Community Quiz Night

Thank you to everyone who attended our Quiz night on Friday and also a big thank you to our glamorous quizmaster, Mr Larkham.

We had a wonderful enlightening evening and our winning team were thrilled to receive their signed photo of Mr Larkham. We’re sure they will display it at home with pride.

Rounders Tournament

We took our Coleham rounders team to a tournament this week. The children all worked brilliantly together as a team, there was some super fielding with some fantastic catching and some excellent batting scoring many rounders! Our Team came third, well done Coleham!


Shropshire Sings Concert

Yr 4 made us extremely proud by singing their hearts out in a musical concert to parents.   The event which hosted several schools was performed at The West Mid Showground on a summers evening.  The audience were emotional and uplifted by the beautiful singing!

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The Queen’s Jubilee

Coleham school revelled in lots of fun and special Jubilee activities. Watch our little video.

Yr 6 on their bikes

Bikeability training is happening in school for the next 3 days for Year 6. Once proficient, they will be taking to the roads to test their new awareness and skills.

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Yr 2 & 3 Nutrition Workshop

Year 2 and 3 found out what’s good to eat and how to have a balanced diet when a nutritionist visited school to give a nutrition workshop.

Year 6 Pioneers

Year 6 pupils had an excellent adventure at the Pioneer centre for their 2 night stay where they got to put themselves to the test in lots of outward bound activities. Well done Year 6 for challenging yourselves!

Yr 1 Ukulele Concert

Year 1 children have been learning the Ukulele this year in their music lessons.  Our Music teacher, Mrs Porritt, led a brilliant fun and inspiring ukulele concert with our Year 1 classes this morning showing us their progress.

We thoroughly enjoyed performing and hope that parents enjoyed watching too!

Reception classes visit the Castle

On Friday last week children in Reception went to visit Shrewsbury castle as part of their topic work ‘Long ago and Far away’.  They really enjoyed climbing up Laura’s Tower.

Busy week for Football

Last week we went on several football fixtures.
We went to Shrewsbury sports village to a football tournament. We took 4 different teams across years 5 and 6. The children enjoyed taking part and representing Coleham, there was a mix of wins, draws, and loses. The year 6 boys made it to the semi-finals, but unfortunately lost against penalties Trinity.

EYFS Bikeability

EYFS took part in Bikeability lessons on balance bikes last week.

During the session they practiced negotiating space successfully when on a bike, as well as learning about basic cycling safety.  It is important that children learn to ride a bike as early as they can!

Belle Vue Arts Festival Workshop

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Yr 5 loved being creative all day in a BVAF workshop with local Artists.  They made some beautiful suitcases inspired by this year’s festival theme of Journeys which will be displayed at The BVAF Exhibition.  What talented artists we have at Coleham!

Tour de Coleham

Wow! Our Cycling week was topped off with our big, charity cycling challenge and the participation from our community blew us away!  Mr Venn and Miss Lewis hoped to cycle the length of England in 1 day cycling for 8 hours each.  But it turns out the children cycled over 7,000 laps of the school field smashing the target all on their own!!  What a day for Team Coleham! Thank you for coming out in force and supporting each other and raising £1,600 for The Ukraine, Save The Children.  It was such a ‘feel good’ day, real community spirit and was all rather emotional at the finale!!

Riding Rickshaws

As a treat for Yr 2 after finishing their SATS, they all ride the Rickshaws around the school grounds!  Thank you to the Shropshire Cycle Hub for visiting as part of our Tour de Coleham Cycling week.


Squirrels at Hodnet Hall



Year 1 had a lovely trip to Hodnet Hall Gardens, the children took part in 3 different activities, a guided tour around the gardens, potting a seed and creating a clay model using natural resources from around the gardens. The sun shone for us all day!

Smoothie Bike visit

For our Tour de Coleham Cycling week the smoothie bike came to school today courtesy of Academy Catering. The children had great fun powering the pedals to blend all the fresh fruit to make a healthy drink. The perfect refreshment after all that exercise!

Coleham’s Got Talent

Coleham’s Got Talent is back! Each week of summer term, we’ll be showcasing the performance talents of our children every Friday on the field at lunchtime.

Our first acts wowed us with very spirited performances last Friday and if previous years are anything to go by, we’ll be seeing even more talent as the weeks go by.

Also, a big well done to our compères who keep the show flowing!

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‘Lunchathon’ Kitchen Takeover

This week the pupils took over the school menu in the Lunchathon House competition.  Every child designed a healthy meal and the house winners dishes were created each day.  Here is Oliver with his Blueberry Muffins for Greyfriars.

Winning designs from budding gardeners

Well done to all those who entered a design in the Plant and Craft Fare miniature garden competition. The entries were fabulous and it was very difficult to pick a winner.

Impressive entries and very high standards from Coleham Pupils yet again!

Plant and Craft Fair

Last weekend’s Plant & Craft Fair was a lovely event!

It was great to see so many of our pupils, their families and our local community browsing the stalls in the sunshine.

Thank you to Blue Diamond, Asda, Severndale Nursery, Sabrina boat, House coffee for supporting this event with plants & prizes.

Space Centre

Year 5 had an amazing time at the Leicester Space Centre this week!

We looked at the night-sky in the Planetarium and took part in a rocket workshop.

The exhibits were superb!

Balance Biking

Year 1 had a great time learning some bike basics in their balance bike training.

Well done year 1!

Netball Tournament

Coleham competed in a 5 aside netball tournament against 6 other schools this week. We made it into the trophy stage and came fourth overall.

Yr 1 Historic Trip

This weeks trip to the Black Country museum was amazing and the children really enjoyed it. They were so well behaved and represented Coleham superbly. They looked around the old village and went inside the old school. Here we were treated to a lesson and had to learn the alphabet backwards! It was hard! The children had a play with the toys and understood the differences between old and new toys. We were also told about what is was like to live back in the older days.


Well done to everyone involved in our wonderful production of Poppins this week. The show was a great success and received lots of great reviews from those who came to watch.

A superb effort from Year 5 & 6 cast and crew, and a special mention to Mrs Stennett for all her hard work in writing and producing the show, we can’t wait for the next school production!

Year 5 Science Trip

In preparation for next term’s science work on ‘Life Cycles’, Year 5 to visited The Exotic Zoo, Telford this week to meet some animals in the flesh!

Rugby Tournament

Tag Rugby tournament at Belvidere against 4 other schools.

Our team did Coleham proud! They all played fantastically and scored some amazing tries.

Great effort guys.

House Cup-Spring Winners

Spring Term’s House Winners are… QUARRY! Well done to everyone in Quarry for your hard work and well done to our Captain and Vice-Captain, Daniel & Ariana.

House points this term:

1st: Quarry (7383)

2nd: Darwin (7038)

3rd: Greyfriars (7003)

4th: Severn (6985)

French Trip for staff

20 members of staff are off to a language school in Rouen,

France this Easter and May to help boost their grasp of the French language after we submitted a successful bid for European funding to enable a series of trips to take place.

Ms Jones said: “I am beyond excited, this is a fantastic continuing professional development opportunity for staff. We want to raise the profile of French throughout the entire school and the best way of doing this is by the whole staff team getting involved to make it happen.”

Read the full Shropshire Star article here:


Tag Rugby Success

A group of year 5/6s went to Prestfelde School to compete in a Tag Rugby competition this week. They performed really well, only losing one match.

Well done team!

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