Odd Socks Day

It’s National Anti-bullying week and today we are all wearing odd socks to promote diversity and celebrate our differences.

Headteacher letter 15th November

Dear Parents/Carers,

I write to let you know that I will be stepping down from my role as Headteacher of Coleham Primary School at the end of this academic year in order to take on the full-time role of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the 3-18 Education Trust.

I am delighted to announce that Mr Larkham will be taking on the full-time role of Headteacher at Coleham from September 2023.  As you know, Mr Larkham has been my Deputy for a number of years now and, for the last 2 terms he been leading the school for 2 days each week, while I have been working part-time as Deputy CEO of the Trust.  Mr Larkham knows the school and the community incredibly well and I am sure that he will do an excellent job, continuing to lead the school from strength to strength.

My role within the trust will also allow me to continue supporting Coleham with regular drop-ins and ongoing School Improvement support so I am not going to disappear altogether!

I have worked at Coleham since 2010, when I took up the post of Deputy Headteacher, taking over as Headteacher in 2014.  I have loved every minute of my time here.  The school is an incredibly special place, full of wonderful children and a wonderfully committed staff team.  I feel honoured to have led them over the last 9 years, during which the school has been on a fantastic journey, always striving to be better and provide the best possible education to our children.  I have seen hundreds of children pass through the school and built relationships with many, many parents, always feeling well supported by the parent body and the Coleham community as a whole.

I will miss the school very much but feel privileged to be able to continue working alongside the Senior Leadership Team over the coming years.

Thank you for your ongoing support; it is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


Coleham Superstars!

On Friday evening, the staff team headed to Theatre Severn to watch Nativity and support the fabulous Miss Cox, Mr Williams and our pupils.  What a show from Get Your Wiggle On!  It was pure joy from start to end, everybody sparkled and shined and it was one of the best shows we’ve ever seen! Well done everyone. It’s a 5 Star review from us!

Careers Week in the news!

That’s a wrap for our Careers Week, we’ve had a blast!  It’s been very busy in school with so many special guests.  Thank you so much to our wonderful families and visitors that have taken part.  We can do so much more as a community!

Careers Week in the news!


War Graves

Our KS2 School Councillors visited the war graves at the cemetery on Longden Road today to take part in a Remembrance Ceremony with local dignitaries.


Raising funds for The Poppy Appeal

The School Council have been raising money for the Royal British Legion by selling merchandise and promoting us all to wear a Poppy in school as a symbol of remembrance.

Careers Week- Creative Writing

Highly acclaimed adult novelist and University Lecturer Lisa Blower came to talk to Year 6 about writing novels and teach creative writing.  Thanks to Lisa for sharing her experience and writing tips.

Careers week! Sport Inspired

Ex Shrewsbury Town footballer and AFC Telford Manager Gavin Cowan gave an empowering talk to Year 6. He spoke about working hard, never giving giving up and starting his own sports business.  Thank you Mr Cowan!


Careers Week- We love Hickory’s!

Wow, Year 5 were lucky enough to have a fantastic Careers trip to Hickory’s Smokehouse to learn all about working in hospitality.

Read the news story below:


Careers Week-Healthy Teeth

More from Careers Week…

Badgers and Foxes in EYFS had a visit from Dentist, Mrs Hulme who talked to the children about looking after their teeth.  Her daughter Evelyn in Year 5 was a brilliant model for the demonstrations.  Thank you to Sian and Evelyn!


Careers Week- Fashion Designer

Elephants and Dolphins were really lucky to have a careers visit from Jo Tutchener Sharp, a London based Fashion Designer and founder of Scamp & Dude fashion brand.  Jo showed the children that there is a job in her company linking to every subject they learn in school, e.g if your good at Maths, you could work in Finance, if your good at English you could do copywriting for the websites and brochures.   She talked about setting up her company, building a brand and giving back to charitable causes.

Thank you Jo!



Careers-Inspiring our youngest!

EYFS had a visit from Mr Slogrove an engineer for the Welsh Air Ambulance as part of our Careers Week.

Following his visit we were inspired to create our own helicopters and learn more about the different parts of a helicopter.


Careers Week- Archaeology

Careers Week has started!  Whales and Rabbits enjoyed a visit from Archaeologist Mr Williams who had lots of practical aspects for the children to have a go at, writing on waterproof paper, exploring artefacts from his digs and measuring with ranging poles.


Sports Council meeting

The schools Sport Council had their first meeting with Mr Venn and Miss Lewis to discus all things PE.

Their first job is to gather the thoughts from their classmates on how we should spend the £150 Decathlon voucher we won last year ( we came 3rd in the Beat the Street points total, Mr Venn promised the children the money could be put towards new playground equipment for break and lunch times)




KS2 Cross Country @ Belvidere School

On Friday 4th November, Mr Venn and Mrs Parke took 24 KS2 children to compete against other schools in Cross Country at Belvidere Secondary School.
The children worked so hard in some very competitive races, and all the hard work resulted in a 2nd place overall finish – amazing work.

A special mention to year 3/4 girls who took the top three spots in their race.

Europe Football Theme Menu

Please see the special lunch Menu for Tuesday 8th November:

Hindu Workshop

EYFS, Year 3 and Year 5 all enjoyed a Hindu Workshop today where they learnt about Hinduism including the story of Rama and Sita, danced with sticks and learnt how to meditate.  The children got dressed for the occasion in traditional Hindu clothes with bangles and bindis.

Stone Age Day

Year 3 had an action packed workshop day covering all things Stone Age linked to their history topic.  They explored a timeline with artefacts, wondered into a virtual reality world where a Mammoth crashed into them and there was lots of outdoor learning they spend time outside grinding corn and making their own round house. What a super day!

Halloween Lunch

Children enjoyed a spooky lunch today with some classic scary songs.

Street Art

Giraffes Class have been learning all about Banksy and were very excited by the street art which appeared in Shrewsbury over the weekend!  They walked out to it this morning to check it out.  The wall art has now been claimed by Birmingham Artist Disney.

Diwali Festival

Today was our first whole school festival day, where we celebrated the festival of Diwali celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world.  Diwali, Festival of Lights, symbolises the spiritual “ victory of light over darkness” We all enjoyed learning the story of King Rama, making Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns.

Halloween Theme Menu

Our school menu will change on Monday 31st October for a Halloween themed lunch.

Netball and Tag Rugby Festival

On Wednesday 14th, Mr Venn, Miss Lewis and Miss Dovey took 35 children to take part in a Tag Rugby and Netball Festival, organised by the year 10 Sports Leaders at Meole Brace Secondary School.

Each team were assigned a year 10 student who ran through games to practise the skills needed, and then finished with a round robin tournament against other primary schools.
The children really enjoyed themselves and represented the school really well.
Well done everyone!

Showtime Choir Parent Concert

Our Showtime Choir had a fantastic parent concert this evening.  They sang ‘Marmalade’ from Paddington Bear the musical, a Mary Poppins medley and a selection of crazy rhymes, raps and a tongue twister.  Great solos from Max, Connie and Esmai and Eleanor.  Well done to all at Showtime!

3-18 Education Trust
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