EYFS Dress up day – I want to be …

Dear Parents/Carers

On Friday 4th October we are inviting all EYFS pupils to come to school dressed up as someone they would like to be when they grow up.
This will link to the work the children have been doing in Literacy, and the current EYFS topic ‘All About Me’.
If you have any questions about this or anything else, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or email the school admin team.

Many thanks,

Miss Harris

Making Ice Cream

Children in Reception have been inspired by a trip to our local ice cream shop, Gelatistry today and decided to make their very own ice cream. Delicious!


Search and Rescue visit EYFS

Children in Reception have been learning about water safety. Today we were fortunate to be visited by our local search and rescue team. During the morning the children got to dress up like part of the team, and practise using a buoyancy aid.

EYFS feed the ducks

Children in Reception have been learning about what foods ducks like to eat.
On Friday they went to the River Severn and tested out which food was the most popular, Shredded Lettuce, Oats or Peas. In case you were wondering, Peas were a firm favourite.

International Day in EYFS

We had so much fun celebrating different cultures and traditions of America, Spain and Italy today.

We had visits from parents, Spanish dancing, songs with Mrs Porrett and even some food tasting in the hall after school.

EYFS River Trip

On Friday the children went on a walk through the Quarry Park to learn more about their local environment. They all enjoyed learning about the River Severn and our local bridges. Oh, and we may have stopped for a biscuit too!

EYFS Diwali Workshop

On Friday 10th November children in Reception took part in a Diwali Workshop. The children enjoyed dressing in traditional Indian clothing, and learning about the story of Rama and Sita through story, song and dance.

Diwali Cooking

On Friday the children in Reception learnt all about the Hindu festival of Diwali.

During the morning, the children learnt about the Five Day celebration, we all really enjoyed the cooking and eating of the Chapattis as part of our Diwali celebration.

EYFS Pumpkin Party

Children in Reception had a great time celebrating the end of their first half term at this years Pumpkin Party.

Reception pupils make Pumpkin Soup

After reading the story Pumpkin Soup in Literacy, the children in Reception were keen to have a go at making their own. It tasted delicious!

EYFS Dental Workshop

The children in Reception took part in a dental workshop delivered by the School Nursing Team.

The children took turns to practice tooth brushing techniques and discussed foods that are good for our teeth and oral health.

EYFS visit Shrewsbury Castle

This week the children in Reception visited Shrewsbury Castle as part of their topic ‘Long ago and far away’.

During their visit they enjoyed learning about the history of our local castle, and used this as inspiration for some artwork too.

EYFS explore local bridges

This week children in Reception went on a walk to the Quarry to explore the local environment, and see what makes our town special. The children learnt all about the River Severn and the three local bridges; Greyfriars, Kingsland and Porthill.


Caterpillars have arrived!

After reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ children in EYFS loved learning more about caterpillars as part of Coleham’s Science Week. We can’t wait to watch them grow.

Lambs visit EYFS for Science Week

Children in Reception were very excited to be visited by some lambs today as one of their science week activities. What a great way to learn about animals and living things! Special thanks to Guy for visiting us.



EYFS make healthy dips

This week children in Reception have been learning about healthy foods. To encourage us all to eat more vegetables, we decided to make some healthy dips.

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