Year 3 & 4 Sports Day

What another fantastic Sports Day for the year 3 & 4 children! Well done to each and everyone of you, you were all incredible. There was such a brilliant atmosphere and a great team spirit, cheering each other on.

Severn were the winners, Greyfriars runners up, Darwin in 3rd place and Quarry in 4th.


Girls Football Festival

A group of Year 3 and 4 girls took part in a football festival at the Grange Primary School this afternoon. They all played super well and had a try of playing in different positions. They worked incredibly well together as a team and were determined to give it their best shot! We came 3rd overall; well done girls!

Multi-skills festival

All children in Owls class took part in a multi-skills festival at Prestfelde. They did a carousal of events, such as, long jump, tennis, cricket and javelin. They had a great day altogether and all showed brilliant teamwork and perseverance.

Town Walls Tennis

Dolphins went across to Town Walls Tennis courts to be coached by an ex tennis coach. This was a lovely opportunity for the children to explore the skills of tennis and to be coached by Trevor, who has many years of tennis experience.

Netball Team Came 1st!

We took part in a netball competition at Shrewsbury High School on Wednesday last week. Coleham played very well as a team and were all determined to give it their best. The A team got in to the finals against Prestfelde, it was a very tight game, finishing 4 – 3 overall. We will now be going to represent the Shrewsbury  area for the county games finals in May. Well done to all players!

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