provide parents with more information on how writing develops in Reception
  • To share with parents what is expected in writing by the end of the Reception Year
  • To share strategies for supporting writing at home

At Coleham School we feel partnership with parents is important, and we recognise the difference we can make to our children when we work together effectively. We would therefore truly value your participation by attending this event. In order to ensure that the event is as accessible to as many of you as possible, we will be running the event at two separate times. We therefore request that you complete and return the slip no later than Wednesday 8th February so we can cater for the correct amount of people.

The event will take place in the School Hall, so please head straight to the main reception 5 minutes prior to your selected time.

Panto Collection Arrangements for Tuesday

Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope the children are looking forward to attending the Pantomime at Theatre Severn this Tuesday. Please note, children will be arriving back at school later than the typical school day. Therefore, collection arrangements on this day will differ slightly. Please can we ask that on this day children are collected at 5pm. As it is likely to be much darker at this time, please may we ask that you collect your child from the following areas:
EYFS pupils: KS2 nearest to the main school building
Year 1 pupils: KS1 playground via classroom doors
Owls: KS1 playground via classroom door
Rabbits: KS1 playground via door they enter in the morning
To avoid having to return to their classroom for their belongings after the pantomime, please can EYFS pupils leave their bookbags at home on this day.
Kind regards,
Miss Harris

EYFS Nativity

For our school Nativity this year, Badgers class will be singing Follow that Star. Please note, we are providing the children with a costume as a school, so therefore do not require anything from home.

Foxes class will be singing The Innkeepers’ Tango. We would be very grateful if you could send your child into school with a plain, oversized t-shirt and a tea towel (please don’t worry if you only have t-shirts with writing on, you can always turn these inside out!).

We would appreciate it if you could provide the above items, labelled with your child’s name, in a carrier bag no later than Wednesday 30th November.

Please do not buy anything special! If you are unable to source this, please do not worry, just let a member of the EYFS team know, as we have some items available at school for your child to wear.

Many thanks

Miss Melville, Miss Harris and Mrs Forrester


Learning Luggage

Working in partnership with parents is extremely important to us here at Coleham, and we recognise the significant impact that it has on children’s learning when school and homework together.
As I’m sure you’ll agree the importance of play in the Early Years is key to helping young children thrive and achieve. Research suggests just how much learning can be achieved through purposeful and meaningful activities, and as Early Years Educators we are really keen to share just how important play is for young children.
Each year in Reception we run an exciting project called ‘Learning Luggage’ to celebrate the importance of learning through play. The Learning Luggage project involves the children bringing home stimulating and open-ended resources that support learning. Themed bags are therefore brought home by children, on a rota for them to share and enjoy with you at home. Then returned 2 days later.
In order to share more information about this project with you, we have produced a leaflet which you will find attached to this email. In addition, we have also attached a sign-up form which we would hope you will all be really keen to complete and return as soon as possible. The quicker the forms come in, the quicker the bags can go out. Please note, there is absolutely no cost involved, just engaging activities and ideas to support learning at home.
Should you have any questions about the Learning Luggage project, please do speak to a member of the EYFS team. We really are very excited to get started!

2022 11 07 LL Leaflet

2022 11 07 LL Sign Up

Messages for EYFS

If you need to send a message to EYFS please don’t use Classdojo as this is used to share the dojo points awarded to pupils it is not a communication platform and therefore messages sent in this way have the potential to be missed.

Should you need to pass on messages or ask questions to please speak with a Teaching Assistant or Teacher in the morning at drop off.

For important and/or sensitive issues, please contact the school office by email or telephone and the relevant member of staff will contact you as soon as is practicable to resolve the problem.


Hindu Workshop for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5

Instead of going on a trip to a place of worship, we have arranged for EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5 pupils to take part in a Hindu workshop at school on Thursday 3rd November. The one-day workshop will be provided by Hinduism Education Services. During the day, children will take part in various activities to learn more about the Hindu faith, with a focus on Diwali. The sessions will include storytelling, dressing up in traditional Indian costume, and other topics and activities related to Hindu worship, culture, values and lifestyle.

As we have no other way of funding the workshop we would be grateful if parents can contribute £2.50 per child towards the cost of the workshop. Payment is to be made via your child’s ParentPay account prior to the date of the workshop please. Many thanks.

Jess Melville

RE Leader/EYFS Teacher