House Fashion Competition Results

To tie in with our upcoming Eco Fashion Show, we asked the children to design an outfit made from recycled materials.  The children below are featured with their winning entries. Do we have some future Designers here?  Year 5 have taken inspiration from these designs and been busy creating outfits for the ‘Rubbish Runway’.

Results: Greyfriars 50 pts, Severn 40 pts, Darwin 30 pts, Quarry-no entries


Police Safety Talks

Thank you to West Mercia Shropshire Youth Engagement Team for talking to Year 5 and 6 about County Lines, drugs, knife crime, bullying including cyber bullying and criminal responsibility.  It is really important the children are prepared for the world around them as they begin to think about having more independence and freedoms and moving to Secondary School.  The children were able to speak freely and ask lots of questions.

Fashion Show

Coming up soon! Date for your diaries…

A new event, Year 5 are putting on an Eco Fashion Show for families and pupils to watch after school.  They’ll be modelling pre-loved clothes and telling us all about fast fashion and how to shop responsibly with the planet in mind.  Afterwards they will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 an item!

Year 5 Parents please save the date.  Pupils have been getting involved in activities during school time if they have wanted too and there is a space for any child wanting a part or wanting to help in some way. We will have a full rehearsal in school on Monday 11th March.  If your child wants to take part they will need to be free to stay after school on Wednesday 13th March.

World Book Week

We’ve got so many treats instore for the children!  We have worked with Shrewsbury Independent book shop Pengwern Books to provide a World Book Day book for every pupil to bring home!  This saves families scouring the supermarkets to spend their World Book Day vouchers.


Book Fair

We hope you can join on after school on Monday!

Kath Saunders will be running an Usborne Book stall on Monday.  Coleham School will receive free books for school depending on the total sales so please help to support this if you can.  You are also able to purchase books online until 2pm on Tuesday which also helps Coleham School receive free books.  See the online QR code below.

Illustrator Gisela Robinson will be with us all day, working with Years 3 and 4, shop her lovely merchandise after school including prints, notebooks, postcards, bookmarks and stickers.

Our World Book Day Sweet Shop will include four different stalls all linked to childhood stories.  Year 1 will be helping to bag up the sweets for their enterprise event and looking to raise a profit for school.  Please support this, each bag of sweets costs £1 (cash only) and a donation goes to school.

After School Care- if your child normally goes to After School Club with Miss Gregory and wishes to buy something at the fair we can arrange this.  Your child should bring in money in a sealed envelope labelled with their name and kept in their school bag.  A member of staff will take these children to the Book fair.

Victorian Museum

Year 1 are comparing the lives of Victorian children to their own lives and looking at Victorian schools, homes and toys. What better place to learn than our own Victorian Museum in our listed Coach House! This is located in the Coachmasters old living quarters and is set up around his kitchen and living area.  It displays real artefacts from the era including class photographs and registers from Coleham School archives.



Judaism Visitor

The lovely Sue, a member of Shropshire Inter-faith group visited Year 1 to talk about being Jewish.  The children learnt that inside a synagogue, men wear a special hat called a kippah and a prayer shawl called a tallit where the tassels represent all the different rules in the Torah. Sue even spoke some Hebrew!

Shropshire Schools Marathon

If your child is taking part in the half marathon- it starts on Monday! Your child is welcome to bring their trainers in a separate bag if they wish to run in them.

A reminder that children in Year 1 and 2 will run on a Monday and Thursday playtime, Year 3 and 4 will be on a Tuesday and Friday playtime and Year 5 and 6 will be on a Wednesday.

Kindness Ambassadors

Our Kindness drive started this week: we introduce to you our first Kindness Ambassadors!  Well done for setting such a brilliant example to everyone!

These kind children were our guests for HT Teatime this week for being the children in each class with the most Kindness Dojos being awarded – well done!

All week, the children (and staff) have been nominating children in our Kindness postbox who have demonstrated kindness – they will be announced in Monday’s assembly!


WBD Coming soon

World Book Day will be with us in a couple of week time.  We will have a whole week of

exciting activities including an after school fair on Monday 4th March @3.30pm.

World Book Day

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Spring 2 after a hopefully relaxing and productive half-term break.

We’ve got straight back into things here at school and it great to see all the smiling faces and hard work going on in the classrooms.  Hopefully you have all managed speak to your children’s teachers at our Parents’ and Carers’ evenings this week, but if you haven’t been able to, please get in touch and we can arrange something.

We’ve launched our Kindness Drive this week and have already handed out 14 ‘Kindness Ambassador’ badges and certificates at HT Teatime today.  The children at HT Teatime were those that have been awarded the most Kindness Dojos this week in each class – well done for being an inspiration!  Also, the children (and staff) have been nominating people all week who have been demonstrating kindness.  I’ve had a wonderful time reading all the reasons people have noticed kindness and will be handing out more badges on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Eat them to Defeat them!

