Yr 3 Egyptian Day

To wrap up their Egyptian topic Year 3 had an Egyptian theme day. They unwrapped their mummified oranges, made papyrus paper, played the Egyptian game Senet and had a costume parade. What a fantastic day!

E-Safety Parent Controls Booklet

E-Safety Update

Please find below a Parental Controls Booklet to help you manage your child’s ICT, devices and Apps in the home.  This booklet will tell you everything you need to know, all in one handy place!


We hope you find this useful.

Severn win Summer Cup!

Severn win the House Cup for Summer Term! Congratulations Severn.

Summer Cups

Well Done to all our children for being awarded Values Cups for Friendship, Kindness, Honesty, Co-operation, Respect, Perseverance and Ambition.


PLATINUM Sports award!

We are so proud to announce that we have been awarded the PLATINUM SCHOOL GAMES AWARD!  This has been over 5 years in the making, started by Mrs Young as PE Co-ordinator before handing the baton over to Miss Lewis who presented our final case study of How we make Sport accessible to all pupils at Coleham.

We have so many highlights from 2022-23, Netball County Champions, Winners of the Yr 6 Football Crossbar Cup, 2nd in the Area Athletics, Amazing Sports Days, Line Dancing in the rain, our Junior Park Run Takeover and lots of successes big and small for everyone.

Sport has the power to inspire, unite individuals, teaches teamwork and values and instils self-belief and pride.

Thank you to all our children, staff and parents who have joined us on our sporting journey and participated with us as a School Community! 

Yr 6 Leavers Assembly

We are SO incredibly proud of this wonderful group of Year 6’s and will miss them lots. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house at their fantastic performance to Parents/Carers!  Even Mr Venn returned to see his first ever cohort who were very special to him.  We have a lot of love for this group of students who embody the Coleham values of Creativity, Friendship, Kindness and Ambition and we know they are ready to achieve in the next chapter of their lives. They are all so very talented and full of promise for fulfilled and happy lives.  Their new schools are very lucky to have them indeed.  #Ambition

Staffing News

Miss Harris has done a fantastic job being Deputy Headteacher for 2 days a week this year and she moves back into classroom next year as Badgers Class Teacher and EYFS Leader.  We are very pleased to announce that alongside these roles, Miss Harris will also be Assistant Headteacher at Coleham School supporting Mr Larkham and Miss Turner.  Congratulations Miss Harris!


Don’t forget ParentPay will be closing on the last day of school.  We will transfer all debit and credit balances to Arbor for September.

We will be using Arbor to record all our family and pupil info, communications and payments.

Clubs for Next School Year


The Club Schedule for next year will go on the website next week so you can see what will be available.

Clubs will start back the 2nd week of school to enable us to set up payments on Arbor and release Clubs during the first week back.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents/Carers,

Our penultimate week of the summer term has been another active one with lots going on around school.

On Tuesday, the children in Years 3, 4 and 5 enjoyed watching and taking part in The School Food Roadshow, arranged by our Caterers Academy.  The interactive show saw two teachers (Mrs Munns and Miss Jones) in a cook off, while the children voted on their favourite.  Great fun was had by all and we hope to see them back in school again next year.

In addition, a number of trips have gone out this week.  Year 2 enjoyed a trip to the Shrewsbury Museum and Year 5 enjoyed shelter building at Nesscliffe.  Our Year 3 children also enjoyed performing their recorders to their parents this week.  They have thoroughly enjoyed their music lessons with Mrs Porrett this year and performed beautifully for their parents this week.

This afternoon, we watched the Year 6 Leavers Assembly which was a special performance for year 6 staff and families, every single child shone!    Earlier in the week, the Year 6 children received their SATs results and I cannot tell you how proud I am of each and every child in the year group.  They have all worked incredibly hard to achieve their potential but, more importantly, they are genuinely lovely young people and we will miss them very much next year.

We are all looking forward to next week, our final week of the summer term.  We have lots planned, including another transition session for the children on Monday, allowing each class to meet their new teachers once again.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Claire Jones



Staff Theatre Trip

Our staff enjoyed a night out at The Full Monty to support the super Miss Cox dancing in the show and Mrs Porrett part of the Orchestra. How lucky we are to have such talented staff at Coleham!

#creativity #friendship

Community Welcome

The School Council visited Greyfriars Cacao Fino de Aroma, the newest business on the block!  They sell Italian Gelato and Sorbetto, made on the banks of lake Como and hand made chocolates using the best 5% Cacao from Columbia.  Ava made them a beautiful card to welcome them to our community and the children wished them well on their new shop.  We found out they cater to vegan, gluten free and fat free options and they even sent back an ice-cream to help Mrs Harrison’s poorly vocal chords!

Greyfriars Chocolate Shop

#Colehamcommunity #Colehamcares #shoplocal

Showtime Choir Concert

Showtime Choir performed a mini concert to their parents on Tuesday, featuring songs on the theme of Heroes, from ‘The British Grenadiers’ to “Hero to Zero“ from the movie Hercules. Here they are practising their best scary monster faces ready to act out the Greek myth of Hercules and the Hydra with Mrs Wade on the keyboard. Well done Showtime!

