Stepping Out Safely

This week, Year 4 are having ‘Stepping Out’ training to teach them about being safe around roads and how to cross the road safely.

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Cross Country Champs!

On Friday, we took part in the  Belvidere Cross Country Competition against 6 other schools.

There was a mix of children taking part with ages ranging from years 3-6.

Teamwork and dedication were shown from all and we’re very happy to report that our team triumphed as the competition winners!

Well done Coleham runners!

Music Mark Award

Music and creativity are really important to us here at Coleham. We have an excellent music curriculum and a dedicated music teacher, Mrs Porritt. We are now also a nominated Music Mark school.

Quentin Blake Artist Study

Year 4 have been so engaged with their study of Quentin Blake with many children carrying on their learning at home with their families.  We are so impressed with their enthusiasm and fantastic illustrations.

Yr 3 Stone Age Day

Year 3 took part in an interactive workshop by the fantastic ladies from Widget Workshop who immersed us in the world of The Stone Age!
They took us back in time exploring Stone Age artefacts, making wattle and daub walls, looking at food and even discovering famous Stone Age locations through the interactive VR headsets.
It’s safe to say that the children had a wonderful time!

Violin Mini Concert

Rhythmsticks Club welcome young violinists for mini concert!

Harvest Food Bank Donations

Thank you for all your kind harvest donations. It was lovely for School Councillors to take them down to the food bank where they were gratefully received.

The ‘Liz Brazier’ Memorial Library

In tribute for Mrs Brazier the library was officially renamed in her honour.  The ‘Liz Brazier Memorial Library’ plaque was unveiled by Author Lesley Parr and our newly appointed Year 6 Librarians.


Author Visit-Lesley Parr

It was absolutely wonderful to have author Lesley Parr visit school and tell us all about her new book featuring evacuees Jimmy and Florence who are sent to a welsh mining village.  She got the idea for the mystery from a newspaper clipping she had collected years ago and stored away in a special box!


Orienteering at Carding Mill Valley

Well done all who took part in the orienteering event at Carding Mill Valley. Our team were overall winners and we are all very proud of your skills!


Year two have been learning a way of looking at situations called SUMO (Stop, Understand, Move On).

As part of this we had a whole school ‘Change your T-Shirt’ day.

The idea behind the day is to encourage children to think about how they respond to events. We learned that we can’t always control the events that happen in our lives but we can control the way that we respond and our response can have a dramatic effect on outcomes, that is, a positive response = a positive outcome.


Year 4 away from home

Year 4 had an amazing time at Condover Activity centre this week where they had the opportunity to sleepover away from home and take part in lots of physical and mental challenges that extend the learning that we do in the classroom.

What an adventure! Well done Year 4

Science Experiment

We love practical experiments in our science work-here is Year 4 investigating how sugar and yeast react producing carbon dioxide which was collected in balloons.  Great work from our scientists.




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