Fruity Thinking

In PSHE, we had a whole school SUMO Day, we discussed ‘fruity thinking’ which is all about silencing our inner critic and listening to our inner coach to avoid ‘faulty thinking’. This way, we can be confident to have a go and learn.  The SUMO programme is all about empowering children in an innovative and accessible way and stands for Stop, Understand, Move On.

Gardening Club

Our Year 4 Gardening Club has got off to a great start!  Thank you to the Street Allotment Project for running this and educating us about growing and planting. The Street Allotment Project will be with us at our up and coming Plant & Craft Fair.  They will be happy to offer any gardening advice and tips so please have a chat with them!

Community Litter Pick

The Eco Council joined forces with the Belle Vue & Coleham Community Action Group and Councillor Kate Halliday to clean up our streets! We love where we live and want to make a difference. Whilst we collected quite a lot of rubbish in our bags, we were really pleased to see that our surrounding streets were tidy and being looked after.  We’ll have to go further afield next time.  #colehamcommunity #colehamcares

We’re in the news!

Shropshire Star Article

Tom Palmer Author visit

We had a fantastic visit for KS2 from Author Tom Palmer today. Tom is passionate about football, rugby and history and writes his children’s books about these. He told us that he struggled with reading at school and always doubted that he could ever become a writer but was inspired by someone close who believed in him.  He has now had 65 children’s books published!  Tom helped Elephants class plan a historical story based around a trench digging tool and then signed books in the school library.  We’ve had a brilliant afternoon chatting football and history!   Who knew that Mr Edwards has supported Chelsea since 1970!  Thanks so much Tom, there was a real buzz in the air today!

Hydro Rockets!

In Science Year 5 have been learning about aerospace engineering and forces and each made a hydro rocket! The children carefully constructed the fins to reduce drag in the air and then tested them on the school field with Mr Larkham.  The children upped the pressure with the pump, until the rocket walls could take no more and the water expelled, flying through the air!  What a success! #notallclassroomshavefourwalls #outdoorlearning


Meet Luna the Therapy Dog

Welcome to Mollie and her therapy dog Luna who will be spending time in school. Luna is an accredited therapy dog with Under Dog International and the charity’s aim is to positively impact one million children by 2025. #Children helping Dogs. Dogs helping children.

Children Entrepreneurs wanted!

Save the date! Our Plant and Craft Fair is the first event of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  This year’s theme is Treasure! so expect lots of ‘treasure’ themed activities

If children would like to run their own stall, then please come and see Miss Othen.  We already have a couple signed up!

School Photographs

Don’t forget to look at the School Class Photographs and purchase one if you would like too via the website below.  Mrs Jasper has emailed out codes for each class photograph to view these.

Active Photograph Website


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the Summer Term!  I do hope you’ve all had a great Easter, whether you have been away anywhere exciting; stayed at home; gone on small trips, or anything else in between.  The school feels rested and raring to go this week, which is a lovely environment to be in.  I was able to recharge my batteries with a blustery walk up Yr Wyddfa with my brothers just before we came back.

We’ve already hit the ground running with several trips and sporting events which you can read below!

This term, we will be mainly focusing on AMBITION in our assemblies.  Summer Term is always a great chance for all our children to work hard to make their ambitions more achievable.  Changes are coming for all children at the end of this term, whether they are moving to new schools or just a new year group, and I want everyone to make the most of the time left in their current classes and drive forwards to the next chapter in the most positive and ambitious way they can.  On that note, there will be a letter today for families in EYFS, Year 2 and Year 4 about class mixing for next year, so please do look out for that.

Science Week

We are really excited about Science Week coming up soon.  Miss Harris has organised lots of brilliant experiences across school.

We also have a visiting Planetarium for KS2 and Walking with Dinosaurs visit for KS1.  We would be really grateful if you can help to contribute towards these extra-special events.

The contribution per pupil is £3 , payable via Arbor School Shop.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yr 5 & 6 Author Visit

We are really looking forward to our Year 5 & 6 Author Event with Tom Palmer on Tuesday 16th April.  Tom’s been writing children’s books for over 13 years with many featuring football & rugby. He has contributed to the very popular Football Heroes series.  He also writes some fantastic historical fiction about WW1 and WW2 which are dyslexic friendly and accessible as they are shorter novels with yellow tinted pages and a larger font.  Our Year 6 pupils have always loved reading this series!

Signed books for this event are available to purchase on Arbor for £6 each.  Please purchase these early so we can order the correct amount of stock.

Exciting book post!

We like to keep our fingers on the pulse when it comes to the release of new children’s books! We’ve had some exciting book post this week and a special delivery for our Secret Bookcase.  Thank you to Author James Nicol for sending us his latest publication! A story about Climate and Friendship 🌍 🥰 Which year group will bag this as their next class read? 🐬🐋🐢 #thecloudthief

All About Me Day!

