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November 18, 2021
Fire Safety for Year 3

Shropshire Fire and Rescue came in to talk to Year 3 about fire safety in...

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November 16, 2021
Odd socks for Diversity Day

This week is Anti-bullying and Diversity Week.  Here are are some of our Year 4...

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November 12, 2021
Little Cubs Orchard

This week saw the official opening of Little Cub’s Orchard and we were joined by...

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November 9, 2021
Careers Week

There are all sorts of excellent and inspiring visitors coming to school as part of...

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November 5, 2021
Stargazing at Space Cadets Club

Space Cadets club had a great time on Thursday evening with Mr L’s telescopes.  We...

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November 2, 2021
Theatre Group in School

Years 1 to 4  were treated to a live performance of Wind in the Willows from...

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October 22, 2021
Football Tournament at Shrewsbury Town

Well done to the Coleham team who played at Shrewsbury Town Football club in their...

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October 22, 2021
The Daily Dash is baack!

This week Mr Venn has restarted the Daily Dash, join him at 8.30 in the morning by...

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October 22, 2021
Out in the community

Some of our Year 5 pupils we’re out and about in our community visiting local...

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October 22, 2021
Multi-Cultural Arts week

This week, each year group across the school have been creating art based on different religions....

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October 21, 2021
Spooky Halloween lunch

Our wonderful kitchen staff decorated up the hall and cooked up a Halloween treat this...

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October 21, 2021
Yr 4 Roman Day

This week Year 4 dressed up as gladiators, citizens, gods or goddesses, Celts and emperors....

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October 21, 2021
Saxophone trio visit Music Club

Rhythmsticks Music Club welcome a Sax trio this week!...

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October 21, 2021
Dodgeball Tournament

This week our Dodgeball team journeyed to Shrewsbury Sports Village to play in tournament with...

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October 20, 2021
Outdoor Maths

We love outdoor learning at Coleham-here are Year 4 learning about angles on the playground....

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October 19, 2021
Stepping Out Safely

This week, Year 4 are having ‘Stepping Out’ training to teach them about being safe around...

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October 19, 2021
Cross Country Champs!

On Friday, we took part in the  Belvidere Cross Country Competition against 6 other schools....

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October 15, 2021
Music Mark Award

Music and creativity are really important to us here at Coleham. We have an excellent...

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October 10, 2021
Quentin Blake Artist Study

Year 4 have been so engaged with their study of Quentin Blake with many children...

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October 8, 2021
Yr 3 Stone Age Day

Year 3 took part in an interactive workshop by the fantastic ladies from Widget Workshop...

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October 1, 2021
Violin Mini Concert

Rhythmsticks Club welcome young violinists for mini concert!...

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October 1, 2021
Harvest Food Bank Donations

Thank you for all your kind harvest donations. It was lovely for School Councillors to...

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September 24, 2021
The ‘Liz Brazier’ Memorial Library

In tribute for Mrs Brazier the library was officially renamed in her honour.  The ‘Liz...

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September 23, 2021
Author Visit-Lesley Parr

It was absolutely wonderful to have author Lesley Parr visit school and tell us all...

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September 23, 2021
Orienteering at Carding Mill Valley

Well done all who took part in the orienteering event at Carding Mill Valley. Our...

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September 21, 2021

Year two have been learning a way of looking at situations called SUMO (Stop, Understand,...

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May 10, 2021
Year 4 away from home

Year 4 had an amazing time at Condover Activity centre this week where they had...

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March 1, 2021
STFC Programme

Year 3 have been enjoying Reading the Game with weekly sessions from Shrewsbury Town Football...