Lascells Visit

We were really lucky to have Rory Whitehead and Dr Nichola Swann join us from Lascells Ltd.  Lascells manufacture science equipment and we are partnering with them on some education pilot projects. Rory and Nichola came to teach Year 6 staff and pupils some exciting, practical experiments for KS2 and KS3 science.  This is great transition for the children as they prepare for further science laboratory work at secondary school.  Dr Nichola also talked about science as a career and her PHD.

The children all made a loud speaker and then listened to their favourite song ( Rick Astley in case you are wondering!) We saw an Alcohol Cannon fire and a Sugar Bomb explode whilst learning about the explosivity of alcohol vapour and combustion of fine powders.  It was a brilliant science lesson inspiring us for future physics and chemistry work.