Drama Club’s Matilda Production

Over the Autumn Term, the Drama Club worked so hard to perfect their acting, singing, dancing and prop making skills, culminating in a performance of ‘Matilda the Musical’ for Years 5 and 6. They performed the house down and received a huge applause for their closing number, Revolting Children. Their characters were so convincing that we feared the school may be overthrown (!) but luckily, the children were happy to accept certificates of achievement instead.


Christmas Stockings

Year 4 were proud to produce their finished Christmas Stockings and take them home.  They have been working on this Design & Technology project this half term.

Shrewsbury Castle Visit

Both year 6 classes visited Shrewsbury Castle to take part in a workshop ‘Every medal tells a story’. The children spent time exploring the castle and also took part in a drama based activity to find out about a character. A great time was had by all.

A fond farewell to Coleham Buchers

We were delighted to attend the heart-warming presentation for our neighbours G.O Elson Family Butchers.  After an incredible 51 years of service to our community Granville and Jason are hanging up their aprons and closing up shop!  It was an emotional occasion with a This is Your Life presentation from the Belle Vue Community Action Group.

A link to the news story in the Shropshire Star is included below:


More Sporting Fixtures

Both year 6 classes visited Shrewsbury Castle to take part in a workshop ‘Every medal tells a story’. The children spent time exploring the castle and also took part in a drama based activity to find out about a character. A great time was had by all.

EYFS explore local bridges

Last Friday for Design and Technology, EYFS braved the weather to explore some local bridges. Miss Harris and the EYFS team were so impressed by the children’s ability to identify features of the bridges and recall the names of each one. Perhaps the hot chocolate helped with that!

Eco Council Competition Winners

Recently,  our eco-council set up a competition for Coleham children to design an eco-themed mural to be painted on a wall in our playground. So many children throughout the school put forward designs which was great to see. Amy Smith, the artist who has been commissioned to paint the mural, has had a look at each of the designs and has come up with an overall winner: Sol in year 4.
A runner up from each year group was also selected as we were overwhelmed with the fantastic entries. These pictures will be displayed on the school eco board.
Sol’s picture is attached and so are a selection of some of the other designs which were entered.
Well done to everyone who entered.

International Day

We had a great international day where we explored and learned more about the worlds many varied nations, cultures and traditions. We dressed up, sang songs had many visitors and even played the sport Kabaddi.

Children make charity Christmas Cards

Local charity, Omega, based on town walls approached us about creating Christmas cards for their elderly clients, many of whom have no family. Children from years 2-6 took part and were inspired to create beautiful cards to put a smile on the face of someone who could potentially be lonely this Christmas.
On Monday 22nd November, year 6s Ariana and Dylan – alongside Mrs Stennett – presented the cards they made and around 200 others to Claire from Omega.
After receiving the cards Claire said, “The cards really are delightful. We had a good look through when we arrived back at the office and our hearts were literally melting at how much thought and care has gone into them, we cannot thank you enough.”

7 A Side Tournament

A group of year 5/6 children took part in a football tournament against 9 other schools. We played 7 a side and worked really well together. There was some fantastic goal saving from Dylan and Daniel!

Children In Need

Today we are doing our bit for children in need by dressing up and having a special Pudsey lunch.

Forest School in the News

Read all about it! This week our EYFS children opened their new Woodland area and inspired by the Foxes and Badgers that live on the school grounds officially named the area as Badger Hill and Little Cubs Orchard.

See the Shropshire Star article here:


Music Club Cornet & Poetry Concert

This week Rhythmsticks Club had a Cornet Concert with special guest children to play their cornets and perform a poem by Tennyson!

Learning Luggage

The EYFS team have put together their own initiative that helps investigate learning through play and exploration whilst at home. An exciting way for parents to join their children in discovery, creativity, co-operation and exploration.

It’s called Learning Luggage.  Watch out for the bags coming home!

Football Victory for the under 10’s

Football Victory.  Under 10’s. 5-2 Home match against Greenfields.  It looked Greenfields were going to make a comeback but Coleham dug deep for the final result.

Fire Safety for Year 3

Shropshire Fire and Rescue came in to talk to Year 3 about fire safety in the home. The children had the opportunity to explore the fire engine and work the hose!

Odd socks for Diversity Day

This week is Anti-bullying and Diversity Week.  Here are are some of our Year 4 pupils wearing odd socks to promote diversity.

Little Cubs Orchard

This week saw the official opening of Little Cub’s Orchard and we were joined by special visitor Mrs Giani from Inside Out Learning to cut the ribbon.  Franky bought all the children magic wands for the ceremony.  Badgers and Foxes really enjoyed all the new areas to discover:
  • A large digging pit
  • Rope swings
  • Slides
  • Insect exploration/Bug Hotel
  • Climbing ropes
  • Physical trail/Obstacle course
  • Den building
  • Nature corner
  • Outdoor Stage

Careers Week

There are all sorts of excellent and inspiring visitors coming to school as part of our inspirational careers week.  All classes take part as you’re never too young to learn about careers in our opinion.

Today we were blown away (nearly literally) by a breath taking landing from Emilia and Oliver’s Dad when he landed an RAF helicopter on our school field.

You can read all about it in this Shropshire Star article


Stargazing at Space Cadets Club

Space Cadets club had a great time on Thursday evening with Mr L’s telescopes.  We spent nearly two hours in the cold spotting Jupiter, Saturn, millions of stars, the Andromeda Galaxy and other objects.  Thanks to all the parents who brought their children along!

Theatre Group in School

Years 1 to 4  were treated to a live performance of Wind in the Willows from theatre group ‘Wizard Theatre’ today.

Football Tournament at Shrewsbury Town

Well done to the Coleham team who played at Shrewsbury Town Football club in their EFL Cup Competition with other schools from our region. We came a respectable 3rd.

Well done team!

The Daily Dash is baack!

This week Mr Venn has restarted the Daily Dash, join him at 8.30 in the morning by the bottom corner gate for a wake up run!

Out in the community

Some of our Year 5 pupils we’re out and about in our community visiting local businesses this week. They were inviting staff to join us as guest speakers for Careers Week so they can share their knowledge and experience with us. Here they are signing up Canny Cuts for a visit!

Multi-Cultural Arts week

This week, each year group across the school have been creating art based on different religions.

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Spooky Halloween lunch

Our wonderful kitchen staff decorated up the hall and cooked up a Halloween treat this week with Spooky Sausage Pasta and Spider Web cakes amongst other delights!


Yr 4 Roman Day

This week Year 4 dressed up as gladiators, citizens, gods or goddesses, Celts and emperors. They learned about Roman numerals, tasted some roman nibbles, designed and made their own mosaic pattern, marched like the Roman army, formed a protective battle formation and walked down the cat walk showing off their costume.

Saxophone trio visit Music Club

Rhythmsticks Music Club welcome a Sax trio this week!

Dodgeball Tournament

This week our Dodgeball team journeyed to Shrewsbury Sports Village to play in tournament with other local schools and displayed great resilience against very tough opposition. Well done dodgeballers!

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