Disco Fever 🪩

What a fab School Disco 🪩🪩🪩

The crowd was literally bouncing to our resident DJ Andy O’ Brien! A great way to burn some Friday night energy 🔥 Our Year 6 Leavers rocked it! Thank you to all our fabulous staff and volunteers for giving up their Friday evening and making it run like clockwork. It’s all worth it to see the children’s moves, sweaty faces and knowing that these are the memories that last a lifetime.  #bestschooldiscoyet


Dolly donates her hair!

After growing her hair her entire life, Dolly has just had 12 inches cut off! She is donating it to a very special charity. The Little Princess Trust who provide real hair wigs to children with cancer or other conditions.

Friends and family have shown their support by donating and leaving Dolly messages of support and encouragement. Dolly has raised over £200!  Well Done Dolly!  We love your super cute new haircut!!

What’s on next Week?

Monday 24th June-Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Tuesday 25th June– Yr 6 Elephants Swimming

Tuesday 25th June– New Reception Children Group 1 1.30pm-3:00pm

Wednesday 26th June– Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Wednesday 26th June– Parents Musical Showcase Concert

Thursday 27th June – EYFS/1/2 Sports Day

Friday 28th JuneSEND Parent/Carer Meeting with PACC (Parent & Carer Council)


This SUNDAY BVAF Open Gardens

Coleham School will be part of the Belle Vue Open Gardens this year.

This gives us a wonderful opportunity to show members of our community our listed Coach House, Victorian Museum and historic Folly which was once architecture in St Mary’s Church in Shrewsbury.  Our History Club Guides look forward to welcoming people on the Belle Vue Gardens Trail and telling them about the history of our school and The Limes Estate.  We also have Archaeologists on site with a collection of finds to talk about.

Tickets for the garden trail cost £3 per adult.  Tickets can be purchased at our Let’s Celebrate event, Stop.coffee, Coleham Sandwich bar and House Coffee and designated gardens.

Wear Yellow for CF

The school looked very sunny today with everybody wearing yellow! Well done to Olivia and Elinor Hargest for promoting the cause and collecting over £250 for The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.  Thanks to everybody for getting involved and donating to the charity🌞

Olympic Week Coming Up!

Miss Lewis has organised the most INCREDIBLE week for us all to celebrate the 2024 Olympics!  We have not 1 Olympian visiting us but 3 medal winners over the course of the week and a special Olympic Festival Day on Wednesday!

Save the date as on Wednesday 3rd July at 2.45pm as parents are invited to the Lower KS2 Playground to hear the children sing a song they have been rehearsing for you.


Sports Day Week

Next week is our School Sports Days.  Which House will triumph?

Sports Day starts at 1.30pm on the School Field and is open to family members.

Home time collection will be as normal.

Smoothie Bike

The sun came out just in time for the Smoothie Bike!  Making lunchtime lots of fun!  Year 6 children helped it run like clockwork and lots of children tried the smoothie to guess which fruits it contained.  Thanks to our Caterers for organising this for us!

Little Coders

Year 3 have been working hard on their computer coding this term.  They have been programming traffic lights and learnt how to show and hide different coloured lights and add timers.  They are really getting the hang of it!

EYFS Assembly

What a great turnout for our EYFS Parent/Carer Assembly! Thanks for coming along. The children showcased what they have been learning from reading Mr Grumpy’s Outing to instruction writing on how to make a boat but what really stood out was the confidence and clarity of our youngest children in speaking to an audience which is a skill we try to harness at Coleham.  Fantastic communicating and public speaking and all from memory! Impressive work Badgers and Foxes.


5 Home Reads!

Well done to Whales Class for some super reading! With all of the class achieving 5 home reads Whales Class went to the park for a treat!

Tree spotting

Yr 1 have been learning about Trees and so visited The Quarry to find some real examples to compare.

Next Friday- Wear Yellow! NO UNIFORM DAY

Olivia and Elinor Hargest would like to promote the Cystic Fibrosis Trust charity by asking pupils to Wear Yellow to school on Friday 21st June.  If you wish to donate £1 towards the charity, we’ll have some collection buckets at drop off.


Garden Bar Coming Soon

Enjoy alfresco drinks at our Garden Bar.  Darren from the Old Market Hall Gindifferent and Tom from Paso-Primero wines will be with us to provide the drinks.  A special event in our conservation area.   Family members , friends and relatives from the community are also welcome.  Purchase your tickets now on Arbor School Shop!

