EYFS Trip to Holy Trinity

Today the children in Reception visited Holy Trinity Church to learn about Baptisms and how Christians welcome children into the Church.
Thank you Reverend Fi for hosting us!

EYFS Dress up day – I want to be …

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday 4th October we are inviting all EYFS pupils to come to school dressed up as someone they would like to be when they grow up.
This will link to the work the children have been doing in Literacy, and the current EYFS topic ‘All About Me’.
If you have any questions about this or anything else, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or email the school admin team.

Many thanks,

Miss Harris

EYFS Road Safety

As part of our Safety Week at Coleham, this week the children in Reception have been learning how to cross the road safely.
The children all listened well and successfully remembered the rules to safely cross the road. Well done Foxes and Badgers! 🦊🦡

Vision Screening for EYFS

The School Nurse will be visiting Badgers and Foxes on the 1st October to carry out a routine eye test.  If you do NOT want your child screened, please complete an OPT OUT form which we hold in the School Office.  Please see attached further information from the NHS.

vision screening EYFS 1 Oct 24

Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Early Language Support for Every Child pathfinder programme (ELSEC)
We are writing to let you know that your school has been selected to work in partnership with
a local pathfinder programme developing early language support for every child (ELSEC).

There are 9 pathfinder sites across England with the aim of looking at different ways of
promoting speech, language and communication in the Early Years and Key Stage 1. The
programme will build on what your school is already doing to promote Speech, Language and
communication (SLC), and provide additional interventions for children with SLC needs
(SLCN). It is complementary to the existing Speech and Language Therapy support already
provided within the setting.

The ELSEC team will work closely with selected staff and parents to increase confidence and
skills in relation to SLC. The team will also work directly with selected children to develop their
communication. Primarily this will be through small group interventions, support in class, whole
class approaches and training where needed. It will also include parent sessions and support.

Each child in the preschool class, reception, and year 1 cohorts will be screened using a short
screening tool from the Talk Boost programme. Children will then be selected for further
intervention. You will be contacted if your child moves into an intervention programme and as
parents/carers you will be invited to work in partnership with members of the team.

Your child will automatically be enrolled in the ELSEC programme. If you choose to opt-out of
this programme then please contact your school stating that you would like to remove your
child from the ELSEC programme by the end of the day on Monday 16th September 2024.
We are very much looking forward to supporting the children, parents and staff team at your
school and working closely with you all to make a real difference to the children’s futures.

Yours faithfully,

The ELSEC team (NHS Trust – Telford & Wrekin Council)

Jim Bones Pirate Adventure

The Reception children had a fantastic finale to their first school year!  A lot of swashbuckling fun was had with walking the plank, musical islands, tug of war and a treasure hunt all led by the most infamous sea rogue Captain Jim Bones who taught the little mateys a pirate dance.  The children were so looking forward to their pirate party and helped to organise it all making the decorations and biscuits. Ooh Aghhh Mateys it’s been a grand olde day!


Parent Lunch 🦊🐼

Thanks to the record number of families for attending our Friday lunch of Fish and Chips. The children were so happy and loved showing their parents where to go.

Making Ice Cream

Children in Reception have been inspired by a trip to our local ice cream shop, Gelatistry today and decided to make their very own ice cream. Delicious!


Athlete Adrian Patrick leads Coleham Circuit Training

As a finale to our Olympics Week we were visited by a third medal winner!  Sprinter Adrian Patrick, a Commonwealth Games Gold winner for 4 x 400m relay led the whole school in circuit training.  These intensive 8 minute sessions saw the children do sit ups, press ups, squats and jumps which we all loved.  The perfect Friday morning work out! He talked to us in assembly about always remembering our vision and dream and not being distracted by behaviours that won’t lead us to our end goal.

What a week of incredible experiences.  Thank you to Miss Lewis for all her hard work and meticulous organisation.


Olympics Showcase Song

Our Olympics Festival Day was fantastic and we finished with a showcase song to parents.  Mrs Porrett led the children with ‘We are Shropshire’ and ‘Wavin Flag’.  There is nothing more powerful than when we come together to sing on mass.  Our Coleham Community all together! A lovely end to the day.

Olympics Festival

What a day!  Miss Lewis organised a day off curriculum for our own Olympics Festival.  It started with a whole school run to Paris, the equivalent of 435 miles.  For 20 minutes all the children and staff ran around the schools grounds and it was such fun!  500 happy faces walking, jogging, running to Paris with the music motivating us.

Out Festival contained sports stations entirely run by our year 6 cohort of Sports Leaders who were fantastic at explaining, demonstrating and encouraging the children.  The younger classes were buddied up with older classes working together which was really lovely to see. The children participated in long jump, high jump, relay hurdles, triple jump, an Olympics quiz, shot put before stopping for an outdoor picnic lunch.  In the afternoon the children played badminton, handball, discus, javelin, relay and we finally finished with a  showcase song to parents.  Phew!! What an action-packed day!  Now we are all ready to watch the Olympics starting on 26th July.

EYFS Parents Lunch Invite

We would like to invite you to join your child for a school lunch at 11.30am on Friday 12th July so that you can participate in the whole dining hall experience and sample our school meals for yourselves. Maximum of two visitors per child please.

If you are able to join us for lunch, please let us know by completing the attached link by Wednesday 10th July so the kitchen can ensure sufficient meals are prepared.

Please can you also pay for your Lunch on School Shop in Arbor- £3.15.