We are taking part in BBC national campaign ‘Eat them to Defeat them’ to boost ‘veg power’ in pupil’s diets.

Your child will come home with a campaign sticker pack and reward chart so you can encourage your child to try new vegetables at home and we’ll be promoting different vegetables over the next few weeks at lunchtimes to try on our tasting table. Thank you to our Catering Team Academy for arranging this.  Check out website for more info, healthy eating tips and prizes to win.

First up Peas!

E-Safety Champions

Our Year 6 School Councillors have helped create this E-Safety display for Parent’s Evening.  We hope you have seen some of the handy guides available and taken some home.


Portrait Exhibition

Year 3 are showcasing their Art in our latest gallery exhibition.  These portraits are based on their artist study work of Frida Kahlo!  Love the contrast of pencil sketching against vibrant, colourful patterns #Mexico inspired.

We’re on Instagram

You might like to follow us on Instagram

We are Recruiting!

We are recruiting for two Early Years Teaching Assistants.

Can you help us spread the word by sharing on social media and telling friends and family.  Perhaps you know somebody who would be perfect for the role?

To find out more see our website Job Vacancies

We have a school tour on Thursday 29th February @4.30pm

Next Half Term Events

Parent/Carer Evenings – Wednesday 21st February & Thursday 22nd February

(Please book an appointment online. If there are any problems contact us when we return to school after half term)

Year 6 Mock SATS Week – Week commencing 26th February

Year 4 class Assemblies

  • Dolphins Tuesday 5th March @9:15am
  • Whales Wednesday 6th March @9.15am

World Book Week

After School Book Fair for families – Monday 4th March

World Book Day Dress Up- Thursday 7th March

Science Week– Week commencing 11th March

Year 5 Class Assemblies

  • Lions Tuesday 12th March @9:15am
  • Leopards Wednesday 13th March @9:15am

Year 1 Blists Hill Trip-Wednesday 13th March

Year 5 Eco Fashion Show-Wednesday 13th March (Open to all after school)

Year 4 Overnight Residential Trip- Thursday 14th & Friday 15th March

Alice in Wonderland School Production-Wednesday 20th & Thursday 21st March

Break up for Easter– Friday 22nd March

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are now at the official half-way marker of the school year!  It may have been the final week of the half-term, but it’s been an incredibly busy one!

We’ve had a number of trips and visits this week, and I had the pleasure of watching both Year 3 classes perform to their grownups this week.  It’s so much fun to see the work the children have produced over a term and see them present to an audience – thank you to everyone involved!

A huge thankyou to every one of the 173 respondents to our survey earlier in the year – the results are on the website (see the link in this newsletter).  We were also grateful for the wonderful positive comments from everyone.  We have printed them all out and put them on display for our whole staff team to see – it has really made an impact on everyone, so thank you kindly.

I hope you all have a wonderful half-term break and manage to have some rest and some fun.  Next half term, we will be having a drive on Kindness, one of our school values, and will be looking for kindness ambassadors across the school.  I don’t think that will be too hard to do!

Have a lovely week

Tom Larkham



Yr 5 Checkmates

The best things grow from an idea 💡 and following the children’s interests ♟️ We noticed Alex and Jack’s talent at playing chess and teaching the younger children in our After School Club.  They were keen to run their own Chess Club, so with Miss Othen’s support, the boys now have this up and running twice a week at lunchtimes. Great work boys! What a lovely quiet space at lunchtimes to exercise those brains!  #independence

Yr 2 Assessments

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this letter finds you well. I just wanted to write to you in regards to the Year 2 SATs assessments that normally take place in May.

You may have seen in the news recently that the Government have decided to make the Year 2 SATs optional from this year. This means they are no longer compulsory, and that schools can decide whether to take them or not. It also means that schools do not need to publish their data, and that there will be no national figures released.

Assessment is a key part of schools so that teachers are able to identify nest steps for learning and to be able to measure progress.  Assessments at Coleham are teacher assessments, meaning that your child’s teacher will use a bank of evidence to make informed judgements about your child’s attainment in any given subject.  The assessments are not test scores alone, but the scores play an important role in the overall teacher assessment process.  We then use the assessments generated in Year 2 as a benchmark to measure progress as they move through Year 3-6 (Key Stage 2), because Year 2 is the end of Key Stage 1.

The optional SATs in Year 2 mean that school will receive standardised test papers for the children to complete in maths, reading and grammar (writing assessment is a pure teacher assessment based on writing produced over the course of the year).  The Year 2 children will sit these tests in May, as they would do in any other term of the school year, and should not notice anything different.  It is important to note that at no point are the children put under any pressure to succeed: instead, they are encouraged to simply do their best as they are in everything they do.