Crucial Crew

Year 6 visited Shrewsbury Flaxmill for a Crucial Crew Safety Day. This included a variety of scenario workshops designed to keep teenagers safe including hazards such as fire, railways, farming, drugs and alcohol.


BVAF Barnabas Gallery

It’s been brilliant to see lots and lots of classes popping out this week and heading over to the Barnabas Centre Art Exhibition for the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Every child has produced a  piece of art for the exhibition and Badgers and Foxes Art has been hung by the Greyfriars Bridge.  Not only do the children get to see their own work displayed but also work from other local artists.  Such a variety to see!  The Exhibition is open Saturday 10-4pm if you would like to see your child’s work.


Disco Update

Please read the letter below with all the finer details ready for the night!

Disco Details

Disco Details

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 21st June.

Reception & KS1: 4:45pm to 5.45pm

KS2: 6.00pm to 7.00pm         


Disco Tickets are available on Arbor at £3 per child and a reduced price for our Free School Meal families.  Please pay in advance.  We will be printing off a list of everyone who has paid to create the Disco Register and we will check the children against this on entry for safeguarding purposes.

KS1 Disco

Due to numbers and logistics of the school hall, parents are not able to attend.

Please drop your children off at the bottom corner gate opposite the Butchers.  We ask that you don’t enter the site please, children should enter independently and we will have staff on hand to lead the children to the playground where they will be registered and taken in.  Staff will help children with refreshments and dancing.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required and coats should be left with parents.

Adults may collect children from the KS1 Playground promptly at 6:00pm.  We will aim to have them lined up in EYFS, Yr 1 and Yr 2 so you can easily find them and a staff member on the gate will check that children are going home with an adult known to them (family member, friend or parent)

KS2 Disco

Children should enter via the main gate and walk around to the lower KS2 playground.  The children should line up in year groups so they can be registered and taken in.

Children should not bring anything with them, no money is required, no mobile phones and coats should be left with parents.

At 7:00pm we will open the bottom corner gate opposite the butchers.  You may walk across KS1 playground to the Hall, find your child and exit via the same entrance.  All children must be collected by an adult known to them.  Staff will be positioned on the gate to ensure safe collection home.


We require a large number of parents to help at the Disco, at the refreshment tables and supervising the hall.  Please let Mrs Moore know if you can help at the KS1 or KS2 Disco.  You simply need to arrive with your child and make your way to the hall.

Email: maria.moore@col.318education.co.uk


Kind regards,

Miss T Othen

Business Manager


Yr 3 Egyptian Day

Wow, what an incredible day Year 3 have had to complete their topic on the Egyptians!  It was quite scary to find so many children embalmed but don’t worry all their organs are still intact!

After School Club Prices for 24-25

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are always sensitive to any costs that our families incur and we never like to increase prices, however, we must also balance this with generating income for the school.  School budgets are being squeezed tighter and will continue to be a cause for concern for schools over the coming years.  In particular, pressures from staffing and energy increases which we must factor in.

Therefore, the After School Club charge from September 2024 will be £11.

We have known that this price needed uplifting for some time, so we have considered other local wraparound charges and we feel this price sits at a comfortable level and is neither excessive nor too low but at the right point to be fair to parents whilst also generating income for school.

Please ensure that your Arbor account is topped up; you must pay in advance for sessions to avoid being in debt to the school.  We will be contacting account holders in debt each month.   We would appreciate your support with prompt payments as the school is unable to operate effectively, in these challenging financial times, if there is a large collective parent debt.

Breakfast Club charges won’t be increased and will remain at £4.00.   We believe that this is still good value for the childcare provided.  I hope that you are able to continue to benefit from these clubs and can support us in this decision.

Yours sincerely,

Mr T Larkham


What’s on next week?

Tuesday 18th June – EYFS Parent Assembly @ 9.15am

Tuesday 18th June– Elephants Swimming

Thursday 20th JuneYr 4 Tudor Day

Friday 21st June – NON UNIFORM DAY Wear Yellow Day for charity

Friday 21st June– KS1 Disco 4:45-5:45pm  KS2 Disco 6.00 -7.00pm

Sunday 23rd JuneHistoric Open Gardens part of the Belle Vue Arts Trail


Parents Online Bladder & Bowel Workshop

If you have any worries about your child with respect to bladder/bowel habits then this online session might have some useful tips and knowledge.

