Headteacher’s End of Term Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

After a very busy and action-packed term, we are all delighted to have made it to the final day.  The Coleham staff and children are definitely ready for a good break!

Today is tinged with a little sadness though, as we will be saying ‘Goodbye’ to Ms Evans, who will be leaving us after 29 years teaching at Coleham.  Ms Evans has touched the lives of hundreds of children and her commitment and hard work has been exceptional.  We will all miss her very much but wish her lots of luck as she moves on to new adventures.

This week has been a special one at Coleham and the children have really enjoyed themselves.  It has been heart-warming to see them selecting their gifts at the Elves’ grotto this week (aka The Coach House!). Thank you so much to Miss Othen and the Friends of Coleham for organising the “Elfridges” event and funding Christmas treats throughout school.   If you are lucky enough to receive one of these gifts, we hope that you like it!  In addition, all of the children thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the pantomime at Theatre Severn.

It was magical to watch the nativity performances last week at Holy Trinity Church and lovely to see so many of you coming to watch them.  I really hope that you enjoyed them as much as we did.  A huge ‘well done’ to all of the children who performed and thank you so much to everyone at Holy Trinity Church for allowing us to use the church.  Well done also to all of the Coleham staff for pulling together such wonderful performances with very little time to rehearse.

The staff at Coleham have worked incredibly hard this term and I cannot thank them enough for their endless energy, dedication and commitment.  Despite feeling tired and ready for a break, the whole staff team, led by Mr Williams, created another music video for the children, which we shared in assembly on Monday.   Once again, Mr Williams has wowed us all and done a truly magnificent job.  It was wonderful to hear the children’s laughter in assembly and watch their faces! Please do have a watch and share with your families.  We hope that you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.  Here is the link:


Some of the pupils and staff also filmed a podcast with The Shrewsbury Biscuit Podcast chatting about our music Video, why we do it, backstage secrets and our special community.  Please check it out and have a listen.



You will have already received letters regarding our school clubs.  We are pleased that so many of the children have already signed up for clubs next term.  We believe it is crucial for all children to have the opportunity to develop new hobbies and skills outside of the classroom.  Please remember these start the very first week back at school.  Please don’t forget to have a look and book on over the holidays if you haven’t yet had chance to do so.

Looking ahead, we have another busy calendar planned for the Spring term, including various house competitions, an International Day, a school disco and a celebration of the Chinese New Year.  We will continue to share work with you on Do Jo so that you can see what your child(ren) have been up to here at school.

Finally, all that remains is for me to thank you all for your fantastic support throughout the year and, of course, to wish you and your children a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I hope that you all have a lovely, restful break and I will look forward to seeing you all at the school gates on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Claire Jones


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