EYFS Trip to Holy Trinity

Today the children in Reception visited Holy Trinity Church to learn about Baptisms and how Christians welcome children into the Church.
Thank you Reverend Fi for hosting us!

EYFS Road Safety

As part of our Safety Week at Coleham, this week the children in Reception have been learning how to cross the road safely.
The children all listened well and successfully remembered the rules to safely cross the road. Well done Foxes and Badgers! 🦊🦡

EYFS Trip to Gelatistry

This week the children in Reception have been learning about data handling. What better way to learn about this than exploring the most popular flavour of ice cream before going to try some at our local gelato shop, Gelatistry!
The children loved ordering their gelato and identifying which was the most popular (it was chocolate brownie!).


EYFS Geography Fieldwork

On Thursday and Friday, Foxes and Badgers walked to the River Severn to feed the ducks and undertake some geography fieldwork.  Before heading out, the children discussed which food they thought would be the most popular among the ducks. The children recorded their findings and found out that on Thursday their favourite food was oats and on Friday it was Peas!

Using Tools in Reception

This week the children in Reception are reading the story Mr Gumpy’s Outing. The children have received a message from Mr Gumpy asking them to help him to make a new boat. Today the children have begun learning how to use hammers and nails to help them with this project.

Dash the Robot

This term in Computing, the children in Reception have been learning about coding. In today’s lesson, the children enjoyed programming a robot called Dash. The children were able to programme Dash to complete a rang of operations such as moving, changing lights and making sounds. Great team work Foxes and Badgers!

EYFS Woodland Work Fire

This half term in Woodland Work, the children in Reception have been working towards having a fire. The children have learnt about fire safety and the fire triangle, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to create a fire. The children were beyond excited to finally create the fire and cook some s’mores!

EYFS Trip to Holy Trinity

In EYFS we have been learning about places that are special to people in R.E.  After talking about how Churches are special to Christians, we decided to take a walk to our local church, Holy Trinity, to have a look at the building and some of its key features.

EYFS Trip to Shrewsbury Castle

Today the children in EYFS went on a trip to Shrewsbury Castle. We have been learning about castles during our ‘Long Ago, Far Away’ topic in class. The children enjoyed exploring the features of the castle, making observations, drawing the castle and looking for a Princess.

Sculpture Walk

In Art this half term, the children in Reception are learning about sculptures. Today we enjoyed walking through town to find different sculptures. They were excited to find many different sculptures on the buildings throughout town as well as larger sculptures such as the Charles Darwin statue at the library, Darwin’s Gate in Mardol and The Evolution sculpture.

Dear Zoo

Today the children in EYFS visited the Theatre Severn to watch Dear Zoo. We have been exploring this book in our Literacy sessions and it was wonderful to see the story brought to life!

Chinese New Year Celebration Day



The children have been learning about the upcoming celebration of Chinese New Year.    Years 1, 4 and 6 were involved in the Chinese New Year workshop, where they learnt about the story of Chinese New Year, experienced listening to traditional instruments and took part in a dragon dance!  2024 is the year of the Dragon!

The rest of the school have been busy celebrating too, through activities and lessons planned by teachers and for lunch we had a special menu.

Fact:  Did you know many people now use the term ‘Lunar New Year’?  This is because festivals in other countries take place at the same time and with many of the same traditions as in China.




















EYFS explore our local community

In Geography this week, the children in Reception have been discussing our local community. The children enjoyed exploring our local community and identified many key features, such as: the shops, Greyfriars bridge, the River Severn and Holy Trinity Church.

EYFS Trip to Gelatistry

This week, the children in EYFS have visited the local Gelato shop. The children used their knowledge about money to help them with paying for their Gelato.

Science – Happy Smells

To end our exciting science week Badgers and Foxes explored the woodland area with their noses! The children shared what smells they like and smells they dislike. You can imagine what smells they came up with…

They were then tasked with smelling some secret pots of wonderful natural things found in our woodland area.

EYFS make hot cross buns

This week in Reception, the children have been learning about Easter. We discussed ways that people celebrate this time of year, and symbols associated with it. We then decided to make hot cross buns, remembering to put the cross on the top. The children enjoyed sharing the hot cross buns for snack time!

EYFS plant beans

This week in Woodland Work, the children have been continuing their learning about growing. We have planted our own beans and sent them home with the children. Fingers crossed they grow!

Weather Investigators EYFS

EYFS children had a wonderful time exploring the snow today, Mr Venn adapted the PE session so they could slide down the field bank. Later on, EYFS children practiced their geography skills looking at the weather. We needed to explore what it was like before we could create our weather reports. Look out for them on Tapestry.


EYFS Spring Walk

The children in EYFS went on a walk through our local community to look for signs of Spring. We were very excited to find things such as budding flowers, daffodils, blossom and we even spotted a lady bird hiding in a flower!


EYFS Trip to the Museum

The children in Reception visited the Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery today as part of their Art topic. The children explored the different sculptures and artefacts in the museum, before having a go at creating some of their own sculptures.


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