September Social HELP NEEDED!

We desperately need lots of help manning stalls for the September Social!!

Please can you, your children, older siblings, relatives or friends help us on a stall!!

The older children can run stalls with parents checking in on them.

We need help on the cakes stall, in the burger kitchen and running lots of games.

Alternatively, if you have your own ideas for a stall then the more the merrier!

How to sign up?

Sign up below to find a list of stalls



-Tell us in person! Find Mrs Hilbert at the front doors in the morning

-Email the school office

-Comment on our Facebook page

-Children can tell Miss Othen in school

Our events are special because we all work together, have fun and make memories for the children.


Friday 15th September-Non Uniform Day

To support the September Social event, Friday will be a NON-UNIFORM day!

Children may come to school dressed in any clothes from home (sports clothes, jeans, dresses etc)

We would be really grateful if you could help support our fair with donations of the following:

-Home made cakes would be Amazing!!!  Shop bought cakes too

-Pre-loved toys & books from home

-Any older children’s clothes (we are saving these for a fashion event coming up)

-Tombola prizes and cuddly toys!

Please drop donations at the front of school on Friday morning or afternoon.

Thank you so much, our Coleham Community is the best!!

September Social

It’s our big welcome back to school event next Saturday and we would love to see you all!

Please come along, its going to be lots of fun!

Miss Cox’s Dance Troupe and Mrs Porret’s Choir will be performing-times to be confirmed.

We also have The Pancake Band providing us with live music!

Classroom Ready

It’s time for a brand new school year and our staff and classrooms are ready to welcome you all.


Arbor Payments

From September we will be using Arbor for all school payments.

Thank you for signing up to the Arbor Parent App.


Any credit/debit balances will be transferred over to Arbor and once we return to school we will be looking to set up school dinners, trips, clubs and wraparound payments on Arbor.

In the meantime, please do not worry about making any payments.

We will write to you again when we are up and running.  Please be patient and kind, there are bound to be a few teething issues as there are with anything new but we will of course resolve these for you as promptly as we can.



Drop & Swap


With a new school year, school shoes are on the top of many people’s shopping lists.  If you have recently bought new shoes, please drop off your old ones (if they still have wear in them) at the Drop & Swap Trolley in the office foyer.

If you need a bigger size, please help yourself to anything at the Drop & Swap station.

Additionally, anyone who needs any support with school uniform, for any reason, please drop us an email or speak in confidence to a member of the office staff and we will be able to support you as best we can.

New Attendance Procedures

Attendance at Coleham School is excellent.  To further help support school and families, the 3-18 Education Trust have developed a new policy on attendance, which brings a couple of important changes to procedures for reporting absences.

  • Absences should be communicated to school by 9:30am on each day of absence.
  • Please avoid leaving a phone message; instead inform school of the absence, and the reason, via email at:
  • The reason for the absence should be specific – please give some details as we cannot record generic reasons such as ‘ill’.
  • Because school is required by law to account for the whereabouts of every child when school is open as soon as possible in the school day, the school office will call you if we have not been informed of the absence, or the reason is not detailed.

There are other changes, including reasons for granting term-time leave, and we will soon write to you about this separately.

Road Closures (School Street and Road Works)

SCHOOL STREET (Greyfriars Rd)

  • Greyfriar’s Rd outside school remains CLOSED to traffic from 8:30-9:00am and 3:00-3:30pm. This provides a safer, cleaner environment for families to congregate and drop off/collect children at school.
  • By law, when the road is closed, only residents’ vehicles and emergency vehicles are allowed to use the road for access purposes. Deliveries to the local businesses are usually timed, but their vehicles will be escorted along the road if needed.
  • Please DO NOT park outside school before the road is closed unless you are able to wait for the road to reopen. Please make sure that anyone else dropping off or collecting your children (grandparents, family friends etc.) are aware of this.  School staff will be outside monitoring the road and may ask you to wait.
  • The school office can provide passes allowing you 30 mins free at St Julian’s car park, and ASDA remains free.
  • Please do not block Salter’s Lane for the sake of our neighbours.
  • Please remind your children to be aware that vehicles may be moving in the road, despite the closure, and to never run out into the road assuming it is safe before looking.


ROAD WORKS (Longden Coleham)

You will be aware that there are significant road works being undertaken on Longden Coleham.  Traffic is only currently flowing towards Coleham Head, so please bear this in mind when planning your journey to school.

Parents are able to claim a free 30min pass for St Julian’s Car Park (across the Greyfriars Bridge) and are also able to park for free at ASDA.


Drop Off and Collection Points

Nothing has changed from last year for each year group, but your child will most likely be lining up before school in a different spot, and be collected from a different spot, than they were last year!

All children and families can enter through any gate of their choosing, but each year group has an allocated area for drop off and collection.  Please be aware that your children’s drop off point may be different to their collection point.

