Stone Age Bone Age for Year 3

Year 3 had a fantastic time handling artefacts and experiencing what life was like in the Stone Age at our workshop at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery. We almost managed to catch some mammoths!

Year 3 Art trip

Turtles and Starfish had a lovely time at the museum this morning exploring this year’s Shrewsbury Arts Trail exhibition. We were really excited to see the community art project that we had contributed to in a workshop a few weeks ago. We are all artists and now we can say that our art has been exhibited alongside works by the likes of Salvador Dali, Damien Hurst and David Hockney! It really is worth a trip in the holidays to see the exhibition.  Starfish went on to draw flowers in the Dingle afterwards as inspiration for our next art project!

Year 3 Recorder Concert

Year 3 have spent all year learning to play the recorder and their hard work culminated in an excellent recorder concert this morning! Well done to Mrs Porrett for helping the children to make the recorder sound ever so beautiful. We really enjoyed the show.

Sandwich Tasting

Year 3 have been trying to work out what makes a good sandwich in preparation for our next DT project. Huge thanks to Craig from our local supermarket Asda, who provided us with a variety of sandwiches to taste! Lots of the children tasted new flavours they’d never tried before. We then thought like professionals and designed and made our own healthy, tasty sandwiches to make and eat!

Shrewsbury Arts Trail Community Project

Year 3 had such fun contributing towards an exciting collaborative art installation that will be on display at Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery next month. They took part in a mark making workshop run by artist Clare Scarlett, in which they threw, rolled, printed, splattered, stamped, squeegeed and squished paint onto paper! Lots of messy fun was had by all for the wonderful Shrewsbury Arts Trail. The children’s mark making work will be chopped up and then sewn together with lots of other pieces created by members of the community. We can’t wait to see the final results on display!

Yr 3 Class Assemblies

Both Year 3 classes really enjoyed the opportunity to share some of their recent class work with their parents in their class assemblies this week, and they put on a great show. There was dancing, singing, writing, art, science, geography, audience participation and more!

Well done, Year 3!

We showed our wonderful self-portraits

After our trip to the Sea Life Centre and workshop on ‘plastic pollution, we were compelled to write to them regarding the ‘plastic’ in the gift shop.




Photography Exhibition

Year 3 saw so many incredible, inspiring images of nature on their visit to Shrewsbury Museum today! We recommend you visit this excellent photography exhibition

before it heads back to the Natural History Museum next month.

Year 3 Stone Age Workshop

Year 3 had a great time learning about the Stone Age! They mastered many skills that would have been very useful in the Stone Age, such as grinding wheat, making butter, turning sheep’s wool into thread, building shelters, weaving willow and even using sticks to make fire! Widget Workshop brought along lots of interesting artefacts to handle and investigate. The VR headsets provided an opportunity to visit lots of historic places of interest too! So much fun and lots and lots of hands on learning!

Year 3 Fire Safety Training

This morning, Year 3 had a visit from a fire engine! The children looked at the inside and outside of the fire truck and even got to use the hose. The firefighters also delivered a talk about fire safety in the home.
We are very grateful to Shropshire Fire and Rescue education team for providing this hands on learning experience. They even returned to school to finish their visit after they received an emergency call and had to attend an incident in the middle of the morning!

Careers Talks in Year 3

Year 3 have had lots of chat about what we want to be when we grow up this week as we had visits from two Coleham parents to tell us about their careers. On Thursday, Mrs Renshaw told us about life as a restorer, guilder and decorative artist. We loved handling some of her beautifully crafted work including dolls house furniture she made as a child!
This morning, Mr Slogrove spoke to us about being an engineer for Wales Air Ambulance. We were fascinated to learn how helicopters stay in the air and how they take off and land safely. The children engaged really well with both talks and asked lots of interesting questions.


Stone Age Museum Trip

Year 3 had a great time on their visit to the museum this morning. They hunted mammoths, handled artefacts and had a go at learning some essential Stone Age skills such as grinding corn, making spears and weaving willow to make a wall.  A big thank you to Shrewsbury Museum who provided this workshop in exchange for feedback from the children. They said it was “AWESOME!”

Starfish visit Arts Trail Exhibition

We had such a lovely trip to Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery this morning. What a fantastic display of work by some world famous artists such as Matisse, Banks, Damien Hurst, Salvador Dali and many more! How lucky are we to have this world famous art in Shrewsbury! The children were inspired to do some art of their own. We recommend you visit in the school holidays!

A massive thank you to SM&AG for opening early for us!


Year 3 Recorder Concert

Well done to the Year 3 children who gave a brilliant performance to their parents this afternoon. The children have been learning to play the recorder in their music lessons with Mrs Porrett and they got the audience’s feet tapping and hands clapping as they showed off their skills with four fantastic musical pieces.

Starfish visit to Messy Vintage

The children from Starfish class spent a lovely hour playing games and chatting with some older members of the community at their recent get-together at the United Reform Church. They were also joined by Mrs Porrett, who helped them to perform a cheerful song that was enjoyed by all. It was great to see two different generations come together and connect so well.


Year 3 visit to Liverpool Museum

Year 3 had a fantastic time exploring the World Museum in Liverpool. They journeyed along the Nile and through the Ancient Egyptian display, where they explored various aspects of life in ancient Egypt and even saw some real Egyptian mummies! In their workshop, they were able to study and handle genuine artefacts. They also took the opportunity to visit the Walker Gallery just around the corner, where they viewed a wide range of art from classical to modern.

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