What’s happening next week?

Sunday 11th June 9:00-11:00am- Community Allotment Project

Tuesday 13th June-EYFS Assembly for Parents/Carers

Tuesday 13th June-Swimming Yr 6 Giraffes

Wednesday 14th June-Yr 6 Swimming Elephants

Also don’t forget to save these these diary dates below:

EYFS/KS1 Sports Day

Yr 3/4 Sports Day

Yr 5/6 Sports Day

Musical Showcase Concert


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our first week back after half term has flown by!  On Tuesday, we welcomed our new reception cohort into school to meet the staff and see the school and their classrooms.  It is always lovely to meet the new children as they prepare to start school.

The Belle Vue Arts Festival is in full swing!  Hopefully, you have had chance to view some of the lovely work produced by our pupils – much of it is on display in shop windows and near Greyfriars Bridge.  Most of the classes have visited the Barnabas Centre Art Gallery to view their art work too.  This is open on Saturday from 10:00-4:00pm if you would like to see the children’s work.  Thank you to Miss Heap for coordinating our contribution to this event and to the Belle Vue Arts Festival for allowing the school to get so involved in such a fantastic community event.

Another wonderful local community project is the Street Allotment Project, who are going to be supporting the school by tidying up and planting our school allotment.  This area of school has become rather untidy lately and we are so grateful to this community group for offering to lend a hand.

Today you will be receiving a letter from Mr Larkham regarding which teacher your child will have next year.  The children currently in Reception and Year 2 and 4 have also been told who will be in their new class next year following the class mix.  They will spend time in these new mixes this afternoon with their current class teacher and we have planned in a number of transition sessions so that the children can meet their new class teacher and get used to their new classrooms ready for September.

Finally, please look at the important diary dates, including Sports Day and music concert/assembly dates.  We hope that you will be able to attend these events.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones


BVAF Short Story Competition

The Belle Vue Arts Festival is looking for entries for their short story competition based on the festival theme Heroes.

Who is your HERO?

What does HERO mean to you?

If you could be a HERO, who would you be?

Entries will fall into the following categories:


          5-7 year olds and 8-11 year olds

  • YOUNG ADULT (1,000 words)

         12-18 year olds Fiction/Non Fiction

  • ADULT (2,000 words)

         Fiction/Non Fiction

Please email your work to bellevueartsfestival@gmail.com

Last date for entries is Saturday 17 June. Winners will be notified by email.

​Thank you to Write Here, who have generously sponsored this competition with prizes of beautiful notebooks.

Community Allotment Project

Our Allotment plot is overgrown and quite sad at the moment.

So we are very happy that the Street Allotment Project is going to takeover the plot and put it to good use!  Read all about them here:


They are holding their first volunteer session on Sunday 11th June 9:00-11:00am to start clearing and planting.

CAN YOU COME ALONG TO HELP OUT? Anybody is welcome to join in!  Bring your friends and make a difference.  Enter via the car park gates and find a friendly bunch of volunteers.  No gardening expertise necessary just a love for the outdoors.



Public Speaking

As part of our Careers Related Learning, Year 5 were given the task of presenting on a subject of their choice.  This is not an easy task for many adults and it was great to see the members of Lions & Leopard classes work towards this personal goal.  The children researched and structured their content, thought about their audience and used props or ICT to make it visually appealing and delivered it independently taking questions afterwards.  This covers 4 of the key Employability Skills Communication, Planning & Organisation, Self-Management and Learning & Technology!  An array of topics have been covered from Oliver’s pet tortoise, Oli’s presentation on Islam, Abi’s Coin Collection, Edwin’s interest in The Mayan Civilisation and Flynn’s family connections with sport. Well Done Year 5! You have all risen to the challenge!


Netball Champions

Miss Lewis is so proud to announce that Coleham won the Shropshire netball county finals! The team played incredibly well together, worked brilliantly as a team, and showed true determination and passion. It was great to see true sportsmanship.


Shavuot Festival

We learnt about the Jewish festival Shavuot today in school -or the Feast of Weeks.  It marks the wheat harvest in Israel.

We had a special lunch menu and were pleased to invite Michael from The Inter-Faith Group to talk to Years 2, 4 & 6 about his religion.