DROP OFF (8:40am – 8:50am)

EYFS: Children do not line up.  They are greeted at their class’ gate by their teachers and enter the classroom independently, supported by staff members in the same way as they did on taster days.  You can enter across the field or through the main entrance if you have a pushchair or cannot use the stairs.

Year 1: Children line up in their classes on the Key Stage 1 playground (adjacent to Longden Coleham) by the blue canopy.

Year 2: Children line up in their classes on the Key Stage 1 playground outside the Year 2 classrooms.

Year 3: Children line up in their classes on the lower Key Stage 2 playground (playground adjacent to the car park) in front of the kitchen.

Year 4: Children line up in their classes outside the front of school to the right of the main entrance (towards Longden Coleham)

Year 5: Children line up in their classes on the Key Stage 2 lower playground where the picnic benches are located.

Year 6: Children line up in their classes outside the front of school to the left of the main entrance (towards Belle Vue)


Please note the time of collection for your child’s year group.

EYFS (3:10pm): Children are released to their known adults on the playground outside the EYFS classes.

Year 1 (3:10pm): Children are released to their known adults on the Key Stage 1 playground by the blue canopy.

Year 2 (3:10pm): Children are released to known adults on the Key Stage 2 playground.  This playground is on the other side of the school hall from where they are dropped off in the mornings.

Year 3 (3:20pm): Children are released to known adults on the Key Stage 1 playground from the yellow brick wall.

Year 4 (3:20pm): Children are released to known adults on the lower Key Stage 2 playground from the yellow brick kitchen wall.

Year 5 (3:20pm): Children are released to known adults on the upper Key Stage 2 playground (netball court) from the green fence.

Year 6 (3:20pm): Year 6 children may walk home alone – we will in due course send out a forms link to collect parental consent for this.   Those being collected will be released from the upper Key Stage 2 playground (netball court).

Please make sure that children are collected by a known adult.  We cannot release children to persons under the age of 18.  If you are unsure, please speak to the school office.

School Day Timings

School reopens for the Autumn Term on Tuesday 5th September for all children.  Nothing has changed from last year for each year group, but it is worth reminding yourselves of the various times gates are open and closed.


Our school day is from 8:50am to 3:10pm (for EYFS and Years 1 & 2), and 8:50am to 3:20pm (for Years 3 to 6).

  • 7:45am: Breakfast Club Arrival Time for those with spaces.
  • 8:30am: Greyfriars Rd is closed to traffic.  Please do not attempt to drive past the cones or drop off at the cones.  If you are parked before the road is closed, you will need to wait until 9:00am when the road is reopened to leave.
  • 8:30am: The corner gate (opposite the butcher’s) will be open at 8:30am for the Daily Dash ONLY.  Children must be supervised during the daily Dash.
  • 8:40am: The remaining gates will be opened at 8:40am for drop off.  Children will be supervised by members of staff from 8:40am.  There is no need to stay beyond 8:40am, but you are more than welcome if you wish to wait.
  • 8:50am: Teachers will bring their classes into the school building at 8:50amPlease ensure that your child is dropped off by 8:50am as this is when our day begins.  Please be aware of the continuing road closure (School Street scheme) outside school.
  • 8:55am: The school gates will begin to be closed.  If you arrive late (after your class has gone inside) you must enter through the main entrance through the office.  Children are able to sign in themselves with staff assistance.
  • 9:00am: Greyfriars Rd is reopened to traffic.

Mrs Hilbert is outside the main front doors each morning if you have any enquiries for the School Office team.

  • 3:00pm: Greyfriars Rd is closed for the end of the school day and school gates are opened.
  • 3:10pm: EYFS, Years 1 & 2 are released.
  • 3:20pm: Year 3 to 6 are released.
  • 3:30pm: Greyfriars Rd is reopened to traffic and school gates are locked for the safety of after school clubs.
  • 4:30pm, 5:00pm and 5:30pm onwards are pick up times for After School Club.  Children must be collected by 5:45pm.

Please clear the school site a soon as you are able so we can safely lock up.  After school clubs need to have the site secure for their safety.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you are all having a lovely summer break and are enjoying the last few days of the holiday.

We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back to school next week and have been working hard getting the classrooms ready for the children.  Hopefully everyone is very excited about starting in their new classes and we extend a special welcome to all our new EYFS children and their families, especially those families joining the Coleham School community for the first time.

This newsletter has some important information and reminders for the start of term about: school day timings; drop off and collection locations; the school street scheme; drop & swap; new attendance procedures and PE days.  Please take some time to have a read through and remind yourself of anything you need.

I and the whole school staff look forward seeing you all and welcoming you back to school on Tuesday 5th September.

Have a great rest of the week!