Thank you

EYFS Trip to Gelatistry

This week the children in Reception have been learning about data handling. What better way to learn about this than exploring the most popular flavour of ice cream before going to try some at our local gelato shop, Gelatistry!
The children loved ordering their gelato and identifying which was the most popular (it was chocolate brownie!).


EYFS Trip to Park Hall Farm

As part of this term’s topic ‘Journeys’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Park Hall Farm in Oswestry. The trip will take place on Wednesday 17th July leaving school at 9:30am and returning at 3:00pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, and comfortable footwear. Due to lots of the activities being outdoors, please ensure that your child brings along a waterproof coat for possible cold/inclement weather. Likewise, if the weather is warmer please ensure your child brings a hat and suncream. Please note, no spending money is required.

The cost of the trip is £14.70 per child, which includes transport costs, entrance fees and insurance/admin charges. Payment for the trip should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

As Reception pupils are provided with free school meals as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme, a packed lunch will be provided for all pupils. Please click on the link below to select from the various menu options available.


All packed lunches come with a piece of fruit and a bottle of water. If we haven’t received a completed packed lunch form for your child by close of play, Friday 12th July we will assume they will be bringing one from home.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.

EYFS Assembly

What a great turnout for our EYFS Parent/Carer Assembly! Thanks for coming along. The children showcased what they have been learning from reading Mr Grumpy’s Outing to instruction writing on how to make a boat but what really stood out was the confidence and clarity of our youngest children in speaking to an audience which is a skill we try to harness at Coleham.  Fantastic communicating and public speaking and all from memory! Impressive work Badgers and Foxes.


BVAF Barnabas Gallery

It’s been brilliant to see lots and lots of classes popping out this week and heading over to the Barnabas Centre Art Exhibition for the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Every child has produced a  piece of art for the exhibition and Badgers and Foxes Art has been hung by the Greyfriars Bridge.  Not only do the children get to see their own work displayed but also work from other local artists.  Such a variety to see!  The Exhibition is open Saturday 10-4pm if you would like to see your child’s work.


Search and Rescue visit EYFS

Children in Reception have been learning about water safety. Today we were fortunate to be visited by our local search and rescue team. During the morning the children got to dress up like part of the team, and practise using a buoyancy aid.

EYFS feed the ducks

Children in Reception have been learning about what foods ducks like to eat.
On Friday they went to the River Severn and tested out which food was the most popular, Shredded Lettuce, Oats or Peas. In case you were wondering, Peas were a firm favourite.

EYFS Geography Fieldwork

On Thursday and Friday, Foxes and Badgers walked to the River Severn to feed the ducks and undertake some geography fieldwork.  Before heading out, the children discussed which food they thought would be the most popular among the ducks. The children recorded their findings and found out that on Thursday their favourite food was oats and on Friday it was Peas!

Using Tools in Reception

This week the children in Reception are reading the story Mr Gumpy’s Outing. The children have received a message from Mr Gumpy asking them to help him to make a new boat. Today the children have begun learning how to use hammers and nails to help them with this project.

EYFS Mammoth Hunt

Badgers and Foxes topic is ‘Long ago and far away’ and after reading The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth the classes set off to the Museum to find out more.  They explored the museum for the missing mammoth, looked at artefacts, did some cave painting, learnt about fossils and made some stone age tools.  Thank you SM&AG for creating this workshop for our Reception children.

Dash the Robot

This term in Computing, the children in Reception have been learning about coding. In today’s lesson, the children enjoyed programming a robot called Dash. The children were able to programme Dash to complete a rang of operations such as moving, changing lights and making sounds. Great team work Foxes and Badgers!

EYFS Woodland Work Fire

This half term in Woodland Work, the children in Reception have been working towards having a fire. The children have learnt about fire safety and the fire triangle, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to create a fire. The children were beyond excited to finally create the fire and cook some s’mores!

Science Week 2024

Thank you to Miss Harris for organising the best Science Week!  This year we explored the theme of ‘time’ in outer space with a visiting Planetarium and through a dinosaur and fossil workshop.  We kicked the week off with a fun assembly from Supersonic Sue who runs Science Cub.  Year 3 learnt all about bees and honey with Shrewsbury School Beekeeping Society students, Year 5 delved into colour experiments with Priory School Science Teacher Tamara and Year 6 had Rory and Dr Nichola visit from Lascell’s Science Manufacturing.

Lascells showcased sound waves using a Rubens Tube, looked at radioactivity with a cloud chamber, demonstrated how stars form using a gravity well and the whoosh bottle was perhaps the most exciting of all.

It is great for Year 6 to dip into some KS3 Science and hear from people in the industry ready for their next steps to Secondary School and future careers.

Overall, we’ve had a brilliant TIME!  See the highlights in our showcase video.


EYFS Trip to Shrewsbury Museum

As part of this term’s topic ‘Long ago and far away’, we have arranged for EYFS to visit Shrewsbury Museum, and take part in a workshop titled “The Curious Tale of the Missing Mammoth”.

  • BADGERS trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 9:15am and returning at 11:45am
  • FOXES trip will take place on Friday 24th May leaving school at 12:45pm and returning at 3:15pm. Please note, FOXES class will be finishing school at a slightly later time that day. Please may we ask that you collect them from class at 3:20pm.

Please can we request that all children come to school that day wearing school uniform, instead of P.E kits.

The cost of the trip is £4.00 per child, payment of which should be paid by your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the trip. Although costs for trips are voluntary, in reality the school has no other means of funding these trips. We hope everyone will contribute in some way.

Please note that this visit is covered by the Annual Consent Form for Trips/Visits and Medical Information. Please notify the school immediately if there are any changes to your contact/emergency contact details or medical information.