Year 4’s Persuasive Letters to Save the Severn!

Year 4 are sick of the sewage dumping in the River Severn and decided to write persuasive letters to our new Shrewsbury MP, Julia Buckley. They took their letters and their protest down to the postbox at Greyfriars Bridge. They even got a clap from enthusiastic onlookers! #cleanwater #savethesevern

Yr 4’s Living Things and Habitats Trip

Year 4 went on our trip to the Reabrook with The Wildlife Trust as part of our Science learning, where we built habitats for living things, pond dipped to find invertebrates, captured insects to look at more closely in magnifying jars, coloured matched natural resources to a colour cards and sketched the living things that we found.

Yr 4 Guitar Concert

Our Year 4 guitarists performed solo and as a group for the whole school, accompanied by their music teacher, Jerome. Their songs included ‘Homer Simpson’, ‘God Save the King’ and ‘Lord of the Dance’! What skill, talent and bravery!


Yr 4 Geography Fieldwork

Year 4 went to three locations in town to gather data in a survey to investigate our Geography enquiry question: is tourism the same in The Lake District and Shrewsbury?

Year 4 were so confident and considerate when speaking to members of the public – one person commented how polite they were. Well done!

Yr 4 Green Screen History Videos

As part of their English learning on playscripts and History learning on the Tudors, Year 4 wrote, directed and performed their own Horrible Histories sitcoms to inform and entertain, with a live audience, using green screen. The idea was that a modern child swaps lives with a Tudor family, creating some comedy moments. What an achievement!

Yr 4 Tudor Fashion Show

As part of their learning on the everyday lives of Tudors, Year 4 held a fashion show to consolidate key vocabulary learnt about Tudor clothing including: ruff, doublet, breeches, hose, kirtle, chemise farthingdale and gown. Grab your sunglasses and vip ticket, Tudor Fashion week is the hottest event in town!

Yr 4 Trip to a Hindu Mandir

Year 4 had a lovely visit to the Shree Krishna Mandir in West Bromwich as part of their learning on Hinduism. They took off their shoes and entered the marbled-floored temple, flanked by two elephant ‘guard’ statues and decorated with a beautiful lotus flower mural and made from sandstone carved in India! We listened to a talk about the building, how and why people pray, special features of the mandir and the many Hindu festivals. Finally, we took a tour around the temple to see the different shrines and deities.

Yr 4 cooks Tudor Pottage

Year 4 have been hard at work in their DT lessons; researching ingredients available in Tudor times, designing and improving an authentic recipe for Tudor pottage, preparing and chopping the herbs and vegetables, and finally adding spices, ready to simmer the stew and enjoy. Afterwards, they rated their dish on taste, texture, appearance and aroma. They had very mixed opinions!

Yr 4 Choral Day at Shrewsbury High School

We had a brilliant time singing our hearts out at Shrewsbury High School. We were joined by three other primary schools for a day of singing, including ‘Stand Up, Shoulders Down’, ‘Hey Mister Miller’ and ‘Try Everything’. We even performed a mini concert for some of our grown-ups at the end of the day. What excellent behaviour and enthusiasm – well done, Year 4!

Yr 4 Residential to PGL!

We had an amazing overnight stay at PGL at Boreatton Park! We spent an action-packed two days abseiling, trapeze jumping, swinging from a giant structure, problem solving and scooting, as well as enjoying team-building and singing songs around the campfire. Year 4 showed incredible bravery in facing their fears, determination in completing challenges, resilience in coping with being away from home and unwavering support of their peers. They were a credit to themselves and our school. You can watch their best memories here:

Yr 4 Art Afternoon – Kusama-inspired Instillations

Year 4 have been studying the Japanese contemporary artist, Yayoi Kusama, who is famous for her mirrored ‘infinity rooms’ and dotty instillations. We were lucky enough to have two parent volunteers helping us to create our own mini-instillations inspired by the avant-garde artist!

Whales Visit to Messy Vintage

We had a great time visiting the elderly people at ‘Messy Vintage’ where we read and discussed our books with them, learnt to sing ‘A Little Love’ and made paper heart crafts. It was a lovely intergenerational meeting!

Yr 4 Roman Day

We had a brilliant Roman Day dressed in our Roman finery! In the morning, we created Roman shields and marvellous mosaics; in the afternoon, we enjoyed a carousel of activities including gladiator stage combat, legionnaire training and an aqueduct challenge! We finished off the day by watching our gladiator friends perform in the Coleham Colosseum and ended proceedings with a rousing chorus of the Latin marching song ‘Legio Aeterna Victrix’.

Watch the exhilarating spectacle here:

Yr 4 Roman Chester Trip

We had a brilliant time in the city of Deva learning all about life as a Roman!

We became legionnaires of Chester under the strict command of Lupis, the Roman centurion. We marched through the city to the Roman gardens and practised drills including stabbing with our (foam) gladiuses and making a tortoise formation with our scutums! 🛡️

We also travelled back in time on a ship from Roma to Deva, rowing in time to a drum. When we landed, we explored the interesting food at the market (dormice, milk-fattened slugs and flamingo tongues!). We also visited the bathhouse where we learned that Romans cleaned with oil and strigils and we know all about what the sponges on sticks were used for! 😳 We watched a virtual fight between a murmillo and a gladiator with an unfortunate end. Then we just had time to visit the real life amphitheatre and see its ruins. 🎭

Watch us descend on Deva below:


Yr 5 Campfire Party and Bunny Visit

Leopards celebrated the end of the school year with a campfire party complete with s’mores as part of their Woodland Work. We held a ‘Golden Leopards Award’ ceremony and invited a special guest: Coco the Bunny!

Yr 5 Trip to Nesscliffe

Yr 5 had a brilliant time at Nesscliffe. We walked to see the view at Oliver’s Point to learn its history as a vantage point during the English Civil War and down to the caves, where legend says the highwayman once sheltered. Leopards and Lions also worked as excellent teammates to construct their own shelters using limited resources – look at their brilliant and diverse designs as part of their DT and Woodland Work!

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