School Food Roadshow

Wow, Years 3-5 had an absolute blast with The School Food Roadshow!!! Learning about healthy eating, food groups and cookery has never been so much FUN! A big Thank you to Chef Ben for hosting and talking to us about his superpower ADHD.  Team Red Chillies were the Cookery Champions with their Chicken Noodle dish and runners up Team Green Peppers made a delicious Lentil Curry. Thank you to our School Caterers ‘Academy’ for organising this fantastic event!


Children’s Help Wanted

Do we have any children entrepreneurs who would like to help with games/stalls for the September Social?

The Scrunchie Sisters will be back selling their hair accessories!

Please let us know at the front gate /school office/class teacher.

Parent Help required

Our September Social will be back after the Summer Holidays!

We need Parents and family members to help us organise stalls and games for the event!

Could you and your friends help with any of the following:

-Cake Stall

-Cooking & serving burgers

-Face Painting

-Organising a children’s game

-Live music, any singers out there!

If so please let the school office know or come along to our planning meet up.

September Social Planning Meet Up

Date: Wed 12th July

Location: Coleham Tap

Time: From 7:30pm onwards

Who: All welcome



What’s happening next week?

Sports Days take place next week!

Monday 26th June – EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

Wednesday 28th June – Yr 3 & 4 Sports Day

Thursday 29th June – Yr 5 & 6 Sports Day

Please can children come to school in their PE kits (black/navy shorts and their House Coloured T-shirt)

Field Gate Opens: 1:15pm

Start Time: 1:30pm

Home time: Children should be collected at their normal collection points at 3:10pm and 3:20pm

Swimming for Year 6

Tuesday- Giraffes


Arbor Information

Thank you to parents for registering with the Arbor App.

From September we will be using Arbor for all payments and so you will pay for clubs, trips, wraparound care and meals using this app.

Our ParentPay account will be closed down.  We will be transferring all balances (debits/credits) from Parentpay on the last day of term and transferring these across to Arbor.

We use Arbor as our pupil data system in school and so you can also view your child’s attendance and change your contact details directly via the app.

Dance Festival

Some Year 5 pupils spent the day at Shrewsbury High School for a festival of Dance.  The festival was led by Michelle Reece, Shrewsbury High School’s Dance Specialist teacher and included pupils from Much Wenlock, Shrewsbury High School and St. Winifred’s.  Thank you Shrewsbury High School for a fantastic day!



Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

I hope you have all had a wonderful week.  The Headteacher swap earlier this week was a great success – I very much enjoyed meeting the families, children and staff at Much Wenlock, and Ms Lovecy, the Headteacher of St Martin’s had a useful time here.  She delivered the week’s assembly, taught some lessons and spent a lot of time in and out of all the classes getting to know everyone.  She was full of praise about our wonderful school and commented on friendly everyone has been – thank you to everyone who made her feel welcome!

The end of term is fast approaching, but there is so much more to fit in!  All sports days are next week (please see above for more details) and we have lots of transition events to look forward to.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


HAF (Holiday Activities & Food) Clubs

Shropshire Council are providing a range of free Summer Holiday clubs for children eligible for Free School Meals and Ukranian children.

Please see the What’s on Guide below:

HAF SUMMER 2023 What’s On Guide

The clubs that are running locally are:

Inside Out Learning

Passmaster @ Mount Pleasant Primary

Shrewsbury Town Foundation

Superstars Holiday Club @Shrewsbury Sports Village

Embrace @Meole Brace Primary

If you are booking your child on, please use the school code Q3L2H.

These clubs are also running paid sessions at affordable prices for working parents that may require childcare in the holidays.

French Theme Menu

Please see the special menu for Tuesday 27th June

Headteacher Swap

Look our for Ms Lovecy, Headteacher at St Martins School in Oswestry who will be visiting us next week.   Please say hello if you see her about.


Join us for Mr Larkham’s popular Quiz Night

FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 7:30pm

Teams of 6 at £5 per person, pay on the night please.

Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

It’s not too late to book in your team with the school office or let a member of staff know.  Everybody is welcome form the community (Adults only please)

Parents, Staff, Governors, Grandparents, Friends & Neighbours, the more the merrier!

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another end to the week means that the end of term is fast approaching!  We have had another busy week of sport, with the year 6 girls doing brilliantly in their football competition, and preparation for sports days which are coming up in the week of the 26th

Next week, I won’t be in school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as I will be taking part in the 3-18 Education Trust’s ‘Head Swap’.  This is a great opportunity for the Trust’s Headteachers to learn what they can from practice in other schools in the Trust, and I will be spending those three days at Much Wenlock Primary School.  Replacing me here at Coleham will be Ms Lovecy, who is the Headteacher of St Martin’s School near Oswestry.  She is very keen to learn about our school community, so please do say hello if you spot her on the playground in the mornings!  Whilst I am in Much Wenlock, Ms Jones will still be here at Coleham.

Also – don’t forget to get you quiz teams booked in for Friday night!

Have a lovely weekend and stay cool in the heat!

Mr Larkham


Safety Advice

Sun Safety

Now that Summer Term is here please make sure your children come to school wearing sun cream and with a sun hat and water bottle.  They spend a lot of time outside during the day for some lessons and also at breaks, lunch and PE.

Water Safety

With the summer weather and riverside location we have been sent some water safety advice to share with families.

#stay safe


3-18 Education Trust
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