Headteacher Msg

Dear Parents & Carers,

Here we are again at the end of an incredibly busy Summer 1 half-term!  Everyone will hopefully have some sunshine for a very well-deserved break.  We’ve had concerts, special days, two lots of SATs and the plant and craft fair to name just a few things!  The plant & craft fair was a wonderfully attended event and it looked like everyone had a wonderful time.  Watch the celebration video below if you haven’t already seen it. Thank you to all the parents, community members and members of school staff that gave up most of their Saturday to help make the event so successful – events such as these really make our community stronger!  A huge thanks and round of applause needs to go to Miss Othen who organised the whole thing whilst spinning a million other plates!

As well as all of those wonderful things, we have been busy this half-term getting things ready for next September.  After half-term, we will be able to communicate class and teacher allocations for 2023-24, so watch this space!

All that remains is to say a big well done to all the children who have worked so incredibly hard this half term – enjoy your break and stay safe!

Tom Larkham



IMPORTANT: Please make sure you set up your Arbour App on your phone

We will begin contacting parents who have not signed up after half term.

We will soon be moving from ParentPay to a platform called Arbor as our way of communicating with you.  If you have not received a link to your personal email or wish to use a different email account , please contact the school office or email us at admin@col.318education.co.uk and we will re-send your login details.

The easiest way to access Arbor is via the Arbor App. Please click on the relevant link below (Android v IOS):

Arbor App for Apple IOS: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/arbor/id1448707412

Arbor App for Android:


Alternatively, Arbor can be accessed via Web Browser. A link to this is included below:

Access Arbor in a web browser: https://login.arbor.sc/

We will begin using this for communications and payments from September.


Summer Menu

The School Council have given Miss Perry, Chef Manager their ideas for meals to go on the new summer menu. The new menu will be operating after half term.




Free Online Training Courses for Parents/Families

The AIM Group deliver Free Online Level 2 Accredited Courses to help better understand some key issues around young people’s mental health and wellbeing, along with a range of other qualifications.  Over 30 of our parents have already taken part in this free training and have given some good feedback.

Here’s some of the popular subjects available:

  • Neuroscience in the Early Years
  • Children and Young Peoples Mental Health
  • Understanding Autism
  • Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Distressed Behaviour in Children
  • Bullying in Children and Young People
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Counselling
  • Special Educational Needs and Disability
  • Team Leading
  • Business Administration
  • Lean Organisation Management
  • Customer Service
  • Functional Skills – Maths
  • Functional Skills – English

These are just the popular qualifications, but they have over 30 available.

The qualifications are completed within a 6–10 week period in your own leisure. They are equivalent to a GCSE Grade C. You can do as many as you like, however you can only do one at a time.

The only criteria you must meet to be eligible, is: 

Aged 19 or over on or before 31st August 2022

Have lived in the UK/EU for 3+ years

Not already on a Government funded course

If you are interested in undertaking one of these free online courses or would like further information, then please complete the following link ASAP. This will then allow The AIM Group to contact you to discuss and get you started on your chosen course: https://theaimgroup.co.uk/booking-form/0014J00000qDbko

If you have any questions prior to expressing interest, call Shane Cooke on 0203 900 3091 extension 249 or drop him an email at shane.cooke@theaimgroup.co.uk

Festival Fortnight

The Belle Vue Arts Festival have arranged some great events over ‘festival fortnight.  From Open Gardens, camera phone workshop, drop in art sessions at Bloom, Open Mic night, Lets Celebrate Art at Greyfriars Bridge there is something for all ages.

Try something new and check out what is on offer here:


Book your team in-Quiz Night!

Mr Larkham’s popular Quiz Night is back!

FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Book in your team with the school office.  Everybody is welcome (Adults only please)

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Year 2 Parent Survey


We have been randomly selected by Sport England to complete the online Active Lives Survey for Children and Young People.
We would be grateful if parents of year 2 children ONLY could complete an online survey about their child’s activities.
PARENT SURVEY: https://ipsos.uk/YPPZKUZ
We will get a written report for the school outlining the results and identifying any areas we could improve on, as well as being able to select a range of new sports equipment. 
Parental responses will generate credits towards the equipment incentives.

