Yr 3 Summer Trip

Yr 3 had a great day visiting Attingham and took part in an artwork, viewed the deers, played in the tunnels, ate ice-cream and generally had a fun time! Just what was needed to end their Year 3 journey.

Year 6 Leavers Party

We couldn’t be MORE PROUD of this remarkable bunch of young people about to leave us.  They ended their Coleham School Journey with a leavers party at Jump In and they are definitely READY to Jump in to their new secondary schools and lives as young adults.  Good Luck Year 6, we know you will continue to shine!

Year 6 Leavers Party

Alice’s Tea Party

To celebrate finishing Reception Badgers and Foxes had a wacky and wild day of fun for Alice’s Tea party.  The children made jam tarts and the Mad Hatter joined them for croquet on the lawn, a water race with leaky tea cups and lots more fun!  The children were dressed for it with odd shoes, pants on their head and back to front clothes!

Alice's Tea Party

EYFS Forest School

Badgers & Foxes have enjoyed two full days of Woodland work during the last week of term!  They especially loved the fire and making smores.

2021-22 House Cup Winners

It was a really close fight, with well over 100,000 house points awarded this year!  Congratulations to everyone for a fantastic school year!

1st Place-QUARRY (25,244 pts)

2nd Place- GREYFRIARS (25,228 pts)

Joint 3rd Place-SEVERN & DARWIN (25,114 pts each!)

Summer Term Cup Winners

Well done to all the children for winning our Values Cups for displaying friendship, kindness, honesty, cooperation, respect, perseverance, ambition and great sporting achievements.  Congratulations for showing us what being part of Team Coleham is all about!

Summer Term Cup Winner

Severn are victorious in achieving the most house points for Summer Term

Yr 1 Summer Trip

Year 1 visited Haughmond Hill for Hedgehogs and Squirrel’s last trip of the school year enjoying the views of Shropshire.

Yr 1 Summer Trip

Area Athletics

What an Amazing evening the Area Athletics was and well done to all the pupils who competed not only for their sporting achievements but for their encouragement for Team Coleham.  The children scooped up a mass of medals and were proud to achieve 2nd overall place.

Area Athletics

Yr4 Tudor Walk

Year 4 had an interactive day at Shrewsbury Museum for their topic on The Tudors. They dressed in historical costumes, built a timber frame building, guessed the different artifacts and had a guided historical walk around Shrewsbury. Lots of hands on learning in our beautiful town and museum.


Viking Day

Year 5 had a jam-packed itinerary for their Viking Day which included a fashion show, playing Kubb-an outdoor wooden game, making clay pendants, a treasure hunt, drumming workshop and finished off with some bush craft and a fire.

Viking Day

Yr 2 Summer Trip

Year 2 enjoyed a team building day in the quarry with lots to see in The Dingle, games to play and got wet and wild in the splash park.  A down pour did not spoil the fun.  What a lovely treat for Owls and Rabbits to end their school year.

Yr 2 Summer Trip

Yr 5 Summer Trip

Year 5 spend a relaxing day walking and sketching up Lyth Hill and moving on to a picnic in the Quarry.  A lovely end to the year for Lions & Leopards.

Yr 5 Summer Trip

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

The sun shined over Early Years for their first ever sports day.  What speedy running, egg and spooning and team work for the water race.  Lovely encouragement and spirit from the children!  Well done to Greyfriars for lifting the cup this year and being House winners for the 2022 EYFS/KS1 Sports Day.

EYFS & KS1 Sports Day

3-18 Education Trust
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