Class Photographs

School photographers, Active Photographic, will be in school on the morning of Thursday 23rd March to take class group photographs of our pupils. If time permits, we will ask them to take individual photographs of those children who were absent when they visited in the Autumn.

If you DO NOT want your child to have their photograph taken on the day, please click on the link below and complete an OPT OUT form:

Please ensure your child comes in wearing their school sweatshirt/cardigan on the day so they look smart for the class photograph. EYFS are timetabled to do PE in the morning. They will do it in their school uniform so please have them come in in their school uniform and bring in their pumps/trainers to change in to.

Note: Your child/ren will automatically be included in their class photograph if we do not hear from you otherwise by Tuesday 21st March.


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