Veggie February Meal Promotion

The School Eco Council have helped design meals for Veggie February!

See the meals below for Tuesdays in February!



















Veggie February

The Eco Council have been working to design some new vegetarian meal options for lunchtime.   These are featuring on Tuesdays in February.  Here they are below with Miss Perry, our Chef Manager.




Chinese New Year

Today we all celebrated Chinese New Year in school with each class learning about the festival.  Year 1, 2 & 4 were treated to a Chinese Dragon Musical workshop. It was Amazing! We also had a delicious Chinese Lunch.

Watch the video of Leopards Class Lion Dance for Chinese New Year.


Friendly Netball

On Thursday 2nd February, Miss Lewis took a team to finish a weekly netball competition which had been started last year. We took a new team to give other children the chance to compete in Netball.

Everyone played really well, and Coleham finished 2nd overall.

Year 5/6 Swimming Gala

On Thursday 2nd February, Mr Venn and Mrs Lord took a team of year 5/6s to compete in a swimming gala at Shrewsbury School.

It was a close contest, with the leaderboard changing after every race, Coleham came 3rd overall, which is an amazing result. We were definitely the loudest school when cheering for our teammates.

Great effort from everyone!


Year 1 Class Assembly

Hedgehogs and Squirrels showcased all their learning to their parents this week.  We are so proud of you.

Yr 4 Engenuity

Year 4 visited Engenuity in Ironbridge to support their Science work on electricity. They took part in an electricity workshop and made Jitterbugs. When the circuit connected, the wheel turned and they ‘jittered around’!  They also explored lots of practical experiments in the science museum.  Nell said “ it was fun, we got to touch everything. I would recommend going there”

Author Talk

Year 6 are learning about World War 2 and as a result we’ve all become slightly obsessed with Author Tom Palmer and his fantastic books!  Pupils joined Tom Palmers live Holocaust talk this afternoon where he interviewed concentration camp survivor Mala Tribich.  It was fascinating and pupils are clambering to borrow Tom’s new books!

Reading Buddies

As part of our Drop Everything and Read on Friday afternoons, our older children have been buddying up with our younger children to share and role model reading to each other.

Water Safety

Today we had a visit from the Safety Officer at Shropshire Council who delivered water safety talks to our KS2 children.



Yr 3 Sealife Centre

Year 3 visited the Sealife Centre in Birmingham to appreciate beauty of the natural world and take part in a workshop about plastic pollution. The children had a great time and have been considering the ways in which we can all change our actions to protect our oceans.

Chinese New Year Menu

On Thursday 2nd February we will be learning about the Chinese New Year festival in school.

Please see the menu for the special themed lunch

Wanted Breakfast Club Staff

Breakfast Club Staff

Grade 5/6 £11.18-£12.47 per/hour

1 hour per day 7:40am-8:40pm

Shifts available Mon-Fri

Term Time only

Do you enjoy working with children?

Would you like to be part of our caring, successful and popular school?

Our Breakfast Club provides a fun and caring environment to give the children a good start to the school day and help them socialise and have fun before school.

We are looking for someone:

  • with a compassionate and caring nature who is at ease in the company of children;
  • who is organised and energetic;
  • who can build positive relationships with staff and children;
  • with a positive attitude to be part of our Coleham team;

Flexibility with days.  Free spaces available for your own children.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience in a school setting.

Please email or telephone Tracy Othen if you are interested in finding out more.



Please see Job Description and Person Specification;

ASC Assistant JD & PS

Speed Cube Club

George and Harrison came to Miss Othen with an idea for Speed Cube Club at lunchtime, so they could teach all their friends how to solve the cube and compete in timed competitions.  The boys worked on a business plan setting out costs, equipment, marketing and operations and were awarded the funds to start their set up.   The Club has been a success! Brilliant entrepreneurial skills from Year 6!

Year 4 go to Meole Brace

On the 19th January, Mr Venn and Miss Mills took a group of Year 4s to Meole Brace Secondary School to participate in a multiskills festival.

The children took part in a variety of activities including Golf, Boccia and New Age Kurling.

Well done to all the children involved, you were brilliant!


In the News! Park Project

Last summer we took part in a project to improve our Local Park with Shrewsbury Town Council and Councillor Kate Halliday.  We helped install habitat areas and bird boxes, suggest improvements, select a Park Name and design some signage.

Our House Art Competition gave us some fantastic illustrations for the new signs and these were whittled down to the best in each house.  Here is Milly (Quarry House) and Matilda (Greyfriars House) proudly checking out the new signs which incorporate their artwork.   We have really enjoyed helping to improve our local area and local park.

Read all about it here:



Francophone Day

Today we celebrated Francophone Day and learnt about different countries around the world that speak French!  Each class researched their assigned country with lots of fun activities! Just a few to mention Year 1 learnt a french song on their Ukuleles, Year 3 made Pho noodles from Vietnam and EYFS did some singing in french, explored french foods and constructed the Eiffel Tower.  Our French Cuisine at lunchtime was delicious. Thank you Madame Jones for immersing us in French and diversity from all around the world.




Drop & Swap Fancy Dress

The Eco Council launch their next Drop & Swap campaign!

Watch the video below:

Our Drop & Swap Trolley is located in the School Foyer, come and take a look.


Disco Fever at Coleham School!  Thank you so much to our staff, parent volunteers and wonderful children for a great evening.  So much fun when we’re all together!

Check out this dance floor! Sweet Caroline!

