
Thanks to all the children and adults for skipping their way through the September Social fair!  Challenge complete and Mr Halford announced the top 5 skippers in each age category to the children in assembly.


Theme Lunch Menu

Please see the theme lunch menu for NEXT TUESDAY

Daily Dash 3 Peaks Challenge

Our new Daily Dash Challenge starts Monday.  We are going to run the distance of the 3 peaks and back, running from Shrewsbury, to Snowdonia (up & down), to Scafell Pike (up & down), to Ben Nevis (up & down) and back to Shrewsbury. The total miles we will run together are…

959 miles!!

Three Peaks Challenge • RTS Support Group

This may take us a few weeks to complete and so we will keep going until the challenge is complete! Miss Lewis will have a UK map with the route marked on it.

We would love to see parents and carers joining in too.

The more runners that take part, the quicker we complete the challenge.


Headteacher Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’ve sat down to write this message and was surprised that it’s only the third week!  So much has happened already and school is very definitely in full swing.

Thank you to everyone who came along to enjoy or help out at the September Social – it was wonderful to see so many of you helping to grow our community and it a lot of fun chatting to you all as you dropped you £1 coins in my bucket.  We raised over £1100 for the school – THANK YOU!

We have our Careers Week coming up soon, and want to ask if you, or anyone you know, would like to come into school to talk a little about your day-to-day work; how you got into you line of work and what it’s like.  We have a wide range of interesting careers within our school community, and we’d love to have you in (even if you think your job is not that interesting!) to help inspire our children.

Have a lovely weekend

Tom Larkham


Drop and Swap

School Shoes

We have lots and lots of school shoes available on the Drop and Swap Trolley looking for a new home.  Please do help us by popping inside and taking a pair home!  The Eco Council want to see our pre-loved items going to a new home.  #recycling #sustainable

Arbor Update

Trips, Clubs, School lunches and Breakfast and After School Clubs are now on Arbor.

You can now make payments via the app.

We still have places on Coleham Voices for Years 4,5 & 6

Please also check all your details are correct and make any amendments

Thank you

Chelmarsh Sailing Club

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children visited Chelmarsh Sailing Club to experience paddle boarding and learn water safety.

We were hosted by The Vitamin Sea Project charity and Shropshire SUP instructors.  The charity provides mindful experiences, based around the water and our children showed incredible perseverance and resilience to overcome the feelings of trying something new and being out of their comfort zone.  Well done to all involved and thank you to The Vitamin Sea Project.

Milly stars in Macbeth

Well done to Milly in Year 6 for landing a starring role in Macbeth at Theatre Severn.  Milly attends Shrewsbury Youth Theatre and decided to try out for her first professional audition in Liverpool gaining the part of Macduff’s daughter!  Lots of Coleham friends have watched the dark and chilling performance this week.  Miss Armstrong is also directing our very own Coleham performance of Macbeth with our Year 5/6 Drama Club showing in December.

Reading Tips for the new year!

Let us start the new year with good reading habits.  Don’t forget we have a ‘no homework’ policy at Coleham because reading with your child for 10 minutes each day is the most important thing you can do at home, to support your child in school.   Please help teachers by recording your child’s daily reads in their Reading Records.  This doesn’t have to be a school book but any story you share at home.  Older children may complete their Reading Records independently.  Teaching Assistants review these records weekly and we talk to the children about achieving 5 home reads across the week.  (if you struggle to fit in 5 during the week, then reads during the weekend also count)

Please see our helpful guide to reading with your child:

Reading Tip sheet 2023-24

Relationships & Health Education

Dear Parents/Carers,

Relationship and Health Education (RHE)

It is compulsory for all schools to teach Relationships Education and Health Education. The purpose of these subjects is to support all young people to be happy, healthy and safe – to equip them for adult life and to help support children to make positive contributions to society.

As part of this, all schools are required to consult with parents/carers when developing and reviewing their policies for Relationship and Health Education, which will inform decision on when and how certain content is covered.

Effective engagement gives the space and time for parent/carers to input, ask questions, share concerns and for the school to decide the way forward. We will listen to your views, and then make a reasonable decision on how best to proceed. When and how content is taught is ultimately a decision for the school, and consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

Relationships & Health Parent Information/Consultation Evening

When: Tuesday 19th September

Where: Owls Classroom-please sign in at Reception

Time: 3:30pm -4:15pm

You can find further details about the introduction of compulsory Relationships and Health Education, as well as answers to many other frequently asked questions, on the Government website.

Our current policy

You can read our current Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) policy by clicking on the link below.

Relationships and Sex Education Policy: Primary phase

Completing the survey

You can complete the survey by clicking on the link below.

Please note the survey is available to complete at any point, with no end date – responses will be reviewed periodically, and considered when the policy is reviewed each year.