Our ‘All About Me’ charity fundraising day was in memory of a longstanding member of our Coleham community. Jean Hughes was Pastoral Leader for many years before becoming a Governor and Grandparent to Tom.

Thank you to all the children for celebrating their differences and wearing whatever makes them feel great and for all your generous donations to Autism West Midlands.


Woodland Work

Year 4 have enjoyed their series of woodland work sessions this Spring.  For their final session, the children enjoyed eating ‘Smores’ around the fire pit and had a bushy tailed visitor in the form of Miss Armstrong’s pet rabbit Coco.

Spring Term House Cup

Well done Greyfriars for winning the Spring Term Cup for the most Values points awarded on Dojo.  It was exceptionally close with Darwin just 1 point behind!!

Greyfriars: 8117 points

Darwin: 8116 points

Quarry: 8008 points

Severn: 7869 points


Spring Term Cup Winners

We had our Awards Assembly this afternoon. Congratulations to our Spring Term Cup winners! You are all incredible! Year 5 picked up the Eco Award for The Eco Fashion Show and the charity award was given to everybody for our donations to Autism West Midlands.

Alice in Wonderland

We have all felt the buzz and good vibes in the air this week for our Alice in Wonderland School Production.  It has been ‘wonderful’ to see each and every child shine.  From characters with one line to our dancers, narrators, singers, actors and crew team, we know how much every child will have grown from this experience. We are so proud of the children who have made it a delight and it’s a real privilege for us as staff to come together and enjoy being part of it.

Huge credit must go to our our Director Mrs Stennett, Costumes & Set Design Miss Heap, Chorographer Mrs Morgan and Music by Mrs Porrett who all play an instrumental part plus all our staff members who help at rehearsals, back stage, face-painting and at the evening performances.

Please see our Gallery of photos which are you are able to download.

Please watch our highlights video below and some extra solo clips.


School Production Photo Gallery

Our 2024 School Production children were wonderful.  We know how precious these memories are!  Here are all our photos of cast and crew for parents to download.



Our new Club offering for after Easter Holidays is available to view on our website

Clubs Page

We have some exciting new clubs on offer including Gardening for Year 4 being run by the Street Allotment Project, Boogie Shoes Dance Club for EYFS/Yr 1 ran by our talented dancer Miss Cox, Orienteering for KS2 ran by Mr Halford and ICT Programming for KS2 ran by local resident Mr Cooper.

You can make payment for Clubs via Arbor.

Alice’s Community Showing

Residents from Hazledine Court and Hartlands Care Home visited us today for our community show. Thank you so much for joining the younger children and laughing in all the right places!


St Patrick’s Celebration

Jump and Jive  EYFS/KS1 music club celebrated St Patrick’s Day with an impromptu end of term concert to family and friends at the School gate on Tuesday. With Hannah on tin whistle they sang Michael Finnegan, Cockles and Mussels and danced some Irish jigs. Great singing and dancing Jump & Jive!


Spanish Club

Madame Jones and her Spanish Club ended the session with some Spanish food tasters.

Ofsted Update

Hello all,

Important Message:

We will be hosting Ofsted tomorrow and Wednesday!

We have made some alterations to our timetables but don’t want the children to miss out on anything that was already planned and so the Attingham Park Cross Country event, the SHS Quarry Run, Tennis taster sessions, the Yr 4 Parent volunteer lesson and our School Production of Alice in Wonderland will be going ahead, as normal. The show must go on!

We are incredibly grateful for your support and if you can find time to complete the Parent Survey this evening or tomorrow that would be wonderful.

If you can help your children fill in the Pupil Survey that would be much appreciated too.

Thank you
From all of the Coleham Team

Saturday School!

Our wonderful Yr 5/6 cast and the Staff Production Team of Alice in Wonderland hosted their all day Dress Rehearsal on Saturday.  We promise that the audience are in for a real treat!  Here is a little sneak peek of our brilliant cast and crew!


Alice in Wonderland

Our Yr 5/6 Alice in Wonderland School Production takes place next Wednesday and Thursday evenings @ 6:30pm.

There are some tickets left on Arbor if you fancy coming along.

On the night, children will be selling bags of sweets at the entrance for £1 each and there will be refreshments available during the interval.


FRIDAY-All About Me Day

On Friday it will be a Non-Uniform Day.  The children can celebrate being themselves and choose to wear whatever they like!  We’ll be raising money for Autism West Midlands and collecting £1 cash donations in buckets at school drop off.

What’s on next week?

Saturday 16th March-Alice in Wonderland Rehearsal 9:00-3:00pm

Tuesday 19th March-Attingham Park Cross Country Event @ 4:00pm

(Children participating have had a paper letter about this)

Wednesday 20th March-Alice In Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– Alice in Wonderland School Production @ 6:30pm

Thursday 21st March– School Class Photographs


Friday 22nd March-All About Me Day (No School Uniform)


3-18 Education Trust
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