Meet our new Deputy Headteacher

We would like to introduce you to our new Deputy Headteacher Miss Turner who will be starting in September 2023.  Miss Turner is currently Deputy at Much Wenlock Primary School and brings a wealth of experience with her and a specialism in Maths.  In her spare time she enjoys walking her dog, riding her motercycle and snowboarding! She will be spending time in school over summer term and will be joining us tomorrow at the Plant & Craft Fair.  Please say hello and welcome her to our Coleham community.

Plant & Craft Fair

See you all on Saturday 10:00-12:00 for our ‘Hero’ themed Plant & Craft Fair!  Bring the whole family, grandparents and friends, there’s something for everyone!  Enjoy refreshments in the sunshine with a great bunch of people!

Don’t forget to enter the Children’s Exhibits and come along in any hero inspired fancy dress.


What’s Happening next week?

Monday 22nd May- Yr 6 visit Crucial Crew

Don’t forget to pay for this trip over the weekend please.

Monday 22nd May-PE kits for Yr 5 Embrace Sport Session

Tuesday 23rd May-Yr 6 Giraffes Swimming

Tuesday 23rd May-New Reception Parents Information Evening

Wednesday 24th May-Yr 6 Elephants swimming

Thursday 25th May- RE festival Shavuot with lunch menu


Inside Out Club

It has been great to have Inside Out back for a summer club with their inspirational outdoor learning.  In this week’s session the children learnt about the importance of dandelions and the joy they bring.  They learnt about the life cycle of a dandelion and enjoyed a poem about dandelions.  Some children even made their own ‘Dandy Lions’


Headteacher Msg

Dear parents & carers,

Here we are on Friday again in some glorious weather!  Another short week, but there’s been an awful lot of work packed in from Year 6.  All the Year 6 children have shown their resilience, hard work and excellent attitudes this week by being incredibly conscientious in their SATs tests.  They have been very keen to do their best, whatever the outcomes, and they haven definitely put everything in to, showing real Coleham spirit!  A huge thanks also goes to Mr Edwards, Mrs Morgan and their team for administering and organising everything so that the week ran as smoothly as possible.

Year 3 have enjoyed an excellent choral day at Shrewsbury High School where they were fantastic!  They had to work hard to learn some new songs and sing with others in a huge choir: many of you were able to go and see their final performance, which is wonderful for the children.  Some Year 5 children also visited SHS for a ‘Techathon’ for afternoon of problem solving to really test their skills!

And finally, this afternoon, the whole school took part in a diversity afternoon where the children explored each other’s differences to learn that ‘We Are All Wonders!’

Have a great weekend, and don’t forget that Monday is not a bank holiday this week!

Plant & Craft Fair Competitions

Please participate in the Children’s Competitions for our Plant & Craft Fair!

We love seeing the wonderful exhibits displayed in the hall on the day of the fair!

Which competition category will you enter?


Year 5 Viking Day

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 5 will be having a Viking Day in school on Thursday 18th May as part of the History curriculum on the Vikings and Anglo Saxons.

The day will include lots of exciting activities linked to this theme.  The children are welcome to dress as Vikings: Viking warriors, shield-maidens, sailors or villagers etc. Please don’t feel any pressure to buy anything, raid your wardrobes for old shirts to use as tunics, sandals or boots and furry jackets.

Year 5 really enjoyed this last year, below are some photos to give you some outfit inspiration.

Kind Regards,

Miss Armstrong, Mrs Long & Mr Russell


Plant & Craft Fair

Get involved!

We need volunteers!

Our Parent Event Team have planned the Plant & Craft Fair but we need lots of help on the day!

We are looking for volunteers to help set up or man stalls at our Plant & Craft Fair.  Can you or any older children, grandparents, groups of friends help out for an hour on the tombola, plant stall, treasure hunt, craft table, competitions or refreshments?

If yes, drop us a message on Facebook, tell the office ladies or sign up on the rota at Reception.  Thanks so much, we always appreciate volunteers help.


What’s happening next week?


Year 2 SATS Week

Tuesday 2nd May- Giraffes Swimming

Wednesday 3rd May- Elephants Swimming

Friday 5th May-Coleham Coronation Celebration

Playgroup learns to cycle

It is lovely to share our space with Holy Trinity Playgroup so the children can learn to cycle.  The first of many bikeability sessions.  Well done everyone.


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