Thank you very much for your time and helping support the school.

Mrs Field

PSHE  Co-ordinator (Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education)

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

It suddenly feels like we’ve been back at school for weeks now that we are back into full-swing.  It’s been great to see so much already going on in all the classrooms this week – well done to all our Reception children this week for their first full-time week!  It’s not easy working hard at school all day for the first time!  In addition to that, they enjoyed their first assembly in the hall, and I was incredibly proud of the whole school for helping demonstrate excellent, polite behaviour in the hall.

This week has seen House Captain elections where the candidates spoke in front of their peers, showing great courage and perseverance.  Well done!  We are also busy electing the School Council and Eco Council, and children in year 4 – 6 are applying for a range of jobs across the school from Playground Friends to Dinner Hall Help.

We are proud to have also opened our first ever dedicated art gallery: The Townsend Art Gallery.  Our gallery is named for Judy Townsend – former mayoress, magistrate, former Coleham teacher and founder of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Regardless of whether you knew Judy, her passion for creative arts still has a massive impact on life at Coleham to this day.  It’s a wonderful opportunity for our whole community to share their creativity – watch this space for new exhibitions!  A huge thanks goes to Miss Heap and Miss Othen for organising and creating this wonderful space.

Hopefully we will see many of you tomorrow at our September Social – 11:00 am to 2:00 pm – where there will be plenty of entertainment and fun for the whole community.  It’s a really good opportunity for the whole school community (past, present and future) to get together.  If you haven’t yet managed to meet any of us or have a chat, please do come along and say hello.

Have a super weekend, everyone!

Tom Larkham


See you Saturday!

See you all at the September Social!

We have loads of fun for you!  Mr Halford is doing a Skipping Challenge where he hopes to have people skipping for the whole 3 hours!  Please help him out!

Bring all your friends 🙂

Live Performances

11:15 am Miss Cox Dance Squad

11:30 am Mrs Porrett’s Choir

12:00 The Pancake Band

13:00 Gabriela Foley Ukulele set

Park and Stride Option

Parents/Carers can park for free at St Julian’s Friars and Asda car parks each morning or evening for 30 minutes to help with drop off or school pick up.

Please contact the school office so we can issue you a parking pass from the council.

Thank you

Class Dojo

Don’t forget to access your Class Dojo app.  A message will pop up stating your child has a new teacher, just click next and skip any payment options as we use the free Class Dojo version.

You will then be ready for the new year and messages for your child’s new class will appear.

Teachers will share classroom learning each week and any informal messages just as change of PE days.

Arbor Update

We are moving forwards with adding payments to Arbor.

Trips, Clubs and School Dinners are now set up.

Breakfast and After School Club will be coming very soon.

Get involved in Careers Week

Our Careers week takes place week beginning 16th October 2023.

We love to open our doors and invite you to help us educate the children.

Can you come into school and talk to a class about your job, hobby or career? 

Can you invite a class to visit your workplace?

Can you bring any interesting vehicles, props or animals into school?

Our Careers Week has been a highlight for the children and we love the variety! Over the years we’ve had talks from dentists, musicians, archaeologists, fashion designers, pilots to name a few.

What will this year have in store!  It doesn’t matter if you’ve visited before, we would love a return visit.


We can’t wait to hear from you!


NSPCC Programme

Dear Parent/Carer,

NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme

I am pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.

This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities which we have reviewed, alongside NSPCC volunteer led face to face workshops for children aged 6-7 and 9-11. The content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit

Additional NSPCC resources for families to help keep children safe

The NSPCC have shared some important information below on wider NSPCC resources and support to help keep children safe.


Parent/Carer support

Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers.

Activities to extend learning at home

Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.



Online Safety Hub

For information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more.


Childline – under 12’s

Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content. (5-7) (7-11)


Talk PANTS with your children

Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at



I hope you find this information about the NSPCC and the Speak out. Stay safe. programme helpful. Please do contact me if you have any further questions.

Purple Leaf Programme for Year 5

As part of our PSHE, we have also organised a series of four weekly workshops for year 5 where they will explore topics such as healthy friendships, consent, gender (stereotypes and how these affect beliefs and behaviour), sexualisation (in media content and society) and being an active bystander (how to respond when you witness something).

This will be delivered in an age appropriate way by a service called Purple Leaf.  The weekly sessions start 5th October.

We would like to invite all year 5 parents and carers to an information session  on Thursday 21st September at 2pm in the school hall. Please let the office know if you will be attending. You will have the opportunity to meet the professional who will be delivering these workshops and ask any questions you might have.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Field

PSHE Co-ordinator (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education)

The Townsend Gallery

On Wednesday we celebrated the opening of our very own Art Gallery in school!

That’s right, an Art Gallery!

