Headteacher letter 15th February 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we near the end of this half term, I write with some important updates and information.

Firstly, I am sad to let you all know that at the end of this term, Mr Venn will be leaving Coleham School to take up a new post at a school in Devon.  Mr Venn has taught PE for us here at Coleham for over 4 years and he has contributed so much to school life, running numerous sporting clubs, competitions and sports events.  He will be greatly missed by us all but we wish him lots of luck as he re-locates to Devon to be nearer to family.  We will, of course, be organising a sporting event to thank Mr Venn for all his hard work during his time at Coleham.  More information will follow after half term.

This half term has been a busy one.  The children enjoyed Francophone day, organised by Madame Jones, where they learnt about different French speaking countries.  They also enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year.  In addition, a number of trips have been organised by teachers, both local and further afield.  We are really keen to bring the curriculum to life through real life experiences for the children and we have even more planned for after half term, including the Year 4 residential trip to Condover and some exciting curriculum visits to Shrewsbury High School.

It was also lovely to welcome so many of you to the recent Coleham Quiz night.  Thank you to Mr Larkham, our Quiz Master.  Our recent school disco was also well attended and enjoyed by all.  We are now looking forward to the Plant and Craft Fair, which will take place in May and is part of the Belle Vue Arts Festival.  We’ll be holding a planning meeting for this after half term and warmly welcome parents and community members to come along and help with this event.  We will send more information soon.

After half term, we look forward to seeing you in school for Parents Evening.  Hopefully you have been able to book a slot with your child’s class teacher.  Please let us know if you need any support with booking your appointment.  When we return to school after the break, we are also looking forward to celebrating World Book Day and have a whole week of activities in school.  We have a storyteller visiting EYFS & KS1 and an author visiting KS2.  You are able to purchase a signed book for KS2 children on ParentPay for the author book signing if this interests your child.  Please see the separate letter from Mrs Young regarding this.  Finally, rehearsals are well underway for our school production of Jungle Book, which will be performed just before we break up for Easter.  Please look out for more information from Mrs Stennett regarding rehearsals and tickets!

Term Dates

The spring term is often a time when people look to book their annual holidays. If you are planning a trip this year, please do check our school’s website for our term dates to ensure that you are referencing the correct term dates.  We set our own term dates and so Shropshire Council’s term dates do not always correspond with ours, particularly when it comes to PD Days. Also, please be aware that we cannot authorise holidays during term.


We are working really hard to ensure that attendance and punctuality remains high across school.  Please remember that good attendance is crucial and that most minor aliments (e.g. a cold, tiredness) can be dealt with at school.  We regularly speak to the children about the importance of punctuality and good attendance even if we are not feeling 100%.  Please can I ask you to deliver the same message at home to your children and, if in doubt, please send your child to school and be assured that if they are unwell while at school, we will call you to collect them.  Please remember that your child must arrive in good time to enter school at 8:50 am for registration and the school gates close at 8:55 am.


Please remember to send your children into school in the correct uniform and with black school shoes (not trainers).  We are phasing out the old style red logo school jumpers and would ask you to please hand in any old jumpers so that we can swap them for new ones.  If you are having any trouble funding school uniform, please let us know; we are happy to help.

Class Assemblies

This term, a number of classes have performed their class assemblies – thank you for coming along to watch your children.  We have some more assemblies scheduled for after half term (please see below).  These assemblies are a chance for your child to share with you the work they have been doing here at school.  They will last for approximately 20 minutes and will begin at 9:10am on your allocated day.  Please head into the hall via the front door straight after drop off on your allocated day.


Class Date of assembly
Year 4: Dolphins 7th March
Year 4: Whales 8th March
Year 5: Leopards 14th March
Year 5: Lions 17th March (please note date change)


Finally, please remember that if you have any concerns or queries at all as the term progresses, do contact the school office.  Your child’s class teacher will usually be your first port of call but me or Mr Larkham are out on the playground most days, and are very happy to deal with any concerns you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


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