Yours sincerely,

Tom Larkham


PE Days for 23-24

PE Days for each year group are as follows:

EYFS: Thursdays and Fridays

Year 1: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Year 2: Tuesday and Thursdays

Year 3 (Turtles): Tuesdays and Thursdays

Year 3 (Starfish): Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Year 4: Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 5: Wednesdays and Fridays

Year 6: Mondays and Fridays

These days are listed on the school website in the classroom pages.

As always, Children will wear their PE Kit to school on PE Days.

Please note that these days are subject to change.  If the days change, your child’s teachers will be in touch via Class Dojo.

Message from Mr Larkham

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the end of a school year, and the end of an era, is upon us, we can look back on the past few years as a time of great change and drive towards a better today.

Ms Jones and I have worked to build the school we all know and love, but without her exceptional leadership, none of it would be possible. She has been an excellent example to us all, and has taught children, parents and staff how a school should be run. I am proud to have worked with her so closely these last few years and we now look to the future with positivity.

In September, a new period in Coleham’s history will begin with me as Headteacher. I’m excited to carry on the legacy of Ms Jones’ leadership and continue to develop the vision and ethos of our wonderful school. I have been part of that journey since 2009 and want nothing more than for Coleham to be a success.

There will be no great lurch to a new way ethos, no huge change: we will still be the school we all love, always looking to grow and develop for the benefit of everyone involved. The future is an undiscovered country filled with possibility and I can’t wait to lead Coleham School to its shores.

Thank you to everyone for your kindness, patience and support over the year – have a wonderful summer!

Tom Larkham

Message from Ms Jones

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is hard to believe that another academic year has flown by here at Coleham and we find ourselves on the final day of term, and for me my last day as headteacher at Coleham School.

The last 13 years have been incredible and I feel privileged to have played a small part in educating so many wonderful children, many of whom are now grown up!  Coleham has a certain special-ness about it that is hard to put into words.  That special-ness doesn’t come from one person or thing.   Without a doubt, it is the community of wonderful staff, children and parents, who make it great and it is fair to say that I have loved every minute of being a headteacher here.  I am so proud to have led such a committed, loyal and hardworking team of staff, who go above and beyond every day to ensure that all our children receive the best possible education.   I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to them all for their unfaltering support and hard work.  The celebrations organised by the whole team on Wednesday were incredible, I was absolutely blown away by the videos and the wonderful singing at the end of the day.  In addition, thank you so much to those parents and staff who contributed to the beautiful scrap book, I was overwhelmed by all the messages.  The gifts and vouchers that I have received from staff and children have been so kind and thoughtful too.  I feel extremely fortunate to be remaining within our trust, which means that I will be able to pop into Coleham from time to time and see the children and staff and, of course, support Mr Larkham and the whole team moving forward.  I have no doubt that the school will go from strength to strength and I wish everyone lots of luck.

Today we also say “goodbye” to our Year 6 children.  The entire year group performed wonderfully well in Leavers’ assembly last Friday, and they have all had an excellent last few weeks at school.  I thoroughly enjoyed presenting their cups to them today in assembly and am extremely proud of all they have achieved during their time with us at Coleham.  All of our children are ready for the journey that lies ahead, full of the necessary skills needed and oozing with energy and excitement.  We wish them all lots of luck in the future; their new secondary schools are very lucky to have them.

Thank you to all of the parents who join our staff to fundraise and provide lovely events for the entire school community.  The Quiz night and the Plant and Craft Fair were particular highlights, supported by many parents/carers.  The team have already planned their first community event next year The “September Social and some new events for next year!

All that remains is for me to thank you all for your support and to wish you all a lovely, relaxing summer break.  School will re-open on Tuesday 5th September (Wraparound Care will be running on 5th September as normal).

Yours sincerely,

Ms C Jones


Year 6 Leavers

Our Year 6 Class of 2023 is a special one and we will be sad to see them go but we know they are full of ambition and ready for the next chapter as young adults!

Our last day of school is always dedicated to them and our special assembly has seen them off in style.  They shared their dreams for the future and sang to us for the final time and we felt such joy and pride for the brilliant young people they have become.

Ms Jones popped in to award our Year 6 cups.








2022-23 House Cup Winners

Wow, 103,280 Dojo points have been awarded to pupils this year for displaying our School Values.

Quarry who have come 2nd place so many times were the overall House Cup winners for 2022-23!

1st- Quarry 25,937 Dojo points

2nd- Severn 25,863 Dojo points

3rd- Greyfriars 25,762 Dojo points

4th Darwin 25,718 Dojo points



September Social

Save the date!  We look forward to welcoming you all back to school in September.  This is the perfect opportunity for us all to get together for a ‘Coleham Catchup’ after the summer holidays.

We will need lots of volunteers (children and adults) to help man stalls on the day and get involved in any way you can.  Please think about joining staff to help for an hour or two.  Children are welcome to run their own stalls if they have an idea over the holidays.