It was a very special occasion and we welcomed our friends from The Belle Vue Arts festival, Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, Shropshire Arts Society, Mrs Jones Gallery, Bloom and Shrewsbury Town Council.

Of course every great gallery needs a name!  The Townsend Art Gallery is named after Judy Townsend, former Belle Vue resident and founder of The Belle Vue Arts Festival.  Judy Townsend represented everything that is great about our school; Care, Creativity and Community.  She brought the arts to our community with great passion and inspired so many children and their families. Everyone at Coleham, staff and pupils, look forward to getting involved with the festival each year.

We hope our gallery inspires our children and staff to appreciate “We are all Artists”  We are already planning exhibitions for the coming year!

Read more here:  Shropshire Star Article

Please watch the opening below:

Poetry Pandas for Year 1

To support Early Reading Year 1 use ‘Poetry Pandas’ going home bags to share a love of poems and rhymes at home.

Look out for the red reading bags that your child may bring home.

Secret Bookcase for Year 5 & 6

The Secret Bookcase is a very special bookcase, hidden in school, where all books have been signed by the author.  Each week members of year 5 and 6 are awarded the special honour of visiting the Secret Bookcase.

School Street Parking

Please remember that Greyfriars Rd is closed to traffic between 8:30 – 9:00 in the mornings and 3:00 – 3:30 in the afternoons.  If you park outside school before the road closes, you must stay until the road is opened again.  Please inform other families members who may be collecting your children.  The School Street scheme is a legal intervention and so traffic wardens will issue fines if they are present.

You are able to get hold of a park and stride permit from the office, which allows you 30 mins free parking at these times in St Julian’s Car Park.

Headteacher Message

Dear Parents & Carers,

What a wonderful week we have had!  I have been looking forward to getting back into routines of school life after a relaxing (and eventful!) summer, and it’s always a great pleasure to see everyone’s smiling faces coming through the school gates.  I have been impressed, but not surprised, at how calm everyone has been at school this week – we have had a really nice, steady start to the school year.

A particular well done goes to our brand-new Reception children who have had the most fantastic start to their school lives.  Every morning I have seen the children independently enter the classrooms and it has been a joy to see them through the mornings listening well and working well together with each other – I think they are going to have a wonderful time!  Similarly, our new Year 6 children have been demonstrating their maturity by setting an excellent example to the rest of the school – well done!

Please look out for information in this newsletter about the upcoming September Social – it’s a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together at the start of the year and get to know everyone connected with this fantastic school.

Please also take a look at your children’s class pages on the website, where you will find a curriculum bulletin.  The bulletins on each class page has important information about what your children will be learning this term, PE dates and reminders.

As ever, please do get in touch if you have any concerns or need any questions answered.

Have a lovely weekend!

Tom Larkham


Arbor Payments update

The School Office has been working really hard this week setting up payments so you can pay for school items on your Arbor App.

Clubs and trips have been set up.

We are still working on Breakfast Club and After School Club and School Lunches, these will be coming soon!

Christmas Dates

Our Early Years & KS1 Nativity and KS2 Christmas Performance Dates are all on the School Calendar!

There are performances for the parents of each year group but as always if you are unable to make that date, you may watch at one of the other performances.



New Attendance Policy

Dear Parents and Carers,

As mentioned before the start of term, I am writing to tell you more about the new Attendance Policy from the 3-18 Education Trust.  Attendance at Coleham School is excellent, and our Trust have developed a new, clearer policy to help support schools and families to better understand what is and isn’t authorised absence; when children should be absent, and what procedures should be.

The document is quite a long one, but has all the information that you need.  There are also several appendices with clear information.  They are all worth reading through, but the main ones for your information are:

Attendance policies are always designed to support families and not criticise.  Monitoring attendance data carefully allows schools to spot where support is needed, and what kind of support is required.  We will never chase attendance for chronically ill children, but we will sometimes need to ask questions about illnesses so that we are able to be held to account by the Local Authority.


  • Authorised and Unauthorised absences are clarified on page 8 of the policy (Section 4) and is also listed on the Request for Leave form (Appendix E)
  • When your child is too ill to attend school, the reason must be more specific than simply “ill”. This is for our records which cannot be generic and vague.  Please email rather than a verbal message.
  • Requests for leave in term-time must be filled out 1 week before the absence.
  • The Request for Leave form (Appendix E) has information about what can and cannot be authorised.
  • When a child is absent for more than 5 days (regardless of the reason), a safe & well check must be carried out by staff in order to comply with safeguarding obligations. This could be a personal or virtual visit and is always a supportive measure.
  • Children who are nearing, or are below the 90% mark will be contacted by school to offer any support the family may require.

If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance needs, please do feel free to speak to us for advice.

Yours sincerely

Tom Larkham


3-18 Education Trust
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