Parent Carer Participation Group


Dear Parents/Carers,

Please read the introductory letter from The Parent Carer Council (PACC)

PACC letter

Invitation to Meeting

We are pleased to advise you that Coleham Primary School, is participating in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) programme, which aims to improve support for children with additional needs.

In order to support the PINS project, we are also creating a Parent Carer Participation Group with the school. The Participation Group is for all parent carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND); no diagnosis or EHCP is required.

We will hold regular meetings in order to:

  • Work co-operatively with the school
  • Ensure that parent carers have their voices heard by the school
  • Bring parent carers together to share experiences

At the meeting we will be planning how our sessions will run for the next academic year, and what parent/carers would like to theme sessions on.

The introductory drop-in will be held on Friday 28th June from 2-3 pm

Please try to join us and encourage other parent/carers to come along too.

We look forward to seeing you.

You can drop in to the meeting, but you can also indicate your attendance by completing this FORMS LINK.

Yours sincerely,

Simone Goward

Parent Carer Liaison Lead



A new arrival

Congratulations to Miss Gregory and Guy on the arrival of Baby Oscar 💙 What a handsome chap! We are thrilled for the new parents and wish Miss Gregory a fabulous maternity leave.

Shropshire Sings!

Our After School Club Choir performed at Shropshire Sings with lots of other primary schools at the West Mid Showground. What a lovely evening for the families that came along to watch.  Great work from the children who have been rehearsing hard for weeks. Thank you Mrs Porrett for leading Choir.


Sol’s Darwin Window

Winner of The Darwin Doodle Boy Competition Sol has chalk penned his winning design on Forget Me Not Florists window for us all to enjoy!  Just in time for The Belle Vue Arts Festival!  How Amazing is this, Sol has also painted his Charles Darwin design as a mural on the Galapagos Island of San Cristobal!!

Saturday, Lets Celebrate!

The Belle Vue Arts Festival has started! It was great to see so many Coleham families at the Greyfriars Bridge, Lets Celebrate event enjoying the live music, sunshine and children’s activities . This year’s theme is Treasure and so Shropshire Ramblers and Shropshire Geological Society were there to promote the treasures in our county town 🌞



Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey re: the proposal for a change to Coleham’s PE kit.  We’re always keen to make the right choices and we very much value your input to help us do that.

In total, 57 people responded to the survey and the results were as follows:

In favour of the change Don’t mind either way Against the proposal
56% (32/57) 19% (11/57) 25% (14/57)


The clear majority are either for the proposal or neutral, however the 14 responses against made very valid points and we are keen to make sure those voices are heard.  Reading through your comments, there is reference to cost, sustainability, a desire to move away from some of the colours (particularly yellow) and also removal of the varied options for PE kit.  We believe that we can accommodate everyone’s wishes.  Those that have responded positively are keen to make the PE kit guidance more clear, and the children surveyed are very excited to have a smarter, more sporty PE top that represents their house identity better.  We believe we are able to satisfy most points of view.

We will be making changes to the PE kit as follows:

  • The proposed House-crested tops will be available for those that want one.  These cost £10.99 from the School Shop Direct (see example picture above)  The Coleham design will include the Darwin, Greyfriars, Quarry or Severn House crest on the front and COLEHAM across the back which is useful if we are out on trips or community events.
  • Those who choose not to purchase one can wear a plain navy t-shirt. This can have small brand logos.  This allows people to purchase cheaper options or specific garments that are more sustainable if they wish
  • Shorts or joggers will be navy blue
  • For colder weather, a plain navy jumper/hoodie/zip up or their school jumper. Again, small brand logos are OK if you are using something you may already own at home.
  • Socks of any colour

These options make our uniform more standardised, reducing the variety of options which can be confusing.  It also allows parents to have the freedom to choose between the house-crested tops, or cheaper/more ethical options.  It also removes the need for Darwin families to purchase sometimes hard-to-find yellow tops which attract insects in the summer and get grubby quickly in the winter.  Below are some links to cheap and/or ethical plain navy items you may wish to explore.

We will let you all know when the stock of PE shirts arrives at the School Uniform Shop.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


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