Thank you to Staff

As you know, we are also sad to be saying “goodbye” to some much loved Coleham staff this week.  A big thank you to Mrs Long and Mr Russell who have been magnificent in teaching Year 4 and Year 5 over the last 2 years.  You really have been brilliant! As their maternity contract ends, we will be sad to see them go but know we’ll stay in close contact.  We are really looking forward to welcoming Mrs Allan back to teach in Year 2 and, of course, we are looking forward to welcoming Mrs Turner, Coleham’s new Deputy Headteacher.

Today, we also say “goodbye” to Miss Forrester, who has been teaching in EYFS this year.  Luckily for us, Miss Forrester is moving to Bowbook Primary School, the newest school in our trust, which will open its doors to children in September.  Congratulations to Mrs Forrester on her exciting new position as Nursery Teacher.  We’ll still be seeing her lots as we’ll be working in closely with Bowbrook Primary and Miss Othen and Mrs Howson will also be using their expertise to help Bowbrook on their new school journey.

Finally, welcome to Miss Sampson-Jorge and Miss Pilsbury who join us as Teaching Assistants.


Year 6 @ Jump In

Year 6 celebrated the end of their Coleham Journey at Jump In and it was a chance to let their hair down, have fun and make some memories before they all head off in different directions to their new schools.  Even Mr Edwards loves Jump In!(especially the free socks!)

Staff vs Yr 6 Netball Match

As part of Ms Jones Celebration Day we watched a very competitive netball match between our Staff and our Yr 6 County Champions. It was close but staff pipped it by one goal. We are so proud of our 2023 Year 6 Leavers.


Madhatters Tea Party

Badgers and Foxes enjoyed a crazy day at their Madhatters Tea Party! What a fun finale to their first year in school.

ParentPay Closing

ParentPay will be closing and payments and communications will be made via Arbor from September 2023.

We will transfer any ParentPay credit/debit balances to Arbor.

Please do not worry about making payment for School Meals at this time or during the holidays.  Your child will still be able to receive a school meal when we return in September and payment can be made later when the system is up and running.  To have a school meal, your child simply lets their Class Teacher know if they would like a dinner or packed lunch during the morning register.

We know that Arbor is a really great system for schools and parents but there may be a few teething issues during the first few weeks-please bear with us!  The office staff will resolve any administration enquiries promptly but our absolute priority during the first week is making sure that children and families return to school happy and comfortable.

Clubs for next year


The Club Schedule for next year is now on the website so you can look at what will be available:

Clubs – Coleham Primary School

As you know, ParentPay is closing and we will be moving to a new Payments & Booking system on Arbor.  We will need time to set this up on return to school in September so we hope to start clubs running during the second week.

We will release clubs during the first week back at school, we can’t give a specific date or time for club release just yet in case we run into technical/set up issues but will tell you as soon as we are able too during the first week in September.  The payments and bookings on Arbor will be a big improvement on ParentPay but like anything new we fully expect to run into teething issues.  Please be patient and support the office staff, any issues can be resolved and ironed out.  The first week back to school is always very busy and with a host of new systems being implemented in school we would appreciate your patience and support.

Thank you

The School Office

The Parents say goodbye!

Our Celebration Day to say farewell to Ms Jones wouldn’t be complete without the whole school community coming together.  Our children performed two special songs and parents presented a scrapbook of memories .  A day we’ll all remember for a very long time.

Farewell Ms Jones!

Today we said farewell to Ms Jones, our Amazing Headteacher who has made our school the wonderful place it is and always led with compassion and integrity.  She has been an inspirational leader and we feel blessed to have been part of Team Coleham under her leadership.  Congratulations to Ms Jones in her new role as Deputy CEO for The 3-18 Education Trust, we are thrilled for her but will miss her lots too.  Lucky for us, she will still be around and part of our trust family.

Here’s a video the staff made for Ms Jones Celebration Assembly.  Talented staff re-wrote the song and recorded the vocals secretly at lunchtimes! (FYI the Sound of Music is one of her favourite films!)


Green Flag Award

The Eco Council are pleased to have renewed our Green Flag accreditation for our commitment to Eco pledges in school.

Website Work Underway

Our website will be refreshed next week with everything you need ready for September 2023.

View the classrooms to see the staff working with your children, PE days and Arrival and collection points.  Clubs and lunch menus are also available and school uniform can be purchased from the School Shop Direct.


Allotmenteer Sunday 23rd JULY

This Sunday The Street Allotment Project are back at our school allotment from 9:00- 11:00am.  Join them if you can!  All sorts of delightful gardening shenanigans to be done 🙂

Enter via the car park gates and head to the greenhouse where you’ll find a friendly group of volunteers led by Caspar.


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