A lot has been said in recent years about the undue stress and anxiety being generated by these tests and others in later years, but at Coleham, our approach minimises, or even prevents, that becoming an issue.  However, some children will always be nervous around tests, so we urge you to speak to your child’s teacher if this is the case.

If you have any further questions or queries then please do ask.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Young

KS1 Leader

Yr 5 Fashion Lecture

Anna from Shrewsbury College came to talk to Year 5 about sustainable fashion and help us get inspired for our fashion show!  Anna has worked in industry and now teaches the Extended Diploma in Fashion & Textiles at Shrewsbury College.  We heard that Stella McCartney uses Mylo in her fashion lines which is a sustainable textile derived from mushrooms and enjoyed seeing clothes that had been made by college students. Our favourite was a menswear combo made from a camo patterned tent!  It was great for the children to learn that Shrewsbury has its own vocational fashion course for 16-18 year olds.  Thank you Shrewsbury Colleges Group #careerpathways #careerchoices

Ukulele Club Concert

Ukulele Club celebrated their last session with a mini-concert for parents this week. Among a repertoire of seven songs, they sang “It’s raining, it’s pouring” complete with Rap, sang ‘Frère Jacques’ and ended triumphantly with “Hokey Cokey” and “Yellow Submarine” with lots of audience participation. Ukulele Club returns on Monday 19th February to learn G7 and the swing shuffle strum!

Yr 5 Fashion Show

Dear Parents/Carers,

You may have heard about our preparations for a Year 5 Eco Fashion Show.  This will now be happening after half term.

The children will learn about ‘Fast Fashion’ and the impact on the environment and the show will promote ethical fashion choices to the audience.  To help us Woody’s Mum is coming into school next week to tell us about her job as a Fashion Lecturer at Shrewsbury College.

We have been working at lunchtimes and some children have signed up as models for our Rock ‘n’ Roll, Western and Festival runways.  These children may have brought home some pre-loved clothes to help create their outfits. #recycle #re-use  Miss Cox will be helping us with music choices and chorography.

After half term we will be making outfits out of ‘rubbish’ using winning ideas from our House Competition.  We will be encouraging children to participate in narrator roles, greeting guests and selling clothes on the night, helping backstage, getting artistic in making posters, billboards and photography.  There are lots of ways that children can get involved.

Thank you to Mrs Renshaw (Nell’s Mum) who is helping a  group of children with a sewing project for the runway.  We are very excited to see their final show piece.

Please save the date of Wednesday 13th March!  Our Eco Fashion show will be open to family and friends at 3:30pm in the School Hall.  Afterwards we will be selling pre-loved clothes for £1 and will have a couple of fashion accessory stalls for shopping.

We hope that you are able to join us.

Kind regards,

Miss Othen


World Book Day-Get Ready

World Book Day is coming after half term.

If you wish to donate any old costumes you no longer use, please use our Drop and Swap Trolley in the foyer.

Parents/Carer Evening Appointments-Coming Soon

Parents/Carer Evenings take place the week after half term.

Wednesday 21st February 4:00-7:20pm

Thursday 22nd February 4:00-7:20pm

The booking system on our school website will become live some time next week.  We will notify you by email.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

We’ve had a wonderful week celebrating Chinese New Year, with traditional instruments and costumes.  Well done goes to #DadBotz for winning the illustrious Quiz Night and we hope to see many of you back for the next quiz which will hopefully be in the Summer Term.

A quick reminder to everyone that next week is the final of the half-term, and we will be breaking up on Friday 9th February and returning on Monday 19th February, which marks the half-way point of the whole academic year.

I will finish with a plea from our neighbours at Sabrina House (on the other side of the wall from the Coach House).  They have been experiencing issues with rather sizeable stones being thrown over the wall at around 3:00pm which have been landing in their car park.  Please can all adults collecting children be mindful of their behaviour on the playground and are not throwing rocks or anything else.  We have reminded the children in KS2 about this for playtimes and are keeping an eye out during the school day.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


What’s on next week?

Monday- Yr 2 Darwin Workshop with Shrewsbury Museum

This costs £3.40. Payment to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the date of the workshop please.

Tuesday- Yr 3 Turtles Class Assembly for Families @ 9.15am

Wednesday – Yr 3 Starfish Class Assembly for Families @9.15am

Thursday – Yr 4 Wildlife Trust Trip

This costs £5.20.  Payment to be made via your child’s Arbor account prior to the trip please.

All Week- Children’s Mental Health Week

Children will be covering Children’s Mental Health Week in their PSHE lessons and there are lots of resources for parents available on their website.

Children's Mental Health week Logo

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