Year 4 visit the Mosque

Year 4 enjoyed visiting the Mosque in Wellington and finding out about the religion Islam and being a Muslim.

Hindu Workshop

We enjoyed a fabulous Hindu workshop in school this week to celebrate the Holi Festival. EYFS, Year3 and Year 5 all had the chance to find out more about Hinduism, it’s traditions and culture. What a a colourful day full of dance, music and costumes.


Cambridge University Band

We were lucky enough to have Cambridge University Band stop by to play a live concert outside in the sunshine. Such a lovely treat to be able to enjoy music like this in school.

Our Science week in the news!

…The students at Coleham Primary School in Shrewsbury nurtured caterpillars, looked after tadpoles, observed chicks and bottle-fed lambs in their science lessons this week.

It comes just after National Science Week – a 10-day national celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects.

As part of the curriculum at Coleham Primary, pupils are embracing science through the theme of ‘Growth’ – a topic that coincides with the season of spring and new life.

Miss Harris, science leader, said: “Bringing the curriculum to life through meaningful experiences has been really empowering for the children…’

Read the full article here:

Tag Rugby winners!

Our Year 4’s competed in a round robin tournament at Shrewsbury College. They performed really well on a very hot afternoon and Coleham won the whole tournament.

Excellent result – well done team!

Science week-Hatching Chicks

The children are having incredible experiences during our science week. One of the most egg-citing things (sorry!) has been hatching chicks in our classrooms.

We now have ten chicks that have hatched from the eggs and the children are really enjoying watching them and  looking after them.


Winning Eco Mural Gets Painted

Our Eco Council competition to design a mural to be painted on a plain outside wall has been won by Sol and painted by Amy Smith this week.

The Shropshire Star came and wrote an article about the artwork.

‘Sol’s design, which included the eco message ‘Plant Trees’, won the competition and the mural is situated by a rare Cappadocicum Maple Tree– one of the largest in Shropshire.

The eight-year-old said: “I couldn’t believe it when my drawing won the competition. It was inspired by my Grandad who loves nature and trees.’

You can read the full article here:

Free footwear in our Drop & Swop

Our Eco Council have launched their new ‘Drop and Swap’ scheme with the current focus on footwear.

We’ve had a terrific response with lots of good reusable footwear being dropped into school.

Remember that every re-used pair will save a pair from being manufactured, so please come and have a rummage and take a pair whilst the children’s feet are growing so quickly and help do your bit for the environment!

New Sport Fixtures Kit Revealed

Take a look at our reveal video where we show off our brand new Sport fixtures kit that we will be wearing in competitive events against other schools.

Our kit was designed by competition winner Honey in Year 4 and was made possible by sponsorship from our neighbours T.C. Homes here in Coleham.

Running success in the Quarry

On Monday the children competed against 6 other schools in the Quarry in a run for Under 9’s and Under 11’s organised by Shrewsbury High School.

We won the U9’s boys and girls categories. The U11’s girls also won, with the U11 boys finishing in 2nd overall.

Yr 5 Music at Shrewsbury School

This week, Year 5 students performed ‘Crikey Moses’ to parents as a finale to this terms music lessons hosted at Shrewsbury School. Here is a picture of them performing. They had a fantastic time!

World Book Day

The children and staff looked fabulous today as we celebrated all things literary.

In our video you can see some of the wonderful sights around the school today. Well done everyone and keep up that love for reading!

Author Visit-Katie May Green

Another excellent talk from an author for our book week at Coleham. This time, it’s Katie May Green who wrote ‘Hide and Seek’ and ‘See and not Heard’.  Katie is also an Illustrator and helped Year 1 illustrate victorian portraits.

Author Visit-Jen Carney

We were very pleased to welcome Jen Carney to school to talk about her series of books including ‘The Accidental Diary of B.U.G.’

Jen is both author and illustrator for her books and she had lots of interesting things to tell us. She also knows a lot about biscuits!

Times Table Rockstars Day

It’s the last day of term and we’re dressing like rockstars to tie in with the a great maths app that we use called Times Table Rockstars

We also use another maths app called Numbots

Snippets from Animation Club

Mr Williams’ animation club meet for an hour each week and use their creativity and a free rein to make something wild, weird or magical.

Here are a selection of snippets of their work for you to wonder at!


Eco Council want your bread bags!

We now have a Terracycle Recycling Point at Coleham School. All you need to do is drop your used bread bags in the collection bin in the school foyer. The eco-council are pleased to have helped to set this up and will monitor how many bags are collected.

Dress to Express

We had a great time dressing up to express ourselves today.

The idea is simple – use colour to express yourself by wearing a colourful outfit!

Plastic Pollution Awareness

Turtles class made some posters about Plastic Pollution in geography.  Today, we put the posters up in 8 shop windows in Coleham to teach our community about plastic pollution.  The shops are:  the Allotment, the florist, Fade In barbers, the bike

shop, House Cafe, the Charity shop, Pink Moon and Fit Box.



Coleham Ofsted Results make the news!

The Shropshire Star have written a lovely report on our recent Ofsted inspection. Read it here:

The report states that: “This is a school that sits at the heart of the local community. Leaders provide extensive opportunities for pupils’ wider development” and the report is …

Coleham Team in Panathlon

Today a group of children went to a Panathlon event at Shrewsbury Sports Village. Coleham did really well, coming in third place.
Children participated in a range of different activities; boccia blast, bean bag throw, kurling, table cricket and lots more.
Well done team!

Music Club celebrates Burns Night

The wonderful Rhythmsticks music club arranged for a piper to come into school to mark the occasion of Burns night.  They had a wonderful time parading around Forest School.


Healthy Eating Cookery Roadshow

Our school meal providers, Academy Catering, arranged for The School Food Showdown Healthy Eating Roadshow to visit us today.

We had a great time watching two teams in a cook-off, it was very exciting and we learned some healthy cooking tips!

Music Club Beat Boxing

Rhythmsticks Music Club dip into the world of digital music by introducing the children to Beat Boxing.

Thank you to our neighbours

We are so proud of these pupils who went to personally thank each of the shops on Wyle Cop for donating to our Grand Hamper Raffle.  Public speaking is a great skill to learn!  Lucas sketched the shop fronts for a beautiful Christmas Card.  Thank you to the traders for their kindness and for helping us raise £1,500 for school.

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2021 Staff Christmas Video

Staff had a great time making this fun video for the children, even when OFSTED visited in the middle of us making it!  It was touch and go whether we could finish it off but in true Coleham style we rallied round and pulled it out of the bag!  Until next year…


St Chads Christmas Tree Festival

In December lots of classes popped out of school and visited St Chads Church to see their Christmas Tree Festival.  They were free to enjoy the Christmas ambience and beautiful building.

Christmas presents to Briarfields

Full of festive kindness, the children delivered their Christmas boxes to the residents at Briarfields Care Home in Belle Vue.

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