Creating childhood memories that will last a lifetime!        #friendship #independence #community


Young Voices Trip

Our Yr 5-6 Choir Club ran by Mrs Porrett had a fabulous evening at Young Voices Concert in Resort World Arena, Birmingham where hundreds of school choirs all sang together at a mass concert.  Well done children, staff and parents, what a night to remember!

Funny story, next time we’ll check we have the correct school banner!


EYFS Sculpture Trail

Badgers and Foxes are learning about sculpture in Art this term and so they walked into town to look at different examples.  Those little feet covered a long distance! Well done EYFS.


Disco Update

A Disco update for Friday:

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 13th January 2023

Reception & KS1:            4:45m to 5.45 pm

KS2:                                  6.00pm to 7.00pm


Please pay for tickets by Thursday lunchtime so we can prepare registers.
(You do not need to pay if your child is entitled to FSM or is going to the disco with Miss Gregory from After School Club (EYFS/Yr1/Yr 2)

Keeping things inclusive

Lots of thought goes into making our events inclusive. A Disco can be a new and overwhelming experience for lots of children. So how can we help:

-Free access to snacks/drinks
-KS1 Disco won’t be too loud or dark and staff will be at the entrance to bring in children.
-A chill out area right outside the Disco which children can freely access when they need a breather or quiet space
– A fab DJ who interacts with the dance floor
-Lots of staff on hand so children feel comfortable and have a great time!

On the night – Arrival

Due to numbers and staff safely supervising the disco, parents are not able to attend.  For both Discos children should enter via the KS2 double doors at front of school.  Please drop your children off here.  We will have staff on hand to take in the youngest children and dance with them.  Once inside children will line up in year groups in the KS2 corridor and be checked off on the register before they enter the Disco.  It is best if adults take children’s coats home to avoid them being mis-placed.

On the night – Collection

Please come into school main entrance and collect your child from the school hall.  This will be very busy and congested with two-way traffic so please be patient.  Senior Staff will be on the doors to ensure every child leaves with a known adult. (family member, friend or parent)


If you are free to help on the night please let us know via the office or on our Facebook Page.  We do need more help at the KS2 Disco.  Volunteers please come in a little early if possible and station yourself on refreshments or general supervising inside and outside the hall.
Thank you

School Disco

Dear Parent/Carer,

School Disco

Lets start the New year with a School Disco!

The Children’s Disco is on Friday 13th January 2023

Reception & KS1:            4:45m to 5.45 pm

KS2:                                  6.00pm to 7.00pm          

 Entry is £4 per child

 Children will not need to bring any money.  Treats and drinks will be provided.


Please pay for Disco entry in advance on ParentPay.  We will not be issuing tickets – we will print off a list of children who have paid for our Register.

There will be free entry for children eligible for benefits related Free School Meals.  Parents do not need to book in, these children are able to turn up on the night.

If your EYFS/KS1 child attends and pays for After School Club on a Friday, these children will be taken to the Disco by Miss Gregory and can be collected at 5:45pm by parents.


On the night – Arrival

Due to numbers and staff safely supervising the disco, parents are not able to attend.  For both Discos children should enter via the KS2 double doors.  Please drop your children off here.  We will have staff on hand to take in the youngest children and dance with them.  Once inside children will line up into year groups in the corridor and be checked off on the register before entering the Disco.  We have lots of Reception and KS1 staff attending to dance with the younger children and will have a chill out calm zone available too.

 On the night – Collection

Please come into school and collect your child from the school hall.  This will be very busy and congested with two-way traffic so please be patient.  Senior Staff will be on the doors to ensure every child leaves with a known adult. (family member, friend or parent)

Can you help?

We rely on the wonderful support of our parent community to help stage these events.  The Disco is a lot of fun for the children and requires lots of volunteers to help with refreshments and supervise key areas.  If you are able to help out at 1 or both Discos, please sign up on the Volunteer Rota in the foyer area or let the office know.

Kind Regards,

Miss Othen

Business Manager

Bugsy Malone Production

Well done to our Year 5/6 Drama Club who performed Bugsy Malone to children and parents this afternoon. What a wonderful treat for the last day of term.  Your acting, singing , dancing and talent show acts impressed us all. Thank you to Miss Armstrong for directing our cast.


Autumn Cup Winners

Well done to these pupils for receiving a Coleham Cup for Autumn Term.  Our cups are awarded for demonstrating our school values of Friendship, Kindness, Honesty, Cooperation, Respect, Perseverance and Ambition.

Well done, we are really proud of you all.

Severn win the Cup!

Severn won the House Cup for Autumn Term but it was extremely close between all four houses. Well done Severn!

2nd place: Quarry

3rd place: Greyfriars

4th place: Darwin


Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner 2022 was enjoyed by all!

Favourite cracker joke ‘What do Monkeys sing at Christmas? Jungle Bells, Jungle Bells…


This week every child in school visited ‘Elfridges’ to do some Christmas Shopping for loved ones. Our school value is Kindness and so children chose thoughtfully about who to select a gift for.  Thank you to all the parents who supported this event.  Donations from our Coleham Neighbours Spar, Pughs Funeral Directors, Forget Me Not Florists and Copywrite helped us to provide a gift for every child. #Coleham Cares

Secret War Tunnels for Yr 6

Today Year 6 had a fantastic trip to Liverpool to visit the War Museum and explore the secret underground tunnels that were used during WW2.

3-18 Education Trust
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